NEW - (ALL explained per how one is guilty before commiting crime or even standing trial = in a land of brave and free = USA).
TIME TO DETERMINE WHOSE INDEPENDENCE, WE CELEBRATE TODAY(who wants to erase us and denies us the right to exist) !!
The great snakehead hunt is on in British attempt to capture the elusive frankenfish COURT CLERK purported to be lurking in alberta queens bench ...
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Shiprider integrated cross-border maritime law enforcement project that has been in place since 2009.
The government is aware the prospect of Federal Bureau of Investigation agents arresting Canadians on their native soil is controversial.
“We recognized early that this approach could raise concerns about sovereignty, privacy and the civil liberties of Canadians,” RCMP superintendent Joe Oliver told the Senate committee on security and defence last week.
It’s not hard to see why parliamentarians concerned about democratic process are upset about the budget bill He was discussing the “baby steps” used to introduce the concept – namely, the Shiprider integrated cross-border maritime law enforcement project that has been in place since 2009.
The new amendments in the budget bill will broaden the scope to land operations, where the perimeter security agreement signed by Stephen Harper and Barack Obama envisages integrated teams operating in intelligence and criminal investigation.
There are already 15 integrated border enforcement teams operating along the 49th parallel but the legislative changes would allow the FBI or U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration to pursue suspects onto Canadian soil. Embassy magazine reported this week that aerial police surveillance has not been ruled out.
The legislation doesn’t completely hand the farm over to the Americans – suspected criminals apprehended in Canada could not be removed to the U.S.
But this is a potentially momentous shift and, bar some comment from NDP MP Brian Masse, it has passed virtually unnoticed.
Another piece of legislation quietly nesting in the budget bill is the formation of a Social Security Tribunal. The bill is expansive on the make-up of the new tribunal but offers no explanation about the fate of the existing regime. In fact, there are currently four tribunals in which part-time government appointees hear appeals concerning OAS, CPP and EI eligibility. The Tories want to streamline that process by terminating the contracts of the 1,000 or so appointees and replacing them with 74 full-time appointed members. We know this only because appointees this week received letters telling them of the creation of a new “single-window” decision-making body and one of them contacted the National Post.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper once said:
“it has become a standard practice with governments to bring in omnibus legislation following every budget under what we might call the kitchen sink approach”.
In his very cogent arguments, he cautioned
“How can members represent their constituents on these various areas when they are forced to vote in a block on such legislation and on such concerns? We can agree with some of the measures but oppose others. How do we express our views and the views of our constituents when the matters are so diverse? Dividing the bill into several components would allow members to represent views of their constituents on each of the different components in the bill.”
We agree.
Unfortunately, Prime Minster Harper was complaining about the Liberals’ Omnibus Budget Bill of 1994 when he was in Opposition, not his own Omnibus Budget Bill of 2012.
But despite vociferous Opposition calls for splitting the current 400-page bill to deal separately with environmental assessments, raising the eligibility age for OAS, fisheries and immigration rules, the Conservative House Leader Peter Van Loan flatly refused, saying that the government wants its economic program passed quickly.
In fact, the 1994 Omnibus Bill that Opposition Leader Harper criticized dealt with only budgetary matters – much more closely related to one another than the current Omnibus Bill- back then, it was public sector compensation freezes; a freeze in Canada assistance plan payments and Public Utilities Income Tax Transfer Act transfers; extension and deepening of transportation subsidies; authorization for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation to borrow money; and changes to unemployment insurance with respect to benefits and the payroll taxes.
Breaking up the Bill would allow for further deliberations on the substance of the provisions. As Opposition Leader Harper said at the time:
“… [not breaking up the Bill] will cause fairly serious difficulties in Committee. This bill will ultimately go to only one Committee of the House, a Committee that will inevitably lack the breadth of expertise required for consideration of a bill of this scope. Furthermore, the workload of that Committee will be onerous and it will be very difficult to give due consideration to all relevant opinion”. He’s absolutely correct but that is what will occur on Monday when Parliament votes to refer the Omnibus Budget Bill to just one Committee, the Finance Subcommittee.
Make no mistake, breaking up the Bill and sending it to separate Committees may only delay the inevitable. Ultimately, the government’s Parliamentary majority allows it to control the votes on the Committees as well as in the House of Commons.
That is, UNLESS your own Member of Parliament thinks it might be worth reconsidering and govern him or herself accordingly in Monday’s vote.
You can tell him/her whether or not you think he/she should vote/convince his/her party leader to:
1. split the Bill to allow for full discussion of the proposed OAS changes 2. Not vote to give Second Reading to the whole Bill [or just the OAS section if they agree to split it up] because you think the OAS provisions should not be given approval in principle at all
You can use CARP E-voice to email your own MP [be sure to include the name of your riding] as well as the Prime Minister, Minister of Finance, Jim Flaherty, and the House Leaders:
To read Opposition Leader Stephen Harper’s cogent arguments against Omnibus Bills on March 25, 1994: please click here as well as here.
To read Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s refusal to split his own Omnibus Bill: please click here under “Oral Questions, Budget”
C-38 is currently before the finance committee, which will perform the legislative equivalent of a lazy book review (that is, they’ll whiz through the summary and the table of contents before pronouncing that all is legal, honest, decent and truthful).
remove the outer layers of the bill, you discover potentially far-reaching policy shifts that have no business being in any budget,
C-38 is currently before the finance committee, which will perform the legislative equivalent of a lazy book review (that is, they’ll whiz through the summary and the table of contents before pronouncing that all is legal, honest, decent and truthful).
Yet as you remove the outer layers of the bill, you discover potentially far-reaching policy shifts that have no business being in any budget, far less being scrutinized by the finance committee.
To give just two example: the bill grants U.S. law enforcement agents the same power to enforce Canadian Acts of Parliament as members of the RCMP, if they are participating in integrated cross-border operations; it also disbands appeal tribunals covering Old Age Security, the Canada Pension Plan and Employment Insurance programs, terminating 1,000 federal government appointees, in order to replace them with a much smaller Social Security Tribunal.
These may or may not be great ideas but they are not getting much airtime amid the 60 or so other acts that are being amended in the stealth omnibus bill. This, of course, may be precisely the point.
The government is aware the prospect of Federal Bureau of Investigation agents arresting Canadians on their native soil is controversial.
“We recognized early that this approach could raise concerns about sovereignty, privacy and the civil liberties of Canadians,” RCMP superintendent Joe Oliver told the Senate committee on security and defence last week.
