The illegal transactions are also linked to the murder of a U.S. Army colonel charged with overseeing approximately 175 secret CIA bank accounts, according to the officer’s wife, Mrs. V. K. Durham.
Brady bonds,Durham Family Trust,Cantor-Fitzgerald,ONI and 911Advertisements [?] Sioux City, Iowa -- July 25, 2005 -- -- According to leaked documents from an intelligence file obtained through a military source in the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), on or about September 12, 1991 non-performing and unauthorized gold-backed debt instruments were used to purchase ten-year "Brady" bonds. The bonds in turn were illegally employed as collateral to borrow $240 billion--120 in Japanese Yen and 120 in Deutsch Marks--exchanged for U.S. currency under false pretenses; or counterfeit and unlawful conversion of collateral against which an unlimited amount of money could be created in derivatives and debt instruments.
The illegal transactions are also linked to the murder of a U.S. Army colonel charged with overseeing approximately 175 secret CIA bank accounts, according to the officer’s wife, Mrs. V. K. Durham. During multiple interviews, Durham told that Bush 41 and Clinton administration officials visited her husband Colonel Russell Hermann several times in the months prior to and three days before his torture and murder on August 29, 1994.
Durham told us the $240 billion in stolen currency was obtained resulting from George H. W. Bush’s presidential abuse of power, when he authorized former Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady and former Secretary of State James Baker III to make fraudulent use of the Durham Family Trust collateral without her permission. There is evidence that Colonel Hermann’s and V. K. Durham’s signatures were forged on a Goldman-Sachs bank account certification requesting the conversions to U.S. currency.
The money was never repaid since the ten-year Brady bonds--purchased before September 13, 1991 using the fraudulent collateral and gold bullion as security came due on September 12, 2001--the day after the 9.11 attacks, having allegedly been underwritten and held by the trustee, Cantor-Fitzgerald bond brokerage firm .
Moreover, Durham alleges from conversations before her husband’s murder, that any 10-year Brady bond payoff for notes due on 9-12-2001 would have led to additional evidence of trillions in stolen funds from the U.S. Treasury and the identity of the perpetrators--providing an important reason to take out Cantor-Fitzgerald offices in the North Tower and a Pentagon ONI file section on September 11. Besides the intelligence file leaked to Durham, other documents were obtained by from whistleblower Stewart Webb’s intelligence sources.
Be that as it may; My husband was murdered, the Identity of our Corporation stolen and used by those who issued out and conspired to issue out the $1.4 Quadrillion Dollars in Derivatives which 'cannot show' SOURCE OF COLLATERAL/FUNDS or GOOD, CLEAN, CLEAR, MARKETABLE FUNDS.
Has any of this sunk in yet?! COLLATERAL/MONEY/FUTURE these people are trying to steal..., and have murdered banker after banker, anyone who got in their way or tried to tell the truth to keep you from knowing THIS IS THE COLLATERAL/FUNDS/EQUITY OF WE, THE PEOPLE!
Durham (Intl. Ltd;) Holding Trust, Tias 12087 has the ability to issue the needed CREDIT at 4% Semi annual Interest for 99 years to resolve this current DEBT CRISIS facing the US CORPORATE. We can clean that DEBT UP with Specific Conditions that the Federal Reserve Bank and Central Intelligence Agency be taken out of the U.S. Dept. of the Treasury, plus the Glass Steagall Act must be reinstated, the Sherman Anti Trust Act re-instated along with Clayton Act Sec. 8 Monopoly provisions must be re-instated to comply with the United Kingdoms "Anti Corruption Act of 1899" which then should satisfy the old boys in Berne Switzerland regarding the Bassell Accords 1, 2 etc. which should ease up the tensions around the Banking World.
Everyone else has used what was alleged to be "Bonus 3392-181" issuing out bogus collateral around the world which appears to have brought another "crisis" as US EXTERNAL "OFF LEDGER" DEBTS which the Public is never made aware of which allegedly has reached $104 Quadrillion Dollars which involves Banks around the world, including China!
