former World Bank Executive, George Klien brought about by these "Hundreds of
Trillions of Dollars in Counterfeit Gold Instruments" suddenly hitting the
World Bank?"
UPDATE :cartel massacres have method in their brutal madness 9.9.03
September 8, 2003, very disturbing telephone calls were received. The caller was deeply involved in the Gold Collateral Transactions which involved the $206 Trillion and $400 Trillion Dollar "Unauthorized Gold Collateral transactions mentioned in September 8th, 2003 information regarding the suicide of the "Former World Bank Executive, Mr. George Klien while golfing with former U.S. Dept. of State Eagleburger".
In regards to the first caller. At first, I wanted to hang up on the caller, or get him off the line as fast as possible..--until he commenced identifying transaction after transaction involving "Bonus 3392-181 Trust held Gold Collateral" which was used without Authorization from the Holder in due course i.e., "The Duly Constituted Owners." At that time, it was realized something very important to the country and international community of nations, was being said by the caller. At that time, I asked the caller if the telephone conversation could be recorded. The caller said "By all means, it is time the truth is told. I am tired of running for my life." The telephone conversation was recorded, a copy was made to provide to the U.S. House of Representatives for Inquiry and Investigation.
The information went back to 1986, involving "Black Hole" Collateral Transactions which, in all probably the U.S. House of Representatives never had any idea were going on. All were authorized and cleared through the U.S. Federal Reserve involving Paul Volker, Greenspan, Brady, Jim Baker, Mark Rich, Citibank, Chase Manhattan, Chemical Bank, and the list went on through European and Asian Banks, Latin American Banks, Panamanian Banks and the Contra Affair Banking. The Commodity Contract Bonus 3392-181 was authenticated by a Dr. Horn and Nicholas Brady, which led to the unauthorized 1990-1991 use of the Gold Collateral Instruments held in Trust.
This perked up my attention as my late husband (Central Intelligence Agency) Russell Herrman also known as Herman, was the CONTRA ACCOUNT HOLDER for Bush, Bentsen, Baker, North and Greenspan. Originally, the CONTRA ACCOUNTS were opened in REPUBLIC NATIONAL BANK in Texas prior to Greenspans appointment as Chairman of the Federal Reserve, while he was still in TEXAS. Greenspans telephone number in Texas was 713-780-1266. The Contra Accounts were moved from TEXAS to REPUBLIC NATIONAL BANK 452 5th Avenue, New York, New York, then moved to ANSBACHER ACCOUNT 608103047 CI-LTD Account; for Russell Herman. Reference Code: "Woodbridge." Attention: D. Hughes. Bank Officer: "Teddy Lloyd." This information is being made public, because the telephone lines "had visitors" on the "call waiting." Having "visitors" on the call waiting while the conversation was being recorded, denotes the necessity for making this information public at this time. The U.S. House of Representatives who "visit" RMNews can take down the CONTRA ACCOUNT INFORMATION. They have looked for these accounts since the Contra Hearings.
A mistake was made in yesterdays posting listing the pirated former U.S. Federal Government Corporation name. The correct name is THE INTER-AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION which was used in this Counterfeiting of Gold Collateral Instruments at the "WORLD COLLATERAL HOUSE CORPORATION" i.e., The World Bank.
History on the INTER-AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION. This U.S. Corporation can be found in DEPARTMENT OF STATE "Treaties international agreements other than treaties (TIAS) 12087" documents, Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. This INTER-AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION became the "laundering arm" for the Contras pursuant to BANK RECONSTRUCTION ACT NUMBER TWO for the INTER-AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK (also pirated by the Counterfeiters) in a MULTILATERAL AGREEMENT done at Washington November 19, 1984; Entered into force March 23, 1986. The initial authorized capital stock of the Corporation "US$200,000,000. (GOLD)." "The authorized capital stock shall be (was) divided into twenty thousand (20,000) shares having a par value of ten thousand dollars of United States of America (US$10,000) each. Any shares not initially subscribed by the funding members in accordance with Section 3(a) (of this Article) shall be available for subsequent subscription accordance with Section 3(d) hereof." 24 Latin American Countries subscribed to TIAS 12087 as did the United States of America holding 5,100 Capital Shares. Austria holding 100 Capital Shares. France holding 626 Capital Shares. Germany, Fed. Republic of holding 626 Capital Shares. Israel holding 50 Capital Shares. Italy holding 626 Capital Shares. Japan holding 626 Capital Shares. Netherlands holding 626 Capital Shares. Switzerland holding 310 Capital Shares. All funded by the U.S. Congress with U.S. Tax Payer Dollars. Each agreeing party "Subject only to their own Jurisdiction of Articles of Incorporation by Arbitration of the Capital Share Holders." They were subject to NO LAW other than the Law of this PRIVATE "INTER-AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION" which was pirated by the Global Alliance Investment Association Corporation, incorporated in the State of Nevada currently operating out of the Philippines issuing "Counterfeit Gold Instruments Globally."
