a 30-year VKD bull market in MUNICAPAL-INTERNATIONAL TAX FREE JUNK bonds.
Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. Investors have already been fooled more than once by banks and their lack of transparency, so something needs to be done, if not by regulators, at least by the investing public.
Heads Start Rolling
Born into an rich NEW AGE artistic family in Connecticut,
Book Description Publication Date: April 30, 2002 For the past twenty-five years, Alexandra Morton has been at the forefront of whale and dolphin research, dedicating her life to the study of orcas (also known as killer whales). Now in Listening to Whales, Morton shares the spellbinding story of her career, her adventures in the wilderness, the heartbreak she has endured, and the rewards of living her life on her own terms.
Born into an artistic family in Connecticut, Morton experienced a seismic jolt when at age twelve she first read the work of primatologist Dr. Jane Goodall and knew she wanted to study wild animals. Soon afterward, listening for the first time to orcas communicating with each other, she knew she had found her life work. In the late 1970s, while working at California’s Marineland, Alexandra pioneered the recording of whale sounds by dropping a hydrophone into the tank of two killer whales. She recorded the varied language of mating, childbirth, and even grief after the birth of a stillborn calf. At the same time she made the startling observation that the whales were inventing and perfecting wonderful synchronized movements, a behavior that was soon recognized as a defining characteristic of orca society.
Holding Onto Heritage: Native Whale Hunts
the "London 's imperial NATIVE Whale" (for HER massive positions) and "Voldemort" (for his power over the markets) –
How JP Morgan's 'London Whale' Lost $2 Billion May 16, 2012 | Stocks: JPM, EconMatters
(By Matthew Weinschenk) Last week, after a month of speculation that something might be awry, Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase(NYSE: ), placed an emergency conference call and admitted to a $2 billion investment loss.
The loss, he explained, was a result of a "new strategy that was flawed, complex, poorly reviewed, poorly executed and poorly monitored." Details remain obscure, however, as JPMorgan hasn't been forthcoming with exactly what this trade was and how it went so wrong. It's referred to only as a "synthetic credit portfolio" and a "strategy to hedge the firm's overall credit exposure."
We do have a little more information, though…
In April, some hedge funds tipped off reporters to unusual activity happening in the credit default swap (or CDS) market. The story broke on Bloomberg that the trades were coming from JPMorgan's London-based Chief Investment Office. And the particular trader in question – dubbed by other investors as the "London Whale" (for his massive positions) and "Voldemort" (for his power over the markets) – was identified as Bruno Iksil at JPMorgan.
West Brian Suite 1000-250 2 St SW, Calgary, AB T2P 0C1 (403) 296-4470 ()
a "Assignment of Interest" allegedly owned by Russell Herman, allegedly signed on August 5, 1993
Contained in this alleged "Historical Documentation" is a forged signature of the MURDERED CEO; Russell Herman, evidencing the "lifted signature" was lifted from page 271, being a former RECORDED INSTRUMENT filed in Gallatin County, Illinois "Last Will and Testament" filed and Received by Gallatin County Recorder, and John Ellis County Treasurer; which alleges a "Assignment of Interest" allegedly owned by Russell Herman, allegedly signed on August 5, 1993, Notarized FOUR YEARS after Mr. Herman's Murder, further SELF WITNESSED by "RICK MARTIN" of CONTACT. Inc.
There is evidence that Colonel Hermann’s and V. K. Durham’s signatures were forged on a Goldman-Sachs bank account certification requesting the conversions to U.S. currency by VK DURHAM HERSELF
Two hundred and forty billion in stolen currency was obtained resulting from George H. W. Bush’s presidential abuse of power, when he authorized former Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady and former Secretary of State James Baker III to make fraudulent use of the Durham Family Trust collateral without her permission. There is evidence that Colonel Hermann’s and V. K. Durham’s signatures were forged on a Goldman-Sachs bank account certification requesting the conversions to U.S. currency.
This BLACK OPS operation of the DISSIDENT MUSLIM MILITANTS known as E. J. Ekker and Doris J. Ekker formerly of Tehachapi California, as owners and publishers of the CONTACT, Inc. paper, currently operating with DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY out of THE PHILIPPINES.