Durham (Intl. Ltd;) Holding Trust, Tias 12087 has the ability to issue 'lawful-legitimate' CREDIT of .10 cents on the dollar to clean this fraudulent mess up also. Same conditions of: the Glass Steagall Act must be reinstated, the Sherman Anti Trust Act re-instated along with Clayton Act Sec. 8 Monopoly provisions must be re-instated to comply with the United Kingdoms "Anti Corruption Act of 1899" which then should satisfy the old boys in Berne Switzerland regarding the Bassell Accords 1, 2 etc. which should ease up the tensions around the Banking World. Again 4% semi annual interest for 99 years to be paid to Durham Trust.
Its a start! The 'victims' can deal with the perps.. I'm not getting in to that.
Back from 1998 to just recently there was a program called the "Asean" pronounced the ASEAWN.. which all this bogus BAT CHIT paper was being laundered through. Bank after Bank was used, but none of this was ever put ON THE LEDGER. As one can clearly see in the following article by Paul at UPI [ ] regarding "Covered Bonds & Bank Paper Trading Fraud" you will find the most prominent individuals sitting in high places, beyond suspicion and 'above all law'.. such as Global Organization Network "IBC" Registration Office: "HORN ASSOCIATES" UN - NGO section of "GLOBAL COMPACT OFFICE" presided by, Mr, Kofi Anan.
It is clearly obvious there is a War going on being waged between Banking Cartels attempting to bankrupt the US. Its not China Alone.. It's every gold bank on the face of this earth.
This War was joined by the US with her operatives who put out "unauthorized" US GOLD DEBT instruments in the form of contracts, then lodged those contracts in gold banks in the far East, leveraged the contracts obtained "gold" which was then moved into various 'smelting firms' where the real gold was smelted down and ingots of Tungsten was plated with gold then traded as "Gold" on the open markets.. which has brought about a 'false' market price on Gold.
The exposing of this was made when Weston Frank Representing the White House/US Treasury/US Fed. R. came and made an offer to this Trust of $40 Billion Dollars to cover the two $120 Billion Dollar Transactions [which brought down the World Trade Towers 9/11/01] whch Cantor Fitzgerald, Goldman Sachs etc.. underwrote and put out into the International Banks.
Here is what WE the People are faced with. We the People are faced with a WAR being waged between the Banking Cartels who have had enough of the Federal Reserve Banking Systems heavy handedness and Predatory Banking System which you are being made aware of every time I post an article which involves JAMIE DIAMON or TIM GAITHNER, ALAN GREENSPAN, the Bush Cartel, Clinton Cartel and on and on and etc., as to how they played the game as they put the Black Ops Traders such as Guenther Horn, E.J. Ekker, Paul Morse-Moss, Weston Frank and many others working inside the banking systems moving gold, trading on the Forex [the CIA gold movers/traders] with insiders such as the former La Salle Banking Group which formerly included Jamie Diamon and his Citigroup, Bank One Group, Bank of America Group, Wells Fargo Group who have moved into the Big House of J.P. Morgan-Chase and Fed. Reserve Banking Board of Governors who pull the Wall Street chains which pulls the 'chains' of US Corporation President, Barack H. Obama and subscribing US Corporate House and Senate Members.
I'm still going to use the CIA & West Coast Fed. R. Calculations when the "Contract" for the "one time only Bonus 3392 Guano/Manuevo Contract was put out, April 1875 by the Peruvian Legislators to give all of you an idea as to how much interest on one 7% had earned through the years of compounding and successive re-compounding of interest on the old Contract which is recorded of Public Record. The amount due was calculated from May 1, 1875 to May 1, 1990 due and payable in American Gold Dollars, Gold Coin, Gold, Gold Bullion and/or Coin of the Realm. We chose GOLD BULLION as it was what was stipulated in the Guano/Manuevo Contract for Bonus 3392.
