will focus specifically on those public contracts in which organized CITY HALL crime used collusion strategies to infiltrate the AQUACULTURE industry
GREEDY cousins across the POND STEAL 20 trillion dollars in unclaimed gold FROM THE RIGHTFUL HEIRS.
Jupi1972: I recently stumbled upon the Phoenix Operator-Owners Manual. It was a very interesting read and very cultist. I did a little research on the writer and ended up with the craziest most twisted conspiracy. It had involvement with the IMF, the Bushes, the CIA, Isreal, and 20 trillion dollars in unclaimed gold. Does anybody have a concise synopsis of what the hell happened here?
the United Kingdom of Great Britain
Karen Kinsley was, until recently, among the most powerful women in Ottawa you’d never heard of. Since becoming CEO of the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp. in 2003, she’s presided over an unprecedented expansion of Canada’s housing market. Politicians barely blinked as CMHC grew into one of the nation’s largest financial institutions. But now Kinsley’s masters have turned on her. For months, Finance Minister Jim Flaherty has said he expects CMHC to remain within its $600-billion limit for insurance outstanding. Since it’s already nearing that cap, this greatly constrains underwriting activities. In April, Flaherty placed CMHC under the supervision of the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions. Then came a bombshell: he hinted CMHC might one day be forced to exit underwriting altogether. Just what provoked Flaherty is unclear. Some believe he’s looking for ways to raise borrowing costs to calm housing markets. Others suspect he’s gained a belated appreciation of the risk CMHC’s activities present to taxpayers. Regardless, the minister may find getting out of mortgage insurance hard to do.
Founded after the Second World War to house returning veterans, CMHC has become firmly entrenched. By legislation, any mortgage for which the down payment is less than 20% must be insured for the full amount and for the entire amortization period, as long as 30 years. Should the borrower default, the insurer pays the outstanding balance, up to 18 months of accrued interest, plus foreclosure and maintenance costs. It allows more Canadians to bid on homes, and prices in your neighborhood are probably higher as a result. CMHC provides other forms of insurance aimed at helping banks raise new capital, thus ensuring cheap funding for new mortgages. Of the $1.1-trillion worth of outstanding mortgages in Canada, roughly half is insured by CMHC. “It’s the 60,000-pound gorilla in that space, and our collective risk exposure has been increasing with each passing day,” says Queen’s University finance professor Louis Gagnon.
Even if underwriting ceased tomorrow, CMHC’s liabilities would diminish slowly over time. Its private-sector competitors would reap market share, but they, too, enjoy federal backing. (Should rival insurer Genworth go bust, for example, the federal government would cover 90% of any claims.) Jim Murphy, CEO of the Canadian Association of Accredited Mortgage Professionals, says that guaranty was intended to place private insurers on equal footing with CMHC. “If the government’s no longer in the business, it can be argued, why do you need it?” he says.
Yet, without that backing, lenders would charge higher rates to all borrowers, and more consumers would find themselves unqualified to borrow. That could undermine the demand for homes, causing a serious correction in prices. Kinsley may be on a shorter leash, but Flaherty can’t afford to put her agency down quite yet.
selling insurance on a very safe index of US corporates, and part of it allegedly on Super Senior tranches (read ‘Super Safe’).
So just how dangerous is this 150 billion dollar CDS bet really? After all, JPM have 189 billion in shareholder equity. They are big boys. And they have been selling insurance on a very safe index of US corporates, and part of it allegedly on Super Senior tranches (read ‘Super Safe’).
Double trouble at JP Morgan: trader's losses could exceed $7bn US bank has cancelled its plan for a share buyback in the wake of the growing crisis they wrote credit insurance (CDS) on Super Senior tranches of super safe collateralized debt obligations
London Whale trading
Chart of the Day: London Whale trading Farah Khalique
11 May 2012 CDX IG 9 may read more like a car registration plate but it is actually a credit default swap index offering protection on 121 leading US companies. It is has been linked to JP Morgan's 'whale trader' Bruno Michel Iksil, whose massive CDS bets caused the bank to report a $2bn trading loss last night.
Did JP Morgan trader Bruno Iksil cause CDS to blow out?
According to The Wall Street Journal, Iksil turned his attention to the index earlier this year and took large positions in January and February before he stopped selling the contracts around the end of March [ http://on.wsj.com/LvZtgV ].
He is said to have made paper profits for the bank through the first two months of the year with a bullish stance on certain US companies and sold CDS offering insurance against those companies defaulting.
The Wall Street Journal reported that hedge funds bought the protection as a way to bet against any rise in US corporate defaults and hedge against any downturn in the economy. Hedge funds would have profited, had they exited their trades with the cost of protection increasing.
But JP Morgan sold so many of the index swaps that the cost of protection on those companies dropped. Consequently, it had become much cheaper to buy CDS through the index than buying protection on the individual companies with the gap widening to as much as $29,000 in January (see chart).
Since Iksil reportedly stopped selling the contracts in droves towards the end of the March, the CDS divergence died down.
The companies in the index include, among others, McDonalds, American Express, Hewlett Packard, Walt Disney and shopping emporium Macy’s.
It originally comprised 125 companies but mortgage providers Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, loan provider CIT and savings bank Washington Mutual were removed after they went into default, according to data provider Markit.
Republican presidential candidate and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich speaks during a campaign event at the Hilton Hotel in Arlington, Virginia May 2, 2012.
Credit: Reuters/Benjamin Myers
By Marcus Stern
Tue May 22, 2012 8:08am EDT
n">(Reuters) - ATLANTA - When he entered the race for the Republican presidential nomination in May 2011, Newt Gingrich was the prosperous head of a small empire commonly known as Newt Inc, which included both for-profit consultancies and nonprofit foundations.
Altogether, these entwined ventures pulled in more than $110 million over the past decade. Now the vestiges of this empire are mired in debt, as is Gingrich's campaign fund.
A bankruptcy proceeding under way in Atlanta will determine whether the one company still owned by Callista Gingrich, Gingrich Productions, will lose an expected payout that now constitutes the bulk of the Gingriches' net worth.
The bankrupt corporation is the Center for Health Transformation, whose revenues came from the hefty dues paid by corporations for assistance in formulating and promoting certain healthcare policies.
By the time Gingrich sold his majority stake in the center to three associates last May, it had been hemorrhaging clients and facing "cash-flow issues" for roughly a year, according to testimony on May 9 before a U.S. bankruptcy trustee in Atlanta. With the candidate poised to sever ties with the center for the sake of his run for office, it faced an even less certain future.
Nonetheless the three longtime colleagues agreed to pay Gingrich $6.4 million for his stake in the center.
The purchase of Gingrich's share was made with a promissory note to be paid in monthly installments of $100,000 over six years. Little of that debt had been paid when the center declared bankruptcy last month. As an unsecured debt, the note, it now appears, is likely to go unpaid.
The Gingrich Group bankruptcy proceedings spotlight the remarkable reversal of fortune of the half-dozen organizations associated with Gingrich. The presidential contender recently ended his campaign $4.8 million in debt. A political nonprofit he headed, American Solutions for Winning the Future, which raised $52 million between its founding in 2007 and its dissolution last July, also ended in debt.
The decline of the health policy center began earlier than previously realized. When Gingrich began considering a presidential bid in early 2010, "the membership began to drop off," according to Nancy Desmond, who served as managing partner of Gingrich Group LLC, which did business as the Center for Health Transformation. She was one of three owners of the company, but as the managing partner she alone testified at the May 9 meeting of creditors on the third floor of the Richard B. Russell Federal Building.
Opened in 2003, the center pulled in $59 million over nine years from more than 300 companies, some of which paid as much as $200,000 in dues. Among its activities, the center and Gingrich helped push a mandate requiring everyone to carry health insurance. At the time, the position was beneficial to the center's healthcare industry members, but Gingrich later repudiated it as a candidate.
Desmond said revenues fell from just under $7 million in 2010 to $4 million in 2011 and then to less than $300,000 in the first quarter of this year. Some $1.2 million in dues that had been expected earlier this year never materialized because those members also decided not to renew. By March the center was no longer able to pay the rent on its suite of offices in Atlanta and Washington.
In April it declared bankruptcy, leaving almost $600,000 in debts to outside vendors, half of it to Chain Bridge Bank, a boutique lending institution in McLean, Virginia, headed by former Republican Senator Peter Fitzgerald of Illinois. The company also owes the $6.4 million to Gingrich and his wife, Callista, neither of whom could be reached for comment.
During the creditors' meeting, bankruptcy trustee Barbara Stalzer noted that the center's tax returns showed it had been solvent as recently as the end of 2011. "How did it go from a 2011 tax return that seemed like everything was up to date and three months later it filed bankruptcy?"
Desmond replied that corporate members who were attracted to Gingrich as a policy promoter were worried about getting caught in the glare of the presidential campaign. "There were a lot of stories that began to appear in the paper, and (members) didn't necessarily want to be mentioned in a political story because they weren't political people. They were business people."
Once Gingrich decided to run for president early in 2011, he legally unwound a cluster of for-profit and nonprofit entities.
The biggest transaction of this overhaul was the $6.4 million sale of Gingrich's 63 percent stake in the center to its three minority owners: Desmond, longtime Gingrich staffer Joe Gaylord and Steve Hanser. All three have been in Gingrich's orbit for decades.
Hanser taught history with Gingrich at the University of West Georgia in the 1970s. Desmond was his congressional chief of staff from 1993 to 1998. Gaylord's role in that office became part of the investigation that led to Gingrich's 1997 reprimand as House speaker for providing inaccurate information to the ethics committee. "Other than his wife and family, Joe Gaylord is the most important person in Newt's world," Frank Luntz, a pollster who has worked with both men, was quoted as saying in 1995.
In a financial disclosure report filed last July in connection with his presidential campaign, Gingrich's net worth was between $6.7 million and $30.1 million. By far his largest asset was the promissory note, which he valued at between $5 million and $25 million, selecting from the broad ranges provided on the disclosure form.
Reuters called several of the attorneys representing creditors at the May hearing. They either declined to comment or didn't respond to phone calls. Stalzer, the trustee, also did not return phone calls, along with Desmond and Gaylord. (The latter took control of American Solutions when Gingrich severed his ties to the organization last May.) George Geeslin, the bankruptcy attorney representing the center, declined to be interviewed for this story.
Hanser, who has a 19 percent stake in the company, said the center made no profit over the last two years and that all he got during that period was $17,500 in board fees - $2,500 each quarter.
Asked what happened to the $11 million the center took in during 2010 and 2011, Hanser, an 80-year-old retired history professor who lives in Ashville, North Carolina, said, "That's a very interesting question. I hope you get an answer. I really don't know."
Prior to the May 2011 sale, Hanser had a 7 percent stake in the Center for Health Transformation, and Desmond and Gaylord each had 15 percent. The remaining 63 percent belonged to Gingrich Holdings, wholly owned by the former House speaker. After the sale, Desmond and Gaylord each owned 40.5 percent of a new company called Gingrich Group Inc. Hanser had 19 percent.
Hanser explained that when he, Desmond and Gaylord agreed to buy the center, they expected to sell it the same year, with the new buyer picking up the payments on the promissory note to Gingrich Productions and each of them getting something for their stake in the company. But negotiations with a buyer broke down, he said, declining to say who it was.
Membership had fallen off because Gingrich was less involved, he added. "Newt was the attraction"; he had "a big, magnetic personality, especially in the board room."
Lawyer Stefan Passantino of Atlanta's McKenna, Long & Aldridge LLP designed the overhaul of "Newt Inc" a year ago and has represented most of the entities associated with it at one time or another. Today he represents Gingrich Productions and McKenna Long as creditors in the bankruptcy.
At the time the note was made, he said, all parties believed that despite the dwindling revenue and collapsing membership, somehow the Center for Health Transformation would emerge as a profitable enterprise and the note would be paid off.
"The anticipation was that Gingrich Group might have to go through something of a transformation process of its own, but there was a significant amount of optimism that it would be successful in doing so," Passantino said.
The terms of the sale called for the center to pay Gingrich Productions, owned by Callista Gingrich, $100,000 a month for six years. The payments covered the $6.4 million promissory note plus interest charges.
But the center paid Gingrich Productions only $250,000 before cash-flow problems made it impossible to continue. Desmond told the bankruptcy trustee that $100,000 of that was for management fees prior to the sale, and $150,000 went toward the promissory note after the sale. Because all of the $150,000 was applied to interest on the loan, she added, the balance owed to Gingrich Productions remains $6.4 million.
Robert Bartlett, a bankruptcy attorney representing the center's Atlanta landlord, noted at the hearing that the $6.4 million price tag for 63 percent of the company put the company's overall valuation in excess of $10 million.
How did they arrive at that figure, he asked? Gingrich Holdings set the price, Desmond replied. "They were the managers at that point."
The center also owes creditor McKenna Long $84,000. The firm has represented many of the Gingriches' political, for-profit and nonprofit enterprises.
Private jet charter company Moby Dick Airways Ltd of Sterling, Virginia, is owed $31,000. Separately, Gingrich's campaign - which is deeply in debt - owes Moby Dick $1 million, according to Federal Election Commission records. A Gingrich nonprofit political group, American Solutions for Winning the Future, paid Moby Dick Airways $6.5 million for private jet travel before it closed its doors last year.
Court documents list 64 creditors in the Center for Health Transformation bankruptcy, including the state of Missouri for income taxes ($894) and two Atlanta hotels - the St. Regis ($46,000) and Ritz Carlton ($8,500).
Benjamin Carlsen, an Atlanta attorney representing Chain Bridge Bank ($283,000), asked Desmond about the hotel expenditures.
"We had quarterly member meetings … we tended to hold in very nice places," she explained.
The May 9 meeting is just the first step in the process of sorting out which creditors are likely to be repaid and how much. Court records show the company has about $78,000 in assets, including furniture and unsold self-published books and self-produced videos.
In 2006, Curtis ran unsuccessfully against Feeney for the United States congressional seat in Florida's 24th congressional district.[2] He ran again in 2008, losing in the Democratic primary to eventual winner of the seat, Suzanne Kosmas.
In 2010, Clint Curtis was the Democratic nominee for Congress in California's 4th district, ultimately losing to incumbent Representative Tom McClintock.
[edit] Initial allegations against Yang Enterprises and Tom Feeney In 2001, Curtis first achieved public attention for a series of allegations against his former employer, Yang Enterprises, and against Tom Feeney, who was at that time serving as a Florida state legislator and as Yang's attorney and as Yang's lobbyist for local governments.
On May 10, 2001, shortly after leaving Yang and accepting a job with the Florida Department of Transportation, Curtis reported that Yang had overbilled the FDOT and hired an illegal alien.[3] Approximately a year later, on April 1, 2002, Curtis and his supervisor were both fired, allegedly for violating FDOT policies.[4] (Although Curtis's supervisor later settled a retailiation lawsuit brought relating to her firing, Curtis reports that he did not sue because he "missed the filing deadline.")[5] During that same year, Curtis's accusations against Yang were the subject of a series of articles in the Daytona Beach News-Journal.[6]
Yang Enterprises denied Curtis's allegations, and alleged that Curtis was a disgruntled former employee. According to the St. Petersburg Times, Curtis made his initial accusations against Yang one day after attorneys for Yang Enterprises questioned whether Curtis' employment with the FDOT violated a non-compete agreement and whether Curtis had taken a confidential computer program with him when he left Yang. According to the St. Petersburg Times, "Curtis said he would not have filed complaints about Yang if the company had not harassed him."[3] Curtis denies that he stole any software from Yang Enterprises, and as of August 10, 2006, a lawsuit between Yang and Curtis was ongoing in Leon County, Florida.[5]
Ultimately, Curtis' initial allegations led to mixed results:
After investigation, the Florida Department of Transportation demanded that Yang repay $97,000 in "questionable charges," but was unable to conclude whether Yang had engaged in intentional misconduct, largely because of poor recordkeeping and Yang's refusal to permit the FDOT to audit Yang's files directly during the course of litigation.
A Florida state investigation concluded that the employee Curtis accused of being an illegal alien was in fact in the country legally. However, as a result of an unrelated 1999 federal investigation, that employee pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor count of shipping anti-tank missile technology to China without proper records and received a fine of $100 and probation.[5]
Curtis's charges that then-state representative Tom Feeney improperly lobbied the Florida Department of Transportation on behalf of Yang, were considered, but ultimately rejected by the Florida State Commission on Ethics.[7]
In September 2004, Curtis self-published Just A Fly On The Wall, a book critical of the George W. Bush administration, Yang Enterprises, and Tom Feeney.,[5][8] In the edition of that book published before the 2004 election, Curtis focused on his earlier accusations against Yang, as well as accusations that Feeney used his influence with the Florida State government to Yang's benefit.,[3][5]
At the behest of Rep. Tom Feeney, in September 2000, he was asked to write a program for a touchscreenvoting machine that would make it possible to change the results of an election undetectably.[9] This technology, Curtis explained, could also be used in any electronic tabulation machine or scanner. Curtis assumed initially that this effort was aimed at detecting Democratic fraud, but later learned that it was intended to benefit the Republican Party.
Curtis explained that the software could be used in any electronic tabulation machine or scanner. He spoke about this to the Conyers Voting Forum, after Conyers left the forum and turned over the dais on December 13, 2004.[10]
[edit] Feeney's response to allegations In 2005, Feeney responded to Curtis's allegations in a news article posted in the St. Petersburg Times. According to the newspaper, Feeney stated:
that he had no recollection of ever meeting Curtis or of discussing vote fraud with anyone;
that he could not have discussed a plan to commit fraud in touch screen voting machines in September or October 2000, as alleged by Curtis, because, "touch screen voting machines were not even contemplated until November 2000"; and
that although Curtis accused Feeney of a wide variety of misconduct in his 2004 book, Just A Fly On The Wall, Curtis never mentioned the alleged vote fraud scheme.[3]
[edit] Investigations On March 3, 2005, Curtis passed a polygraph test given by Tim Robinson, the retired chief polygraph operator and 20-year veteran of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. The polygraph was paid for by Kevin Walsh, a private investigator from Washington, D.C., who told the St. Petersburg Times that he had been hired to prove election fraud. Walsh refused to identify the client.[3] Curtis has stated that the test was based on all the allegations in the affidavit that was provided to Conyers' Voting Forum.[citation needed]
[edit] Congressional campaign Main article: Florida U.S. House election, 2006 In 2006, Curtis ran a campaign to unseat Republican incumbent Tom Feeney, the former attorney for Yang Enterprises and the person who Curtis had accused, since 2004, of soliciting Curtis to assist in attempted vote fraud in the 2000 election.