December 2nd, 1993; Russell Herman signed a witnessed document known as "CODICIL TO LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT" which identified the 24% (twenty four percent) held by Cosmos Seafood Energy Marketing, Ltd; Nevada ID# 1707-84 which was left to the wife’s discretion as to the disposition of same. Document filed of Public Record.
The LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT was originally filed September 6, 1994 in Gallatin County Illinois, "Received by John Ellis, County Recorder"..
Since that time, these documents filed of public record in Gallatin County Illinois, were "copied" and filed of TITLE RECORD by the MILITANT MUSLIM DISSIDENTS "August 10, 1998 at 8:35 A.M. Clark County Nevada Recorder, 500 S. Grand Central Parkway, Las Vegas, Nevada 891-55-1510, Book 980810, Instrument No. 00323 In what was "Historical Documentation".
Contained in this alleged "Historical Documentation" is a forged signature of the MURDERED CEO; Russell Herman, evidencing the "lifted signature" was lifted from page 271, being a former RECORDED INSTRUMENT filed in Gallatin County, Illinois "Last Will and Testament" filed and Received by Gallatin County Recorder, and John Ellis County Treasurer; which alleges a "Assignment of Interest" allegedly owned by Russell Herman, allegedly signed on August 5, 1993, Notarized FOUR YEARS after Mr. Herman's Murder, further SELF WITNESSED by "RICK MARTIN" of CONTACT. Inc.
For those of you viewing the photos of the MURDERED CEO’S BODY, take a look at the cigarette burns on his body. Take a look at the horrible invasive’s which the VA TRANSCRIPT “Refuse’s to conduct a autopsy to prove the true cause of death, which could be used in a court of law in this country.”
VA refused to conduct a autopsy that could be used in any court of law (documents in congressional hands).
VA’S REFUSAL, to conduct the autopsy, defies the INVASIVES ON HERRMAN aka HERMAN’S BACK, which was done while he was still alive, and just prior to BEING THROWN INTO THE VA MORGUE FREEZER TO “FREEZE TO DEATH.”
The condition of the body, and fiery redness, deny (a) Date of Death as stated on the Death Certificate, and (b) Cause of death as cited on the Death Certificate. The condition of this body evidences “Herman could not have been in the morgue less than EIGHT HOURS, nor MORE THAN TEN when the body was finally gained possession of by the Widow Herrman aka Herman.
RUSSELL’S BODY WAS REFUSED TO ME, BY THE VA FROM August 29TH, TO September 5TH, 1994. The photos deny (a) DATE OF DEATH and (b) CAUSE OF DEATH.
For those of you in THE CIA, U.S. NAVAL INTELLIGENCE, U.S. COAST GUARD-U.S. TREASURY; THINK HARD, WHEN YOU ARE ASKED TO INVOKE “THE CODE OF SILENCE”.. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS TO “THE PRESIDENT’S CENTURIONS” WHEN THEY “ARE NO LONGER USEFUL” OR; ARE THOUGHT TO HAVE SOMETHING OF “GREAT VALUE” such as those thinking Russell Herrman aka Herman OWNED BONUS 3392 181, when he “owned nothing.” KEEP ON MAINTAINING THAT “CODE OF SILENCE” letting this filth rub off on GOOD MEN who take your Duties Seriously, and consider: Your lives are not worth “Plugged nickels.”
Those issuing COUNTERFEIT GOLD INSTRUMENTS on the FORGED SIGNATURE of the murdered CEO, Cosmos Seafood Energy Marketing, Ltd; Nevada ID# 1707-85 make public statements in public print “I was there as Russell was dying, and in his dying breath he told me what to do with his interest in the BONUS 3392 181(quote Commander Hatonn aka Doris J. Ekker and/or E.J. Ekker (both write as Hatonn).
At this time, Banking Transactions are surfacing which involved MONEY TRANSACTIONS which also involved Mr. Herrman aka Herman, which I knew nothing about, or had prior knowledge. Documents submitted for CONGRESSIONAL INVESTIGATION. Those will be posted also.