The amount calculated $206,858,581,465,280,000,000.00 at Locked Bullion Price at $420 per fine troy ounce. The calculations threw the West Coast Fed. R. Bank computers out of whack, they could not reconcile the West Coast Fed. until mid 1997. This is well known in the banking world.
Wonder if Barack H. Obama remembers his March 2006 statement which was used to 'get him into the office he currently occupys?
“The fact that we are here today to debate raising America ’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the US Government cannot pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America ’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here.' Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.”
-- Senator Barack H. Obama, March 2006
Sun, 31 Dec 2006
European nations going back to old currency?
a. Those Central Banks like everyone else 'are required to show source of collateral/funds'..or Good, Clean, Clear Marketable Funds. Greenspan's say-so has proven 'not enough' considering it is reported "80% of THE EURO is underwritten with "UnAuthorized Collateral" from the 1991 Bank Failures & Brady Bonds [ ]. Good, Clean, Clear, Marketable Source of Collateral/Funds has not been proven to the 'satisfaction' of the International Banking Investors .
6. $1.4 Quadrillion Derivatives Crisis..
Lets ask the 64 thousand dollar question: Can these $1.4 Quadrillion dollars in Derivatives 'show lawful, legitimate source of collateral/funds'..? NO! Nor can these individuals putting those instruments COLOR or THE RAINBOW as the real owner TRUST.
Get your calculators out, enter $120 Billion and multiply by $38.00. Do a second calculation for the same amounts. You will find similar 'amounts'..just about everywhere you go..BUT; Where is the Source? Can the "source" be verified? What had the "capacity/worth/value" that could possibly warrant these DOLLAR NUMBERS?
They can however show "Black and White Copies" on which the Clark County Recorder stamped a DISCLAIMER when RICK MARTIN (CORTWRIGHT) of HELLENIC EXPRESS INTERNATIONAL LTD. (Nevada and Greece), GLOBAL ALLIANCE INVESTMENT ASSOCIATION and CONTACT: THE PHOENIX JOURNAL happened to be filing these "copies" recorded in V.K. Durham's Name and obviously Title HELD in someone else's Title Instruments other than the 'filing parties' during the 8:35 A.M. August 10, 1998 Filing at the Clark County Recorders Records, Las Vegas, Nevada, Official Records 980810 Instrument: 00323.
These 'black and white copies'..are not valued or honored, or Lawful Chain of Title on the instruments which these $1.4 Quadrillion Derivatives have been written with the authorization of the Council On Foreign Relations and THE BUSH & CLINTON ORGANIZED CRIME GROUP which can be read in PUBLIC NOTICE at .. But, they had to murder my husband after he was tortured without mercy and you can read about that at ..
The man was the CEO of COSMOS SEAFOOD ENERGY MARKETING,LTD; Nevada ID# 1707-85.. they thought, incorrectly the BONUS CERTIFICATE 3392-181 was in the Corporation.. It wasn't. Only 24% was in the Corporation and that was taken out at the urging of INTERPOL April 4, 1992..after THE BUSH & CLINTON ORGANIZED CRIME Group did what they did and you can find the ABA'S, Bank Accounts at .
What could be considered as THE SOURCE OF COLLATERAL/FUNDS? The source is the old one time only Bonus Commodity Contract 3392, April 27, 1875 and Certificate of Indebtedness of Peru No. 181 sold in New York, May 1, 1875 held in TRUST.
The Commodity Contract Terms were followed and calculated by Central Intelligence Ltd, then Notarized.. Recalculated by the West Coast Federal Reserve Bank and they could not reconcile their books until 1998...due to the calculating.. which tallied with CI-LTD's Calculations from May 1, 1875 to May 1, 1990 on just one portion of the interest alone which came to $206,858,581,465,280,000,000.00 .