It’s not hard to see why parliamentarians concerned about democratic process are upset about the budget bill He was discussing the “baby steps” used to introduce the concept – namely, the Shiprider integrated cross-border maritime law enforcement project that has been in place since 2009.
The new amendments in the budget bill will broaden the scope to land operations, where the perimeter security agreement signed by Stephen Harper and Barack Obama envisages integrated teams operating in intelligence and criminal investigation.
There are already 15 integrated border enforcement teams operating along the 49th parallel but the legislative changes would allow the FBI or U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration to pursue suspects onto Canadian soil. Embassy magazine reported this week that aerial police surveillance has not been ruled out.
The legislation doesn’t completely hand the farm over to the Americans – suspected criminals apprehended in Canada could not be removed to the U.S.
But this is a potentially momentous shift and, bar some comment from NDP MP Brian Masse, it has passed virtually unnoticed.
Another piece of legislation quietly nesting in the budget bill is the formation of a Social Security Tribunal. The bill is expansive on the make-up of the new tribunal but offers no explanation about the fate of the existing regime. In fact, there are currently four tribunals in which part-time government appointees hear appeals concerning OAS, CPP and EI eligibility. The Tories want to streamline that process by terminating the contracts of the 1,000 or so appointees and replacing them with 74 full-time appointed members. We know this only because appointees this week received letters telling them of the creation of a new “single-window” decision-making body and one of them contacted the National Post.
Future hearings will be done predominantly through written submissions and video-conferencing, rather than in-person hearings, to cut down on travel costs. This sounds fine in principle, unless you are the poor schmuck appealing to get early CPP on the basis of disability. How do you prove your case in writing or even on video? Furthermore, instead of three panel members, often comprising people with medical and legal experience, adjudication will now be made by one appointee.
Again, there may be merit to revamping social security tribunals. But the government has not made its case. It has simply used the “matryoshka principle” to nest legislation, layer within layer, in the hope that nobody notices the smallest dolls.
The Harperites customarily dismiss any and all opposition as being media generated, with no resonance outside the Ottawa bubble. But when your own members flirt with mutiny, you have to know you’ve touched a raw nerve.
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Southern Essex District Registry of DeedsShetland Park45 Congress StreetSuite 4100Salem, Massachusetts 01970
Massachusetts Register of Deeds John O’Brien is first in the nation to say no torecording robo-signed documents; North Carolina Register of Deeds, Jeff Thigpen agrees.
Saying “the buck stops here” Massachusetts Southern Essex District Register of Deeds, JohnO’Brien today rejected 2 robo-signed documents submitted to his Registry for recording and plans to continue doing so.
“My Registry will not be a knowing participant in this fraudagainst homeowners.
From today forward, lenders be on notice, the Southern Essex District Registry of Deeds will not record robo-signed documents.” The rejected documents containthe signatures of three known robo-signers, Linda Green, Korell Harp and Linda Burton
.According to O’Brien, in his Registry he has 22 different variations of Linda Green’ssignature and 5 different variations between Korell Harp and Linda Burton.
“I find thispractice very troubling on many levels. It has completely jaded my understanding that anotarized document was something that could be relied upon.” stated O’Brien.
In Massachusetts, notaries must take an oath of office, under the pains and penalties of perjury.“If these documents are signed by anyone other than the noted signatories, these notaries and those that employed them should be held accountable for the fraudulent documents that theyhave produced and the havoc they have caused to chains of title everywhere.
”O’Brien says that he will record the documents, at such time as the law firm and/or the lenderpresenting the documents for recording, sign a notarized affidavit, under the pains andpenalties of perjury, that they certify the authenticity of the signatures, including the notary’son the recording.
O’Brien’s cover letter and requested affidavit call attention to theMassachusetts General Laws, Chapter 266, Section 35A, which makes it illegal to record adocument that contains false information with a registrar of deeds.
The affidavit thatO’Brien is asking for, states that the signatory of the affidavit accept full responsibility,should any of the statements be incorrect which could corrupt or cloud the homeowner’schain of title.Register O’Brien is completing an internal investigation into robo-signed documents andexpects to release a full report on the number of robo-signed documents recorded in his office shortly.
In May, Register of Deeds Jeff Thigpen in Greensboro, NC sent state andfederal regulators over 4,500 robo-signed documents submitted by DocX. DocX is owned byLender Processing Services which is used by Wells Fargo, Bank of America, and MERSamongst others. Those documents included 1,947 signed by Linda Green with 15 differentsignature variations and 373 documents signed by Korell Harp with 4 signature variations.
Thigpen joins O’Brien’s effort saying “The basic question here is whether we as Recordersare going to sit on our hands, in the face of what appears to be clear fraud or are we going tostand up for 400 years of integrity in land records?
John is on the right side of this questionand these are reasonable actions that he is taking.”Register O’Brien said, “Knowing what I now know, it would be a dereliction of my duties asthe keeper of the records to record these documents and any other documents that containquestionable signatures.
To do so, would make me a willing participant in a continuing scheme which has corrupted the chain of title of thousands of Essex County property owners.
I have decided to put a stop to this reckless behavior and hold these lenders and their agents accountable for the authenticity of what they are attempting to record in my Registry.
I donot believe this to be unreasonable.”O’Brien understands that this may be the first time that a Register of Deeds has refused to record a robo-signed document. However, he feels that someone must be accountable to the homeowners, especially the ones being foreclosed upon.
He feels that if the lenders are not paying attention to preparing correct documents, then the individual notaries that are acknowledging these signatures must be aware that what they were doing was wrong and has consequences.
“Now that Register Thigpen has joined with me, I am hopeful that my other colleagues around the country will also take the same action. I strongly believe that this will send a message, loud and clear, that we as Registers and Recorders of Deeds, whose responsibility it is to protect the integrity of the land recordation system, will not be a party to any fraudulent scheme that may damage individual’s property rights” said O’Brien.
the US Iran-Contra team continued to violate the law even while being investigated by Congress.