Curtis won the Democratic primary.
Curtis' accusations that Feeney solicited him to commit vote fraud played a central role in the campaign, with Curtis challenging Feeney to take a polygraph test to prove that Feeney did not commit vote fraud and Feeney engaging in a campaign to trivialize Curtis, including a website that called Curtis "crazy" and featured photos of Curtis altered to include a tin-foil hat,[2] and a controversial flier with Curtis's head superimposed on what appeared to be Hugh Hefner's body.[11] Feeney refused to debate Curtis, arguing that any debate would be a "disservice" to voters.[12]
On October 26, 2006, The Orlando Sentinel reported on the status of Curtis's race against Tom Feeney. According to the Sentinel, although both Curtis and Feeney had reported that their internal polling showed them to be leading in the polls, a Zogby poll showed the race to be extremely close, with Feeney leading Curtis by 45 percent to 43 percent, with a 5 percent margin of error.
The Sentinel reported that "local political observers" attributed the tight race to several factors, including:
recent Feeney scandals such as his accepting an overseas golf trip from Jack Abramoff;
the growing influence of non-party-aligned voters;
Feeney's strategy of trivializing Curtis rather than confronting him directly; and
general voter disenchantment with the Republican party.[13]
Curtis lost the general election, garnering 42 percent to Feeney's 58 percent of the vote, or 89,863 votes to Feeney's 123,795.
[edit] Media coverage [edit] Wired News On December 13, 2004, Wired News reported on Curtis's allegations. After repeating Curtis's allegations, summarized above, and Yang Enterprises' denial of those allegations, Wired concluded that "it remains to be seen if any new investigations can uncover the truth". In particular:
Curtis originally stated that his employer, Yang Enterprises, specifically told him that he had been asked to develop code not to test voting security, but in order to commit vote fraud. "Her words were that it was needed to control the vote in West Palm Beach, Florida," Curtis said. "Once she said, 'We need to steal an election,' that put me back. I made it clear that I could not produce code that could do that and no one else should."
"[Curtis] claims he did later tell the CIA, the FBI, an investigator for Florida's Department of Transportation (Raymond Lemme), and a reporter for the Daytona Beach News-Journal about the voting issues when he gave them other information about Yang and Feeney. But so far this has not been corroborated. The FBI did not return calls for comment. The Department of Transportation investigator is dead" (Raymond Lemme was found dead. It was ruled a suicide. Curtis and Lemme's brother, among others, are convinced that it was murder[14]).
Wired also reported that "some details of Curtis' statements don't check out." For example, although Curtis originally stated that he was specifically informed that his code was to be used to falsify touch screen voting results in West Palm Beach in 2000 even though West Palm Beach did not use touch-screen voting machines at that time. Curtis responded that his code could have been used in other voting machines or in 2002.
Adam Stubblefield, a computer science graduate student who wrote a paper about Diebold's voting machines, told Wired that Curtis's code would not have been used in any voting machine, even assuming fraud, because (1) Curtis did not have access to any original voting machine source code, and (2) the code that Curtis claims to have written was "so trivial" that it would be easier to write new code than to try to incorporate Curtis's code into the actual voting machine.
Laura Zuckerman, a former reporter for the Daytona Beach News-Journal, told Wired that she worked closely with Curtis in 2002 to write several stories regarding Curtis's various charges against Yang Enterprises at the time, but that Curtis never discussed any alleged conspiracy to commit vote fraud.
However, Wired also noted that other accusations made by Curtis are "somewhat corroborated." For example, Wired was able to find a Florida Department of Transportation employee to support other charges made by Curtis against his former employer, Yang Enterprises, although most of those allegations have not led to formal charges. (Curtis alleges that Feeney has "squelched" the investigations). Wired also noted Curtis's willingness to make his allegations in a sworn affidavit and his offer to take a polygraph test "is what makes some believe him".[6]
On April 9, 2005, the St. Petersburg Times published an article about Curtis's charges and potential Senate campaign, including a confirmation that Curtis had taken and passed a polygraph test regarding his charges.[3]
On August 10, 2006, the Orlando Weekly published an article surveying Curtis's charges, Feeney and Yang's responses, and the surrounding publicity.[5]
The documentary "Murder, Spies & Voting Lies" chronicled Clint Curtis's story was released in 2008 and won a number of awards, including best documentary at the New Jersey Film Festival.[9][15] Clint Curtis also appears in an interview in the documentary, Stealing America: Vote by Vote (film).
^ Aaronson, Trevor (2005-02-10). "A whistle blower alleges that U.S. Rep. Tom Feeney might have rigged the election in South Florida". Broward-Palm Beach New Times.
Comox Coast Guard communications centre faces closure
Let me then tell you a long-forgotten story, now the stuff of faint memory. Long, long ago in a land far far away, there was a huge company called AIG.
It was the strongest company in the land, with 1 trillion in assets, a strong cash-flow and a whopping 95.8 billion in shareholder equity. Over the course of a couple of years, they wrote credit insurance (CDS) on Super Senior tranches of super safe collateralized debt obligations diversified by sector and region, you know, the kind of thing that they would never actually have to pay insurance on. Because there would have to be massive 15-20% defaults before the Super Senior tranches of those CDOs faced losses. The AIG executives were laughing all the way to the bank, calling the sale of these CDS as “gold” and “free money”. They loved the program so much they sold CDS insurance on 64.1 billion in value of these multi-sector CDOs. Nothing could go wrong, and even if it did, even a large loss on 64.1 billion in notional value was barely a dent in their almost 100 bn dollar shareholder equity.
Nonetheless things began to go badly for poor AIG. The housing crash caused even the Super Senior tranches of CDOs to take losses and AIG lost 31.1 billion on the insurance they had sold. That 31 billion was naturally not enough to sink the great AIG. But it did make AIG’s creditors and counterparties nervous. And those nervous creditors started to pull their lending, in the so-called repo market, and in the commercial paper market. And the nervous counterparties demanded more and more in collateral on their deals. All of a sudden AIG found itself unable to fund its holdings of financial assets, and needed cash to pay off creditors and to pay off counterparties. So it had to sell its precious assets off. But, poor unlucky AIG, just as it needed to cash out its assets, it found that the value of those assets was falling as the whole market started sliding downwards. And as they did so, AIG found its shareholder equity (the difference between the value of its assets and its liabilities) suddenly vanishing into thin air as well. Oh dear…
Do not worry, though, dear reader, for AIG had a good friend called Uncle Sam, who saved the company and all its traders’ bonuses. However, Uncle Sam had to send a mysterious creature called the “Main Street Economy” into a deep and neverending depression, but that’s another story that need not concern us here.
The moral of the story is that a net 150 billion dollar Bullish CDS position, more than twice the amount that did the great and mighty AIG in, is dangerous even for the greater and mightier JPMorgan.
We might try to console ourselves that JPMorgan has written insurance only on an index of quite strong US corporates. It would take an unthinkable calamity for them to take serious losses on this index, because it would involve 10-20% defaults amongst some of the strongest US companies, the likes of CIT Group, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Washington Mutual … … well, uh, mostly really strong companies, you know.
And that level of defaults would only occur if something inconceivable happened, for instance, the dissolution of a major currency union, causing the banks within that union to off-load their massive holdings of US corporate debt as they scamper for cash.
You know, the kind of thing that isn’t at all right around the corner…
Why is all this important? Apart from the obvious, it is important, first, because Jamie Dimon seems to have made a decision to let the bank sit on top of a potentially catastrophic loss in the hopes that … catastrophe doesn’t strike …, rather than take a slightly painful 10 billion dollar loss in the current quarter. That is to say, press reports suggest that JPMorgan has stopped unwinding the bullish CDS position, and is not hedging it extensively in any other way, due to the high cost. This means they are just sitting on this risky position for the time-being. And that is a socially irresponsible thing to do.
Second, even as Jamie Dimon does this, regulators seem content to let him not only do nothing to mitigate the underlying risk, but also continue to pay out the usual shareholder dividend, where instead they should be forcing him to strengthen the bank’s capital buffer. Again, a deeply irresponsible move on the part of regulators who seem to serve the banks, bankers and shareholders, more than they serve the tax-payer.
(P.S. A caveat of sorts is in order. The chart above oversimplifies JPMorgan’s net CDS position somewhat. If, for instance, they have bought CDS on so-called ‘mezzanine’ tranches that are more volatile on the whole than the CDS that they have sold, then, in some scenarios where defaults occur, the winnings on the insurance they bought might cover to some extent the losses on the insurance they sold. So a small credit crunch might not endanger JPMs solvency. It would take a major crisis.)
Government of the United States of America;
Widow's Military Retirement Benefits, & Widow's Social Security Benefits
Mr. Herman telling ME his WIFE the story of the "Kidnapping" and "Torture" of the October 28, 1993 incident.
Being the WIDOW of Russell Herrman
U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Treasury, U.S. Naval Intelligence Officer)
Being the WIDOW of Russell Herman (U.S. Armed Forces),
The Social Security (United States of America) Order 1997
The Social Security (United States of America) Order 1997 Previous: Signature
Having considered the Agreement on Social Security which was signed on their behalf at London on 13th February 1984 (hereinafter referred to as “the Agreementâ€);
Having recognised the need to revise certain provisions of the Agreement;
Have agreed as follows:
Article 1 1. Article 1 of the Agreement shall be revised as follows:
(a)Paragraph 1 shall be revised to read as follows:
“1. “Territory†means,
as regards the United States, the States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the United States Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and
as regards the United Kingdom, England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, and also the Isle of Man, the Island of Jersey, and the Islands of Guernsey, Alderney, Herm and Jethou; and references to the “United Kingdom†or to “territory†in relation to the United Kingdom shall include the Isle of Man, the Island of Jersey, and the Islands of Guernsey, Alderney, Herm and Jethou where appropriate;â€.
(b)Paragraph 3 shall be revised to read as follows:
“3. “Competent Authority†means,
as regards the United States, the Commissioner of Social Security, and
as regards the United Kingdom, the Department of Social Security for Great Britain, the Department of Health and Social Services for Northern Ireland, the Department of Health and Social Security of the Isle of Man, the Employment and Social Security Committee of the States of the Island of Jersey or the Guernsey Social Security Authority as the case may require;â€.
(c)Paragraph 7 shall be revised to read as follows:
“7. As regards the United Kingdom:
(a)“insurance period†means,
a contribution period or an equivalent period;
(b)“contribution period†means,
a period in respect of which contributions appropriate to the benefit in question are payable, have been paid or treated as paid;
(c)“equivalent period†means,
a period for which contributions appropriate to the benefit in question have been credited;
(d)“survivor’s benefit†means,
widow’s allowance, widow’s payment, widowed mother’s allowance and widow’s pension;
(e)“child’s survivor benefit†means,
guardian’s allowance and child’s special allowance;
(f)“laws on coverage†means,
the laws and regulations relating to the imposition of liability for the payment of social security contributions;
(g)“qualifying period†for invalidity benefit means,
(i)a period of incapacity of 364 days under the laws of Great Britain, Northern Ireland or the Isle of Man, or
(ii)a period of incapacity of 364 days under the laws of Jersey, or
(iii)a period of incapacity of 156 days, excluding Sundays, under the laws of Guernsey;
(h)“first contribution condition†means,
(i)under the laws of Great Britain, Northern Ireland or the Isle of Man, that a person has paid at least 52 Class I or Class II contributions at any time before 6 April 1975, or has paid, in one contribution year, Class I or Class II contributions producing an earnings factor of at least 50 times that year’s lower earnings limit in a tax year beginning on or after 6 April 1975, or
(ii)under the laws of Jersey, that a person has paid contributions prior to the end of the relevant quarter and the annual contribution factor derived from these contributions is not less than 0.25, or
(iii)under the laws of Guernsey, that a person has paid at least 26 reckonable contributions since 4 January 1965 or the date of his entry into the Guernsey scheme;
(i)“second contribution condition†means,
(i)under the laws of Great Britain, Northern Ireland or the Isle of Man, that a person has either paid or been credited with Class I or Class II contributions producing an earnings factor of at least 50 times the lower earnings limit in each of the last 2 complete contribution years before the relevant benefit year, or
(ii)under the laws of Jersey, that a person has paid or been credited with contributions in respect of the relevant quarter and the quarterly contribution factor derived from those contributions is 1.00, or
(iii)under the laws of Guernsey, that a person has paid or been credited with at least 26 reckonable contributions in the relevant contribution year;
(j)a “qualifying year†means,
(i)at least 50 weeks of insurance for periods before 6 April 1975, or that the person has received, or been treated as having received, earnings of at least 52 times the lower earnings limit in a tax year after 5 April 1978 under the laws of Great Britain, Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man, or
(ii)an annual contribution factor of 1.00 under the laws of Jersey, or
(iii)50 weeks under the laws of Guernsey;
(k)a “reckonable year†means a tax year between 6 April 1975 and 5 April 1978 during which contributions have been paid on earnings received (or treated as received) of at least 50 times the lower earnings limit for that year;
(l)“prescribed period†means, in relation to Jersey and Guernsey, the period commencing on the same date under the laws of Jersey or Guernsey, as the case may be, as the relevant period for the purposes of old age pension and ending on 31 December next preceding the date on which entitlement to invalidity benefit first arose;
(m)“sickness benefit†means,
(i)short-term incapacity benefit at the lower, higher or long-term rate payable under the legislation of Great Britain, Northern Ireland or the Isle of Man, or
(ii)sickness benefit payable under the legislation of Jersey or Guernsey;
(n)“invalidity benefit†means,
(i)long-term incapacity benefit, additional pension, invalidity allowance and incapacity age addition payable under the legislation of Great Britain, Northern Ireland or the Isle of Man, or
(ii)invalidity benefit payable under the legislation of Jersey or Guernsey.â€.
2. In paragraph 1(a)(ii) of Article 2 of the Agreement, “1954†shall be replaced by “1986â€.
3. Paragraph 1(b) of Article 2 of the Agreement shall be revised to read as follows:
“(b)As regards the United Kingdom,
(i)the Social Security Administration Act 1992, the Social Security Contributions and Benefits Act 1992, the Social Security (Consequential Provisions) Act 1992 and the Social Security (Incapacity for Work) Act 1994;
(ii)the Social Security Administration (Northern Ireland) Act 1992, the Social Security Contributions and Benefits (Northern Ireland) Act 1992, the Social Security (Consequential Provisions) (Northern Ireland) Act 1992 and the Social Security (Incapacity for Work) (Northern Ireland) Order 1994;
(iii)the Social Security Administration Act 1992, the Social Security Contributions and Benefits Act 1992, the Social Security (Consequential Provisions) Act 1992 and the Social Security (Incapacity for Work) Act 1994 (Acts of Parliament) as those Acts apply to the Isle of Man by virtue of Orders made, or having effect as if made, under the Social Security Act 1982 (an Act of Tynwald);
(iv)the Social Security (Jersey) Law, 1974;
(v)the Social Insurance (Guernsey) Law, 1978;
and the laws which were repealed or consolidated by those Acts, Laws or Orders or repealed by legislation consolidated by them.â€.
4. In paragraph 2 of Article 4 of the Agreement, the word “normally†shall be added immediately before the words “employed byâ€.
5. Article 4 paragraph 3 of the Agreement shall be revised to read as follows:
“3. A person who is covered under the laws on coverage of either Party with respect to self-employment shall be subject only to the laws on coverage of the Party in whose territory he ordinarily resides.â€.
6. Article 7 paragraph 2 of the Agreement shall be revised to read as follows:
“2. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 3 of this Article and the provisions of Article 14, a person who would be entitled to receive an old age pension, a retirement pension, a survivor’s benefit or invalidity benefit under the laws of the United Kingdom if he were in the United Kingdom shall be entitled to receive that pension or benefit while he ordinarily resides in the territory of the United States, as if he were in the United Kingdom.â€.
7. Article 11 paragraph 3 of the Agreement shall be revised to read as follows:
“3. Where the periods of coverage completed by a person under the laws of:
(i)either Great Britain, Northern Ireland or the Isle of Man amount to less than one reckonable year, or, as the case may be, qualifying year, or relate only to periods before 6 April 1975 and in aggregate amount to less than 50 weeks, or
(ii)Jersey amount to less than an annual contribution factor of 1.00, or
(iii)Guernsey amount to less than 50 weeks,
those periods shall be aggregated as if they had all been completed under the laws of any part of the territory of the United Kingdom under which a pension is payable or would be payable if the periods were aggregated, or, where two such pensions are or would be payable, under the laws of that part which, at the date on which entitlement first arose or arises, is paying or would pay the greater amount. Where the aggregate of the periods of coverage is less than one qualifying year or reckonable year, this Article and Article 9 shall not apply.â€.
8. Article 14 of the Agreement shall be revised to read as follows:
“1. The provisions of paragraphs 2 to 5 of this Article shall apply to claims for invalidity benefit under the laws of Great Britain, Northern Ireland or the Isle of Man.
2. A person who has satisfied the first contribution condition for sickness benefit as defined in Article 1 using contributions under the laws of Great Britain, Northern Ireland or the Isle of Man only, who is in the territory of the United States and is not subject to the laws on coverage of Great Britain, Northern Ireland or the Isle of Man under Articles 4, 5 or 6 of this Agreement, shall be entitled to receive invalidity benefit under the laws of Great Britain, Northern Ireland or the Isle of Man provided that:
(a)the second contribution condition for sickness benefit under the laws of the United Kingdom is satisfied using relevant periods of coverage under the laws of the United Kingdom and, if necessary, the United States, and
(b)the person is incapacitated for work and has been so incapacitated throughout the qualifying period for invalidity benefit, in which case the person shall be treated as if sickness benefit followed by invalidity benefit, under the laws of Great Britain, Northern Ireland or the Isle of Man, had been paid throughout that period of incapacity.