Mr. Herrman aka Herman was heavily involved in projects originally initiated by President Harry S. Truman such as; PROJECT PHOENIX, PROJECT ROSEBUD, PROJECT HAMMER etc. These were operations to bring the Gold back to the United States of America, which was stolen during the 1870’s 1907, 1913, 1919, 1933 etc., which was to restore the Sovereignty of this nation back to the People from foreign Banking Control.
Recently PROJECT HAMMER RELOADED http://www.nexusmagazine.com/articles/projecthammer2.html was re opened. This exposed one of Herrman’s Associates, Dan Hughes who was, and currently remains a VICTIM of these operations gone wrong, and in the wrong hands, currently being used against the nation of the United States of America. Mr. Hughes provided documents and other information which verify these transactions. Documents submitted for CONGRESSIONAL INVESTIGATION.
In regards to my own personal records, personal histories, many show I AM DEAD, while most of those RECORDED RECORDS, DATA BASE RECORDS have been successfully WIPED by the DISSIDENT MILITANT MUSLIMS working deep inside these Agencies of the U.S. Federal Government, currently in “Agreement to split 50% & 50% all money taken down off shore on BONUS 3392-181” with the Al quaeda underwriters, aka BANKING, FINANCIAL & ECONOMIC TERRORISTS [quote] “Sitting in the Philippines, awaiting instructions from the U.S. Federal R./UST as to when to bring the gold home” from the COUNTERFEIT COLLATERAL written on BONUS 3392-181 without Authorization from this TRUST, which was actually intended to bring down the BANK OF JEDDAH and RYADI after the term 180 MONTH AGREEMENTS expired. The Fed. R./UST would have then, told those banks “SORRY. THOSE INSTRUMENTS ARE COUNTERFEIT” but, we have 50% of those COUNTERFEIT INSTRUMENTS IN “GOLD.”
At this present time; NO RECORDS ARE AVAILABLE ON V.K. DURHAM? Not under the Birth Certificate spelling of Vina Catherine Durham, or the Vina Kathryn Durham found in Educational and Property Records.
However; THE STATE OF ILLINOIS REGION V. and the U.S. FEDERAL RESERVE/U.S. DEPT. OF THE TREASURY have fraudulently used PROPERTY BEING THAT FOR WHICH "CEO-COSMOS SEAFOOD ENERGY MARKETING, LTD; NEVADA ID# 1707-85 was tortured and ultimately murdered, in order to TERRORIZE the entire Banking, Financial and Economic Community of those in TREATY international agreements other than treaties as defined and listed in TIAS 12087 (which allegedly does not exist?)(TIAS 12087 will also be filed on the INTERNET with these documents).
The IMF/World Bank, U.S. Dept. of the Treasury, U.S. Federal Reserve searches turn up over 5685 unauthorized uses of BONUS 3392-181 "COLLATERAL".
Additionally; THE FAR EAST Banking reflects over 62,000 Unauthorized uses of BONUS 3392-181 COLLATERAL by U.S. Banks, U.S. Federal Reserve, U.S. Dept. of the Treasury, Region V. Great Lakes Center Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Veteran's Affairs, Department of Energy, Department of Agriculture and the list goes on, and on.. telling the story as to WHY the United States of America has a EXTERNAL DEBT of over $400 Trillion Dollars in "Not now performing Gold Derivatives, written on BONUS 3392-181 Gold Collateral."
In closing; THE HERMAN ESTATE due to the interference by the State of Illinois and The Agencies of the U.S. Federal Government, was not allowed to be probated. The mandatory time for TIMELY FILING “Expired” at such expiration; THE ESTATE was put into TRUST for SAFE KEEPING.
V.K. Durham, CEO-SIGNATORY and Hereditary Owner Bonus 3392-181 held in Trust
Two hundred and forty billion in stolen currency MASTERMIND AND EXECUTED BY VK DURHAM
No, the problem is that the alleged "profits" from which these payments were made never really existed.