This Global Alliance Investment Association, Inter-American Development Corporation, Inter-American Development Bank "pirating" is hidden further in a Trust also owned by these individuals, further represented by a man reported in yesterday's taped conversation being a Doctor Horn. The one and the same Dr. Horn who, along with Brady and etals, Authenticated and used the Bonus 3392-181 in 1990-91.
Open and Notorious PUBLIC PRINT "Blackmailing" of former U.S. Federal Government Officials in Offices of Public Trust has been ongoing since the Counterfeiting Ring commenced operations in 1997-98 which allowed the "pirating" of U.S. Federal Government Corporations and "use thereof" since U.S. Sec. of the Treasury Rubin "conveniently forgot to re-incorporate the former U.S. Federal Government Corporations" which further involved MARK RICH (per taped conversation), which further involved ORGANIZED CRIME. Mark Rich, was "pardoned by ex president Clinton?"
These former and present individuals involved in the Counterfeiting, Blackmailing former U.S. Federal Government Officials of former Offices of Public Trust, have conspired to misuse U.S. Corporations. The misuse is the Predatory Banking and Predatory Corporate practices as cited in PRAVDA article posted by "ESCLARMONDE"
The Gold Collateral Instruments hold Private Bond Holder status, being exempt
from the SEC Rules & Regulations pursuant to Rule 144-a.. However, when one of these (Counterfeit or otherwise) Gold Collateral Instruments are sold; "The purchaser must register the Collateral with the SEC." However; If, these Collateral Instruments (staggered year terms) were put down in China's Banking Systems, it would not be necessary to "Register the Collateral with the U.S. Security Exchange Commission until TERM END."
CARTELS CLOSING RANKS AGAINST US DOLLAR by VKDURHAM Posted By: Tylersword [Send E-Mail] Date: Thursday, 4-Sep-2003 16:43:43
by VK Durham BANKING CARTELS CLOSING RANKS AGAINST U.S. DOLLAR. Yes, indeed, it would be called Treason and Seditious against not only the Government of the United States (the People), but against all Sovereign Governments of the World such as involved in this Counterfeiting Ring who conspired to split "50-50" the monies taken down off shore on BONUS 3392-181. The "Control Group" is a group of individuals who enter into "agreements" which are planned 25-50-75 and 99 years in advance. The Control Group consists of those involved in Global Banking Cartels. Currently; Ranks are being CLOSED against the Rothschild's Federal Reserve Banking as "The Federal Reserve and Conspirators (GAIA-EKKERS) were intending to take over ALL THE BANKING CARTELS with COUNTERFEIT GOLD INSTRUMENTS." The Control Group is perhaps better defined as those who plan "events" which govern our lives; Just to give a few examples. The Tzar was murdered in 1917. Add 75 years. This comes to 1992. When did the Bosnia Hertznogovia war commence. 1992? New agreements had to be made. Another example. The U.S. Assumed the Latin American Debt(s) of Peru in 1905. The "assumption was by conspiratorial activity" placed into the Archives of the U.S. House. When it came time to pay the U.S. Latin American Debts, the DEBTS were not on the books. The U.S. went Bankrupt and into receivership in 1907. The Fed. R. took over management of the U.S. Debt Payments December 23, 1913 when the U.S. House of Representatives was "Out of Session for the Christmas Holidays." Six men re-opened the "out of session U.S. House" enacting the Federal Reserve Act without "Congress being in Full Session." 1907 + 99 years was the schedule for the NWO to take full control over and take HOSTAGE the entire International Banking, Finances and Economics by year 2006 (Global Alliance Investment Association aka GAIA-EKKERS tape recording of conspirators with the Fed. R. which was provided (Certified Mail) to the U.S. SEC Legal Department, Chairman Dan Burton of the U.S. House Oversight Committee, U.S. Senate Banking Committee Chairman, Charles E. Grassley). All parties have ignored the documentation, tape recordings, inter-office memorandums etc; Including "handwritten letter" citing "GUNS BEING BURIED AT THE TEHACHIPI CALIFORNIAL RANCH. ONE WAS SO LARGE IT HAD TO BE BURIED IN A PIPE WITH COFFEE CANS OVER THE ENDS" and other documentation citing BOMBS ON AIRPLANES etc in these communications by those in a conspiracy who, per their own news paper articles "Await instructions from the Fed.R./UST as to when to bring the gold home." In order to facilitate THE WORLD'S BIGGEST "GOLD HEIST" the conspirators fell into line, doing what everyone else has been doing in this IDENTITY THEFT. Instead of "stealing individuals identity's" U.S. FEDERAL GOVERNMENTAL CORPORATION