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The above is a basic diagrammatic example of the structuring of Trusts / Foundations under the Collateral Accounts legally owned by The International Treasury Controller, which should be construed as an example only and for the purpose of simple explanation. Considering that there are in excess of 30,000 Trusts / Foundations throughout the World, categorised as Primary Trust, Sub-primary Trusts, Secondary Trusts, Sub-secondary Trusts, Sub-Sub-Secondary Trusts, Sub-sub-sub-Secondary Trusts, and Corporations, the structure is far more elaborate and extensive than shown above. The overall responsibility and Control of ALL Trusts, Foundations, Corporations belongs to and remains with The International Treasury Controller at all times.No Trust, Foundation, Corporation, or otherwise can undertake anything with any assets unless fully approved and assented to by The International Treasury Controller. The assets of any one Trust, Foundation, Corporation, are always held by a recognised International Bank, whereby, the actual bank involved with each Trust, or, Foundation, or, Corporation will be recognised as the Account Holder, which would be construed as being a separate and individual entity from the Trusts, Foundations, etc. whereby such Banks are acting as a protective barrier against Fraud by any Trust, Foundation, Corporation, etc. As a protective against any of the Banks committing Fraud with any assets, there will be an independent Account Signatory. One Trust, Foundation, Corporation, may be the “Holder” of physical Assets, although such assets may be held by a Central Bank or International Bank, whereby another Trust, Foundation, Corporation, will be the “Holder” of the Paper Assets relating, or pertaining to, the Physical assets, which will always be held by another Central Bank or International Bank. This is where the structuring becomes very complex, which is deliberately complex, to avoid, minimise, reduce, or otherwise, any possibility of Fraud by illegal use of the assets of the Collateral Accounts by any one party involved within the structure. I trust that the above will enlighten people and gives an adequate explanation as requested. Kindest regards Whistleblower Copy end here:- …………………………………………………………. The Global Debt Facility also consists of numerous corporations, which are effectively “dummies” holding under Custodianship rules, assets of the Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Faculty (Collateral Accounts). The Collateral Accounts are the largest owner, by far, in the world of Gold, Silver, Platinum, Palladium, and other precious metals, as well as precious gems, various National Treasures, Bank Debenture Stock, Special Gold Backed Freddie Macs, Fannie Maes, Jennie Maes, Sally Maes, and National Debt Bonds. With such assets, the Collateral Accounts are the only source of assets in the world that is capable of providing the necessary Gold and Silver to back any new International currency. In fact with the World GDP at approximately $60 trillion USD, the Collateral Accounts could support a Gold Backed International Currency / Monetary unit, by more than 5000 times and still have substantial assets available for other factors. Many people have asked us, which the answers are also within the content of our Web Site, about the IMF and World Bank. It will come as no surprise to know that assets of the Collateral Accounts are actually held by both institutions and were the initial asset backing back in the 40’s for these institutions. The IMF holds slightly in excess of 3,400 MT of Gold which is actually owned by the Collateral Accounts. It will be noticed that the IMF has never been allowed to sell the Gold is holds, even though it claims it is their Gold, and even though the IMF and Politicians make a lot of noise about selling Gold to finance the world.We disagree with the IMF policies and their radical approaches as Lender of Last Resort, which has contributed to the demise of many countries, whereby we will no longer tolerate this abuse with our assets, and thus will not allow the IMF to sell any Gold to finance its radical ideologies related to financing countries. Prior to 2003, the OITC constitution prevented us from financing anything other than Governments, whom have proven themselves to be so corrupt and inept that to finance such Governments actually endangers the “Safety and Security” of our assets. In January 2003 substantial changes were made to the Constitution by the Nations of the World, in support of a substantial report submitted to the said Nations, whereby those changes amended the Clauses relative to operational practices and objectives and allowed / permitted the OITC to take a more direct approach, based upon a commercial philosophy, which ultimately took the finance / financing of Nations out of the hands of the Governments / Politicians,placing such financing under the direct control of the OITC for the purpose of ensuring that financing was correctly applied, evenly distributed, and properly used for the benefit of all Nations and People of the World. That was nearly 6 years ago and we are just beginning to make headway on this after a very extensive period (1995 – 2007) correcting many of the serious problems and misdemeanours previously created in the period 1945 – 1995 by the former managers / controllers of the Collateral Accounts, who were known as the Trilateral Trillenium Tripartite Gold Commission (United States of America, France and the United Kingdom ------- TTTGC); and their Government allies. To say “serious problems and misdemeanours” is really an under-statement, as the Collateral Accounts were in fact abused and illegally used in a manner that could only be likened to the promotion / continuation of Colonialism and the Slave Trade by the TTTGC, being totally detrimental to the majority of Nations of the World. Hence why changes had to be implemented as quickly as possible, but as always when attending to such matters with the very highest hierarchy of the World, it took time ensuring that every “I” was dotted and every “T” crossed, so that there was no misunderstanding whatsoever. We are not finished yet with such changes and further changes will ensue in due course. I would just like to mention two other factors in the simplest possible way that I can because I do not desire to burden any reader with so much information, even though it is very basic. The current World Financial Crisis. There have been many calls from all parts of the world, for changes to the international financial system and a different approach to the International Reserve Currency. I can advise that the OITC has designed a Financial Platform which provides for a full International representation via National, Regional, and one International Independent Body to operate and manage the International Financial System away from the hands of Politicians and Bankers. It also provides for a Gold Backed International Monetary Unit, Tighter regulations in respect of International Banking, Control of all “Bank Paper” via the Central Banks of each Country, plus many more factors that will give independence and stability throughout the International Financial World. Unfortunately, we can not disclose the substantial report that was compiled on this as it is still being added to by Economists, Central Bankers, Financial Lawyers, and so on. The question is whether those currently in control (politicians and Bankers) will allow it to be implemented because it will take away their power and status. Finally, back to the subject of the “Programs” as widely articled on various Web Sites. What you see and read is not in compliance with how things actually work within the International Financial Systems. Even though “Whistleblower” requested people to send in documents, I am aware that no documents relative to these “Programs” have ever been received from anyone who is a participant or contributor. The reason is probably because they do not have any documents, or have never been given any documents. They have in fact just handed over their hard earned money to people who appear to know very little about the workings of “Programs”. There is also a question of what these “Programs” actually are. Many articles, both past and present clearly indicate that they are “Trading Programs”. However at the same time there are many denials of this and some people even refer such “Programs” as “Government Programs”. To those realistic persons within the community, one has to ask the question, “Since when has any Government ever undertaken anything, similar to these “Programs”, which would benefit the population”. I do not even need to answer that question because most people would know the answer anyhow. So, why class these “Programs” as “Government Programs”? As for any other definition of the word “Programs”, other than “Trading programs”, I personally can not determine, as we have no documents whatsoever, either in our possession or documents that may have been passed to us by various readers, to be able to determine anyway. We will not speculate on whether these “Programs” are real or not, only to say that if they are “Trading Programs” then what is described on the Community Boards does not collate with how the system actually works, and does not collate to the procedures of the Financial System, or how the Financial system operates. Therefore we will refrain from making any further comments on same until someone provides us the relevant documentation that enables us to determine exactly what is meant by the word “Programs”. I hope that the above gives all readers further insight into the matters referred to above. Thank you for allowing me to intrude on your web site. Yours sincerely This report was originally posted to the web site and written by a Senior Officer of The Office of International Treasury Control". .