24% of the before mentioned $206,858,581,465,280,000,000.00 was THE ESTATE OF RUSSELL HERRMAN-HERMAN left to the BENEFICIARY's who regained their Xth AMENDMENT STATUS in their RESPECTIVE STATES in the Union of the Republics of the united States.
That would have restored; Jobs, Industry, Housing, Manufacturing, New Energy Sources, Housing, Education/Schools, Hospitals, Health Care..Research and Development and on, and on.. But, as allegedly stated by a U.S. SENATOR; The American People did not deserve nor have the right to all of this.. I believe that remark was made in CHRISTOPHER STORY'S article re: Secretary Paulson.
Be that as it may; My husband was murdered, the Identity of our Corporation stolen and used by those who issued out and conspired to issue out the $1.4 Quadrillion Dollars in Derivatives which 'cannot show' SOURCE OF COLLATERAL/FUNDS or GOOD, CLEAN, CLEAR, MARKETABLE FUNDS.
Has any of this sunk in yet?! COLLATERAL/MONEY/FUTURE these people are trying to steal..., and have murdered banker after banker, anyone who got in their way or tried to tell the truth to keep you from knowing THIS IS THE COLLATERAL/FUNDS/EQUITY OF WE, THE PEOPLE!
V.K. Durham, CEO Durham Holding Trust, Tias 12087 also holding in Trust; COSMOS SEAFOOD ENERGY MARKETING LTD; Nevada ID # 1707-85
** Reportedly "THE ASEAN" pronounced 'ASWEAN' by those putting out those $1.4 Quadrillion Dollars in Derivatives.. THE ASEAN is BUSH FOREIGN POLICY...
May 23, 2001. Durham Holding Trust, Tias 12087 was warned: "We are going to use BONUS 3392-181 to bankrupt the Fed. Reserve & the U.S. Treasury."
US DEBT May 23, 2001 5,658,410,674,620.47 This in no way reflects the External US Corporate Debt. As of June 29, 2011, the Total Public Debt Outstanding of the United States of America was $14.46 trillion and was approximately 98.6% of calendar year 2010's annual gross domestic product (GDP) of $14.66 trillion.[2][3][4] Using 2010 figures, the International Monetary Fund places the total U.S. debt at 96.3% of GDP, ranked 12th highest against other nations.[5]
The federal government's budget deficit should not be confused with the trade deficit, which is the difference between net imports and net exports. State and Local Government Series securities, issued by state and local governments, are not part of the United States government debt.[6] The deficit is presented on a cash rather than an accruals basis, although the accrual deficit provides more information on the longer-term implications of the government's annual operations.[7]
The annual government deficit or surplus refers to the cash difference between government receipts and spending ignoring intra-governmental transfers. The gross public debt increases or decreases as a result of this unified budget deficit or surplus. However, there is certain spending (supplemental appropriations) that add to the gross debt but are excluded from the deficit. Gross debt has increased over $500 billion each year since fiscal year (FY) 2003, with increases of $1 trillion in FY2008, $1.9 trillion in FY2009, and $1.7 trillion in FY2010.[8] Together with the budget deficit, this debt was one of the reasons given by Standard & Poor's to downgrade the United States' credit outlook to "negative" on April 18, 2011.[9] more on this at
Back to: May 23, 2001. Durham Holding Trust, Tias 12087 was warned: "We are going to use BONUS 3392-181 to bankrupt the Fed. Reserve & the U.S. Treasury." [which you can read about at ]
Durham Holding Trust, Tias 12087 quickly advised U.S. Senate Banking Chm. Charles E. Grassleys Sioux City Office at that time requesting the U.S. Secret Service be advised of the pending plan to use "Unauthorized" and forged, false notarized documents to issue US Debt Instruments by a group operating out of the Philippines.
The Omaha, Nebraska US Secret Service stated: "We will not investigate the Philippine Counterfeiting Operation! Our only duty is to protect the president."