For the purposes of sub-paragraph (a), a person will be considered to meet the second contribution condition if he is credited with at least 2 quarters of coverage under the laws of the United States in each of the last 2 complete contribution years before the relevant benefit year. The relevant Competent Authority of Great Britain, Northern Ireland or the Isle of Man will reallocate any quarter of coverage credited to a person under the laws of the United States within a calendar year to any other calendar quarter within that year if it is needed to satisfy the second contribution condition in a relevant contribution year, as long as it has not been used to satisfy the second contribution condition in any other relevant contribution year.
The rate of the invalidity benefit payable shall be that which would be paid under the laws of Great Britain, Northern Ireland or the Isle of Man without the application of this Agreement unless a disability benefit under the laws of the United States is in payment, whether or not under the provisions of this Agreement, in which case the rate of invalidity benefit payable shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3 of this Article.
3. Taking account of sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) of this paragraph, the relevant Agency of Great Britain, Northern Ireland or the Isle of Man shall ascertain the proportion of invalidity benefit provided under its laws in the same ratio as the total of the periods of coverage completed under its laws bears to the total periods of coverage completed under the laws of both Parties.
(a)The provisions of paragraphs 1, 2 and 5 of Article 9 and the provisions of paragraphs 4, 6 and 7 of Article 11 of this Agreement shall apply to periods of coverage credited under the laws of the United States as if the references in those Articles to an old age pension, a retirement pension or a pension were references to invalidity benefit.
(b)For the purpose of calculating the proportion of benefit referred to above, no account shall be taken of any period of coverage completed after the day on which a person’s incapacity commenced.
The amount of benefit calculated in accordance with the above provisions of this paragraph shall be the amount of invalidity benefit actually payable to that person.
4. Where a person in the territory of Great Britain, Northern Ireland or the Isle of Man, or a person outside the territory of Great Britain, Northern Ireland or the Isle of Man who is entitled to an invalidity benefit under the relevant legislation other than under paragraph 2 of this Article, is in receipt of invalidity benefit under the laws of Great Britain, Northern Ireland or the Isle of Man and also is in receipt of a disability benefit under the laws of the United States, whether or not under the provisions of this Agreement, the rate of invalidity benefit under the laws of Great Britain, Northern Ireland or the Isle of Man shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 3 and 5 of this Article.
5. Where a person to whom the provisions of paragraph 4 apply:
(a)would have been entitled to receive invalidity benefit under the laws of Great Britain, Northern Ireland or the Isle of Man, without recourse to this Agreement; and
(b)is entitled to receive both invalidity benefit under paragraph 3 and a disability benefit under the laws of the United States, whether or not under the provisions of this Agreement, and the sum of these two benefits is less than the amount of invalidity benefit to which the person would otherwise have been entitled under (a);
the competent authority of Great Britain, Northern Ireland or the Isle of Man shall calculate the difference between the amounts of benefit calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs (a) and (b), on the date that entitlement to invalidity benefit payable under paragraph 3 first arose, and shall pay that amount in addition to the invalidity benefit payable. The additional sum will remain in payment under the same conditions as the invalidity benefit and subject to the equivalent increases in amount, as appropriate.
6. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, invalidity benefit shall be payable under the laws of Jersey only in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 7 to 9 of this Article.
7. For the purpose of qualifying for invalidity benefit, a person who is in the territory of the United States and
(a)has satisfied the first contribution condition for invalidity benefit using contributions under the laws of Jersey only; and
(b)has satisfied the second contribution condition for invalidity benefit using relevant periods of coverage under the laws of either Party; and
(c)is incapable of work, and has been so incapable throughout the qualifying period for invalidity benefit;
shall be treated as if he had been entitled to sickness benefit throughout that period.
For the purposes of sub-paragraph (b), a person will be considered to meet the second contribution condition if he is credited with at least 2 quarters of coverage under the laws of the United States in each of the last 2 complete calendar years before the calendar year in which the claim for benefit was made.
8. Where a person has satisfied the conditions set out in paragraph 7, the Competent Authority of Jersey shall determine the actual rate of invalidity benefit payable as the amount that bears the same relation to the standard rate of benefit as the life average contribution factor during the prescribed period bears to 1.00, except that no benefit shall be payable where the factor is less than 0.1.
9. Where a person who is in Jersey is entitled to invalidity benefit under the laws of Jersey, that benefit shall be payable.
10. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, invalidity benefit shall be payable under the laws of Guernsey only in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 11 to 13 of this Article.
11. For the purpose of qualifying for invalidity benefit, a person who is in the territory of the United States or Guernsey and
(a)has satisfied the first contribution condition for sickness benefit using contributions under the laws of Guernsey only; and
(b)has satisfied the second contribution condition for sickness benefit using relevant periods of coverage under the laws of either Party; and
(c)is incapable of work, and has been so incapable throughout the qualifying period for invalidity benefit;
shall be treated as if he had been entitled to sickness benefit throughout that period.
For the purposes of sub-paragraph (b), each quarter of coverage credited under the laws of the United States in the relevant contribution year shall be treated as if it had been a contribution period of thirteen weeks completed as an employed or self-employed person in the relevant contribution year.
12. Where a person has satisfied the conditions set out in paragraph 11, the Competent Authority of Guernsey shall:
(a)deem the contribution conditions for the payment of invalidity benefit satisfied provided that the periods of coverage under the laws of Guernsey total one qualifying year; and
(b)calculate the amount of invalidity benefit to be paid, subject to paragraph 13, as being the proportion, not exceeding 100%, of the standard rate which the total number of contributions paid or credited in Guernsey during the prescribed period bears to the product of the number of years in that period and fifty: save that if the amount so calculated is less than one-twentieth of the standard rate, no benefit shall be payable.
13. Where a person is in Guernsey and
(a)is entitled to invalidity benefit under the laws of Guernsey solely through the application of paragraphs 11 and 12, or has been entitled to such a benefit in relation to the claim in question solely through the application of those paragraphs; and
(b)is in receipt of a disability benefit under the laws of the United States, whether or not by virtue of this Agreement;
the amount of the invalidity benefit payable under the laws of Guernsey shall be reduced by the amount by which the aggregate of both benefits exceeds the standard rate of invalidity benefit under the laws of Guernsey.
14. No person in relation to whom invalidity benefit is payable under the provisions of this Agreement shall receive a contribution credit from Jersey or Guernsey unless present in Jersey or Guernsey, as the case may be.
15. Where a person’s periods of coverage under the laws of a part of the United Kingdom total less than one qualifying year, or one reckonable year, these periods shall be aggregated as if they had all been completed under the laws of any part of the territory of the United Kingdom under which a sickness benefit or an invalidity benefit is payable or would be payable if the periods were aggregated, or, where two such benefits are or would be payable, under the laws of that part which, at the date on which entitlement first arose or arises, is paying or would pay the greater amount. Where the aggregate of the periods of coverage is less than one qualifying year, or one reckonable year, this Article shall not apply.
16. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Article, a person in the territory of the United States who is subject to the laws on coverage of the United Kingdom by virtue of any of the Articles 4 to 6 of this Agreement and who satisfies the contribution conditions applicable to sickness benefit under those laws shall, for the purpose of determining his entitlement to invalidity benefit under those laws:
(a)be treated as if he were in the territory of the United Kingdom; and
(b)each day of incapacity for work while in the territory of the United States may, where appropriate, be treated as if it were a day for which he had received sickness benefit under the laws of the United Kingdom.
17. Any restriction which would otherwise be applicable under the laws of the United Kingdom in the rate of benefit payable to persons who are not ordinarily resident in the territory of the United Kingdom shall not apply to persons in the territory of the United States who are in receipt of invalidity benefit under the laws of the United Kingdom by virtue of the provisions of this Agreement.â€.
9. Article 21 paragraph 2 of the Agreement shall be revised to read as follows:
“2. If a disagreement cannot be resolved through negotiation, the Competent Authorities will endeavour to settle the issue through arbitration, mediation, or other mutually agreed procedure.â€.
Article 2 The application of this Supplementary Agreement shall not result in any reduction in the amount of a benefit to which entitlement was established prior to its entry into force.
Article 3 This Supplementary Agreement shall enter into force on the first day of the third month following the month in which both Governments shall have informed each other by a formal exchange of notes that the steps necessary under their national statutes to enable the Supplementary Agreement to take effect have been taken.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being duly authorised thereto by their respective Governments, have signed this Supplementary Agreement.
DONE in duplicate at London on 6th June 1996.
William Marsden,
(Americas Director, FCO)
Timothy E. Deal,
(Minister, Embassy of the United States of America)
U.S. Congressman John Shimkus (IL.) Centralia Illinois Offices in 1997U.S. Congressman John Shimkus (IL) was; "Lady. Let me tell you something! If, some one kidnapped me by taking me across state lines, hanging me up like a piece of slaughter house beef with meat hooks under my collar bones, beating the living hell out of me, burning me with cigarettes, breaking my left arm, shoving a cattle prod up my ass while trying to make me "sign off on something of which I had no signatory power".. You can count on it lady, I WOULD BREAK THAT FRIGGING CODE OF SILENCE ALSO!"
This CODE OF SILENCE was accidentally stumbled upon by myself in U.S. Congressman John Shimkus (IL.) Centralia Illinois Offices in 1997.
Being the WIDOW of Russell Herrman (U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Treasury, U.S. Naval Intelligence Officer) Herman (U.S. Armed Forces), and seeking Congressional Assistance in (a) Investigation of his Homicide (which was refused by the AG of Illinois) providing of PHOTOS OF BODY which denied the VA Hospital's Cause of Death Statement on Death Certificate" including providing of the Unauthorized- Unsigned AMBULANCE TRANSFER documents of October 28, 1993;
THE KIDNAPPING of Mr. Herman, (b) Widow's Military Retirement Benefits, and (c) Widow's Social Security Benefits when I, as the Widow Herrman-Herman told U.S. Congressman John Shimkus Office Staff-Employee Dotty about Mr. Herman telling ME his WIFE the story of the "Kidnapping" and "Torture" of the October 28, 1993 incident.
Embezzlement From New World Encyclopedia As I understand, if NWO PTSD goes untreated it gets worse
Michael Geist holds the Canada Research Chair in Internet and E-commerce Law at the University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law. Reach him at [email protected] or via www.michaelgeist.ca.
A favorite security device of marine lenders is the federal preferred ship mortgage.
Comox Coast Guard communications centre faces closure DEBTORS ESTATES HELD E- FEDERAL HOSTAGE IN A FOREIGN PROCEEDING "A MORTGAGE OF "GLOBAL "RECORD" leaked documents from an intelligence file obtained through a military source in the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI),
Similarly, all the offences in the Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act are defined as an "enterprise crime offence" in the Criminal Code. The following sections of the Code are also added to the definition of an "enterprise crime offence": section 123, on municipal corruption; section 124, on selling or purchasing office; and section 125, on influencing or negotiating appointments or dealing in offices.
Pink slips were handed out
Pink slips were handed out to workers last Friday notifying them of the impact the Coast Guard's plans may have on their jobs.
"At this point it doesn't mean that their jobs are lost but it does mean there is a reorganization at the work place over the coming years," said Allan Hughes, the Pacific region director of the Canadian Auto Workers Local 2182. "Approximately 35 workers in Comox and Ucluelet will be affected."
"We are the expert targeted victims in this field. We LIVE THE HELL everyday. We have serious concerns about DFO;s rogue CIA/FBI/WHITE HOUSE/PMO OFFICE
FEDERAL FINANCIAL ponzie DEALINGS that effect the safety of the mariners and the PUBLIC AT LARGE that DFO IS mandated TO PROTECT ."
Commercial fisherman Peter Watson was critical of the government's plan and also expressed safety concerns. He calls the Comox and Ucluelet traffic centre whenever he is in trouble.
"The guys that are down in this area are familiar with this part of this Georgia Strait and Johnstone Strait," said Watson. "And now it's going to be run out of Rupert. For me, my gut feeling is I want to call a Coast Guard that I'm in their waters. Not someone that's 300 miles up the coast. I find that ludicrous shutting down shop in the East Coast. They're putting lives at risk. The quicker the reaction to a call, the more chances of saving a life. They're trying to save a nickel and cost them a dollar."
Hughes said for now, they will be focusing on helping staff and members that are going to be affected by the changes. But he is encouraging the public to make their concerns known.
"We urge the public to get in touch with their Member of Parliament and expressed their concerns about the consolidation efforts," said Hughes. "We are the experts in this field. We work this jobs everyday. We have serious concerns of the safety of the mariners that we serve."
The Canadian Coast Guard is a special operating agency of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), one of the federal government departments that underwent strategic reviews to find spending cuts in 2010.
Maritime liens may be secret and unrecorded. They are not required by
either state or federal law to be filed in order to attach to a vessel and
become perfected. The Coast Guard may allow a lien claimant to file a notice of
claim of lien against a federally documented vessel, but filing is not required and does not prove the claim is valid. Nonetheless, Coast Guard filing may be a cost effective way to encourage payment of lien claims, and is useful where the amount in controversy is not sufficient to justify a lawsuit to foreclose the lien.
Most common names: Reynolds, McGowan, Rooney, Flynn, Kelly, Gallagher, Moran, Dolan, McLoughlin and McMorrow. Some Might Say: Liam and Noel Gallagher speak again4:00pm yesterday Liam and Noel Gallagher have started speaking again - almost three years since Oasis split.
The brothers have been estranged ever since Noel quit the group following a backstage bust-up - during which Liam attacked his older sibling with a guitar - at a Paris music festival in August 2009.
But their mutual joy at their favourite football club Manchester City - which they have supported since childhood - winning the English Premier League title has thawed relations between the warring pair and they have now spoken and have also exchanged 'friendly' text messages.
A friend of the pair told the Daily Express newspaper: 'They were both over the moon when City won and messages were exchanged. It took something like that to break the ice and they've also been in touch since by text.'
The pair are still yet to meet, but it is hoped this initial contact could be the start of them reconciling their relationship.
The source added: 'Things are never going to be completely lovey dovey between them but the fact they're communicating is a start.'
Liam, 39, was at Manchester City's Etihad Stadium earlier this month to witness the team's historic 3-2 victory against Queen Park Rangers which clinched them the title, while Noel, 44, was on tour with his group the High Flying Birds and watched the game in a bar in Chile.
Since the demise of Oasis, Liam - who has formed new band Beady Eye - and Noel have continued their feud by publicly criticising each other and at one point the singer took legal action against the guitarist for claiming he missed Oasis's V Festival show in August 2009 because he had a hangover.
However, both brothers have admitted they still 'love' each other despite their fractured relationship and have indicated they might be interested in reuniting to celebrate the 20th anniversary of their seminal second album '(What's The Story?) Morning Glory' in 2015. http://www.entertainmentwise.com/news/76352/Noel-Gallagher-Added-To-iTunes-Line-Up-
Embezzlement From New World Encyclopedia
Maritime liens are non-possessory. They can only be enforced through the judicial process of the federal courts,
Maritime Liens: An Overview
By Thomas A. Russell
Find out what makes maritime liens unique among other liens, such as possessory liens and ship mortgages.
Maritime liens in the United States are derived from ancient English admiralty law. Historically, maritime liens have provided financial security for those who furnished the goods and services that helped a vessel to continue on its voyage. One court said they enable a vessel to become the equivalent of a "floating credit card."
Maritime liens allow one who has a contract to which a vessel is bound, or who has suffered loss or damage through the instrumentality of a vessel, to seek redress directly from the vessel. Maritime law "personifies" the vessel, allowing it to be sued as if it caused the breach or tortious act.
Maritime liens can attach to a vessel regardless of whether it is federally documented with the Coast Guard or titled under state law. Unlike a state law lien, which generally confers no property right in the collateral, a maritime lien constitutes a right of property in the vessel. It travels with the vessel wherever it may go.
Maritime liens may be secret and unrecorded. They are not required by either state or federal law to be filed in order to attach to a vessel and become perfected. The Coast Guard may allow a lien claimant to file a notice of claim of lien against a federally documented vessel, but filing is not required and does not prove the claim is valid. Nonetheless, Coast Guard filing may be a cost effective way to encourage payment of lien claims, and is useful where the amount in controversy is not sufficient to justify a lawsuit to foreclose the lien.
Not every breach of contract relating to a vessel is secured by a maritime lien. Breach of a vessel construction contract does not give rise to a maritime lien—the vessel is not yet capable of navigation, so liens cannot attach. After the vessel is completed, maritime liens can attach for a wide variety of goods and services. Maritime liens arise from repairs, slip fees, fuel, crew wages, supplies, documentation services, and other "necessaries" for keeping the vessel in operation. Maritime liens also arise from torts involving the vessel, including those related to collision and personal injury, to the extent of the vessel's liability.
Maritime liens are non-possessory. They can only be enforced through the judicial process of the federal courts, not the claimant's taking possession of the vessel. Although some claims may give rise both to maritime liens and possessory state law liens, a court has the power to take possession of the vessel from a self-help lien claimant.
Maritime liens are enforced by the arrest and sale of the vessel by a U.S. Marshal under the authority of a federal court. Under court supervision, a Marshal may seize a vessel wherever it is located in the United States. Many foreign countries also allow vessels to be arrested and sold to satisfy maritime liens. Nonetheless, the cost of arrest often discourages the enforcement of smaller claims.
A favorite security device of marine lenders is the federal preferred ship mortgage. Congress created preferred ship mortgages in 1920 because maritime liens had the capacity to render state law security interests in vessels "practically worthless," in the words of one court. Maritime liens have priority over state law liens, including state law security interests.
Preferred ship mortgages are only available for federally documented vessels, not state-titled vessels. Preferred mortgages are exempt from state usury laws and may bear any interest rate agreed by the parties. They are similar to maritime liens in some respects, and different in others. Unlike a traditional maritime lien, a preferred mortgage must be filed with the Coast Guard in order to be perfected, and may be enforced out-of-court. Lenders often use self-help to repossess and sell a vessel whose preferred mortgage is in default. If this cannot be done peacefully the lender can have the vessel arrested by the U.S. Marshal.