and HER $206,858,581,465,280,000,000.00 Gold Swindle
Flashback: V.K. Durham and the $206,858,581,465,280,000,000.00 Gold Swindle
Arizona: Intent to dissolve current US Federal Government, 34 other states approval
By V K Durham
Al-Jazeerah, Jan 18, 2004
In other words; Arizona and 34 other Sovereign Civil Governments of the Republic Commonwealths of the Union of the united states are "asserting their Xth (tenth)Amendment Rights" by adopting HRC 2034. HRC 2034 Arizona states its intentions to dissolve the current federal government with the approval of 34 other states and, in essence, start over.
The original Herrman-Herman Estate, set aside 24 per cent of the December 28, 1988 notarized calculations of the U.S. Debt owed to this Trust, calculated from May 1, 1875 to May 1, 1990 in the amount of $206,858,581,465,280,000,000.00 Gold, now held in safe keeping of the Durham (Intl. Ltd;) Holding Trust (TIAS 12087) for these states of the union adopting their Xth Amendment rights once again.
The Estate was blocked in Illinois from Probate by alleged "Failure of the states to file in timely fashion." The 24 per cent was transferred to the Safe Keeping of Trust at that time.
With Illinois "blocking" the Will of the People, the setting up the Safe Keeping in the Trust was absolutely necessary.
Illinois then proceeded along with the U.S. Federal Reserve Banking Systems, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (U.S. Dept. of the Treasury) to perpetrated the worst acts that can be committed against the people. At that time, Russell Herman allegedly died in testate, leaving no will, and no family. While V.K. Durham suffered Department of Health and Human Services (Social Security) Record Tampering and Erasure. V.K. Durham was listed as "Deceased." This gave plenty of lee way for the current global problems presenting themselves in the 1980´s type Banking Crisis in China, Europe, Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, the UK and U.S. and elsewhere involving banks connected with the U.S. Federal Reserve Banking Systems and U.S. Foreign Federal Reserve Banking Systems.
Additionally; The Agreement cut with the Global Alliance Investment Association Corporate Officers known as E.J. Ekker (Eckert) and Doris J. Ekker (Eloise-Eckert) currently issuing Counterfeit "not now performing gold derivatives" out of the Philippines, has brought about global problems for the U.S. Federal Government "quasi" federal agency UK and U.S. Corporations known as the Federal Reserve Banking Systems.
The entire world knows about the $6.5 TRILLION DOLLAR DEBT SWAP-DEBT CONVERSION "PAYMENT OF THE U.S. and LATIN AMERICAN DEBT agreed upon May 21, 2003. The entire world also is aware of the sudden unlimited funds put into the stock markets by June 16, 2003 by the U.S. Federal Reserve Systems, instead of complying with the Specific Terms and Conditions stated in the DEBT SWAP-DEBT CONVERSION "PAYMENT OF THE U.S. and LATIN AMERICAN DEBT" Gold Collateral Instruments, tendered by the CREDITOR to the DEBTOR just to get them off the American Continent, and out of the united states, freeing the people of the America´s from "Predatory Banking Practices and Usury."
Currently; As per usual, involving DECEPTIVE, FALSE AND MISLEADING FRAUDULENT ACTIVITY BY THE FED. R.; Instead of CREDITING BACK THE DEBT SWAP-DEBT CONVERSION $6.5 TRILLION DOLLAR "DEBT PAYMENT" TO THE U.S. AND LATIN AMERICANS; The FED is attempting to pick up all the "Not now performing Gold Derivatives" around the world using the stock markets, oil credits etc attempting to resolve the 1880´s-1980’s S&L type Banking situations created by these "not now performing gold derivatives" in the European Banking Systems, China etc.
Verification can be found at various web sites, Rueters, BBC, , New York Times, Wall Street Journal and other credible news reporting agencies including and so forth.
We, the Trust have previously notified ALL BANKS including the World Bank & IMF, the Banks of the Organization of American States, The Islamic Banks of Jeddah and Riyadh, S. Africa, China, Argentina, Brazil, Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan etals: "We stand hold harmless from these Counterfeit Prime Bank Gold Instruments written on BONUS CERTIFICATE 3392-181. We will in no way be responsible for these International Banking, Financing and Economic Frauds. We did not authorize the usage of "Bonus 3392-181".. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS "BONUS CERTIFICATE" 3392-181."
As states pull away from Unconstitutional Practices by these Foreign UK and U.S. quasi Federal Agencies "by declaring HR2034 with the approval of 34 additional states" is a move in the right direction freeing themselves from "Acts not in compliance with Law" perpetrated by these UK and U.S. quasi Federal Agencies, in violation of Act of Congress allowing them to conduct business as "Payers of the U.S. Debts."
Per the Estate provisions; Each state (HR2034) qualifies for $2.4 Billion Dollars Gold Collateral. Multiply the $2.4 Billion X´s current Par of $68.00, this takes care of the infra-structure, education etc economic problems immediately. Link
The Wall Street Journal reported: "There is every reason to believe activities in the Bank of New York in the aftermath of September 11th are worthy of suspicion..... At one point during the week after September 11, the Bank of New York publicly reported to be overdue on $100 billion in payments.”
The September 11th Cover-up of the Black Eagle Trust and Project Hammer Ten years later in 2001, these programmes had finally come back to haunt the U.S. policy makers. Most, if not all of these programmes appear to have stepped outside of the boundaries of the law. As a result, investigative agencies from Britain, Switzerland, Russia, Kazakhstan and the Philippines were putting pressure on Congress and the U.S. Department of Justice to open up the accounts in the banks used to finance these covert activities. Pressure was being put on the Swiss banking cartel to open its bullion records to public scrutiny. Full disclosure by these banks during an investigation would have resulted in a major exposure of U.S. Government complicity in some of the greatest financial frauds of the 1980s and early 1990s as well as 50 years of gold bullion theft by numerous U.S. and British government agencies. Moreover, investigation into these accounts would disclose a National Security secret known as the Black Eagle fund, and virtually every covert operation since World War II. Bringing an end to these investigations and preventing this disclosure was the sole objective for the destruction of the WTC and Pentagon.