Further. Back in the fall of y2k, a U.S. Citizen visited the Trust. This individual represented the Banking "Control Group." We sat and listened as it was told by the Representative of the Banking Control Group: "George Bush has just been anointed as the next president of the United States. Once he is in the Office of the President; He will sit down, shut up, and do as he is told. Or else. There is a Banking War going on between the Fed. R. Banking Systems and the other banking cartels. The other Cartels intend to bring the Fed. R. down. The Fed. R. has become too abusive, in every nation it is allowed to conduct business.
The Banking Control Group knows about the Trust. They know it is THE TRUST who owns the Bonus 3392 and 181.
The TRUST is required to STAY OUT OF EUROPE. Once the Fed. R. and UST is taken down, THE TRUST CAN PICK UP THE PIECES and put the US back together."
There is more, but the story was told with supportive documentation, irrefutable evidence to the U.S. Sec. Service on May 23, 2001.
The TRUST was told later by U.S.S.S. "Our only duty is to protect the president of the US. We will not investigate." The U.S.S.S. was reminded by the TRUST of their Duty to the American People and 18 U.S.C. St. 471's provisions in regards to COUNTERFEITING PRIME BANK INSTRUMENTS.
The position of the U.S.S.S. remained the same as before: "Our only duty is to protect the president of the US. We will not investigate."
The TRUST at that time informed the U.S.S.S. "You have a duty to protect the We, the People of the united States of America. You know it! This TRUST knows it! If you refuse to protect the We, the People; THE TRUST WILL." more at
1.31.03. First. Hard, Reliable, Irrefutable Evidence has been given to all of you, regarding this CLEAR & PRESENT DANGER confronting all of us, as a Nation by THE CEO, OF THE DURHAM (INTL. LTD;) HOLDING TRUST in regards to BANKING, FINANCIAL AND "BOGUS GOLD INSTRUMENTS" TERRORISM.
Second. I am going to address the President of the United States, and the State of the Union Address, but in order to properly address the pointed issues raised, and stated by the President, I must GO BACK TO AUGUST 2000 when the BANKING CARTEL REPRESENTATIVE VISITED THE DURHAM HOLDING TRUST"..--
The BANKING CARTEL REP., made the statement, which we told to the U.S. Secret Service, May 23, 2001, and I will be brief in telling all of you, which was;
"We are going to use BONUS 3392-181 to bankrupt the Fed. Reserve & the U.S. Treasury.
"Bush has just been anointed as the next President of the United States. We know about the 1991 Banking Transactions. When Bush becomes President, we are going to use what his father did to BLACKMAIL him. Once he is in the office of the President of the United States, he will sit down, and do as he is told; OR ELSE." This is not all that was said, but it is the major points to be made.
What is strange is; YOU WERE WARNED ABOUT THE COUNTERFEIT U.S. DEBT INSTRUMENTS authorized by the Clinton-Bush People (see: ) and the probable $400 Trillion Dollars in Counterfeit U.S. Debt Instruments in China and the Far East, and the Euro being approx. 80% underwritten by Greenspan using our Commercial Banking & Commodity Contract without "Authorization"...
Then, you were made aware of AL MARTIN being one of the participants DOING DISINFORMATION for these GAIA-EKKERS authorized by the before mentioned.. But, everyone kept sucking up to AL MARTIN and this SPACE COMMANDER "HATONN" aka DORIS J. EKKER with 21 REGISTERED ALIAS'S IN KERN COUNTY CALIFORNIA'S COUNTY RECORDS...