Maritime liens are governed by special rules of priority. Maritime liens for seamen's wages rank highly—as do those for salvage and torts. These types of maritime liens outrank preferred mortgage liens, which is one reason why marine lenders often require borrowers to have insurance.
Preferred mortgage liens typically outrank all contract liens (including liens for costs of repair, maintenance, and operation of the vessel) that arise after the mortgage is filed with the Coast Guard. Like maritime liens, preferred mortgage liens outrank all state law liens and tax liens on the vessel. Superiority over these other types of liens is one reason why marine lenders typically favor preferred mortgages over UCC security interests and state title liens, whenever a vessel can be documented with the Coast Guard.
Maritime liens may be extinguished by payment of the underlying claim, maritime foreclosure sale of the vessel by the U.S. Marshal, waiver of the claim by the lien holder, and laches—the judicial time bar resulting from an unreasonably long delay in enforcement. Until extinguished, a maritime lien travels with the vessel wherever it may go, and remains an effective security device.
—Russell & Associates,
Long Beach, California. Contact Tom Russell at Email: [email protected]
ILLEGAL judicial process of the CANADIAN federal courts,
Elimination of this crime, therefore, depends not so much on legal provisions or the work of law enforcement, but more on the attitude of human beings towards other human beings with whom there exists a trust relationship.
Embezzlement is the illegal transfer of money or property for personal use. The difference between embezzlement and theft is that embezzlement involves some form of breach of trust between the embezzler and the owner of the property, often their employer. Thus, embezzlement involves no physical violence and is often a white-collar crime. Embezzlement charges may be filed for almost any amount: high-profile embezzlement cases may involve the misappropriation of millions of dollars, but an accusation of embezzlement may involve only a very small amount of money. The punishment for embezzlement usually takes into account the amount taken. However, charges of embezzlement can carry serious consequences regardless of the amount involved and of the guilt or innocence of the defendant; accusations of embezzlement are embarrassing, and can carry a lasting social stigma. This is because embezzlement involves a breach of trust, violating a previously established harmonious, social relationship. Elimination of this crime, therefore, depends not so much on legal provisions or the work of law enforcement, but more on the attitude of human beings towards other human beings with whom there exists a trust relationship.
The Ship Mortgage Act of 1920 conferred maritime lien status to ship mortgages, which meant they became entitled to admiralty jurisdiction. is possible that hidden liens may be present which cannot be discovered at the time of sale.
Given the large sums involved in the purchase of a large commercial vessel, central to the transaction is the ship mortgage. The Ship Mortgage Act of 1920 conferred maritime lien status to ship mortgages, which meant they became entitled to admiralty jurisdiction. However, it only covered a mortgage on a "vessel of the United States over 200 gross tons and upwards". The Act was expanded to relax the 200 tons requirement in 1935 and to extend the "preferred status" of mortgages under the Act to certain mortgages on foreign ships. The real efforts by Congress to attract private capital to finance the building and operation of a mercantile fleet did not come until the Merchant Marine Act of 1936. Title XI of the Act created a system of federally guaranteed or insured ship financing. With the Ship Financing Act of 1972, Congress expanded and consolidated the Title XI program in order to make ship financing virtually risk-free to the investor and attractive in traditional money markets. The Title XI program and its developments have come to assume great practical importance for commercial vessels financing. The guarantee pledges "the full faith and credit of the United States" to the payment of principal and interest on guaranteed obligations. The guarantee of principal is normally restricted to 75% of the cost of construction, reconstruction or reconditioning, as determined by the Secretary of Commerce. The guarantee is to be secured by a mortgage entitled to preferred status under the Ship Mortgage Act and existing vessels may be mortgaged to secure future construction. In order for the mortgage to have its preferred status, certain formalities must be followed. Section 926 of the Act states three conditions before a mortgage, bill of sale or conveyance can be admitted to record: 1. the mortgage or other document must "state the interest of the grantor or mortgagor in the vessel, and the interest so sold, conveyed or mortgaged"; 2. the mortgage or other document must have been acknowledged before a notary or other qualified public official; 3. when the vessel's port of documentation is changed, the collector of customs at the new port must be furnished with a certified copy of the record of the vessel at the former port. Section 922 sets additional requirements as follows: "a mortgage which includes property other than a vessel shall not be held a preferred mortgage unless the mortgage provides for the separate discharge of such property by the payment of a specified portion of the mortgage indebtedness. If a preferred mortgage so provides for the separate discharge, the amount of the portion of such payment shall be indorsed upon the documents of the vessel." A mortgagee must also comply with the public notice provisions of the Mortgage Act. These require that the mortgage be properly recorded with the collector of customs and that certain information about the mortgage be indorsed on the ship's papers. More specifically, two documents must re on record. The first is an original of the mortgage executed by both parties. The second is an affidavit to the effect that the mortgage is made in good faith and without any design to hinder, delay or defraud any existing or future creditor of the mortgagor or any lienor of the mortgaged vessel. The requirement is jurisdictional. If the affidavit is not filed or filed improperly, the mortgage does not receive its preferred status. An important part of the acquisition process, whether it is a pleasure boat or a large commercial vessel, is the search for liens. As we have mentioned above, a vessel can be burdened by a mortgage which can be duly recorded. Other recorded liens can also be present. If the vessel is documented, a search should include the Coast Guard Office of Marine Inspection at the vessel's home port where liens or mortgages outstanding against the vessel should be on file. If the vessel is registered, a search should be made at the county clerk's records office for the court which has jurisdiction over the place where the vessel is registered or where the owner resides or where the corporation which owns the vessel is domiciled. Unfortunately, it is possible that hidden liens may be present which cannot be discovered at the time of sale. For a more detailed discussion on liens we refer the reader to the section on liens of this article.
FILED 2 AUGUST, 1994, WASHINGTON COUNTY ILLINOIS in the : amount of $206,858,582,465,280,000,000.00 due and payable : in GOLD, GOLD COIN, GOLD BULLION further identified in Duly : Recorded Instrument 189935 duly Recorded August 1, 1009. : Further Subject to the Constitutional Authority allowing said : Legislative Annex's of the Peruvian Congress 1875, RIGHT TO : LIEN/MORTGAGE UNTIL DEBT IS PAID.
V.K. Durham, CEO, Durham (Intl. Ltd;) TIAS 12087 asks: COULD : IT BE THE U.S. TREASURY. INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, : COMPTROLLER OF MARYLAND, ENFORCEMENT DIVISION ARE FILING : "LIENS" ON ALREADY EXISTING LIENS.. OR MORE : SPECIFIC "LIENING LIENS?" : AN EXISTING LIEN, COMPARED AND INDEXED. RECORDED FILE 189951 : FILED 2 AUGUST, 1994, WASHINGTON COUNTY ILLINOIS in the : amount of $206,858,582,465,280,000,000.00 due and payable : in GOLD, GOLD COIN, GOLD BULLION further identified in Duly : Recorded Instrument 189935 duly Recorded August 1, 1009. : Further Subject to the Constitutional Authority allowing said : Legislative Annex's of the Peruvian Congress 1875, RIGHT TO : LIEN/MORTGAGE UNTIL DEBT IS PAID. Said Duly Constituted : MORTGAGE Filed of Public Record, said MORTGAGED DEBT being : Further Assumed, Duly Constituted by the U.S. HOUSE and : SENATE 1906 AS THE FOUNDATION, Further being a COMPANION : LIEN to DEED OF RECORDED RECORD 189934 Filed of Public : Record August 1, 1994 : http://www.theantechamber.net/VkDocuments/DocGroupH/Hpage4.html : of the CHAIN OF TITLE on BONUS COMMODITY CONTRACT 3392, AND : SOVEREIGN CERTIFICATE OF INDEBTEDNESS OF PERU, MAY 1, 1875 : NO. 181 : http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/members/forum.cgi?form=0 : This needs reviewing by THE PEOPLE who are being subjected to : these outrageous EXTERNAL DEBTS incurred through the : DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE with the authorization of the : Federal Reserve Bank alleging it is the U.S. Treasury of : 1789.
these outrageous EXTERNAL DEBTS incurred through the : DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE with the authorization of the : Federal Reserve Bank alleging it is the U.S. Treasury of : 1789.
find this curious considering all the problems with the : collateral
Page 2 same set U.S. Treasury, INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, : Comptroller of Maryland, Enforcement Division, Revenue : Administration Center UCC-1 page 2 7c Mailing Address : listed as BofA, further in 7-d lists 14,300,000,000, : whereas 7-a TYPE OF ORGANIZATION listed as : "Trustee" (15 USC), 7-f JURISDICTION OF : ORGANIZATION "The United States of America further : stating in 7-g ORGANIZATION ID#, if any "AG : 598880464" further identified as an AGRICULTURAL LIEN : AS -14,300,000,000.$ : Further down on same page we find Name of Secured Party of : Record Authorizing This Amendment as being THE UNITED : STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY 1789. : Further listed that page #10. OPTIONAL FILER REFRENCE DATA: : Recording as Deed of Trust in the Real-estate recirdsL : INITIAL FINANCING STATEMENT FILE #0000000181425776 . : PG-3 cont. : I find this curious considering all the problems with the : collateral here-to-fore used by these administrations..
FEB 17 2004
MARCH 20 2004
OCT 16 2002
JULY 27 1998
SEPT 9 1997
JAN 23 1997
CAPTAIN CALGARY "FIXER"shanghaied by the Bad Guys coerceD victim/target not for profit FOUNDING DIRECTOR He was subsequently SNUFFED OUT !!!
"God's OIL , GAS,GOLD & CITY HALL ESCORTS / HOOKERS," Triple-Cross Fraud: The NESARA-Ekker-Al Qaeda Scam
the CROWN AGENTS paper scheme collapses
JULY 4 1994 TAX SALE SEPT 1994
Crusing the Florida Keys (1984) REGISTERED DEED AGAINST THE LAND
AUG 1 1994
Crusing the Florida Keys (1984) Then VP George H. W. Bush (second from left) and former CIA Director who led the National Security Council during Iran contra, with Nicholas F. Brady (third from left) then chairman of Wall St. Investment firm Dillon Read and later Bush 41 Secretary of the Treasury. The illegal transactions are also linked to the murder of a U.S. Army colonel charged with overseeing approximately 175 secret CIA bank accounts, according to the officer’s wife, Mrs. V. K. Durham. During multiple interviews, Durham told TomFlocco.com that Bush 41 and Clinton administration officials visited her husband Colonel Russell Hermann several times in the months prior to and three days before his torture and murder on August 29, 1994. Durham told us the $240 billion in stolen currency was obtained resulting from George H. W. Bush’s presidential abuse of power, when he authorized former Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady and former Secretary of State James Baker III to make fraudulent use of the Durham Family Trust collateral without her permission. There is evidence that Colonel Hermann’s and V. K. Durham’s signatures were forged on a Goldman-Sachs bank account certification requesting the conversions to U.S. currency.
SEPT 9 1994After my husbands experience, he knew they were going to kill him.. He broke his Code of Silence and told much of what is in the following article about Paul Marcinkus and Sindona, George Klein (WB-IMF who committed suicide), Manuel Norriega (Sand Dollar Accounts, Security Pacific Bank), The Shah of Iran, Marion Akiens (Liberty Insurance-U.S.Treasury/IRS.), Clyde Hood (WB), Judge Hamerick (Delta Insurance-Delta Force) and (I learned yesterday, January 30, 08) Frank Suma [another US Corporate President's Economic Hit Man] was murdered in his motel room, Roger Frantz died from ground glass injestion, Ruth Datche broken neck from being pushed down basement steps and so many others including the latest involving Russell's "Golden Boy" who was beaten and stomped so severly his hip was shattered like an egg shell involved in the following article http://www.theantechamber.net/V_K_Durham/FollowTheMoney9.htm .
SEPT 19 1991
NOV 20 1989
NOV 1 1982
North American Water and Power Alliance (Assignor),
Does anyone know anything about this? Frankly; I find this August 12, 2011 UCC-1 FILING of the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM using 1814257766 (0000000) DEBTOR POSITION as filed in RE: The United States Department of the Treasury 1789 (Original Jurisdiction), North American Water and Power Alliance (Assignor), U.S. Department Internal Revenue Serivce (IRS) Assignee with same 18142576 identifier as identified on page 1 this 3 page set very interesting.
IRS Lien On Taxpayers FileD
What The Freakin’-F ? IRS Lien On Taxpayers Filed ! Posted on September 16, 2011 by Prisoner #26BREAKING: The “Lien” is looking more and more like the work of an Airy Fairy, Creamy Dreamy, Fruity Loopy movement person. More when it becomes available…
I’m getting the feeling that this lien is nothing more than a movement person – Everton Deoliveira Rocha (Sec. 16) – filing it and stirring up Patriots, etc..
The language and terms in it are a bit suspicious and very uncharacteristic of any gov. agency. Especially the use of “RE-VENUE” in the IRS name in the 7.28.11 version (accessible in the post below) Sec. 15…
Also… “As all real-men with hands and legs” – …normal description would be hands and feet, or arms and legs…not a mix of a partial description of body parts…hands go with feet…arms go with legs. It’s an emotional thing…writing what comes into your head when pissed…not paying attention to details, logic, etc., etc…
“I thinks we been had” – but it was fun to try to debunk it…don’t know if I have or not, though !
My description of movement folks who don’t discern is apt…Creamy Dreamy Airy Fairy, Fruity Loopy types who believe anything they hear or read and don’t vet… http://www.trappedonaninsaneplanet.com/?p=1742
AUG. 12/2011 IRS lien on Taxpayers [VKD: A PRIOR LIEN EXISTS
====================== RIGHT TO LIEN/MORTGAGE UNTIL DEBT IS PAID V.K. Durham, CEO, Durham (Intl. Ltd;) TIAS 12087 asks:
AN EXISTING LIEN, COMPARED AND INDEXED. RECORDED FILE 189951 FILED 2 AUGUST, 1994, WASHINGTON COUNTY ILLINOIS in the amount of $206,858,582,465,280,000,000.00 due and payable in GOLD, GOLD COIN, GOLD BULLION further identified in Duly Recorded Instrument 189935 duly Recorded August 1, 1009.
Further Subject to the Constitutional Authority allowing said Legislative Annex’s of the Peruvian Congress 1875, RIGHT TO LIEN/MORTGAGE UNTIL DEBT IS PAID. Said Duly Constituted MORTGAGE Filed of Public Record, said MORTGAGED DEBT being Further Assumed, Duly Constituted by the U.S. HOUSE and SENATE 1906 AS THE FOUNDATION, Further being a COMPANION LIEN to DEED OF RECORDED RECORD 189934 Filed of Public Record August 1, 1994 http://www.theantechamber.net/VkDocuments/DocGroupH/Hpage4.html of the CHAIN OF TITLE on BONUS COMMODITY CONTRACT 3392, AND SOVEREIGN CERTIFICATE OF INDEBTEDNESS OF PERU, MAY 1, 1875 NO. 181 http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/members/forum.cgi?form=0
This needs reviewing by THE PEOPLE who are being subjected to these outrageous EXTERNAL DEBTS incurred through the DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE with the authorization of the Federal Reserve Bank alleging it is the U.S. Treasury of 1789.
Does anyone know anything about this? Frankly; I find this August 12, 2011 UCC-1 FILING of the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM using 1814257766 (0000000) DEBTOR POSITION as filed in RE: The United States Department of the Treasury 1789 (Original Jurisdiction), North American Water and Power Alliance (Assignor), U.S. Department Internal Revenue Serivce (IRS) Assignee with same 18142576 identifier as identified on page 1 this 3 page set very interesting.
Page 2 same set U.S. Treasury, INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, Comptroller of Maryland, Enforcement Division, Revenue Administration Center UCC-1 page 2 7c Mailing Address listed as BofA, further in 7-d lists 14,300,000,000, whereas 7-a TYPE OF ORGANIZATION listed as “Trustee” (15 USC), 7-f JURISDICTION OF ORGANIZATION “The United States of America further stating in 7-g ORGANIZATION ID#, if any “AG 598880464″ further identified as an AGRICULTURAL LIEN AS -14,300,000,000.$
Further down on same page we find Name of Secured Party of Record Authorizing This Amendment as being THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY 1789.
Further listed that page #10. OPTIONAL FILER REFRENCE DATA: Recording as Deed of Trust in the Real-estate recirdsL INITIAL FINANCING STATEMENT FILE #0000000181425776 .
PG-3 cont.
I find this curious considering all the problems with the collateral here-to-fore used by these administrations..
any comments?
NEW: AUG. 12/2011 IRS lien on Taxpayers [VKD: A PRIOR LIEN EXISTS (views: 115) watcher51445 — Friday, 16-Sep-2011 13:46:05
Canadian banks are all regulated by a single regulator. “That would tend to help in terms of reducing conflict of interest and making sure the players behave in the same way,” Mr. Toka said.
FP StreetFollow the Money Canada’s big banks facing credit risks, Fitch warns Julia Johnson May 21, 2012 – 12:15 PM ET | Last Updated: May 21, 2012 4:44 PM ET
Jim R. Bounds/Bloomberg files
Since housing prices have risen at a faster pace than household income, household debt levels are at record highs, the report said.
Fast-rising home prices and record-levels of household debt are posing a possible threat to Canadian banks’ credit portfolios, according to a report Monday by U.S. ratings agency Fitch.
The agency examined the exposure of Canada’s six largest banks to mortgage risk and found that household debt fuelled by mortgage credit expansion in Canada is the largest threat to credit profiles.
‘We’re not talking about a U.S.-style situation at this juncture’ “These are quite high levels of debt for households and the movement in house prices, we don’t think this is sustainable in the long term,” said report author Fabrice Toka, senior director at Fitch.
The six banks have a combined $730-billion in mortgage exposure and an additional $182-billion in home equity loan exposure, the report noted.
High unemployment or interest rate shock “could aversely affect the ability of leveraged homeowners to meet their mortgage obligations,” the report said.