These investigative and legal pressures began to accumulate in 1997, and in February 1998, Osama Bin Laden declared his fatwa, and Atta started planning the September 11 attacks.
With the bonds out in the market, they had sat for ten years, like a ticking time bomb. At some point, they had to be settled - or cashed in, on September 12, 2001. The two firms in the U.S. most likely to be handling them would be Cantor Fitzgerald and Eurobrokers – the two largest government securities firms in the U.S. The federal agency mostly involved in investigating those transactions was the Office of Naval Intelligence. On September 11 those same three organizations: the two largest government securities brokers and the Office of Naval Intelligence in the US took near direct hits.
What happened inside the buildings of the World Trade on September 11 is difficult, but not impossible to discern. The government has put a seal on the testimony gathered by the investigating 911 Commission, and instructed government employees to not speak on the matter or suffer severe penalties, but there are a number of personal testimonies posted on the internet as to what happened in those buildings that day. Careful reconstruction from those testimonies indicates the deliberate destruction of evidence not only by a targeted assault on the buildings, but also by targeted fires and explosions. In the event that either the hijacking failed, or the buildings were not brought down, the evidence would be destroyed by fires.
Even more revealing would be the actions of the Federal Reserve Bank and the Securities and Exchange Commission on that day, and in the immediate aftermath. As one of many coincidences on September 11, the Federal Reserve Bank was operating its information system from its remote back-up site rather than it’s downtown headquarters. The SEC and Federal Reserve system remained unfazed by the attack on September 11. All of their systems continued to operate. The two major security trading firms had their trade data backed up on remote systems. Nevertheless, the Commission for the first time invoked its emergency powers under Securities Exchange Act Section 12(k) and issued several orders to ease certain regulatory restrictions temporarily.
On the first day of the crisis, the SEC lifted “Rule 15c3-3 -Customer Protection--Reserves and Custody of Securities,” which set trading rules for the certain processes. Simply GSCC was allowed to substitute securities for the physical securities destroyed during the attack.
Subsequent to that ruling, the GSCC issued another memo expanding blind broker settlements. A “blind broker” is a mechanism for inter-dealer transactions that maintains the anonymity of both parties to the trade. The broker serves as the agent to the principals' transactions.
Thus the Federal Reserve and its GSCC had created a settlement environment totally void of controls and reporting – where it could substitute valid, new government securities for the mature, illegal securities, and not have to record where the bad securities came from, or where the new securities went – all because the paper for the primary brokers for US securities had been eliminated.
This act alone, however was inadequate to resolve the problem, because the Federal Reserve did not have enough “takers” of the new 10 year notes. Rather than simply having to match buy and sell orders, which was the essence of resolving the “fail” problem, it appears the Fed was doing more than just matching and balancing – it was pushing new notes on the market with a special auction.
If the Federal Reserve had to cover-up the clearance of $240 Billion in covert securities, they could not let the volume of capital shrink by that much in the time of a monetary crisis. They would have had to push excess liquidity into the market, and then phase it out for a soft landing, which is exactly what appears to have happened. In about two months, the money supply was back to where it was prior to 9/11.
It was the rapid rotation of the securities settlement fails in the aftermath of September 11th that appears to have allowed the Bank of New York and the Federal Reserve to engage in a securities refinancing that resulted in the American taxpayer refinancing the $240 billion originally used for the Great Ruble Scam.
The reports published by the Federal Reserve argue that the Federal Reserve’s actions increasing the monetary supply by over $300 billion were justified to overcome operational difficulties in the financial sector.
What appears to be the case is that the Federal Reserve imbalances reported on three consecutive days in the aftermath were largely concentrated at the Bank of New York, which is reported to represent over 90% of the imbalance, suggesting the Bank had been the recipient of massive fund transfers, and unable to send out transfers.This supposedly was due to major communication and system failures.In fact, none of the Bank of New York's systems failed or went non-operational.
The Wall Street Journal reported: "There is every reason to believe activities in the Bank of New York in the aftermath of September 11th are worthy of suspicion..... At one point during the week after September 11, the Bank of New York publicly reported to be overdue on $100 billion in payments.”
It suggests that certain key unknown figures in the Federal Reserve may have been in collusion with key unknown figures at the Bank of New York to create a situation where $240 billion in off balance sheet securities created in 1991 as part of an official covert operation to overthrow the Soviet Union, could be cleared without publicly acknowledging their existence.These securities, originally managed by Cantor Fitzgerald, were cleared and settled in the aftermath of September 11th through the Bank of New York. The $100 billion account balance bubble reported by the Wall Street Journal as being experienced by the Bank of New York was the tip of a three-day operation, when these securities were moved from off-balance-sheet to the balance sheet.
The above gives an idea of the intricate activities both to perpetrate and then to cover the crime, which was then used under its "terrorist attack" label as an excuse for the attack on Iraq.
(The above answers the question "Why 9/11?". For how it was done.
Date: Wednesday, 15-Feb-2012 George Soros and the NM Rothschild Continuation Trust Ownership for both remains largely ‘hidden’ today, while its front men endure the hardships of the Russian wrath by spending time in prison.
JUPITER-RULE 144A SITE CORECTED: Re: 6/11/04. CORPORATIONS FRAUDULENTLY INCORPORATED TO COMMIT BANK FRAUDS, STOCK FRAUDSPosted By: watcher51445 Date: Wednesday, 15-Feb-2012 05:53:22 In Response To: 6/11/04. CORPORATIONS FRAUDULENTLY INCORPORATED TO COMMIT BANK FRAUDS, STOCK FRAUDS (watcher51445) ----- Original Message ----- From: VK DURHAM To: [email protected] ; Jack McCreery ; Arnie Gammelsgarrd Cc: V.K. Durham CEO-Signatory, Durham (Intl. Ltd;) Holding Trust (TIAS 12087) ; DAVE ......... ; Rep Steve King ; U.S. Congressman Ron Paul ; Chuck Grassley Sent: Friday, June 11, 2004 7:54 AM Subject: CORPORATIONS FRAUDULENTLY INCORPORATED TO COMMIT BANK FRAUDS, STOCK FRAUDS OPERATED BY "KAMARULZAMAN BIN ANNUAR" via JUPITER and "GLOBAL" i.e., THE EKKER'S Chief Investigator, New York Fed. R. Enforcement and Protection: NICHOLAS PROTO [email protected] and Jack McCreery Legal U.S. Security Exchange Commission Washington, D.C. [email protected] Chief of Fraud Division, INTERPOL Arnie Gammelsgarrd, Copenhagen.D.K. [email protected] Ref: Wed. June 02, 2004: REQUEST FOR INVESTIGATION and all prior requests: Gentlemen: Read the following; You will find "DURHAM HOLDING TRUST "COLLATERAL" being used in this OPERATION. Also; You will find Pacific Stock Transfer mention. Pacific Stock Transfer was the "Nevada" Resident Agent (Shelly Braiser) for COSMOS SEAFOOD MARKETING, LTD; NEVADA ID# 1707-85 in 1985. CEO, Russell Herrman Herman was MURDERED over this!