But, of course that's nothing to get concerned about, nor is the BURYING OF GUNS AND AMMO at their TEHACHAPI CAL. RANCH ... One was so large it was necessary to bury it in a pipe with coffee cans on both ends... This was probably a 'rocket or missile launcher'..but WHO CARES...if it was being buried by the UNDERWRITERS of the AL KADA-AL QAEDA-AL QUAIDA-MORO ISLAMIC LIBERATION FRONT or the AL QUAD.. All mean the same thing, THE SOURCE being GAIA or THE MOTHER EARTH worshiping groups, and have the same agenda i.e. Take the entire banking, financing and economics globally "hostage" with these "counterfeit U.S. Debt Instruments." Of course this did not bother anyone..because this SPACE COMMANDER "Hatonn" had her knickers in a twist, and her contributors were coming up missing and un accounted for... That bothered no one..when others LIVES & SAFETY were in jeopardy... Nor did anyone get concerned WHEN THE PRESIDENT & FAMILY WERE BLACKMAILED BY THIS GROUP OF DISSIDENTS IN PUBLIC PRINT (see: ).
No one got upset and demanded a FULL, FORMAL, FEDERAL INVESTIGATION into the MURDER OF RUSSELL HERRMAN aka HERMAN when he was kidnapped, tortured and ultimately killed (see: ) by those AL MARTIN provides all his DISINFORMATION for on the internet i.e., GAIA-EKKER'S and the phantom AL QAEDA ...
No one even worried that THE U.S. & CONTINENTAL DEBT was paid by the CREDITOR...and the DEBT SWAP-DEBT CONVERSION was used for purposes other than intended.. Not a single MORTGAGE was returned...but THE STOCK MARKETS WERE PUMPED UP..but NO ONE WAS CONCERNED...(see: .html ). No one even bothered to take into consideration what was really going on in the world.
No one worried when you were informed the methods being used were the HOWARD HUGHES CORPORATION UMBRELLA'S... This is a CORPORATE "SHELL GAME" that hides the "pea" from prying eyes... Such an example can be found at ... I suggest you study this.
Recently a conversation with an international reporter researching all of this GORDIAN KNOT convoluted mess..made the remark.. "Your web site is like an Encyclopedia. It ties in and connects to all this ongoing global problem. It would take years to research everything you have posted, but from what all I have read it is very accurate in history and time lines, and people involved."
It was explained to this international reporter "Our site is an information provider for the FBI, INTERPOL and VICTIM NATIONS, VICTIM PEOPLE AND VICTIM BANKING."
Am I expected to get upset about a "Global Collapse"...?!
What I do get upset about is all of these alleged info gathers who have had the information for several years now.. and have sat on it...done nothing but "mouth off" about SPACE SHIPS..etc..and forgetting YOUR PROBLEMS ARE HERE ON EARTH AND THEY ARE NOW!
I get very upset when those that could do something WANT TO CONTROL V.K. DURHAM and ULTIMATELY CONTROL "THE TRUST"... My answer to that is "GRAB ON TO THE WIND".. No "Political" entity, individual and/or group will ever "control" the TRUST... When V.K. pass's on.. everything is set to motion.. The TRUST(S) are 99 year Trusts.. We,the People are FOREVER.
read the following.. and you can get upset if you choose..but it is advised YOU GET BUSY AND ACTIVATE YOUR PORTIONS OF THE "TRUST" in your states and Countries...
V.K. Durham
"the Bush-Cheney regime is preparing the nation for transition from democracy into dictatorship because a dictatorship will be necessary to control, in 5 years" time, food and water riots."
Original Message ----- From: Be Kind Whenever Possible/ It is ALWAYS Possible To: * * * Be Kind Whenever Possible / It is ALWAYS Possible Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2005 12:58 AM Subject: Alarming article..
so alarming I don't like sending this to you...
Renowned Funds Manager Julian Robertson, Predicts Global Economic Collapse Global Econ News Article
AL MARTIN of has written an article about an interview on CNBC with the renowned funds manager Julian Robertson.
Julian Robertson formerly ran Tiger Management, the world's largest hedge fund.