There is a generalized problem with accrual accounting that is difficult to resolve - you can "book profits" that never actually materialize, and then you either re-state the financial statements later (or in some cases never!) yet that "booked profit" never actually materializes.
This sort of BS is still going on. For example, Wells Fargo has somewhere in the neighborhood of $2 trillion in off-balance sheet exposures. They claim they don't have to consolidate this (even under FAS 166/167) based on the fact that this is mostly "conforming" mortgages and thus are "money good."
Well, if they're "money good" why not consolidate them? Why not reserve honestly against whatever the actual payment characteristics are of these loans and the securities backed by them? Why not come right out, be honest and let everyone see what's going on?
Likewise in the early part of this mess - spring of 2007 - I outlined that Washington Mutual was paying dividends out of "capitalized interest" - that is, negative amortization that the accounting rules cause you to book as "earnings" - even though you received no actual money yet. Accrual accounting says that when the value of an asset (in this case the principal balance of a mortgage) goes up you get to count that but the fact remains that the actual money does not (yet) exist in your checking account and thus paying dividends out of not-yet-received funds is only safe if there is reason to believe you will receive those funds in reasonably short order. This act should have brought immediate regulatory action down upon the executives of Washington Mutual. It did not and, in the fullness of time the firm failed - exactly as and why I predicted it would.
Likewise when investment banks and others bought "protection" from AIG it allowed them to hold "assets" on their books without regard to their payment performance deterioration because they were allegedly "protected" against a reasonably-foreseeable default (either incipient or in some cases actually in progress!)
The problem wasn't the purchase of the insurance - it was that the entity that sold it had no money to pay the claims and the buyer knew or should have known this because they purchased that protection below the expressed price of the risk in the original transaction. That the price was below the risk-adjusted cost is axiomatic - but for that the yield of such a security plus its protection would have been below the risk-free rate of return and thus it would have been unmarketable!
Again this act should have brought immediate regulatory response, at minimum, of a demand to disregard the so-called "protection" in the computation of balance sheet assets, liabilities and reserves. But it did not - not by the auditors, not by the regulators, and not by The Department of Justice or SEC.
Also see the A&E TV special Notorious, Serial Wife: "The death of 52-year-old Gerald Boggs appeared to be a "normal" murder case, if there is such a thing. But as the evidence was unearthed and the suspects investigated, police and prosecutors in Steamboat Springs, Colorado realized they were dealing with an unusual killer indeed.
AMERICAN JUSTICE® reveals that Boggs' former wife, to whom he was married for just a week, quickly became the prime suspect. Jill Coit had been married ten times, sometimes committing bigamy (she was already married when she wed Boggs) and several of her former husbands had died under mysterious circumstances. SERIAL WIFE traces every step of the investigation, trial and appeal, speaking with attorneys for both sides and the reporters who covered the case to tell the definitive story of "Colorado's Black Widow."
The horse murders scandal were cases of insurance fraud in the United States in which expensive horses, many of them show jumpers, were insured against death, accident, or disease, and then killed to collect the insurance money.
Richard Bailey, is serving life in prison for soliciting her murder
Horse murders From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search The horse murders scandal were cases of insurance fraud in the United States in which expensive horses, many of them show jumpers, were insured against death, accident, or disease, and then killed to collect the insurance money. It is not known how many horses were killed in this manner between the mid 1970s and the mid-1990s, when a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) investigation brought the horse killings to light, but the number is thought to be well over 50, and may have been as high as 100.[1] In addition, in 1977, the heiress Helen Brach disappeared and was presumed by law enforcement agents to have been murdered by the perpetrators of these crimes, because she threatened to report their criminal activity to authorities;[2][3] continuing investigations into Brach's death began to uncover the insurance fraud in the 1990s.[4]
The scandal has been called "one of the biggest, most gruesome stories in sports"[5] as well as "the biggest scandal in the history of equestrian sports."[5]
The disappearance and murder of Helen Brach was never fully solved, although one man, Richard Bailey, is serving life in prison for soliciting her murder.[2][3]
In my humble opinion: The man and those with whom he is associated and involved are involved in CRIMINAL ACTIVITY called: MONEY LAUNDERING and cannot show SOURCE OF COLLATERAL/FUNDS.