There is reason to believe that the plan was initially formulated by Reagan’s CIA Director, William Casey. Many of the programme operatives were probably engaged through official CIA and National Security channels. However, as a result of the experience gained by the Bush cabinet and its private sector counterparts during the secretive Iran-Contra and Ferdinand Marcos gold operations, the execution of that programme would be accompanied by a new assumption that the use of covert and illegal funding for a policy not approved by Congress would remain acceptable.
The Origins of the World Trade Centre Attack Most historians track the history of September 11th to 1998 when Osama Bin Laden declared a fatwa or jihad against the U.S., and the terrorist “Hamburg Group” led by Mohammed Atta reportedly “offered” it’s services to Al Qaeda. However, the history which defines the motives for the September 11 attacks goes much further back. The answers to the questions surrounding the cause of the WTC attack will be found in events during the presidency of George H.W. Bush and earlier. Insight into the activities of that period are cloaked by the Executive Order of George H.W. Bush’s son, President George W. Bush, who on November 1, 2001 issued Executive Order 13233. As a result public records which might have shed light on the activities of 1990 and 1991 remain shielded from public access. Consequently the reconstruction of events from the late 1980s and early 1990s is based on news reports, books and articles.
What the public record suggests is that with the beginning of the first Bush Presidency in 1989, George H.W. Bush initiated a programme of covert economic warfare to bring about the collapse of the Soviet Union. The name of this programme appears to be Project Hammer - a multi-billion dollar covert operation, whose investments remain shielded.
There is reason to believe that the plan was initially formulated by Reagan’s CIA Director, William Casey. Many of the programme operatives were probably engaged through official CIA and National Security channels. However, as a result of the experience gained by the Bush cabinet and its private sector counterparts during the secretive Iran-Contra and Ferdinand Marcos gold operations, the execution of that programme would be accompanied by a new assumption that the use of covert and illegal funding for a policy not approved by Congress would remain acceptable.
VK shares her immense wealth of knowledge and experience in dealing with the corporate United States and exposing the sale of America that she masterminded.
November 12, 2010 12Nov10 “The Silver Bullet” – The Durham Trust and its role in restoring the republic of the united States of America, with VK Durham
VK shares her immense wealth of knowledge and experience in dealing with the corporate United States and exposing the sale of America. Ms. Durham covers the trust she created to help restore all 50 republics to the American people, and the treason she has encountered by members of the global criminal cabal. She also covers personal experiences from her days with JFK and other top leaders she has known.
VK Durham is a living witness to the fraud and treason perpetrated on the American people and has been researching these issues since 1974. Her work has brought her into close contact with top generals, admirals and other government leaders. She worked for JFK, and has been an internationally known whistleblower. As holder of the first lien against the de facto corporate US, she has caused the powers of evil to shake. You can read her articles on her website: and at
Bush administration group known as “the Vulcans” planned a bigger drive to crush Soviet Russia
Emboldened by the lack of consequences for subverting the U.S. constitution and breaking international law during the Iran-Contra scandal, the Bush administration group known as “the Vulcans” planned a bigger drive to crush Soviet Russia. The programme also seems to have lined the pockets of the individuals that executed this policy, at US taxpayer expense. This was done to the tune of the $240 billion dollars in covert and allegedly illegal bonds, which appear to have been replaced with Treasury notes backed by U.S. taxpayers in the aftermath of September 11.
In 1992, George H.W. Bush served on the Advisory Board of Barrick Gold. The Barrick operation would create billions of dollars of paper gold by creating ‘gold derivatives’. A major distribution channel for the sale of Barrick’s gold futures would be Enron. Enron would also become the vehicle by which oil and gas contracts from the former Soviet Union (vehicles for Soviet money-laundering) were processed.
The Source of the Funds Numerous sources have documented that at the end of World War II, the treasury of the Japanese Empire was discovered in the Philippines by Edward Lansdale a member of the staff of General Charles Willoughby, who was General MacArthur’s chief of Intelligence. Lansdale and Severino Garcia Diaz Santa Romana tortured Major Kojima Kashii, General Yamashita Tomoyuki’s driver, until he revealed the sites of the gold. Then known as the "Golden Lily Treasure", this mass of wealth had been accumulated by the Japanese over fifty years from the pillaging of Southeast Asia and China by its army and had been deposited in the Philippines due to the U.S. submarine blockade of Japan. Reports vary, but documents in the public domain suggest the recovered treasure was in excess of 280,000 metric tonnes of gold.
Lansdale briefed Assistant Secretary of War John J. McCloy about the findings, and a U.S. Cabinet-level decision was made to confiscate the gold and cover-up its discovery. The gold would be added to the Black Eagle Trust fund which took its name from the Nazi Black Eagle stamped on the gold bars confiscated from the Reich and was the original source of funding for the trust. Over the years, the significance of the Nazi gold would pale in comparison to the confiscated Japanese treasure. As the fund grew, it was distributed in private accounts across the globe in over 100 banks, and administered by General Earle Cocke.
Lansdale and Santa Romana were made responsible for recovery of the treasure. They fabricated a “Communist Revolution” by the Hukbalahak rebels in order to confiscate the land where much of the gold was buried, and proceeded to mine it.
The Yamashita gold would become the cornerstone of the Black Eagle Fund, from which many covert operations of the U.S. intelligence would be funded. Under international law the gold should have been either returned to the countries from which it was stolen (as was done with the Nazi gold), or should have been incorporated into the U.S. Treasury. The U.S. Government’s continued efforts to stifle news on this matter provides prima facie evidence that the confiscation of this gold was illegal.
The men responsible for initiating and executing the confiscation of Nazi and Japanese treasury gold represent the most senior Intelligence officers in the U.S. and Britain at the end of World War II, and the Cabinet of the President of the United States. The financial institutions represented by these individuals would become the major financial banks in the world, along with the Swiss-German banks where they hid their gold.
