By 1980, the Guardian's Office World Wide ("GOWW") and other Scientology officials and lawyers working on several of the "Church of Scientology of California vs. the IRS" lawsuits realized that they had a very serious problem. The problem was that the majority of Scientology's assets were under the legal name of the "Church of Scientology of California" a California Corporation. The assets included millions of dollars in trust monies, cash accounts, properties (such as the Flag Land Base, Clearwater Florida) and many documents, copyrights, etc.
In addition, the Church of Scientology of California (hereinafter "CSC") was referred to as the "Mother Church" and had spawned many other Scientology
Piercing the corporate veil: the true structure of Scientology
It is shameful to have been a part of Scientology. I am grateful to be free of it physically and mentally. I promise to work just as hard exposing Scientology for what it is.
September 26, 2011 - Marine Harvest Canada receives top honours at Business Awards
The following are specific instances I have either been a party to or observed being done to persons labeled "suppressive."
Campbell River – September 24, 2011 – Marine Harvest Canada (MHC) has been awarded top accolades at Campbell River's 2011 Business Awards of Distinction. Amongst many deserving nominees, MHC was complimented with two prestigious awards for Large Business and Family Friendly Business during the September 24th event held at Campbell River's Tidemark Theatre.
FOIA: Who Runs Scientology Front Groups? (Corporate Entity Dox)
Scientology Legal Procedures
During my tenure as an executive and senior executive in RTC, I was taught how to aggressively go about destroying an enemy or critic of Scientology.
Enemies and critics of Scientology are considered to be suppressive persons or groups. In Scientology the suppressive element is basically dealt with in the same way: investigation, black operations, black propaganda and frivolous litigation.
LYING TO THE PUBLIC is a serious virus is , so what’s B.C. doing about it?
Scientology believes anyone labeled a suppressive is "fair game" and can be cheated, tricked, lied to and even physically harmed in order to "save" Scientology as mandated in policy by L Ron Hubbard.
How scientology defrauded the IRS through an elaborate corporate shell game.
This is an abbreviated account of some of the activities that the scientology organizations orchestrated during the 1981-1982 corporate reorganization of the scientology "Mother Church." If you are aware of this time period and wondered where the money went, this may answer some of your questions. This is based on insider information, not hearsay.
Narconon Eastern United States VA corporation operating in FL
As of Jan 24, 2011 in FL this was the current corporation contacts/officers
President/Chairman- Yvonne Rodgers
Treasurer/Director - Deborah Lower
Director - David Rodgers
As of May 2011 in VA, this registration is NOT IN GOOD STANDING due to being at FAIL at annual reports
President - Yvonne Rodgers
Treasurer - Deborah Lower
Vice President - David Rodgers
Interesting factoid: This is VA corporation, with no physical address in VA - just Clearwater. Whether or not this is legit to do in VA is unclear to non-lawfags who cant quite make sense of the legalspeak rabble in § 13.1-898.2. Domestication.
Narconon Florida, Inc.
as of Apr 29, 2011
22073 US HWY 19 NO. CLEARWATER, FL 33765
President/Director - Cheryl Alderman
Vice President - Doris Caitak
Vice President- Luca Martinazzi
Process agent - Cheryl Alderman
Interesting factoids: President and Process agent same person is unusual but nothing in FL code says its not allowed.
Also, the annual reports & the assortment of different corporate history records shows a track record of this corp coming in & out of existence several times in the past. Plus we have sketchy clrw public scilons showing up at various times on the board of directors according to sekrit sauce who says... Narconon Gulf Coast, Inc.
As of Jan 20 2011
Exec Director & Process agent - Deborah Ross
Interesting factoid:no other corporate officers listed in readily available public records, the one name on here doesnt match the one name (Marcy Chase) gotten from financial filings on, and again we see someone on the board of directors also serves as process agent.
Thanks to Alaskans for fighting against factory fish farming. Alaska is the last bastion of healthy wild salmon runs, but the forces against nature are closing in on all sides. Alaskan fishermen are leading salmon's last stand against the greedy corporations who want to turn the North Pacific into an oil tanker pipeline and highway to China, a gigantic gold mine and feedlots of farmed salmon.
Commentary B.C.'s salmon feedlots need to be closed Don Staniford | Oct 26, 2011 Related
It is shocking to read that a deadly exotic disease from Europe has now been reported in wild Pacific salmon in British Columbia and could spread North to Alaska and South down the Pacific coast. Infectious Salmon Anaemia (ISA) is a fish farm flu which is a 'listed' disease requiring notification to the World Organization for Animal Health -- like bird flu, swine flu, rabies and mad cow disease. How this lethal disease was allowed into North Pacific waters is a lesson in madness and greed.
Farming Atlantic salmon in the Pacific is clearly illogical and against the laws of nature. The only sensible solution is to immediately slaughter all the Atlantic farmed salmon stock on the Pacific coast and let wild salmon have free passage. It is heartening to see the removal of dams in the Pacific Northwest and the ban on salmon farms in Alaska -- now it is time for salmon farms in British Columbia to get out of the way and stop spreading infectious diseases.
Salmon farms may not be allowed in Alaska but their impacts could be felt with the spread of ISA to sockeye salmon and other species. We heard at the salmon inquiry in Canada earlier this year that a single Atlantic salmon farm spreads 60 billion viral particles in one hour during a disease outbreak -- and that those pathogens spread over large distances. Escaped Atlantic farmed salmon have already been caught in Alaskan waters and clearly do not respect international borders.
Hence there must be pressure exerted by the Alaska and U.S. governments on Canada to clean up disease-ridden salmon farms. And that means closing the Canadian border to imports of Atlantic salmon eggs from the North Atlantic and closing down all Atlantic salmon farms as a matter of precaution.
Since the majority of salmon farmed in British Columbia is exported to the United States, consumers can send a strong signal to the Canadian Government by refusing to buy farmed salmon. People need to go wild for salmon and tell the Norwegian companies to go back home to Norway (92 percent of B.C.'s salmon farms are owned by Norwegian multinationals). It is time to make a choice between wild and farmed salmon -- and that means buying wild salmon from Alaska not diseased salmon from Canada.
Don Staniford is a part of an international, non-governmental advocacy network based in British Columbia, the Global Alliance Against Industrial Aquaculture, which is dedicated to advancing environmentally and socially responsible aquaculture and believes that salmon, shrimp, tuna and 'Frankenfish' farming jeopardizes sustainable and safe seafood production.