Fitch said the debt-to-income ratio in Canada is higher than pre-recession levels in the U.S., but Canadian banks aren’t vulnerable to a similar sub-prime mortgage crisis because of fundamental differences in the markets and the way the industry is regulated. Related
“We’re not talking about a U.S.-style situation at this juncture and there are market structure elements that are different between the two countries that you have to keep in mind as you go between the analysis,” Mr. Toka said.
He pointed to the fact that mortgages were often sold on in the U.S., whereas in Canada banks tend to hold the origination themselves. Also, independent mortgage brokers — often blamed in the mortgage crisis for loose lending — are used much less in Canada.
Fitch analyzed the risk by testing the affect of cumulative bank losses in scenarios where the losses were between one and 10%.
When comparing the banks’ domestic mortgage value relative to total loans, CIBC and RBC were exposed to the most potential risk, while TD Canada Trust and Bank of Montreal were the least. The agency also noted that TD uses more insurance relative to the others while RBC had the least.
“BMO has a different approach to the market than others. For two years now, we have been actively promoting fixed rate products with a maximum amortization of 25 years. With our offering, Canadians can pay less in total interest, become mortgage free faster, and protect themselves against the risk of rising rates,” said Paul Deegan, vice-president government and public relations at BMO Financial Group
“If you run that limited single-factor stress test what you would see is that RBC and CIBC would be viewed as the most exposed, given the size of their mortgage books and also the fact that in the case of RBC, you have a comparatively lower usage of insurance,” Mr. Toka said.
‘Under moderate stresses the banks were all in a position to absorb moderate stress cases’ The agency said Canadian households have become more vulnerable to adverse market shocks in the past decade. The housing market has been pushed upward by low interest rates in the past 10 years. Since housing prices have risen at a faster pace than household income, household debt levels are at record highs, the report said.
“Interest rate levels – being where they are – it still makes debt appear affordable,” Mr. Toka said.
Canadian banks are all regulated by a single regulator. “That would tend to help in terms of reducing conflict of interest and making sure the players behave in the same way,” Mr. Toka said.
Overall, the report found that Canadian banks had sufficient capital to withstand reasonable market stress.
“Generally we found that under moderate stresses the banks were all in a position to absorb moderate stress cases,” Mr. Toka said.
Some of the specific wording used here deserves more detailed explanation.
every person commits an offence who
This offence is intended to apply to every person, whether Canadian or not, and within the full meaning of "person" as defined in section 2 of the Criminal Code, which states:
"every one", "person", "owner" and similar expressions include Her Majesty and public bodies, bodies corporate, societies, companies and inhabitants of counties, parishes, municipalities or other districts in relation to the acts and things that they are capable of doing and owning respectively.2
Therefore, for the purposes of the offences under this Act, the potential accused are not limited to individuals, but may also include corporations; and under common law, corporations can be prosecuted for offences. The use of the Criminal Code definition of "person" means that the same principles of corporate criminal liability will apply under the new Act as apply to Criminal Code offences.
in order to obtain or retain an advantage in the course of business
By using the broad words "in order to obtain or retain an advantage in the course of business," the Act seeks to prohibit payments made to obtain or retain business or other improper advantage. This wording is intended to cover bribes to secure business or improper advantages in the course of business.
The word "business" is defined in section 2 as "any business, profession, trade, calling, manufacture or undertaking of any kind carried on in Canada or elsewhere for profit." The Act targets the bribery by any person of a foreign public official when the transaction is for profit.
Although the offence of bribery of foreign public officials in the OECD Convention refers to the conduct of "international" business, Canada's Act speaks of bribing a foreign public official "in the course of business." The offence therefore need not in every instance involve crossing actual borders. For example, it would be illegal to bribe a foreign public official in Canada to obtain a business contract to build a new wing on an embassy in Canada.
directly or indirectly gives, offers, or agrees to give or offer a loan, reward, advantage or benefit of any kind
This offence would cover bribes given directly or indirectly, including bribes that were given through a third party (e.g. agents). The wording used in the section 3 offence is drawn from subparagraph 121(1)(a)(i) of the Criminal Code.
to a foreign public official
The term "foreign public official," defined in section 2 of the Act, would include, for example, an elected representative or a government official of a foreign state, as well as an official or agent of a public international organization, such as the United Nations. The definition of "foreign state" makes it clear that the official may work for all levels and subdivisions of government, from national to local.
or to any person for the benefit of a foreign public official
This wording is derived from subparagraph 121(1)(a)(i) of the Criminal Code. It is intended to cover the situation where a foreign public official might not receive the benefit himself or herself, but instead direct that the benefit be given to a family member, to a political party association, or to any other person for the benefit of the official.
as consideration for an act or omission by the official in connection with the performance of the official's duties or functions These words address Article 1.1 of the OECD Convention, which requires Member States (and other States Party to the Convention) to make it a criminal offence to bribe a foreign public official "in order that the official act or refrain from acting in relation to the performance of official duties."
or to induce the official to use his or her position to influence any acts or decisions of the foreign state or public international organization for which the official performs duties or functions. These words reflect the sense of Article 1.4.c of the OECD Convention, which indicates that to act or refrain from acting in relation to the performance of official duties "includes any use of the public official's position, whether or not within the official's authorised competence."
Canada has jurisdiction over the bribery of foreign public officials when the offence is committed in whole or in part in its territory. To be subject to the jurisdiction of Canadian courts, a significant portion of the activities constituting the offence must take place in Canada. There is a sufficient basis for jurisdiction where there is a real and substantial link between the offence and Canada. In making this assessment, the court must consider all relevant facts that happened in Canada that may legitimately give Canada an interest in prosecuting the offence. Subsequently, the court must then determine whether there is anything in those facts that offends international comity. (See R. v. Libman (1985), 21 C.C.C. (3d) 206 (S.C.C.))
The five-year maximum term of imprisonment for the offence of bribing a foreign public official ensures that this is an extraditable offence. Corporations, of course, cannot be subject to imprisonment, but they can be fined. The amount of any fine would be at the discretion of the judge, and there is no maximum. Moreover, because this is an indictable offence, no limitation period would apply. The penalty is comparable to the maximum penalty for domestic bribery in sections 121 and 123 of the Criminal Code.
Exception and defences
Facilitation payments
Under subsections 3(4) and 3(5), not all payments would amount to bribing a foreign public official. The Act allows for "facilitation payments," which are made to expedite or secure the performance by a foreign public official of any "act of a routine nature" that is part of the foreign public official's duties or functions. Examples of such payments are provided in subsection 3(4), but this is not an all-inclusive list.
Subsection 3(5) emphasizes that an "act of a routine nature" does not include a decision to award new business or to continue business with a particular party, including a decision on the terms of that business, or encouraging another person to make any such decision. In addition, a payment to obtain or retain an improper advantage could not be characterized as a facilitation payment, because such a payment would not relate to an act of a routine nature that is part of the foreign public official's duties or functions.
Paragraph 3(3)(a) sets out a lawful exception that an accused could use as a defence, namely, that the payment was lawful in the foreign state or public international organization for which the foreign public official performs duties or functions. If successful, this would be a full defence to the offence in subsection 3(1).
Paragraph 3(3)(b) sets out an additional defence. To use this defence, the accused must show that the loan, reward, advantage or benefit was:
a reasonable expense,
incurred in good faith,
made by or on behalf of the foreign public official, and
directly related to the promotion, demonstration or explanation of the person's products and services or to the execution or performance of a contract between the person and the foreign State for which the official performs duties or functions.
This defence is virtually identical to a defence in the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.3
2. Possession or Laundering of Property and Proceeds
The offences
Sections 4 and 5 of the Act describe offences concerning the property and proceeds obtained or derived from bribing a foreign public official. In addition, section 7 applies to the Act the Criminal Code provisions that are related to the search, seizure and detention of proceeds of crime (sections 462.3 and 462.32 to 462.5).
If an investigation leading to a special search or restraint of property or to a prosecution under this Act is conducted on behalf of the Attorney General of Canada, the management of seized properties would follow the Seized Property Management Act.4
Section 5 prohibits the laundering of property or proceeds of any property obtained or derived from bribery of a foreign public official, in Canada or offshore. Section 4 specifies that possession in Canada of property or proceeds, whether from bribery or laundering, is an offence.
Under either offence, these proceeds of crime could be seized, restrained or forfeited. Moreover, the federal government may be able to share the forfeited proceeds of crime resulting from convictions or in rem forfeiture applications with other countries that assisted in the Canadian federal prosecution leading to the forfeiture. Canada may only do so, however, with countries that have signed a reciprocal sharing agreement with Canada under the provisions of section 11 of the Seized Property Management Act.
The maximum penalty for these offences when prosecuted by indictment would be ten years' imprisonment for an individual; corporations would face fines with no set maximum limit. If prosecuted by summary conviction, the offences would have a maximum penalty of a fine of not more than $50,000 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months, or both.
Section 6 of the Act provides an exemption from criminal liability under sections 4 or 5 for a peace officer or a person acting under the direction of a peace officer for conduct undertaken for the purposes of an investigation or the performance of other duties. The Criminal Code definition of "peace officer" is incorporated into section 2 of this Act.
This section is intended to ensure that police agencies can effectively investigate possession and laundering of proceeds of bribery of foreign public officials by posing as offenders themselves.
3. Application
Both the federal government and the provinces would be able to prosecute all three offences under the Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act. The addition of sections 3, 4 and 5 of the Act to the list of offences under section 183 of the Criminal Code will make it possible for police to gather evidence through the lawful use of a wiretap and other electronic surveillance in cases involving the bribery of foreign public officials and in the possession and laundering of proceeds from these cases.
Moreover, since the offences in the Act are criminal offences, they fall under the Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Act.5 The penalties for each of these offences are sufficient to justify extradition.
Annual report
The Act requires the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Justice, and International Trade, to prepare an annual report on the implementation of the OECD Convention and on the enforcement of this Act. The report is to be presented to Parliament by the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Other federal laws
The Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Actcame into force as part of a government bill (S-21) which also amended other federal laws to combat corruption, notably theIncome Tax Act andtheCriminal Code.
The offence of bribing a foreign public official is added to the list of offences found in subsection 67.5(1) of the Income Tax Act6 to deny claiming bribe payments as a deduction. Similarly, all the offences in the Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act are defined as an "enterprise crime offence" in the Criminal Code. The following sections of the Code are also added to the definition of an "enterprise crime offence": section 123, on municipal corruption; section 124, on selling or purchasing office; and section 125, on influencing or negotiating appointments or dealing in offices.
6 R.S.C. 1985, c. 1 (5th Supp.), as amended by S.C. 1994, c.7, Sched. II, s. 46 (1).
Billionaire Boys� Club,
Regardless of the relative prosperity of a municipality, corruption hurts ...
Meanwhile, privacy and civil society groups, opposition MPs and millions of interested Canadians are kept in the dark about the full extent of the government’s plans. The public has already indicated its opposition to the bill. The secrecy and backroom industry talks associated with Bill C-30 provides yet another reason to hit the reset button.
OTTAWA — Canada’s proposed Internet surveillance was back in the news last week after speculation grew that government intends to keep the bill in legislative limbo until it dies on the order paper. Public Safety Minister Vic Toews denied the reports, maintaining that Bill C-30 will still be sent to committee for further study.
Since its introduction in mid-February, the privacy and law enforcement communities have continued to express their views on the bill, but Canada’s telecom service providers, which include the major telecom carriers and Internet service providers, have remained strangely silent. The silence is surprising given the enormous implications of the bill for the privacy of their customers and the possibility of millions of dollars in costs for new surveillance equipment costs, active co-operation with law enforcement and employee background checks.
While some attribute the Internet surveillance silence to an attempt to avoid picking sides in the high stakes privacy and security battle, newly obtained documents under the Access to Information Act offer a different, more troubling explanation.
In the months leading up to the introduction Bill C-30, Canada’s telecom companies worked actively with government officials to identify key issues and to develop a secret Industry-Government Collaborative Forum on Lawful Access.
The secret working group includes virtually all the major telecom and cable companies, with representatives who have been granted Government of Canada Secret level security clearance and signed non-disclosure agreements. The group is led by Bell Canada on the industry side and Public Safety for the government.
The inaugural meeting, held just three weeks before Bill C-30 was introduced, included invitations to 11 companies (Bell Canada, Cogeco, Eagle, MTS Allstream, Quebecor, RIM, Rogers, Sasktel, Telus, Videotron, and Wind Mobile) along with two industry associations (Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association and the Canadian Network Operators Consortium).
The secret working group is designed to create an open channel for discussion between telecom providers and government. As the uproar over Bill C-30 was generating front-page news across the country, Bell reached out to government to indicate that “it was working its way through C-30 with great interest” and expressed desire for a meeting to discuss disclosure of subscriber information. A few weeks later, it sent another request seeking details on equipment obligations to assist in its costing exercises.
Months before the January 2012 meeting, officials worked with the telecom companies to identify many concerns and provide guidance on the government’s intent on Internet surveillance regulations, information that has never been publicly released.
For example, a December 2011 draft lawful access issues list features dozens of issues including questions about surveillance of social networks, cloud computing facilities, and Wi-Fi networks. The telecom companies raise many questions about compensation, such as “a formula for adequate compensation” for the disclosure of subscriber information as well as payment for testing surveillance capabilities and providing surveillance assistance.
At a September 2011 meeting that included Bell Canada, Cogeco, RIM, Telus, Rogers, Microsoft, and the Information Technology Association of Canada, government officials provided a lawful access regulations policy document that offered guidance on plans for extensive regulations that will ultimately accompany the Internet surveillance legislation.
The 17-page document indicates that providers will be required to disclose certain subscriber information without a warrant within 48 hours and within 30 minutes in exceptional circumstances. Interceptions of communications may also need to be established within 30 minutes of request with capabilities that include simultaneous interceptions for five law enforcement agencies.
The close co-operation between the government and telecom providers has created a two-tier approach to Internet surveillance policy, granting privileged access and information for telecom providers.
Meanwhile, privacy and civil society groups, opposition MPs and millions of interested Canadians are kept in the dark about the full extent of the government’s plans. The public has already indicated its opposition to the bill. The secrecy and backroom industry talks associated with Bill C-30 provides yet another reason to hit the reset button.
Michael Geist holds the Canada Research Chair in Internet and E-commerce Law at the University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law. Reach him at [email protected] or via www.michaelgeist.ca.
The New Act The Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act features three offences: bribing a foreign public official, laundering property and proceeds, and possession of property and proceeds. In addition, the Act would make it possible to prosecute, for example, a conspiracy or an attempt to commit the offences. It would also cover aiding and abetting in committing these offences, an intention in common to commit them, and counselling others to commit the offences.
1. Bribing a Foreign Public Official
The offence
The offence of bribing a foreign public official is dealt with in subsection 3(1) of the Act. This offence is the centrepiece of the Act and represents Canada's legislative contribution to the international effort to criminalize this conduct.
No particular mental element (mens rea) is expressly set out in the offence since it is intended that the offence will be interpreted in accordance with common law principles of criminal culpability. The courts will be expected to read in the mens rea of intention and knowledge.
The conduct element (actus reus), however, is more complicated. The offence reads as follows:
3.(1) Every person commits an offence who, in order to obtain or retain an advantage in the course of business, directly or indirectly gives, offers or agrees to give or offer a loan, reward, advantage or benefit of any kind to a foreign public official or to any person for the benefit of a foreign public official.
(a) as consideration for an act or omission by the official in connection with the performance of the official's duties or functions; or
(b) to induce the official to use his or her position to influence any acts or decisions of the foreign state or public international organization for which the official performs duties or functions.
April 25, 2012 at 9:23 AM #4679 StackerX 1 Originally written by demodewd:Sioux City, Iowa – July 25, 2005 – TomFlocco.com – According to leaked documents from an intelligence file obtained through a military source in the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), on or about September 12, 1991 non-performing and unauthorized gold-backed debt instruments were used to purchase ten-year “Brady bonds.
The bonds in turn were illegally employed as collateral to borrow $240 billion–120 in Japanese Yen and 120 in Deutsch Marks–exchanged for U.S. currency under false pretenses; or counterfeit and unlawful conversion of collateral against which an unlimited amount of money could be created in derivatives and debt instruments
The illegal transactions are also linked to the murder of a U.S. Army colonel charged with overseeing approximately 175 secret CIA bank accounts, according to the officer’s wife, Mrs. V. K. Durham.
During multiple interviews, Durham told TomFlocco.com that Bush 41 and Clinton administration officials visited her husband Colonel Russell Hermann several times in the months prior to and three days before his torture and murder on August 29, 1994
Durham told us the $240 billion in stolen currency was obtained resulting from George H. W. Bush’s presidential abuse of power, when he authorized former Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady and former Secretary of State James Baker III to make fraudulent use of the Durham Family Trust collateral without her permission.
There is evidence that Colonel Hermann’s and V. K. Durham’s signatures were forged on a Goldman-Sachs bank account certification requesting the conversions to U.S. currency. The money was never repaid since the ten-year Brady bonds–purchased before September 13, 1991 using the fraudulent collateral and gold bullion as security came due on September 12, 2001–the day after the 9.11 attacks, having allegedly been underwritten and held by the trustee, Cantor-Fitzgerald bond brokerage firm
Moreover, Durham alleges from conversations before her husband’s murder, that any 10-year Brady bond payoff for notes due on 9-12-2001 would have led to additional evidence of trillions in stolen funds from the U.S. Treasury and the identity of the perpetrators–providing an important reason to take out Cantor-Fitzgerald offices in the North Tower and a Pentagon ONI file section on September 11.
LIE ....SHE;S REALLY A PISSED OFF WELFARE CON EX SPOOK CUT OUT OF THE SCAM SHE WAS A Provider for Interpol, Global Victim Banking, CIA, FBI, BATF, Homeland Defence, US Congress, and Senate, and all US Banking, US Treasury, and Fed Reserve, US Naval intelligence and (the little gray foxes) ect.