IDENTITIES were stolen by the CONSPIRATORS in this conspiracy with the U.S. Fed. R. This was "after the convenience of U.S. Sec. of the Dept. of the Treasury "RUBIN" "forgetting" to re-incorporate the U.S. Federal Government "Corporations?" One of the Trust held CORPORATIONS was fraudulently incorporated in a "Corporate Identity Theft" the corporation is COSMOS SEAFOOD ENERGY MARKETING, LTD; NEVADA ID# 1707-85 which was retired June 16, 1997 to be held in Trust for its own 'PROTECTION'. Check with the Nevada Corporations Commissioner, you will find GAIA-EKKERS "incorporation of Cosmos Seafood Energy Marketing, Ltd; Nevada ID# 1707-85." The CONSPIRATORS publish Aditional news paper articles which brag about "Deeds of Assignment for Consideration" being sold, and warehoused in the Islamic Banks. The Warehouse Receipts were used to buy HARD GOLD. Note: These are Counterfeit Gold Instruments which the SEC, Wall Street Journal, Economica etc describe as "Not Now Performing Gold Derivatives." These Counterfeit Instruments were written on our GOLD COLLATERAL INSTRUMENTS without Authorization. Who did they use as their Attorney? The same attorney representing NUR MISSUARI of the MORO ISLAMIC LIBERATION FRONT aka the ABBYU SAYEFF aka THE AL QUAD aka THE AL QAEDA aka THE ALL KADA etc. The Sultan of Brunei is alleged (documented) to have put up "20% of his nations wealth" to assist the individuals who are "holding hands" with the U.S. Federal Reserve to "split 50-50" with those currently sitting in the Philippines awaiting "instructions as to when to bring the gold home".. Who has taken the biggest hits on these NOT NOW PERFORMING GOLD DERIVATIVES? Answer: China, the Islamic Banks, S. Africa, Korea, Germany, France etc. China is alleged to hold over $400 Trillion in Counterfeit Gold Instruments alone. Take into consideration the "Agreement with the Fed. R. was to use up to 50% of $206,858,581,465,280,000,000.00 in "Counterfeit Gold Instruments written on Bonus 3392-181" that should be a pretty fair estimate of how much COUNTERFEIT GOLD COLLATERAL is in the before mentioned Central Banks of China etc., including the BRUNEI Central Banking, the Banks at Jeddah, Riady etc. This "Agreement" which is transcribed in the following pages, is a pretty slick manuever to take down, take hostage the entire Global Banking, Financial and Economic Conditions by and through the usage of COUNTERFEIT GOLD INSTRUMENTS which were lodged and warehoused in banks all over the world, and the warehouse receipts were used to PURCHASE "HARD GOLD" by those currently sitting in the Philippines "awaiting instructions from the Fed.R./UST as to when to bring the gold home" (in public print). This entire operation is based upon KIDNAPPING, MURDER, FORGERY and FALSE NOTARY'S, and filing BLACK & WHITE COPIES of "PERFECTED" Sovereign Debt Instruments held in Trust.., by the Conspirators who's plans of "Fabricating" the instruments marketing and putting into full force and effect the taking HOSTAGE the Global Banking, Financing and Economics (tape recording). The "monkey wrench" was thrown into the draw works of the GLOBAL COLLAPSE of the International Banking when NOTICE was given to the VICTIMS of the COUNTERFEIT INSTRUMENTS in 2001, 2002 including 2003 to date. We were told as recently as July 2003, our Latin American Debt Instruments were on the U.S. Dept. of the Treasury "Gray Screen." When we ourselves have attempted to use our LAWFUL COLLATERAL, we have been "stopped" while our contact people have been "threatened." Since the end of July 2003, the LATIN AMERICAN "BILLS OF LADING" COMMODITY CONTRACT "BONUS 3392" has been removed from the U.S. Dept. of the Treasury "Gray Screen." This particular Latin American Debt of which there was only "ONE" sold in New York, which is owned by this Trust, is the Latin American Bills of Lading of New York mentioned in the AMENDMENT TO THE FEDERAL RESERVE ACT of December 24, 1919 which "They (the Fed. R.) were not prepared nor willing to pay." Remember. When you want to find out the time frames, go to the current date such as 2003 deduct one or the other of the following years "25-50-75 and 99".. You will find the scheduling for "events." A curious thing or sets of things happened yesterday. I have been reorganizing records for the last several days. The NSA boys were here in July. I do most of my telephoning from upstairs because the basement office is so darned cold, I just freeze all the time. Average temp. 60 degrees. My heart can't take this temp. If I stay down here too long, I could go into hypothermia. Yesterday (August 30, 2003), two things unusual came into play. When cleaning off the "communications data" from the coffee table, a very unusual "pen" was