FBI opens probe into JPMorgan loss David HenrY Tampa— Reuters Published Tuesday, May. 15, 2012 11:12AM EDT Last updated Tuesday, May. 15, 2012 1:00PM EDT21 commentsThe FBI has opened a probe into trading losses at JPMorgan Chase & Co, (JPM-N36.841.052.93%) stepping up the pressure on the bank after the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and the Federal Reserve said they were also looking into the wrong-way bets that led to the losses.
JPMorgan Chase & Co. has given financial reformers at least two billion reasons to insist on more aggressive oversight of the banking industry. In the wake of last week’s trading loss, presidential contender Mitt Romney and other Republicans will have to rethink their rhetoric around gutting the Dodd-Frank Act – and more specifically, its Volcker Rule provision. Voters may no longer believe that big banks can manage their own risks, which leaves making banks smaller the alternative to tighter regulation. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-investor/investment-ideas/breaking-views/jpmorgan-fiasco-forces-gop-to-rethink-dodd-frank-rhetoric/article2432267/
Dimon has said the trading involved in the $2 billion loss would not have fallen under the rule.
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2009 DOCUMENTATION/VALIDATION OFDurham (Intl. Ltd;) Holding Trust, Tias 12087 Documents of Recorded Record
It is suggested you read this if you are going to understand our Instruments.
The One Time Only Bonus 3392 Commodity Contract "A MORTGAGE OF RECORD" (se legaliza la firma que antecedes) is filed of Record in Washington County Illinois, Gallatin County Illinois and Ida Grove Iowa, COPY sent to Newt Gingrich Speaker of the House and President W.J. Clinton. Speaker Gingrich resigned. President Clinton sent a THANK YOU.
Rev. RED FLAGS Seamus Finn, representing shareholders from the Catholic organization Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, said that investors had heard Dimon apologize before for the foreclosure crisis and other problems.
"We heard the same refrain: We have learned from our mistakes. This will never be allowed to happen again," Finn said. "I can't help wondering if you are listening."
Dimon said in a TV interview aired Sunday that he was "dead wrong" when he dismissed concerns about the bank's trading last month. "We made a terrible, egregious mistake," Dimon said in an interview that was taped Friday and aired on NBC's "Meet the Press."
"There's almost no excuse for it." Dimon said he did not know the extent of the problem when he said in April that the concerns were a "tempest in a teapot." The loss came in the past six weeks.
Dimon has said it came from trading in so-called credit derivatives and was designed to hedge against financial risk, not to make a profit for the bank.
A piece of financial regulation known as the Volcker rule would prevent banks from certain kinds of trading for their own profit. Dimon has said the trading involved in the $2 billion loss would not have fallen under the rule.http://news.yahoo.com/jpmorgan-exec-becomes-first-casualty-bad-trade-132243584--finance.html
U.S. federal prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald's Chicago grand jury
U.S. federal prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald's Chicago grand jury has issued perjury and obstruction of justice indictments to the following members of the Bush Administration: President George W. Bush, Vice-President Richard Cheney, Bush Chief of Staff Andrew Card, Cheney Chief of Staff I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez, former Attorney General John Ashcroft, imprisoned New York Times reporter Judith Miller and former Senior Cheney advisor Mary Matalin.
There were no indications given as to whether the President and his top staff members would appear publicly before cameras at the grand jury proceedings, given the gravity of the charges.
Besides the Valerie Plame CIA leak case, the Fitzgerald probe is reportedly far-reaching and expanding much deeper into past White House criminal acts involving Bush-Clinton drug money laundering in Mena, Arkansas to White House involvement in 9.11; but also for sending America's young people to their deaths or to be maimed in Iraq and Afghanistan under false pretenses.
British Prime Minister Tony Blair was indicted for obstruction of justice and is reportedly consulting with members of Parliament and legal aides regarding how to avoid appearing in the U.S.A. for interrogation before Fitzgerald in Chicago.
The revelations emanated from sources close to the grand jury who spoke with federal whistleblower Thomas Heneghen in California who said White House Senior Advisor to the President Karl Rove was also indicted for perjury and was reportedly involved with Mary Matalin in a major Bush administration document shredding operation to cover-up evidence.
Heneghen had reported over ten days ago on a TruthRadio.com broadcast that his sources close to the grand jury said former Secretary of State Colin Powell had been subpoenaed and had testified against President Bush, telling the citizen panel that the President had taken the United States to war based upon lies--a capital crime involving treason under the United States Code.