Article posted today on rumormills, ostensibly from V.K. Durham, whom I have not seen post anything on her website above for over a year or so. I figured she got shanghaied by the Bad Guys (reference on her website the story about Bush I and North showing up to coerce her husband into signing over the Durham Trust. He was subsequently tortured and killed. Do the math.
Anyways, if you are not familiar with V.K. Durham’s site, there exists “days” of reading of documentation of espionage and conspiracy related shenanigans by U.S. higher ups. Fascinating intrigue here.
The article posted below (some typo redundant sections are in it for some reason) just floated to the surface, and corroborates Christopher Story’s latest piece regarding the illegality of securitization. And we know who does lots of that – it ain’t you or I, and we don’t benefit.
Billionaire Boys� Club, V.K. Durham, CEO-Signatory, DURHAM (INTL. LTD;) HOLDING TRUST the Trust will never be paid.. it is worthless... funding has been EXTORTED. Wed Mar 21, 2012 at 08:17 AM PDT
"God's banker,"
Political interference in municipalities is costing taxpayers their lives ,health ,freedom ,land ESTATES
secret commissions
The Criminal Code includes offences which prohibit bribery, frauds on the government and influence peddling, fraud or a breach of trust in connection with duties of office, municipal corruption, selling or purchasing office, influencing or negotiating appointments or dealing in offices, possession of property or proceeds obtained by crime, fraud, laundering proceeds of crime and secret commissions.
Can the Catholic Church’s Vatican banking system be laundering money for drug cartels, arms dealers and human trafficking? Good question. In all likelihood, this Vatican account closed by J P Morgan had to be closed because of Vatican secrecy and refusal to comply with the simplest of banking rules worldwide.
Thirty years after it was entangled in a scandal involving the mafia, money laundering and the mysterious death of the man nicknamed "God's banker," the Vatican bank faces fresh controversy. The bank - formally known as the
Institute for Works of Religion or IOR - has suffered the ignominy of having one of its accounts closed by JP Morgan after stone-walling requests for information.
The sanction came less than two weeks after the U.S. State Department listed the Vatican as being potentially vulnerable to money laundering.
A Milan affiliate of JP Morgan said it will shut the account by the end of the month after revealing Vatican bankers had been "unable to respond" to requests for details about payments into the account.
A spokesman for JP Morgan in Milan declined to comment, citing client confidentiality. The Milan branch had been seeking information since 2010, when the Vatican bank was accused by authorities in Rome of contravening money-laundering regulations.
In an unusual move, Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, president of the Vatican bank, was placed under investigation and a judge in Rome ordered a freeze on $30 million held in one of the bank's accounts.
The scandal prompted the Vatican bank to initiate anti-money-laundering legislation, which is currently being debated by the Roman Catholic Church hierarchy.
IN DEFENSE OF RAYELAN (RUSSBACHER) ALLEN by V.K. Durham, CEO-Signatory, DURHAM (INTL. LTD;) HOLDING TRUST (TIAS 12087) http://www.theantechamber.net12/11/03
The Private Communication, Yellow Journalism (U.S. Statutes at Large) rag tabloid published as alleged "news" which is used for "private purpose's only" which does not meet the requirement for PUBLIC NOTICES of WIDE CIRCULATION to qualify for Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Rule 301 "noticing", by the name of; CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT JOURNAL published December 3, 2003 has finally arrived.
Again, Ms. Rayelan of Rumor Mill News takes a serious hit by the "former helpful Ekker's" who were so helpful, they helped themselves not only to WHAT THE RUSSBACHERS held, but to the BONUS 3392-181 which they are currently "victimizing" the entire Muslim, Buddhist, Mohammedan Banking Community, stealing properties of others in the Philippine Archlepelego as they have done with "Rayelan's Property and the PROPERTY HELD IN TRUST." DOES THE FIRST AMENDMENT apply to this type of journalism used as used by these Conspirators who are hell bent and intent on "Taking the Global Banking, Financing and Economics "hostage"..? Further using these YELLOW JOURNALISM tactics to destroy other people's good reputations while COUNTERFEITING GOLD INSTRUMENTS on "Bonus 3392-181?"
About this latest attack on Rayelan in the most current issue of the CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT JOURNAL; [quote] "Rayelan "Russbacher" has come again THIS WEEK on her net and stated that somehow she and her husband (when they were married) were "double-crossed by their partners, EJ and Doris J. Ekker?" Say what? Now that is easy enough to disprove so do you actually believe that puts us at disadvantage? We, including me, want NO focus or notoriety---those games are OVER. Rayelan "Russbacher" owes outright in money some $50++thousand from and through credit card THEFT. And, calling us CIA or Invisible Guardians will make not a whit of difference in the TRUTH of the foolishness. So, just update the statute of limitations calendar and let us go about our business, which DOES make a difference [end quote]."
The "proof" is in the pudding, so to speak. Rayelan and I, myself were victimized by this group called GLOBAL ALLIANCE INVESTMENT ASSOCIATION now calling themselves "GLOBAL"..who are actively engaged in COUNTERFEITING Gold Instruments..stealing properties of others, just as was stolen from WE, THE PEOPLE (Herman Estate), Rayelan and Günter. Publishing these malicious, willful, wanton LIES about either Rayelan, this TRUST, Bonus 3392-182, just to create more "hate".. is outrageous..-- That is putting it mildly!
There was a time when you could go to FOUR WINDS and get the back copies of this CONTACT news paper published by the Ekkers. Everyone should try to go back into the Archives and read those back articles... You will find the TRUTH about Rayelan, and WHO REALLY OWNS "BONUS 3392-181" in those back issues. You will find out what happened to both Rayelan and her husband, in print, which is now being denied by THE GAIA-EKKERS. You must go back to the 1994-95-96-97 and early 1998 issues to find the truth.
Please find affixed email sent out this morning, in regards to these GAIA EKKER "Bull Shippers" ongoing activities in the Philippines.
Anyone having access to the SECURITY EXCHANGE COMMISSION in the Philippines should send the following along with this email, to stop this COUNTERFEITING RING of GLOBAL aka GLOBAL ALLIANCE INVESTMENT ASSOCIATION and ASSOCIATES. The GLOBAL ALLIANCE INVESTMENT ASSOCIATION aka "GLOBAL" are marketing "BONUS CERTIFICATE 3392-181."Straight from the Duly Constituted, Outstanding, Primary Creditor of the United States i.e., Durham (Intl. Ltd;) Holding Trust (TIAS 12087): "There is no such thing as BONUS CERTIFICATE 3392-181." However, there is the Duly Constituted, One Time Only Bonus 3392 Commodity Contract, and Certificate of Indebtedness of Peru No. 181.. which are TWO SEPARATE, DISTINCT AND DIFFERENT "INSTRUMENTS OF TITLE" HELD BY THE "TRUST" in color, CERTIFIED. The GAIA-EKKERS are full of Sh*t when they allege to have lawful ownership and/or title, which can be easily proved by checking out the Las Vegas, Clark County Recorder's Records filed August 10, 1998, Book 980810. Instrument No. 00323. This is called DUE DILIGENCE!
It is easy enough for the GAIA-EKKER'S to discredit Rayelan, however; In defense of Rayelan, the proof is in the pudding (so to speak) in Due Diligence. The GAIA-Ekker's are nothing but outright FRAUDS screaming "statute of limitations" bull crap in a disguised threat to Rayelan!" Well, this isn't a threat, its the LAW: THE STATUTES OF LIMITATIONS do not RUN OUT ON MURDER, Doris and E.J. Suck on that one! The proof is in the Due Diligence sitting there in the Las Vegas, Clark County Nevada Recorders Records! All of us have been very busy just trying to keep up with the "keeping up" necessaries in our daily lives, we have not been paying attention to WHAT IS TRULY EFFECTING OUR LIVES such as this mess created by GAIA-EKKER'S, which has brought about THE PATRIOT ACT aka HOMELAND DEFENSE ACT, andthe latest entrapment/hostage taking ploy (click here) http://www.321gold.com/editorials/wallenwein/wallenwein120903.html and http://www.washtimes.com/national/20031204-11337-5659r.htm .
REC'D TIM TURNER RECORDING; In all due respect; Tim Turner is 100% mistaken when he states DURHAM TRUST BOND IS WRITTENPosted By: watcher51445 <Send E-Mail> Date: Monday, 22-Nov-2010 07:14:21
TT makes his statements about the VK Durham Trust at 1:33:26 on the recording below.... TT says that the Trust will never be paid.. it is worthless... funding has been removed.
In all due respect; Tim Turner is 100% mistaken when he states DURHAM TRUST BOND IS WRITTEN ON THE FEDERAL RESERVE.. It is suggested you read this if you are going to understand our Instruments.
The One Time Only Bonus 3392 Commodity Contract "A MORTGAGE OF RECORD" (se legaliza la firma que antecedes) is filed of Record in Washington County Illinois, Gallatin County Illinois and Ida Grove Iowa, COPY sent to Newt Gingrich Speaker of the House and President W.J. Clinton. Speaker Gingrich resigned. President Clinton sent a THANK YOU. CERTIFICATE OF INDEBTEDNESS OF PERU NO 181, MAY 1, 1875. NO COUPONS AFFIXED http://www.theantechamber.net/Vk2009/DocumentationValidation.htm
Fortunately; To protect the Republics and Sovereign People of the Sovereign Republics; WE HAVE THE GOLD LIENED WHERE EVER SITUATE. THERE IS A LIEN ON ALL GOLD.. IF THERE WAS MONEY BORROWED FROM THE "FULL FAITH AND CREDIT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" which represents the 'tax's' that charged back on the homes, farms, business's of WE the People. which were later 'lodged in foreign banks, leveraged, sold off to foreign nations' which were ultimately sold off by President G.H.W. Bush in Executive Order 12803.
COMMENTARY ON EXECUTIVE ORDER 12803 Posted By: Patriotlad Date: Saturday, 7-Dec-2002 16:24:55 In Response To: THE TEXAS TWO STEP & THE BILLIONAIRE BOYS' CLUB (Patriotlad) From V.K. Durham, exclusive commentary for the readers of Rumor Mill News --
As all Americans sit dumbfounded, wondering what has gone on in THE CORPORATE WORLD and why no one has an rights in any court of law, and why these confounded TAXES are so high; and why nothing is getting done on our riverways, highways, bridges, and why our Hospitals can no longer service our needs -- while the BANKING WORLD HAS GONE TO HELL IN A HAND BASKET, and CORPORATIONS ARE GOING BANKRUPT, even as they are STEALING EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT BENEFITS -- you had better read the following Executive Order, and then ask, "WHO IS THIS HOMELAND DEFENSE ACT" REALLY DEFENDING ...? And who is ripping off all of your PAID-FOR INFRA-STRUCTURE "EQUITY" TAXES ( by the way, the past 10 years' worth of EXECUTIVE ORDERS have been made "unavailable" by the President ) thankfully, this one is still available in a number of places: quote verbatum stipuli --
Executive order 12803 of April 30, 1992 57 FR 19063 / May 4th, 1992 TEXT: By the authority vested in me as the president by the laws of the United States of America, and in order to ensure that the United States achieves the most beneficial economic use of its resources, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1. Definitions. For purposes of this order: (a) "Privatization" means the disposition or transfer of an infrastructure asset, such as by sale or by long-term lease, from a State or local government to a private party.
(b) "infrastructure asset" means any asset financed in whole or in part by the Federal Government and needed for the functioning of the economy. Examples of such assets include, but are not limited to: roads, tunnels, bridges, electricity supply facilities, mass transit, rail transportation, airports, ports, waterways, water supply facilities, recycling and wastewater treatment facilities, solid waste disposal facilities, housing, schools, prisons, and hospitals. Section 2. Fundamental Principles. Executive departments and agencies shall be guided by the following objectives and principles: (a) Adequate and well-maintained infrastructure is critical to economic growth. Consistent with the principles of federalism enumerated in Executive Order No. 12612 (set out under section 601 of Title 5, Government Organization and mEmployees), and in order to allow the private sector to provide for infrastructure modernization and expansion, State and local governments should have greater freedom to privatize infrastructure assets. (b) Private enterprise and competitively driven improvements are the foundation of our Nation's economy and economic growth. Federal financing of infrastructure assets should not act as a barrier to the achievement of economic efficiencies through additional private market financing or competitive practices, or both. (c) State and local governments are in the best position to assess and respond to local needs. State and local governments should, subject to assuring continued compliance with Federal requirements that public use be on reasonable and nondiscriminatory terms, have maximum possible freedom to make decisions concerning the maintenance and disposition of their federally financed infrastructure assets. (d) User fees are generally more efficient than general taxes as a means to support infrastructure assets.
Privatization transactions should be structured so as not to result in unreasonable increases in charges to users. Section 3. Privatization initiative. To the extent permitted by law, the head of each executive department and agency shall undertake the following actions:
(a) Review those procedures affecting the management and disposition of federally financed infrastructure assets owned by State and local governments and modify those procedures to encourage appropriate privatization of such assets consistent: with this order; and (b) Assist State and Local governments in their efforts to advance the objectives of this order; and (c) Approval State and local governments' requests to Privatize infrastructure assets, consistent with the criteria in section 4 of this order and, where necessary, grant exceptions to the disposition requirements of the "Uniform Administration Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to State and Local Governments" common rule, or other relevant rules or regulations for infrastructure assets; provided that the transfer price shall be distributed, as paid, in the following manner: (i) State and local governments shall first recoup in full the unadjusted dollar amount of their portion of total project costs (including any transaction and fix-up costs they incur) associated with the infrastructure assets involved;
(ii) if proceeds remain, then the Federal Government shall recoup in full the amount of the Federal grant awards, associated with the infrastructure assets, less the applicable share of accumulated (d) "Transfer Price" means: (i) the amount paid or to be paid by a private party for an infrastructure asset, if the asset s transferred as a result of a competitive bidding; of
(ii) the appraised value of an infrastructure asset, as determined by the head of the executive department agency and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, if the asset is not transferred as a result of competitive bidding.
(e) "state and local governments" means the government of any state of the United States, the District of Columbia, and commonwealth, territory, or possession of the United States, and any country, municipality, city, town, township, local public authority, school district, regional or interstate governmental entity, council of governments, and any agency or instrumentality of a local government, and any federally recognized Indian Tribe. Sec. 4. Criteria. To the extent permitted by law, the head of an executive department or agency shall approve a request in accordance with section 3 (c) of this order only if the grantee: (a) Agrees to use the proceeds described in section 3 (e)(iii) of this order only for investment in additional infrastructure assets (after public notice of the proposed investment) or for debt or tax reduction; and (b) Demonstrates that a market mechanism, legally enforceable agreement, or regulatory mechanism will ensure that: (i) the infrastructure asset or assets will continue to be used for their originally authorized purposes; and (ii) user charges will be consistent with any current Federal conditions that protect users and the pubic by limiting the charges. Sec. 5. Government-wide coordination and Review. In implementing Executive Order Nos. 12291 and 12498 and OMB Circular No. A-19, the Office of Management and Budget, to the extent permitted by law and consistent with the provisions of those authorities, shall take action to ensure that the policies of the executive department and agencies are consistent with the principles, criteria, and requirements of this order. The Office of Management and Budget shall review the results of implementing this order and report thereon to the President one year after the date of this order. Section 6. Preservation of Existing Authority. Nothing in this order is in any way intended to limit any existing authority of heads of executive departments and agencies to approve privatization of proposals that are otherwise consistent with law. Section 7. Judicial Review. This order is intended only to improve the internal management of the executive branch, and is not intended to create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable by a party against the United States, its agencies or instrumentality's, its officers or employees, or any other person.
-- GAIA -- are the "financial muscle" behind this cult mythology.
Triple-Cross Fraud: The NESARA-Ekker-Al Qaeda Scam
Triple-Cross Fraud: The NESARA-Ekker-Al Qaeda Scam (continued) by RUMOR MILL NEWS
In the series of articles entitled the Texas Two Step & The Billionaire Boys� Club, she detailed the ways in which a select group of corporate leaders and politicians tried to create an "insiders� only" club for doing business in the whole of the western world. She has given precise details of the murder of her husband, Colonel Herrman.
She has revealed that the two Ekkers, who were long-time scam artists operating under various corporation or partnership names, created an entire mythology of a "Spaceship Commander" from the Pleiades -- named Hatonn -- who communicated by a special radio frequency that only Doris Ekkers could receive. She has discussed how the creation of the Global Alliance Investment Association and other groups which may use a similar acronym -- GAIA -- are the "financial muscle" behind this cult mythology. She has related to RMN readers how this self-styled channel for the "Hatonn" has also reserved the alias of Germain, as in St. Germain, the Ascended Master who was also a man of noble birth who lived in France prior to their Revolution.
What The Freakin’-F ? Download the marked PDF and read it… VKD = VK Durham…
AUG. 12/2011 IRS lien on Taxpayers [VKD: A PRIOR LIEN EXISTS
AN EXISTING LIEN, COMPARED AND INDEXED. RECORDED FILE 189951 FILED 2 AUGUST, 1994, WASHINGTON COUNTY ILLINOIS in the amount of $206,858,582,465,280,000,000.00 due and payable in GOLD, GOLD COIN, GOLD BULLION further identified in Duly Recorded Instrument 189935 duly Recorded August 1, 1009.
Further Subject to the Constitutional Authority allowing said Legislative Annex’s of the Peruvian Congress 1875, RIGHT TO LIEN/MORTGAGE UNTIL DEBT IS PAID. Said Duly Constituted MORTGAGE Filed of Public Record, said MORTGAGED DEBT being Further Assumed, Duly Constituted by the U.S. HOUSE and SENATE 1906 AS THE FOUNDATION, Further being a COMPANION LIEN to DEED OF RECORDED RECORD 189934 Filed of Public Record August 1, 1994 http://www.theantechamber.net/VkDocuments/DocGroupH/Hpage4.html of the CHAIN OF TITLE on BONUS COMMODITY CONTRACT 3392, AND SOVEREIGN CERTIFICATE OF INDEBTEDNESS OF PERU, MAY 1, 1875 NO. 181 http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/members/forum.cgi?form=0
This needs reviewing by THE PEOPLE who are being subjected to these outrageous EXTERNAL DEBTS incurred through the DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE with the authorization of the Federal Reserve Bank alleging it is the U.S. Treasury of 1789.