Lansdale’s operation in the Philippines gave birth to most of the common features of modern covert operations for the U.S.Intelligence and initiated a bond between the US intelligence organizations and the Israeli intelligence. He also set precedents for the Intelligence community to retain the services of organized crime on U.S. soil and to use drug running as a way of financing activities,
The covert operations funded by the Black Eagle Trust in the 1960s and 1970s became visible stains on the global image of the U.S. despite all efforts to keep them under cover. In an effort to clean house, President Jimmy Carter would order the retirement of over 800 covert operatives. Many of these operatives would move into private consulting and security firms and be employed as subcontractors for covert operations. Thus began a loose association of private operatives that would be referred to as “the Enterprise” in the years to come. George H.W. Bush, having been CIA Director, had many acquaintances in this group, and would work with them to restore their influence and control over U.S. foreign policy and the foreign investment opportunities it created for their benefit.
Meantime Ferdinand Marcos, the pro-U.S. dictator of the Philippines, continued to discover even more of the buried treasure. and had started to sell it on the market during the 1970s with the assistance of Adnan Khashoggi. US Intelligence operations had been siphoning off the gold for three decades. However in 1986 Vice President George Bush took over the gold from Marcos and the gold was removed to a series of banks, notably Citibank, Chase Manhattan, Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Corporation, UBS and Banker’s Trust, and held in a depository in Kloten Switzerland. What happened to the Marcos gold after it was confiscated by U.S. agents in 1986 has never been reported, but throughout the early 1990s, the world gold market would be befuddled by the mysterious appearance of thousands of tonnes of gold which appeared to suppress the price of gold.
In South east Asia operations were financed through Nugan Hand Bank in Australia which would be one of the many banks used for transferring the Marcos gold from the Philippines into covert operations. Frank Nugan’s family ran the primary supply shipping operation between the U.S. Navy base in the Philippines and Australia. Frank Nugan's business partner, Peter Abeles, and Henry Keswick, together with Canadian businessman Peter Munk, would link with Adnan Kashoggi, Sheikh Kamal and Edgar Bronfmann in a series of operations which ultimately would evolve into Barrick Gold.
In 1992, George H.W. Bush served on the Advisory Board of Barrick Gold. The Barrick operation would create billions of dollars of paper gold by creating ‘gold derivatives’. A major distribution channel for the sale of Barrick’s gold futures would be Enron. Enron would also become the vehicle by which oil and gas contracts from the former Soviet Union (vehicles for Soviet money-laundering) were processed. Barrick, which has no mining operations in Europe, used two refineries in Switzerland: MKS Finance S.A. and Argor-Heraeus S.A. – both on the Italian border near Milan, a few hours away from the gold depository in Zurich. The question that Barrick and other banks needed to avoid answering is: what gold was Barrick refining in Switzerland, as they have no mines in that region?
Barrick would become a quiet gold producing partner for a number of major banks, and its activities became subject to an FBI investigation into gold-price-fixing. The records on this investigation were kept in the FBI office on the 23rd floor of the North Tower which was destroyed by bomb blasts shortly before the Tower collapsed. The ultimate destination of the "Golden Lily Treasure", and the source of the ‘loaned’ gold that flooded the market for 10 years has never been officially explained.
The records of many of those transactions disappeared when Enron collapsed and the trading operation and all its records were taken over by UBS, another major recipient of Marcos gold. The FBI was reportedly conducting an investigation into those transactions, and the investigation files were kept on the 23rd floor of the North Tower of the WTC. A review of the personal accounts of September 11 now suggests that office was deliberately targeted with explosives prior to the collapse of the WTC.
Another key player in the Marcos gold was Banker’s Trust, which was taken over by Alex Brown & Sons, after Banker’s Trust floundered financially on its Russian loans in the mid 1990s. These Russian loans were facilitated by Enron, starting in August of 1993, and very possibly were part of the Project Hammer takeover of Soviet industry.
Amongst those brought into the picture by the involvement of Alex Brown was J. Carter Beese who was Executive Director of the CIA at the time of September 11. He was appointed by George H.W. Bush to the board of directors of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation in 1992. Since 1992, OPIC has provided more than $4.5 billion in finance and insurance to more than 140 projects in Russia. He was also Chairman of Riggs Bank and also President of Riggs Capital Partners. Riggs controlled the famous Riggs-Valmet consultants who set up the international financial apparatus for the Russian oligarchs and rogue KGB allowing them to steal the Soviet treasury and destroy the Russian economy. Carter Beese’s death was reported as a suicide in 2006.
It appears that in September 1991, George H.W. Bush and Alan Greenspan did indeed finance $240 billion in bonds in a buy-out of the Soviet Union as part of a broader programme to attack the economy of the Soviet Union. In addition President George H.W. Bush had initiated a number of related covert operations to take over certain sectors of the Soviet economy,
The covert business dealings with the Iranians and Israelis which originated with Kashoggi and Kimche in July 1980 in Hamburg under the October Surprise arrangement, would provide an opening to the Soviet KGB that would allow the U.S. to fund a coup against Gorbachev in 1991. It would grow into a larger covert operation over the years, and be overshadowed by the larger Iran-Contra operation. Members of Bush’s covert intelligence cadre sold weapons to Iran, an avowed enemy of the U.S., and illegally used the profits to continue funding anti-Communist rebels, the Contras, in Nicaragua.
The entire Iran-Contra operation almost fell apart in 1986 and became public when the Nicaraguan government shot down a U.S. plane carrying weapons to the Contra rebels However the Iran-Contra team continued to violate the law even while being investigated by Congress.
Emboldened by the lack of consequences for subverting the U.S. constitution and breaking international law during the Iran-Contra scandal, the Bush administration group known as “the Vulcans” planned a bigger drive to crush Soviet Russia. The programme also seems to have lined the pockets of the individuals that executed this policy, at US taxpayer expense. This was done to the tune of the $240 billion dollars in covert and allegedly illegal bonds, which appear to have been replaced with Treasury notes backed by U.S. taxpayers in the aftermath of September 11.
George Soros and the NM Rothschild Continuation Trust
A closer look at other activities leading up to these phases makes it clear that is was a U.S. orchestrated intelligence effort from the beginning. The economic war involved Gerald Corrigan of the NY Federal Reserve Bank, George Soros, an international currency speculator who was responsible for crashing the British pound a few years earlier, former Ambassador to Germany R. Mark Palmer, and Ronald Lauder-financier and heir to the Estee Lauder estate. Palmer and Lauder would lead a group of American investors in an Operation called the Central European Development Corporation, and combine forces with George Soros and the NM Rothschild Continuation Trust. This group ending up controlling Gazprom, the Russian natural gas giant, while the Riggs group ended up controlling Yukos, the oil giant. Ownership for both remains largely ‘hidden’ today, while its front men endure the hardships of the Russian wrath by spending time in prison.