Background Over the 20-year period during which the horse murders took place, several different motivations led horse owners and trainers, often affluent and well-respected people, to become involved in what ultimately became a widespread conspiracy.
Background Over the 20-year period during which the horse murders took place, several different motivations led horse owners and trainers, often affluent and well-respected people, to become involved in what ultimately became a widespread conspiracy.
In some cases, the owner of a horse was temporarily strapped for cash and decided to insure and then kill the animal despite the fact that it was a promising or even prize-winning performer. This was the situation in the 1982 murder of the show jumperHenry the Hawk.
Sometimes people bought over valued horses. Rather than take a loss on a poor investment, these owners chose to finance their next horse purchase by defrauding the insurance company that had insured the unwanted horse.
Another aspect to the scandal went beyond insurance fraud and involved racketeering. This scheme, a form of confidence game, consisted of bilking wealthy widows of their money by encouraging them to invest in horses. The animals were usually over-valued or under-performing, and the conspirators killed the animals in order to prevent the owners from uncovering how much they had overspent. In some cases, before the women invested, these non-performing animals were first "bid up" in value by the co-conspirators, in an attempt to make them seem more desirable to the purchasers.[2] In other cases, a shill buyer would offer to co-purchase the horse from a conspiring owner or trainer, with each buyer putting up half the stated purchase price. The check from the shill buyer would be destroyed and the two con artists would deposit and split the money paid by the wealthy woman buyer. If she began to suspect that the horse she had purchased was relatively valueless, it would be killed for the insurance money, which would soothe her financially, and if the conspirators still had her confidence, she would then be encouraged to invest in another co-owned horse, repeating the cycle.[2] The men who worked this form of confidence game often acted as gigolos to the widows they bilked.[2][3] It was one of these schemes that the wealthy widow Helen Brach uncovered, and — when she announced her intention to report the fraud that had been perpetrated on her — led to her disappearance and murder.[2]
VK DURHAM 'S &the ECHO BAY QUEEN' & "London Whale" (for his massive positions) and "Voldemort" (for his power over the markets) –
Known as the “Lord of the Ocean” the Killer whale is said to be the guardian of the ocean, with seals as his slaves and dolphins as his warriors.to edit.
The Orca or Killer Whale The Native Symbol Orca or Killer Whales symbolizes family, romance, longevity, harmony, travel, community and protection. He is said to protect those who travel away from home, and lead them back when the time comes. The Killer Whales live like wolves, mate for life and raise each child with care. They also travel in large groups of families, working together to protect all members of their pod.
Known as the “Lord of the Ocean” the Killer whale is said to be the guardian of the ocean, with seals as his slaves and dolphins as his warriors. It is believed that Killer Whales are closely related to humans, and it is said that when a human drowns the human is taken down by Killer Whales into their deep villages and transformed into a Killer Whale. Some tribes believe that the Killer Whale will purposefully take down whole canoes to come closer to their loved ones. When a Killer Whale is seen of shore he is believed to be a deceased human or chief trying to communicate with loved ones. Some tribes believe that Orcas are reincarnations of their former chiefs lost at sea. Some people tell the following story on how the white markings appeared on the Killer Whale. As a legend describes, a Killer Whale fell in love with an Osprey. The Killer Whale was so in love that he would jump out of the water and into the air, to be closer to the Osprey. The Osprey would respond by flying lower to meet the whale. They had a child together and the child was born black like the Whale with white markings from the Osprey.http://www.spiritsofthewestcoast.com/symbol/the_orca_or_killer_whale/
Dolan's sprawling Irish-Catholic family, built around a matriarchal grandmother who lives on 34th Street in Hampden, is one big Ravens cheering squad. An in-law is the co-founder of the West Wing, a booster club for fans who live on the West Coast, and numerous relatives hold season tickets.