Heneghen also reported a week ago that Gonzalez and Card had been subpoened and that Tony Blair had defied his subpoena after the response time limit had expired.
Sources close to the investigation report that members of the House, Senate, 9.11 Commission and other members of the media are also under investigation as potential targets by a grand jury regarding obstruction of justice and other oversight failures linked to the 9.11 attacks--indicating that citizen panelists working with Fitzgerald may be seeking a wholesale cleansing of what many have said is a crime-wracked White House and Congress.
Also last Monday, the whistleblower reported that Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Pat Roberts was planning to obstruct justice by calling Fitzgerald for Senate hearings to question the prosecutor's motives for the far-reaching investigation.
This, giving rise to questions as to whether Roberts and other Republican legislators--some now under secret investigation--would join President Bush in seeking to fire Fitzgerald in the same manner that President Nixon had fired Watergate Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox in order to obstruct justice and cut off further investigations into White House crimes.
Two weeks ago Heneghen said he had talked to sources just ten minutes prior to French and U.S. intelligence agents intercepting British intelligence agents who were attempting to bomb the subway underneath the Dirksen Federal Building where Fitzgerald was presiding over grand jury hearings.
Serious questions can also be raised as to whether intelligence forces linked to President Bush and Tony Blair had participated in a failed attempt to scuttle the Fitzgerald probe by literally blowing it up--at a time when UK reports reveal that military-grade explosives were used to blow up the London subway on July 7.
Sources say the alleged Chicago subway bombing attempt has been attributed to an underground and closeted enmity involving warring intelligence and military factions within the United States government.
Moreover, reports indicate that the disturbance occurred at the same time that the Chicago Tribune and local web blogs had reported that the subway had been evacuated for 45-50 minutes regarding a "suspicious package" late on Monday afternoon, July 18.
Also confirming the under-the-radar-screen hostilities involving agents loyal to the administration and others who are disturbed about the cover-up of government involvement in the 9.11 attacks was a recent contact made with this writer by a major New York media outlet which called seeking "names of those who could confirm its own reports of warring factions within the government which were threatening the safety of U.S. citizens."
developing.....please link or copy--and distribute widely.
The instruments he was murdered over, and his signature 'forged' on that phoney Assignment of Interest to Rick Martin on August 5, 1993... is worthless.
Doris! It does not matter whether I was married to Herman, or was not married to Herman! The instruments he was murdered over, and his signature 'forged' on that phoney Assignment of Interest to Rick Martin on August 5, 1993... is worthless. It was my family that owned the BONUS 3392-181, not Russell Herman.
The 24.4 percent put into COSMOS SEAFOOD ENERGY MARKETING, LTD; NEVADA ID# 1707-85 by Durham International Ltd; Trust back in December 1988 for a term extending to December 1992, then it was returned back to the TRUST.
BUSH the former was pressuring FRANKIE SUE DEL PAPA the NEVADA SOS to allow many Cosmos Corporations which sounded like the CSEML Corp which WE CLOSED and took the 24.4 percent out APRIL 4, 1992 at the insistence of Chief of Operations, Fraud Division, INTERPOL (Copenhagen, DK).
You were absolutely correct... The big bad wolves snuffed the wrong party when they murdered Russell.
You wanted the UNITED STATES OF ISRAEL reputation slandered, her credibility and International Good Standing among other nations "Challenged"... Well...Doris, it appears you will have you way... Grand Jurys are getting ready for indictments over all of this...
No wonder your 'trying to explain yourself and your actions to the MUSLIMS you screwed out of their gold and properties and as per your own statements in public print "We (you) now sit in the Philippines awaiting instructions from the U.S. Treasury and Fed. R. as to when to bring the gold home."