Martin describes Julian Robertson as "One of the greatest of the old- timers. 53 years on the Street. He manages the Robertson group of funds. They used to call him, still do call him `Never Been Wrong' Robertson. He has predicted every economic cycle, every debacle, every bull market, and every bear market." Martin says "Of course, he's a very old man now. But his reputation on the Street is like nothing you could imagine. When the segment of his interview was through, his comments alone took the Dow Jones down 50 points. Just on his comments alone. That's how powerful this man's reputation is."
Robertson said that he's worried about the speculative bubble in housing and the fact that more than 1/4 of all consumer spending is now sustained by that bubble, plus the fact that 20 million citizens could lose their homes in a collapse of the speculative bubble in housing, and that the Fed and, indeed, central banks worldwide would act in concert out of desperation to reinflate the global economy in the process, creating an inflationary spiral unheralded in the economic history of the planet.
"Where does it end?" Robertson was asked and he said, "Utter global collapse." Not simply economic collapse; complete disintegration of all infrastructure and of all public structures of governments. Utter, utter collapse. That the end is collapse of simply epic proportion.
In 10 years time, he said, whoever is still alive on the planet will be effectively starting again." Bill Murphy of says "As for Robertson's comments as they relate to the gold price, we will most likely see the gold price somewhere between $3,000 and $5,000 US an ounce. Wait until the facts surface about how the central banks squandered 2/3 of all their bank reserves to foster a price manipulation scheme. There will be a frenzy to own the stuff like never seen before." Julian Robertson blamed everything on what he calls 'the Bush-Cheney regime'.
He says "they have now consolidated power and money on the planet to the maximum extent possible. The planet's net liquidity, that is its, net free cash flow. Is now a negative number. The planet is not simply sinking into a sea of red ink; it is already sunk. The people just don't realize it yet." Robertson says "the Bush-Cheney regime is preparing the nation for transition from democracy into dictatorship because a dictatorship will be necessary to control, in 5 years" time, food and water riots."
He said "the federal government, that part of Patriot II Act, the internal exile, that the government is going to have to build now huge detention compounds on federal lands, probably in the West where the land is available, to potentially house 50 million or more citizens that will be in financial ruin."
Julian Robertson went on to say "Food production will fall. Any further effort to control environmental destruction will be abandoned. Inflation will run into the double and eventually triple digits. People will be carrying around U.S. dollars in wheelbarrows like Germany."
Robertson said there would be "total collapse of public infrastructure. Total collapse of medical care systems. All public pension plans, Social Security will collapse. All corporate pension plans will collapse."
Robertson backed up his comments with statistics in one statement he said "But, 14% of all real estate transactions now being interest- only mortgages, and another 14% of people now, that, when they bought their homes, originated more than 100% of the purchase price in the mortgage and then borrowed further."
He said "The American consumer is effectively now supporting the rest of the planet, consumption rates in all other nations are falling, have fallen to the point that the tax revenues to governments, that the business and industries those nation states are providing is now a net negative number relative to total debt service and public cost, that this exists in virtually every nation state on the planet now." He said "More importantly, and I'm trying to think how we imply this or how we express this to the people, what extraordinary times we are living in and how the destruction of the planet has been engineered by the Bushonian Cabal from 1980 to 1992, and then from 2001 to present, which has effectively destroyed the economic liquidity of the planet."
When Ron Insana the interviewer said "you have sold all of your real estate and you are moving into one of the new super-secure compounds for wealthy Republicans for when the "barbarians will be at the gate." Robertson replied, "Ron, those barbarians will be potentially a third of the American population." Robertson ended his comments by saying that "he hopes that he is not alive to see this. The lucky ones are the ones who are my age now."
I would add to Julian Robertson comments, the lucky ones will be the ones who buy gold and silver coins now, at less than $500 an ounce before the price of gold sky rockets to $3000 then $5000 an ounce and the price of silver goes over $100 an ounce in the years ahead as Julian Robertson's predictions, made in his interview on CNBC, unfold.
Ask not what your Country can do for you, Ask what you can do for your Country.