The Vulcan’s Covert Economic War on the Soviet Union In 1988, Riggs Bank, under the direction of Jonathan Bush and J Carter Beese, would purchase controlling interest in a Swiss company named Valmet. In early 1989, the new subsidiary of Riggs called Riggs-Valmet would initiate contact with a group of KGB officers and their front-men to start setting up an international network for moving money out of the former Soviet block countries.
In the first phase of the economic attack on the Soviet Union, George Bush authorized Leo Wanta and others to destabilize the ruble and facilitate the theft of the Soviet/Russian treasury. This would result in draining the Russian treasury of between 2,000 to 3,000 tonnes of gold bullion, ($35 billion at the time). This step would prevent a monetary defence of the ruble and thus destabilize the currency. The gold was ‘stolen’ in March of 1991, facilitated by Leo Wanta and signed off by Boris Yeltsin’s right hand man. The majority of the leaked reports from the CIA and FBI suggest the theft of the Russian treasury was a KGB and Communist party operation, but what those reports omitted was the extensive involvement of Boris Yeltsin, the U.S. CIA and the U.S. banking industry.
In November 1989 George H.W. Bush appears to have arranged for Alton G. Keel Jr, a minor player in the Iran-Contra scandal to go to work at Riggs Bank, which would become the controlling owner of a small Swiss bank operation known as Valmet. The Riggs-Valmet operation, would become the ‘consultants’ to the World Bank and to several KGB front operations run by future Russian oligarchs Khordokovsky, Konanykhine, Berezovsky and Abromovich. These soon-to-be Russian oligarchs had been set-up as front men by KGB Generals Aleksey (Alexei) Kondaurov; and Fillipp Bobkov, who previously reported to Victor Cherbrikov, who worked with Robert Maxwell, a British financial mogul, an Israeli secret service agent, and a representative of U.S. intelligence interests, who had been introduced to George Bush in 1976 by Senator Tower for the sole purpose of using Maxwell as an intermediary between Bush and the Soviet Intelligence. Maxwell assisted Cherbrikov in selling military weaponry to Iran and the Nicaraguan Contras during the course of the Iran Contra deals, and made hundreds of millions of dollars available to Cherbrikov’s Russian banks. These two would bring a previously unknown politician and construction foreman named Boris Yeltsin from the hinterlands of Russia to the forefront of Russian politics through providing 50% of Yeltsin’s campaign funding.
In the second phase, there were two major operations: the largest was coordinated by Alan Greenspan, Oliver North, and implemented by Leo Wanta. George Soros and a group of Bush appointees who began to destabilize the ruble. They are accused of fronting $240 billion in covert securities to support the various aspects of this plan.These bonds were created (in part or in whole) from a secretive Durham Trust, managed by ex-OSS/CIA officer, Colonel Russell Hermann. This war chest had been created with the Marcos gold.
Shortly before the attempted coup of 1991, Maxwell met Kruchkov on Maxwell’s private yacht. Shortly afterwards, Maxwell died mysteriously on his yacht while Senator Tower died in a plane crash under suspicious circumstances in April of 1991.
In the meantime, Riggs Bank was quickly solidifying banking relations with two of the old Iran-Contra scandal participants: Swiss bankers Bruce Rappaport, and Alfred Hartmann. Through this group George Soros opened a second front assault on the ruble. It is at this stage of the operation that three more groups would be brought into the plan by Rappaport and Hartmann: The Russian Mafiya, the Israeli Mossad, and the Rothschild family interests represented by Jacob Rothschild.
Soros and Rappaport would ensure that the Rothschild financial interests would be the silent backers for a number of the undisclosed deals. The Rothschild interests would also be seen on the board of directors of Barrick Gold.
In the fourth phase of the secret war, the Enterprise worked on several fronts to take over key energy industries. On the Caspian front of this economic war, James Giffen was sent to Kazakhstan to work with President Nazarbayev in various legal and illegal efforts to gain control of what was estimated to be the world’s largest untapped oil reserves - Kazak oil in the Caspian. The illegal flow of money from the various oil companies would reach a number of banks. These same oil interests would engage March Rich and the Israeli Eisenberg Group, owned by one of the Mossad’s key operatives, Shaul Eisenberg, to move the oil. (The Eisenberg Group would at some point own almost 50% of Zim Shipping, which mysteriously and inexplicably moved out of the World Trade Center a few weeks before the September 11 attacks.)
Like the other events linked with Project Hammer, the coup was all about the money. The coup began the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the beginning of the reign of Boris Yeltsin and his ‘family’ of Russian Mafiya Oligarchs, and President Nursultan Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan. In the final phase, a series of operatives assigned by President George H.W. Bush would begin the takeover of prized Russian and CIS industrial assets in oil, metals and defence. This was done by financing and managing the money-laundering for the Russian oligarchs through the Bank of New York, AEB and Riggs Bank.
A closer look at other activities leading up to these phases makes it clear that is was a U.S. orchestrated intelligence effort from the beginning. The economic war involved Gerald Corrigan of the NY Federal Reserve Bank, George Soros, an international currency speculator who was responsible for crashing the British pound a few years earlier, former Ambassador to Germany R. Mark Palmer, and Ronald Lauder-financier and heir to the Estee Lauder estate. Palmer and Lauder would lead a group of American investors in an Operation called the Central European Development Corporation, and combine forces with George Soros and the NM Rothschild Continuation Trust. This group ending up controlling Gazprom, the Russian natural gas giant, while the Riggs group ended up controlling Yukos, the oil giant. Ownership for both remains largely ‘hidden’ today, while its front men endure the hardships of the Russian wrath by spending time in prison.
Meanwhile, across the Caspian Sea, Bush had assigned a wide array of former Iran-Contra operatives to take a role in Azerbaijan. Initially, he sent in the covert operatives Richard Armitage and Richard Secord who worked with their old colleague from the Mossad, David Kimche, and their old arms running colleagues Adnan Kashoggi and Farhad Azima to hire, transport, and train several thousand Al Qaeda mercenaries to fight on behalf of the Azeri freedom fighters! Osama Bin Laden was reported to have been part of this mercenary force.