laying there. It was not one of ours. Threw the dammed thing out. Then, I come back to the basement office. Did the defragging and systems repair on "Bull Dog" (the computer most used).. then scanned with Norton. Afterwards, I shut Bull Dog down (this is the one the voices and unusual sounds were coming from). I just happened to take a look at the 'speakers'.. The systems were still "green." The speakers were turned off, and un-plugged. This tells me, someone is very worried about what the Trust is doing. In all the paperwork, documents going back to 9/97 regarding GAIA-Ekker's were found. We have the "paperwork" as to where they lodged the Counterfeit Instruments, and their "formula" as to what would happen to the United States if she were forced into Bankruptcy dating also back to 1997, in faxed communications which came to me "out of left field" in 1997 which carefully formulates the "plan" on this current International Banking, Financing, Economics Global situation confronting our Global Communities. This ties in with the TAPE RECORDING of the meeting held in the Philippine "Guilarmi Hotel" February/March 1998, which stated "The fabrication of these documents is designed to take the entire Global Banking, Financial and Economics "hostage." Only V.K. Durham, will know the truth. [end quote]" These "fabricated" Collateral instruments were intended "To take down the United States, and put her in Bankruptcy." Additional documentation; "Prince Bandar put up 20% of his nations wealth to assist this GAIA-Ekker "Global Banking, Financing and Economic "taking hostage" situation, which brought in the Saudi's Ryadi and Jeddah Banking, which then passed on to CHINA'S Banks, which China took the "hit" for $400 Trillion Dollars in Counterfeit Instruments written on our Collateral without Trust Authorization. China (not knowing the instruments were counterfeit) pass's off Counterfeit instruments to Korea. The collateral was alleged to be collectable from the U.S. Dept. of the Treasury/U.S. Fed. R. Korea was intending to use the collateral for ENERGY. Their electric power is insufficient to support more than a couple of hours "electricity a day." From March to May, 2003, certain individuals were working with Alan Greenspan at the U.S. Federal Reserve, passing TRUST DOCUMENTS on to the U.S. Fed. R. Board Chairman, Alan Greenspan (CONTRA AFFAIR PARTNER WITH LATE HUSBAND, BUSH ETALS). FIFTEEN (15) "Verbal Offers" were tendered which came through the "certain individuals" from ALAN GREENSPAN to BUY THE BONUS 3392-181 PERFECTED "SOVEREIGN DEBT INSTRUMENTS". Each time, the offer was met with hostility, and adamantly, and angrily refused by the CEO-Signatory V.K. Durham. The last offer was met with "Return back to me, my murdered husband to the state of health he was in at 11:00 AM, July 1, 1993, before he was sprayed with what is thought to be serine. Return my murdered husband back to me, and I will consider the Federal Reserve Chairman's Offer [end quote]". The response came back "SHE WILL NEVER BE ALLOWED TO DO ANYTHING WITH THE TRUST IN THE UNITED STATES." This statement was made in early May 2003. The Gold Collateral Instruments hold Private Bond Holder status, being exempt from the SEC Rules & Regulations pursuant to Rule 144-a.. However, when one of these (Counterfeit or otherwise) Gold Collateral Instruments are sold; "The purchaser must register the Collateral with the SEC." However; If, these Collateral Instruments (staggered year terms) were put down in China's Banking Systems, it would not be necessary to "Register the Collateral with the U.S. Security Exchange Commission until TERM END." This would result in another INTERNATIONAL BANKING GOLD COLLATERAL "debt" claim against the United States, which would not be "on the books." No one would be the wiser until the INSTRUMENTS WERE SUBMITTED FOR "PAYMENT" at such time the good old Fed. R. would in all probability DECLARE the Instruments "Counterfeit" leaving these nations "on the hook." for more click below new topic.
Desmarais family’s holding company’s Mr. Orr declined to comment on what happened at JPMorgan, which announced Monday that its chief investment officer was stepping down in the wake of the surprise trading loss.
Tighter rules would hurt growth: Power Financial
BERTRAND MAROTTE MONTREAL— Globe and Mail Update Published Monday, May. 14, 2012 3:13PM EDT Last updated Monday, May. 14, 2012 4:11PM EDT 29
“I do believe that regulators around the globe have increased the level of regulation dramatically in the past four years. The danger remains that the pendulum swings too far and chokes off economic activity,” Jeffrey Orr told reporters after the Desmarais family’s holding company’s annual meeting Monday morning.