V.K. Durham
The "CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY" identifying the INTER-AMERICAN INVESTMENT CORPORATION dated 9/9/97, and connection with the WORLD COLLATERAL HOUSE CORPORATION (WORLD BANK) should be in the files archived below
AL QAEDA USE PIRATED U.S. FED. GOVT. CORPORATIONS FOR FUNDING." (a partial list of corporations can be found at the Navada Corporations Commissioner's Offices of past and present Ekker Corporations) Verification of pirated, former U.S. Federal Reserve, and U.S. Foreign Federal Reserve Corporation used for allegedly for U.S. Federal Govt. activities i.e., INTER-AMERICAN INVESTMENT CORPORATION. The "CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY" identifying the INTER-AMERICAN INVESTMENT CORPORATION dated 9/9/97, and connection with the WORLD COLLATERAL HOUSE CORPORATION (WORLD BANK) should be in the files archived below. (See link at bottom) As can be seen by the 9/9/97 "Certificate of Authenticity" this involves only $10 Billion Dollars in Gold which goes through a Greek Corporation "Hellenic Express International," also a corporation registered in Nevada to the Ekker's. Gold Dollars are different in value to regular dollars. Gold Dollars average $38.00 to $1.00. Multiply $38.00 times $10 Billion Dollars. This should give an idea as to how much is really out there being circulated in regards to the (tape recording) $206 Trillion in "unauthorized gold collateral" and the $400 Trillion in "unauthorized gold collateral" "pirated" through the "pirated" U.S. Corporations which were incorporated by those funding the Al Qaeda, Al Qaieda, Al Quyada, Abbu Sayeff, MILF etc, and put into the Central Banks of other Countries through Deeds of Assignment for Consideration, Joint Venture Agreements etc. For years, these individuals have openly, and publicaly published their METHOD OF OPERATION and "intentions." No one paid attention. This group published the MO of using the Islamic Banks (and others) whereas they would warehouse the Agreements/Contracts, use the "warehouse receipts for purchasing gold." They did not tell the "victims" the instruments were Counterfeit. These instruments were written on former U.S. Federal Government Agency "Corporations" which, under Sec. of the U.S. Dept of the Treasury, Rubin's tenure "were conveniently "forgotten" to be kept current in regards to corporate status "in good standing." A deep check into the Nevada Corporations Commissioner's Records will show another U.S. Federal Government Corporation "pirated" by these individuals. That Corporation is "The Inter-American Development Bank." The Inter-American Development Bank was set up for the Latin America's under Act of Congress identified as The Bank Reconstruction Act No. Two. Bank Reconstruction Act No. One, by Act of Congress was the setting up of the World Bank to assist in the restoration of war torn Europe after WWII. This gives "two pirated" former "U.S. Fed. Govt. Corporations" to interface with one another, without question i.e., The Inter-American Investment Corporation and The Inter-American Development Bank (Bank Reconstruction Act No. Two), to interface with the World Bank (Bank Reconstruction Act No. One). All things being equal; There would be no challenging by the Chinese Banking Systems, the Islamic Banking Systems, The European Banking Systems etc, everything from all appearances, was legal, and was going through U.S. Government Corporations, operating under the "watchful eye" of the U.S. Federal Reserve Banking Systems and the U.S. Foreign Federal Reserve Banking Systems. All of this, as a result of "kidnapping, homocide, forgery, fraudulent notary's of record in the Clark County Nevada County Records filed August 10, 1998 in File No. 980810.0032 under Global Alliance Investment Association, Corporate Offices 5300 West Sahara 101, Las Vegas, Nevada 89102. These records before-mentioned contain the notarization of a signature of a "deceased-murdered individual, 4 years the homicide." Plus, a "Self Witnessed" instrument alleging "Conveyance of Interest in Property." Both of which are "Illegal Acts". These "Connecting of the Dots" perhaps could not be put to the "test" until September 8, 2003. A telephone call from one of those involved with "Unlawful use, Unauthorized Use of $206 Trillion Dollars in Gold Collateral" came in that date. This telephone call which was recorded "with permission" identifies former U.S. Federal Government Officials and U.S. Federal Agencies unlawful use of $206 Trillion Dollars in Gold Collateral. These individuals are "also" identified in the before-mentioned Clark County Records. Next comes the blackmailing, and using the Democrat Party against the Republican Party former U.S. Federal Government Officials, and U.S. Fed. Govt. Agencies in open, public print. The "blackmailing" ended with the "Muslim Cult Operation" (tape recorded meeting) "Fabrication of instruments to take the global banking, finances and economics hostage. Only V.K. Durham, would know the truth." This "Muslim Cult Operation" (documents underwriting the Al Kada of Ghana) systematically used pirated U.S. Federal Agencies Corporations, U.S. Federal Government Corporations to "spoof" themselves into Global Banking, Global Financing, Global Economics in attempt to "take the global banking, financing and economics hostage" by Bankrupting the Dept. of the Treasury of the United States and U.S. Federal Reserve, U.S. Foreign Federal Reserve in what was known "OPERATION TROJAN" aka "PROJECT TROJAN."