Does anyone know anything about this? Frankly; I find this August 12, 2011 UCC-1 FILING of the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM using 1814257766 (0000000) DEBTOR POSITION as filed in RE: The United States Department of the Treasury 1789 (Original Jurisdiction), North American Water and Power Alliance (Assignor), U.S. Department Internal Revenue Serivce (IRS) Assignee with same 18142576 identifier as identified on page 1 this 3 page set very interesting.
Page 2 same set U.S. Treasury, INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, Comptroller of Maryland, Enforcement Division, Revenue Administration Center UCC-1 page 2 7c Mailing Address listed as BofA, further in 7-d lists 14,300,000,000, whereas 7-a TYPE OF ORGANIZATION listed as “Trustee” (15 USC), 7-f JURISDICTION OF ORGANIZATION “The United States of America further stating in 7-g ORGANIZATION ID#, if any “AG 598880464″ further identified as an AGRICULTURAL LIEN AS -14,300,000,000.$
Further down on same page we find Name of Secured Party of Record Authorizing This Amendment as being THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY 1789.
Further listed that page #10. OPTIONAL FILER REFRENCE DATA: Recording as Deed of Trust in the Real-estate recirdsL INITIAL FINANCING STATEMENT FILE #0000000181425776 .
PG-3 cont.
I find this curious considering all the problems with the collateral here-to-fore used by these administrations..
any comments?
NEW: AUG. 12/2011 IRS lien on Taxpayers [VKD: A PRIOR LIEN EXISTS (views: 115) watcher51445 — Friday, 16-Sep-2011 13:46:05
.K. Durham has provided extensive documentation and made the links to show that the Ekkers� scams have netted them something in excess of $17 million in gold and that they left behind some $5 million in gold coins, when the skedaddled out of the United States in late 1997. She and others have provided information linking the Ekkers to scams run on elderly U.S. Citizens, like Betty Tuten of Nevada, who lost $402,000 to one of their "investment" plans.
An article published in the Sunday Telegraph of London in 2001 revealed that the Ekkers took a fortune in gold coins from a retired mathematician in Austin, Texas, one Dave Overton, by selling him on the reality of their spaceship commander -- Hatonn. He was a mathematical genius and a notable eccentric, and a Nevada court determined in 1994 that Mr. Overton had been swindled by the Ekkers and George Green, their one-time business agent. After he died, his estate was probated and some of the money they took from him was returned to it. Through it all, these two Ekkers have conducted their business -- which is nothing more than scamming, selling mythologies and dreams of interstellar glory, and falsified gold bonds and instruments -- with the help of a bewildering variety of corporations and partnerships. The Ekkers even founded a church and then used that Church to sue themselves !! Why? It was done in order to get publicity, to create a �victim status,� and to keep the readers of their publications "involved", that is to say -- using "Ritual." Throughout it all, they have somehow won and held the allegiance of a variety of people with many talents.
The latest and deadliest scam, based on yet another improbable mythology, is the "secret law" called NESARA or the National Stabilization And Reformation Act, which has been ceaselessly propagated by one who calls herself "the Dove of Oneness". The mythologies of NESARA all revolve around the legitimate losses and the truly tragic swindles of the Savings and Loan crisis of the late 1980s. Hundreds of thousands of farm and ranching families and rural businesses were drawn into the whirlpool of bankruptcy and foreclosures, and from that long-running tragedy was generated a movement which has been called The Farm Claims.
The Dove of Oneness, who claims to receive messages from the Ascended Master St. Germain, has taken many opportunities to link the origin of NESARA as a secret law reforming the whole of the United States� tax code, abolishing the income tax, to then moving the country into a gold standard. Whether this individual knows it or not, the so-called Master is none other than Doris J. Ekker, who has registered the alias of St. Germain.
NESARA is not just a mythology. It is not just a scam designed to build an e-mail list for later use by other confidence men, fraud experts and flim-flam artists. It is an incredibly dangerous and insidious trap, a psychological warfare tactic, designed to ensnare thousands of good and patriotic Americans, and to taint and sully the whole of a group of people who have become known as "the Children of Light."
This message arrived just two days ago, while the Rumor Mill Forum was still down, and it comes from an impeccable source:
"E.J. Ekker has been a Navy intelligence asset for almost 30 years."
Talk about turning on the lights. The plan is to destroy the Children of Light, before they ever see one dollar of prosperity from any program or any fund of any kind.
Talk about selling out the Children of Light, for the benefit of the Dark Agenda, as Dove calls it. The question immediately redounds -- how can a man who is a Naval Intelligence asset operate in the clear, as a scam artist, working both traditional forms of confidence and creating an entire "spaceship mythology" with a virulently anti-Israel and anti-Federal Reserve System bias, continue to enjoy his success while in exile? Why does E.J. Ekker seem to have complete and absolute immunity, even as he and Doris J. Ekker float their false instruments to leverage gold and funnel monies to the Al Qaeda network of terrorist groups ?? Which side are they on ??
The answer is shocking and shockingly obvious: The Ekkers are on both sides. They are Triple Agents, the most skilled and skilful operatives ever known, and they have very nearly succeeded in selling their entire NESARA ~ Farm Claims ~ Prosperity Programs mythology to a monster-sized audience. But why ?? Why pull a Triple Cross on the people of the United States and Canada, and all the others who have put money into prosperity programs like the Bergavine, the SBC, the Treasurygate and the mighty Omega ?? What is the purpose ??
Enter another piece of the puzzle, courtesy of V.K. Durham. In questioning her about the creation and evolution of these prosperity programs, and the Farm Claims, certain facts came to light. Colonel Russell Herrman and V.K. Durham first heard of the Farm Claims in 1993, when they were contacted by Rick Martin who was inquiring about the supposed participation of Cosmos Seafood Energy in providing the funding for this redress of grievances.
The problem was made clear at that time: V.K. and Colonel Herrman, the CEO, had suspended the operations of their Cosmos Seafood Energy corporation in April of 1992, precisely because there had been so many look-alike and sound-alike groups registered in Nevada !! After several inquiries by different persons, it was made clear to all that the true Cosmos Seafood Energy and the true signatory of the Bonus Contract 3392-181 were not involved with the Farm Claims and had not started them.
Over the next few years, the constant stress and struggle between the powers that be in Washington, D.C., and the people of the western States, and especially in the northern midwest, grew more acute. The massacre of Branch Davidians at Waco was not in any way helpful. The passage of the Brady Bill with its draconian structure for making gun ownership a trap for criminal penalties, further alienated the rural population. And after the disastrous Tesla weapon strike on the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City, the Clinton administration tried to paint all right-wing talk show hosts and their listeners as being "the enemy." It had the opposite effect. More and more people began to ask about the Savings And Loan crisis, more and more people began to read about the militia movement, more and more people began to feel that everything about the federal government was corrupt and crooked.
V.K. Durham helps to connect the dots. In asking about the Bergavine and the Omega and the Farm Claims, she remembered seeing some important documents. Created for President Bill Clinton -- with the connivance of Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania -- the participants in the Farm Claims and the various prosperity programs were all put on dissident lists. This is the infamous "watch" list assembled by Janet Reno and her minions in the wake of the Oklahoma City fiasco and cover-up.
The people who are most closely associated with the Omega and the Bergavine have been identified as being "potentials" for domestic terrorism. Never mind that the threat of terror activity has been -- for over a year -- centered on the Al Qaeda and their supposed network of training camps in the ruined landscape of Afghanistan.
The events of the last six months, and the micro-nuclear blast which destroyed that nightclub in Bali, on the island of Java, shows clearly that the hub of the Al Qaeda operation is in southeast asia and the islands of Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines !! And where are the Ekkers now ensconced, where is their headquarters ?? In the P.I. at Makati City, where they have actively supported the Moro insurgencies and other Muslim fundamentalists !! The linch-pin for understanding this triple cross and the devilish planning it has required is the fact, proven in an almost constant stream of propaganda and messaging over the last nine months, that the purpose of the Dove of Oneness has been to build her list. Build the list ! Build the list ! Why ?
More than 300,000 people are said to be registered participants in the Bergavine, the SBC, the Omega and other prosperity programs. They have been anxiously awaiting news of the funding of these programs for years, some for more than ten years.
The key to understanding the motives of the Dove is to know that the Ekkers� are now irretrievably tied to the Al Qaeda terrorist, and Muslim fundamentalist movements, by their actions and by their false deeds of assignment. They have floated trillions of dollars in phony financial instruments, with the Bank of China, with the Saudi bankers, and with Islamic banking groups in Malaysia and Indonesia. The Ekkers are providing the intelligence which "the Dove" has been using to build her lists.
The impeccable source also informs Rumor Mill News that E.J. Ekker was one of the most brilliant operatives ever to appear in the world of "cloak and daggers." When connecting the dots, it now appears clear, very clear, that he is a Triple Agent:
*** the Ekkers, and E.J. in particular, are Triple Agents and the NESARA mythology is a scam, but more than that, it is a Triple Cross
1. The first purpose of Faction 2 has been, we are told, to bankrupt and destroy the Federal Reserve System, which is the private banking cartel and the oppressor holding sway over these United States ( and Canada, too ). What E.J. Ekker was conniving to do, was to bring in those gold-backed bonds and gold certificates and to bring the cash that the phony Deeds of Assignment were used to create, to whack the Fed Res Sys into pieces. No doubt some of what Ekker has assembled in the portfolio of GAIA is legitimate. But most of it is a forgery.
2. The Faction opposing the New World Order has been linked to Naval Intelligence, and to men who are loyal to the Constitution and the organic united States: now it is clear that the Ekkers were tripling-up -- working their bona fides as F-1 agents and representing themselves to Faction 2 as having �defected in place�. V.K. Durham confirms that Doris Ekker has often represented herself as "working for a higher authority" than the President !! In reality, the Ekkers have been working for F-1, the Satanic New World Order at a much higher level !!
3. The drive for nine months or more, with the Dove, et al., has been to build the list, build the list, build the list. Clearly, the goal of F-1 was to allow F-2 to use those false Deeds of Assignment, along with many legitimate instruments and other gold assets, to bring those Trillions said to be in the prosperity programs back into play. To do what is right and proper in making "whole" the great tragedy of the farm and ranch foreclosures and the ruined lives that spawned the Farm Claims.
4. Now, to bring these assets into the country as financial instruments convertible into monies, would be a good thing if they were not based on the fraudulent Deeds of Assignment written by the Ekkers and using -- among other things -- their false front Cosmos Seafood Enery groups. But the money is coming in from abroad, that does make it subject to federal oversight, and so what happens next ??
The Bush administration has done what the Clinton administration could not or would not do, which is to establish that the Al Qaeda network of terrorist and fundamentalist groups is a serious threat to the safety of the United States. And that it is specifically a threat to the security of "infrastructure," and that the Al Qaeda has been laundering money in a variety of ways around the world and inside of the United States.
So what comes next ?? The Ekkers will be revealed in the mass ( controlled ) media as being the Sugar Daddy and the Sugar Momma of the Al Qaeda !! Then, just when the Trillions of dollars which the Ekkers have ginned up by selling falsified gold instruments, actually move into position and the program recipients are given access ??
Then -- the Children of Light would be tarred with the brush of having taken money directly from the Al Qaeda Headquarters in Manila, and by way of Islamic banking operations which are holding debentures !! The Federal Reserve System would be tasked to seek out and seize or freeze all of these funds ( thus, sacrificing the Ekkers ), and federal law enforcement and Anti-Terrorist units would then proceed to use the Dove list !! They would then seek out and arrest the most prominent supporters of these legitimate Farm Claims, thus destroying the nucleus of a true political opposition by decapitating and ruining its most ardent advocates.
The gravity of the situation cannot be underestimated !! Whereas it is not practical to arrest 300,000 + people around the world in one or two day�s time, it is not actually necessary to do that at all !! The purpose is to take down the Farm Claims activists, not to take the properties they have already lost, but to turn them into confessed criminals or indicted co-conspirators !!
The people on the Dove list would be arrested for "financial terrorism" as soon as they got their monies in their accounts, and sought to access. Meanwhile the Children of Light would either be sullied and made pariahs, or set up for indictments, too. The monies -- all of the Trillions -- would then be seized or frozen or sequestered, and the Fed Res Sys would be made liquid again by keeping all those assets in place in their member banks. We know from experience that it takes years to get seized assets back, the legal costs are immense, and what assets are the Farm Claimants going to have to use ?? None.
V.K. Durham estimates that the liabilities for bad paper and bad derivatives investments, accruing to the Federal Reserve System are at or in excess of $31 Trillion dollars. Then, consider that the total said to be moving into the Omega, Bergavine, Farm Claims and other related programs is in excess of $37 Trillion dollars USDA. That leaves a nice "skim" of some $5 to 6 Trillion in gold-backed monies for the use of those who are on �the inside� with this brilliant Triple Cross.
It is a Triple Play, in the parlance of baseball, and every runner is put out, and all the bases are cleared. The impeccable source reporting to Rumor Mill News said this about E.J. Ekker, as a spy, a confidence man, a planner -- "... his skills alone are some of the best around and he has always surrounded himself with the best in all fields", and that includes the use of the Internet and computers and tracking.
The Ekkers are operating the Dove as an asset, even if she doesn�t know it: she and her crew are a GAIA cell. So, too, is Patrick Bellringer. So ?? So, it does matter, in life and death terms, it does matter !!
The Dove�s legion of followers would suddenly be faced with doing hard time, once they did get their monies; and their defense would be the illusory NESARA law, which nobody has ever seen in print. Furthermore, the Children of Light would be both disenfranchised and "targetted" as supporters or co-operators with the Al Qaeda, and the now-bankrupt Fed Res Sys would be given new life -- albeit a new life based on the fraudulent Deeds of Assignment, debentures and other instruments faked up and phonied up by the Ekkers and their crew -- but a life that they could easily continue to live and enjoy !!!
Triple Threat. Triple Cross. Triple Play.
If you are on the Dove�s list -- YOU ARE IT, and YOU ARE OUT.
Something Called NESARA - Truth or Fraud?
07/20/03 by Mitch Battros (ECTV)
Time to address this thing running around the internet which shouts "follow me...follow me" as if they have some secret mystical knowledge the rest of us need to understand. It is called NESARA which stands for National Economic Security And Reformation Act. Gee, sure sounds like an official and powerful name. Surely, there has to be something to it.
Well not so fast! It didn't take long after just a short time of research to find this organization is nothing more than a self-proclaimed spiritual group which would like to see our world change. They see themselves as the "Robinhood" of the new age movement. After just a little digging, I am finding they are more along the line of "hood" rather than the robin.
They go by the name "Dove of Oneness". Now how cute and spiritual is that. Gives one the feeling of warmth all over. Well it appears our soothe sayers are nothing less than con-artist. Their names are E.J. Ekker and Doris J. Ekker. It seems the Ekker's are quite popular with US and Canadian Law Enforcement.
The mythologies of NESARA all revolve around the legitimate losses and the truly tragic swindles of the Savings and Loan crisis of the late 1980s. Hundreds of thousands of farm and ranching families and rural businesses were drawn into the whirlpool of bankruptcy and foreclosures, and from that long-running tragedy was generated a movement which has been called The Farm Claims.
The Dove of Oneness, who claims to receive messages from the Ascended Master St. Germain, has taken many opportunities to link the origin of NESARA as a secret law reforming the whole of the United States' tax code, abolishing the income tax, to then moving the country into a gold standard. These so-called Masters are none other than E.J. and Doris J. Ekker, who has registered the alias of St. Germain.
Folks, what really burns me up about people such as these clowns, is the fact they "intentionally" prey on honest seekers who are looking to better themselves and the planet. I can't imagine what their karma has in store for them. Perhaps there is an unknown gift through such evil deception. Perhaps we can use this as a lesson to show the danger in carelessly giving our power away to those who proclaim secret mystical powers or knowingness. It just sickens me to see pathetic individuals use beautiful entities such as St. Germain, Jesus, Buddha, and yes, even Mohammed in such a manipulative and self-seeking manner. I can tell you it is hard for me to use a word like 'evil', but this was the first word which came to mind.
Here is an open invitation If someone from the "Dove" organization would like to come on the show and tell their side of the story, I will be willing to facilitate an interview. I promise I will not contact law enforcement authorities as to set you up in a trap. But you wouldn't have anything to worry about, or so I would assume, since you have accepted my offer. If I find I am the one who has been mis-led, I will apologize "live" on the air. I will even go further, and promote you on my site. Or, if you wish to use this opportunity to confess your sins and ask forgiveness, I would be willing to facilitate this as well.
Now before you attempt to use that old 'bait and switch' routine telling everyone I am a secret agent for the US government, sent out to discredit or trap you, let me say right now it has been documented such scaming con-artist(s) have used this song and dance on many occasions. So I expect to see this used again. Oh yes, I am fully aware I will be attacked for my strong statments. I guess somethings are simply worth fighting for.
For all of you reading this article, I would encourage you not to offer one single penny to this organization until you are absolutely satisfied of their integrity. Oh don't worry, you will have several more chances to use your gift of "discernment". As stated previously, we are in a time when many will be coming forward yelling "follow me...follow me".
A reminder to us all. Do not follow my truth, or anyone else. Follow "your truth". Seek and you shall find. Find What? Your Truth! Sharpen your gift of discernment, you will surely need it. ?
Mitch Battros
Producer - Earth Changes TV http://www.earthchangestv.com
Anyway, here is an interesting link of RMN articles: (go figure! ;-) And the one about VK's fingering the Ekkers which I've copied below.
ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=70571
the worse illegal secret service networks, the BCCI (Bank of
Credit and Commerce International)
Because of its good relations to the highest places in the British secret services, the Rothschilds succeeded in preventing that their complicity
with one of the worse illegal secret service networks, the BCCI (Bank of
Credit and Commerce International) was never mentioned. In reality the
Rothschild bank belonged to the inner circle of these international money
laundering banks of the CIA and MI6 that financed in the 70s and 80s CIA projects like the Contras in Nicaragua.