V.K. Durham, CEO-Signatory PO Box 113 Ida Grove, Iowa 51445 U.S.A. Telephone (712) 364-3830 The Ante‡Chamber WebSite created by LArge Steve 2003
HMS Victoria was the lead ship in her class of two battleships of the Royal Navy. ...Beaulieu Phyllis Beaulieu, Manager of Licensing Phyllis Bealieu joined the NWB in April, 2002. She has 35 years of office administration experience, having occupied positions in the oil and gas industry and in the Department of the Environment in Nova Scotia, and in the Canadian Coast Guard in the Northwest Territories.
Release Date: March 9, 2009 NationTalk speaks with Darrell Beaulieu - President & CEO of Denendeh Investments Inc. to discuss a wide ranging array of topics. Some of these topics include the history and restructuring of Denendeh Investments Inc. throughout its 27 years. Also mentioned, is the importance of Denendeh Investments Inc. in the Aborignal community and incredibly how it's owned by all 27 First Nations in the NWT. Another topic of discussion is the importance of ensuring that economic development and education throughout the NWT communities is taken seriously and the positive and negative effects of the potential pipeline that would run through the Mackenzie River is touched upon as well.
CFB Esquimalt member dies in scuba diving accident CBC News Posted: May 21, 2012 11:47 AM PT Last Updated: May 22, 2012 6:17 AM PT Facebook 167 Twitter 0 Share 167 Email A member of CFB Esquimalt died Saturday while scuba diving off the coast of Vancouver Island.
Boileau was a Chief Petty Officer with the HMCS Victoria, a submarine based in Esquimalt.
"He'll be missed," said Commander Christopher Ellis, the commanding officer of HMCS Victoria.
"We're a very small crew, a tight crew, and when anyone, one of our crew members, or a key member especially like this, is lost like this, it's felt in the unit."
Ellis says Boileau was on a recreational dive at the time that was not connected to his duties.
His equipment has been sent to the Canadian Coast Guard for testing to determine if an equipment failure caused the accident. Officials say an autopsy might be performed.
RCMP have found the body of a 22-year-old male boater who went missing when his boat capsized on Lake Manitoba on May 14.
Dillon Beaulieu, 22, of Sandy Bay First Nation was boating with Rambo Roulette, 25, on Lake Manitoba when heavy winds created large waves and capsized their small fishing boat east of Langruth.
Roulette was able to get to shore, but Beaulieu wasn’t.
Search and rescue teams, including RCMP divers, Sandy Bay Dakota Ojibway Police Service, Ebb and Flow and Sandy Bay fire departments and civilian volunteers searched for Beaulieu since he was reported missing.
An autopsy is scheduled for today in Winnipeg.
Title: Beaulieu, Michael 1-29-2009 CO Description:11 miles from Dutch Harbor/ lost at sea
Ell - January 31, 2009 12:16 PM (GMT) Death by icy water: Man leaps overboard, refuses rescue By Wesley Loy | Anchorage Daily News A crewman on a Bering Sea commercial fishing boat leapt into the deadly cold water and fought rescue efforts before vanishing, authorities said Friday.
"At this point it looks like a suicide," said Thomas Lowy, a state trooper at Dutch Harbor.
The victim was identified as 40-year-old Michael Leo Beaulieu. His commercial fishing license lists his home as Frisco, Colo., but he might have been somewhat transient, Lowy said.
Crewmen aboard the fishing vessel Arctic Fox reported Beaulieu jumped overboard shortly after 11 a.m. Thursday.
The boat, which had been fishing for cod using traps known as pots, was heading to Dutch Harbor and was about 11 miles to the northeast when the man jumped, the U.S. Coast Guard reported.
Beaulieu, who wasn't wearing a survival suit, "refused to swim toward a life ring thrown to him and swam away from a fellow crewman who donned a survival suit and went in to rescue him," a Coast Guard news release said. "The man then reportedly dove and was not seen again."