Who was Russell Hermann & who is V.K. Durham ?
Russell Hermann was a recent POW by the hands of the Bush Cabal . V.K is his widow. She most likely knows things that could ruin presidents and maybe even the Fed. After what happened to Russell I wouldnt take V.K.'s story lightly. Their story seems very similar to another man in the navy that was a POW at the hands of the Bush Cabal with the physical evidence needed in order to take down presidents, namely Bush Sr.
1-Apr-2012 23:05:47 RMN Agents, take note: VK Durham (watcher51445) is no longer an Agent Posted By: Zapper
(Bank of Credit and Commerce International)
V.K is a really a US PAPER widow WHO owns a forged mortgage on the constitutional US via a South American Bond UNDER ASSIGNMENT TO THE Queen in the Right of canada
I've been reading her posts on that other website for quite a while now but can't understand some of what she is trying to convey. It's very full of legalese and a bit over my head.
The way that I understand her claims is that she owns a mortgage on the constitutional US via a South American Bond that a lot of past presidents and thier henchmen have sold bad bills of goods by illegally using her bond as collateral.
It's all quite confusing to me, but I'm inclined to believe her.http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message1729411/pg1
Hi, Folks - VK Durham a/k/a watcher51445 has been decommissioned as of a few days ago and is no longer an RMN Agent.
For inquiring minds..... This was posted on March 25, 2012 after much thought and research were taken into consideration. In due time, the facts discovered while researching will be released.... it is a mystery with many mirrored facets... keep an open mind. Stay tuned.... Seawitch ************************ http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=234668 Notice Notice of Cease and Desist 25 March 2012
VK Durham and To Whom It May Concern 1500 Brinker Road Wellsburg, WV 26070 304-810-7793
Re: Cease and Desist from Affiliation with: The Durham Int’l Ltd: Holding Trust, TIAS 12087 The Deo ju Vante Trust, USA; A Subsidiary “99” Year Trust The Durham Trust Presentation Package
Dear VK Durham and To Whom It May Concern, This letter is to serve as Notice of Cease and Desist in all communications, in regards to all the above referenced Marty Thompson, to myself and or my associates due to the fact that we can not associate with any persons connected with the faction that would implicate us with “sedition and treason“, your own words. Also, this letter is to serve as Notice of Cease and Desist in regards to using or referencing name, email address and telephone number of myself and or my associates dealing with all the above said Trust in any correspondence or any public or private venture. I demand that you cease and desist from this activity as soon as possible. Thank you, Marty Thompson ********************************** This was just emailed to me. Here is another CEASE AND DESIST from Daniel V. Hughes D. V. Hughes Jr. February 25, 2012 To: V.K. Durham Reference: Daniel V. Hughes Jr., changed because of identity theft to D.V. Hughes Jr. This letter is to serve as Notice of Cease and Desist ALL Communications, in regards to the above referenced Daniel V. Hughes Jr./D.V. Hughes Jr., to myself or my family friends. This letter is also to serve as Notice of Cease and Desist in representing or using the names of myself or my companies in any correspondence or any public or private venue. Keep your keys to the kingdom/password for the accounts that were frozen and the 58 boxes of stock certificates bought and paid for through identity theft. What you and your associates have done is wrong, dead wrong. Severely Burnt, D.V. Hughes, Jr.
Who was George Soros?
[H: Better yet: Who IS this man? Meet one of the most prominent of the players in your downfall. He very much ‘was’ but he also IS and did, in fact wreck the economy of Southeast Asia in very short order. He is a top player in such as Bilderbergers and all the other controlling groups while doing nothing “illegal”. But then no one can do anything illegal if you and your colleagues make the laws.]
The now sixty-four year old Hungarian with a U.S. passport is a superstar amidst the great speculators. When the last Forbes list of the best-paid managers and financiers was published, Soros was in the lead by a huge margin. In the last year he earned 550 million US$, twenty times as much as the Disney boss. When Soros opens the hunt, the international money markets get moving and the reserve banks start worrying.
In September 1993 he succeeded over the Bank of England. He was certain that the bank would have to take the pound that came under pressure out of the European exchange mechanism and devalue it. He gambled ten billion US$ - with success. He made one billion US$ which the British taxpayers now have to come up with. He himself openly likes to be knows as the man who wants to influence the big money markets of the world.
This is a very unusual stance for an investor to take, who should rather be interested in using situations unobservedly that the competitors have not yet discovered. In March 1993 Soros’ activities became known when he predicted a rise in the price of gold. It is assumed – since this started a buying spree in precious metals – that this drove the price up 20% over the highest price since the Gulf War.
In the beginning of June 1993 he wrote an open letter to the business editor of the London Times, Anatole Kaletsky, announcing that he intended to urge the money markets to sell large amount of German government bonds in favor of French stocks. Which means: Down with the German mark and attack on the Bundesbank! In several newspapers across the world Soros is praised as a kind of Robin Hood of the Computer Age since by speculation he takes from the rich nations in grand style to hand out to Eastern Europe and Russia via several Soros Foundations, to prepare the way for “democracy” in those “poor” countries that had been bled dry by Communism.
Who then is Soros? The official story says that he was born in 1930 to Jewish parents and as a teenager had been chased from Budapest by the Nazis. He enrolled at the London School of Economics and in the mid-50’s came to the U.S. There he was magically drawn to Wall Street, but his career until 1969 was rather unspectacular. Then with a partner he took over an investment fund. He sold stocks he didn’t own as futures, hoping that their price would fall nearer the qualifying date and that he could acquire them at a price lower than his selling price.
From this fund, the Quantum Group evolved, a family of investment funds operating for the Dutch West Indies. Quantum is one of the most impressive “investment machines” in the world. In eight of the last twenty-four years it made an “official” profit of over 50%, in two of those years even over 100%. In the meantime Soros handed business over to a group of managers and limits himself to designing the “great campaigns”. He put down his principles in the book The Alchemy of Finance, where he says what “financial speculators this is more important than real economic facts”.
But this is but the picture the media – and we know who owns them – paint of him. Who is he in reality?
William Engdahl knows this to say about him:
“Soros speculates on the world’s financial markets via his secret off-shore company Quantum Fund NV, a private Investment fund that handles a portfolio of four to seven billion US$ for several “clients”. The Quantum Fund is registered in the tax haven of the Netherlands Antilles in the Caribbean. In order to evade control of his financial activities by the U.S. administration not a single U.S. citizen sits on the board of Quantum. Its directors are a curious mixture of Swiss and Italian financiers.
“Soros has been identified as a front man of the Anglo-French Rothschild banking group. Understandably neither he nor the Rothschilds want this important fact to be public, so the tight links to his friends in the London ‘City’, in the British foreign ministry, in the state of Israel and to his mighty friends in the American Establishment would stay concealed.”
Among the members of the board of the Quantum Fund is one Richard Katz. He is at the same time head of the Rothschilds Italia S.p.A. in Milan and is also on the board of the commercial bank N.M. Rothschild & Sons in London. Another member of the board is Nils O. Taube.
He is a partner in the London investment group St. James’ Place Capital which counts Lord Rothschild among its main partners. A frequent partner of Soros in several of his speculations – especially in the driving up of the gold quotation – is Sir James Goldsmith, a relative of the Rothschild dynasty. On the board of Quantum we also find the heads of some highly “discreet” Swiss private banks (who help the syndicated of organized crime – weapons and drugs – to launder their money).
Then there is Edgar D. de Piccioto, head of the Geneva private bank CBI-TDB Union Bancaire Privee, a main player on the gold and investment markets, Isidoro Albertini, head of the Milan stockbroking company Albertini & Co., Beat Notz of the private bank Banque Worms at Geneva, Albertl Foglia, head of the Banca del Ceresio at Lugano.
In the course of the recent political corruption scandals in Italy it was found that several Italian politicians kept their money at the Banca del Ceresio. Apparently Soros had more than just insider knowledge about the weak points in Italian politics when he attacked the lira in September 1994.
William Engdahl explains:
“Soros’ connection to the ultra-secret international finance circles of the Rothschilds is not just an ordinary or accidental banking connection. The extraordinary success Soros has on the high-risk financial markets cannot simply be explained with “gambler’s luck”.
Soros has access to information channels, both government and private.
Ever since the Second World War the Rothschild family tried to disseminate an aura of insignificance about themselves. But behind this [is] one of the mightiest and most obscure financial groups of the world. The Rothschilds spend a lot of money to cultivate a picture of a wealthy aristocratic family leading a quiet life where one loves French wines and another engages in charitable trusts.
To experts on the “City” N.M Rothschild & Sons is most influential in the faction of the British secret service establishment closely linked with the neo-liberal Thatcher wing of the Tory party. In the 80s N.M Rothschild & Sons made several billion US$ from the privatization of British state-owned industries they conducted for Mrs. Thatcher. The Rothschild bank is also at the center of world gold trade: In this bank the gold price is fixed twice a day by the five most influential gold trading banks. But N.M Rothschild & Sons is also entangled in some very dirty secret service operations dealing with drugs vs. arms.
Because of its good relations to the highest places in the British secret services, the Rothschilds succeeded in preventing that their complicity with one of the worse illegal secret service networks, the BCCI (Bank of Credit and Commerce International) was never mentioned. In reality the Rothschild bank belonged to the inner circle of these international money laundering banks of the CIA and MI6 that financed in the 70s and 80s CIA projects like the Contras in Nicaragua.
[H: Please a brief interruption on the topic of BCCI and GEORGE BUSH, Russell Herman, V.K. Durham, et al.: One day Mr. George Bush needed a Herman signature on a document which would also include that of V.K. Durham. He called and reached V.K. who asked “What the Hell” did he want?
In the conversation the names got a bit worse and finally the question was asked as to where Mr. Bush was at the time. He said he was sitting at his desk in “MY BANK – BCCI”. This was strange since is being President it was hardly “kosher” to have a bank, etc. The signatures were not forthcoming and that shortened Mr. Herman’s life-span by quite a bit.
I will also note that we personally wrote to Mr. George Soros within the past three years when Mr. Soros was weeping and wailing about the damage having been done to Southeastern Asia through his antics, and thus and so. We offered to share with him in exchange for participating in bringing back stability to the area. Son-of-a-gun, you know what? He declined! JUST AS HAS MR. BUSH, ET AL.
Gee whiz, and they want to help so much – they say. At the present time George W. Bush Jr. and Secretary of State (U.S. of course) Colin Powell addressed the Council of the Americas – the group of financiers and corporate Elite behind the drive to expand NAFTA into a continental trading bloc. This is being well orchestrated by Bilderbergers such as David Rockefeller with the string-pulling. My goodness, readers, there is so much to share and so little time, I think the saying goes.]
William Engdahl: “Was stecky hinter den Wahrungskriegen des George Soros? (What is behind the currency wars of George Soros?). EIRNA-Studie “Derivate – Die finanzielle Wasserstoffbombe der 90er Jahre” (Derivatives – The Financial Hydrogen
Skull & Bones
Its members call it “The Order” for short,
Skull & Bones
Its members call it “The Order” for short, to some it has been known for more than 150 years as Local 322 of a German secret society. Others call it Brotherhood of Death. The secret order of Skull & Bones was introduced to Yale University in1833 by William Huntington Russel and Alfonso Taft. Russel had brought it to Yale from his student days in Germany in 1833. In 1856 the order was incorporated into the Russel Trust.
Among other things the order forms the inner circle, the elite, of the CFR. The inner circle of the Skull & Bones in turn is the Jason Society.
Skull & Bones has been dominated since 1833 by the following family empires:
Rockefeller (Standard Oil)
Harriman (Railroad)
Weyerhauser (Timber)
Sloane (Retail Trade)
Pillsbury (Flour Mills)
Davison (J.P. Morgan)
Payne (Standard Oil)
And from Massachusetts:
Gilman (1638,Hingham)
Wadsworth (1632, Newtown)
Taft (1679, Braintree)
Stimson (1631, Watertown)
Perkins (1631, Boston)
Whitney (1635, Watertown)
Phelbs (1630, Dorchester)
Bundy (1635, Boston)
Lord (1635, Cambridge)
From: Skull & Bones and The Two Faces of George Bush by Anthony C. Sutton.
The entanglements of the Order of Skull & Bones have been mentioned throughout the book.
The order is also linked with Lord Milner’s group, The Round Table, since the CFR was founded by it.http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/secretsoc_20century/secretsoc_20century10.htm
Another personality with an interesting background is now deceased L. RON HUBBARD, the founder of the Scientology church. Since this book here is dealing with background knowledge, perhaps we should look at the background of L.Ron Hubbard whose organization is really victimized in public.
In the early days of MK ULTRA, the consciousness control program in the U.S, the former naval officer Hubbard had researched the mechanism of human thinking, knowing about what secretly went on in the Navy. After refusing to comply with government research and to join the control psychiatrists, he published the book DIANETICS – the Modern Science of Mental Health.
The book proclaimed mental freedom and integrity as the birth right of humanity. The book made the bestseller lists and Hubbard’s “auditing techniques” were described as very successful. Some of the processes that Hubbard offered to reach mental freedom were secretly used by the government to try and enslave the people. Other techniques described by Hubbard were indeed antidotes to the MK ULTRA methods of consciousness control.
The U.S. government then started a devilish slander campaign against Hubbard that was led by the section for mental control at the CIA. The still young author had – probably inadvertently – revealed the key of one of the best-kept secrets of the cold war. His office was broken into and a protocol was stolen that described the mind control techniques now know as PSYCHOTRONICS.
Hubbard and his colleagues were physically attacked and only narrowly escaped a kidnap attempt.
But the enormous influence by the Scientology churches shows that Hubbard was not just an innocent victim. And L. Ron surely knew a thing or two about some important events of this world because he not only spent his “magician years” in Aleister Crowley’s Thelema Church in California, but he had also risen to the 33rd degree in the Scottish Rite Masonry (perhaps even to the Illuminati degrees).
But let’s get to the “real” stuff now. What I just told you so far can be found in other books, too.
So now I will tell you something about L. Ron Hubbard and his Church of Scientology which you won’t find in any other book on this planet.
The so-called “auditing” techniques of Hubbard are a very handy way to regress somebody into his past as well as into his past lives. So Hubbard was very busily regressing thousands and thousands of people further and further back into their past lives, and he discovered the same strange incident in all of his clients.
This happened absolutely independently from all the other sources I mentioned so far. He discovered information stored in every client’s subconscious and came up with the exact same story on every client. In the constellation Pegasus there is a solar system called MARCAB, a sun surrounded by seven planets.
But the sun is going to die. So the humanoid Marcabians who, in our terms would be “evil” in nature, looked about for another planet to move to. Well, having good taste, they finally decided to take the planet Earth. But there were people on this planet who were in the way for them to settle down here with all their people. But on the other hand these people could be used as slaves, freeing the Marcabians from having to work.
So they made up a plan and contacted one race down her, with whom they made a deal that, if they would help them to undermine every nation and take them over silently, they would make them the ruling people of Earth.
Well guess which people the Marcabian made the deal with? BINGO! – the Hebrews!
L. Ron Hubbard found out what the Sumerian records, the Gilgamesh epic, the Christian Bible and other books describe as well, that Marcabian “God-like” beings came down from heaven with flying saucers.
The ancient people not knowing about machines, described them as something they could relate to: a flying cloud or a “flying wheel that came from heaven” with noise and steam, or the “eye of God" (surely it must be an accident that the eye on the Illuminati sign on the one-dollar bill has the shape of a saucer?). Hubbard found out who EL SHADDAI was and still is – the extraterrestrial race that made the original deal with the Hebrews.
And from then on this was taught in the Scientology Church, from the grade OT3 in the hierarchy upwards. You thing this is nonsense? Then read the following sentences carefully! If this was nonsensical, nothing more would have happened besides some ridiculing or sneering. But you will always recognize by the severity something is treated with whether it is in somebody’s way.
Of course the Khazar-Jewish Illuminati and the “Hebrew Blood Alliance” (the descendants of those Hebrews who had made the deal with the Marcabians, another Secret Lodge) soon found out about Hubbard’s discovery, but his organization was already too powerful to fight. So the ruling Khazar-Illuminati started, as the Marcabians told them to (already in the Old Testament), undermining and infiltrating the organization and taking it over. So guess what happened!
In 1981 the complete Church of Scientology in every nation on the planet had been bought by the biggest WHISKEY producer on Earth, the Canadian Jew Bronfman. Now you will understand why the most important people in Scientology as well as all the original founders had left the Church at that time. Because since then the Church of Scientology is a Khazar-Jewish Illuminati organization. Surprised?
I got this information from the founder of Scientology in Germany, as well as from people in the U.S. who worked with Hubbard until he died. (These people do not wish to be named, as they have a difficult life already.)
Does all this make sense?
[H: Whether or not THAT makes sense is possibly beside the point.
The manipulators are shrewd and you who get lost in your own ego-trappings are EASY PREY. The lies give away the culprits but the blind keep on their blindfolds to suit their own “rather believe” – and the wheels spin until they fall apart.] [H: The next chapter will be a bit tedious but is extremely valuable. I will again urge you to make sure to get copies of Dr. John Coleman’s book regarding the Committee of 300 where you will find extremely shocking and interesting reading.
The book itself has a fascinating birthing which we will enjoy discussing at some other time.
This was founded in 1729 by the Black Nobility through the BEIC (British East India Company), to deal with international banking and trade problems and to support the opium trade. It is run by the British Crown. It comprises the entire world banking system plus the most important representatives of Western nations. Through the Committee of 300 all banks are linked to Rothschild. All the organizations following in these pages have been “made” by the Committee of 300.
Dr. John Coleman published in his book Conspirator’s Hierarchy: The Committee of 300, 290 organizations, 125 banks and 341 names of former and present members of the committee, of which I will list here but a few:
Balfour, Arthur
Brandt, Willy
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward (Author of The Coming Race)
Bundy, McGeorge
Bush, George [H.W.]
Carrington, Lord
Chamberlain, Huston Stewart
Constanti, House of Orange
Delano, Family, Frederic Delano (was on the Federal Reserve board)