A little more than a year ago, Dolan's immediate family moved from Hampden to Dover, Pa., a town of about 1,800 northwest of York. But he returned to Baltimore every weekend to hang with friends and family and to crowd into his 78-year-old grandmother's house — she dons a purple wig — to watch the Sunday Ravens game and eat homemade meatballs.Geraldine and William Dolanhttp://articles.baltimoresun.com/2010-12-03/news/bs-md-hermann-victim-ravens-20101201_1_lardarius-webb-hampden-ravens-jersey
Dolan's sprawling Irish-Catholic family, Dolan's sprawling IRISH ENGLISH Anglican family
the efforts to mask the transactions suggests the defendants knew the gambling activity behind them was illegal.”
Banks that enjoy government support should not be allowed to make risky bets (other than loans). Recognizing that the government will cover any really big losing bets, the Volcker Rule prescribes that they should make no such bets. These days, $2 billion isn't a really big loss. Miraculously, the government shows no intent to cover JPMorgan Chase, whose Big Whale in London was beached on the shoals of derivative trading. http://online.barrons.com/article/SB50001424053111904571704577410303145384244.html?mod=BOL_article_full_more
DOLAN-FLYNN WILEY TRUST VS V.K. Durham & Durham Trust & Leo Wanta
And Now It’s Durham Trust Vs Leo Wanta Jury Still Out on Wanta’s Credibility, According To Wife Of Murdered U.S. Army Colonel
V.K. Durham says Wanta isn’t the “white knight’ he portrays himself as and is just one of the “good old boys.”
10 Jan 2007
By Greg Szymanski Sometimes with a little bit of luck and a good roll of the dice good men prevail and evil is defeated.
In the case of the Leo Wanta story, the jury is still out whether the former Treasury agent is on the good side or the bad.
But according to the wife of a murdered U.S. Army Colonel, charged with overseeing more than 175 CIA secret bank accounts, Wanta isn’t the “white knight” portrayed in many internet articles, including those on the Arctic Beacon.
V.K.Durham, the widow of Col. Russell Herman, who claims her husband was assassinated by government thugs, said Wanta is one of the good old boys, adding:
“He is part of the old BUSH-CLINTON-CONTRA “DRUG AND MONEY LAUNDERING GROUP” that found it necessary TO SHOW SOURCE OF COLLATERAL/FUNDS under new International Banking Regulations ..and did a lot FORGERY, FALSE NOTARY and BACK DATING on the “BONUS 3392-181″ COLLATERAL “DEBT” Instruments owned by the DURHAM HOLDING TRUST, Tias 12087 trying to ‘get legitimate’ and ‘make organized crime or R.I.C.O. “Murder Inc. & Murder For Profit “Legal!”
In earlier testimony, Durham elaborated on how the “good old boys” ripped off the Durham trust account:
“Two hundred and forty billion in stolen currency was obtained resulting from George H. W. Bush’s presidential abuse of power, when he authorized former Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady and former Secretary of State James Baker III to make fraudulent use of the Durham Family Trust collateral without her permission. There is evidence that Colonel Hermann’s and V. K. Durham’s signatures were forged on a Goldman-Sachs bank account certification requesting the conversions to U.S. currency.
“The money was never repaid since the ten-year Brady bonds–purchased before September 13, 1991 using the fraudulent collateral and gold bullion as security came due on September 12, 2001–the day after the 9.11 attacks, having allegedly been underwritten and held by the trustee, Cantor-Fitzgerald bond brokerage firm [whose offices on floors 101-105 in the North Tower of the World Trade Center (WTC) were destroyed on 9.11 along with the Brady bond evidence."
Regarding Wanta, he recently came back on the public scene, claiming he entered into an agreement with U.S. officials to repatriate $4.5 trillion on off shore funds. He also claimed he as at odds with the last three presidential administrations who were stealing trillions in off shore funds - money dedicated under the Reagan protocols and money under Wanta's control to return to the American people for the betterment of the economy.
Much of Wanta's story has been told in the Arctic Beacon, depicting Wanta riding the horse against the evil Bush and Clinton administrations.
However, Durham tells a different story, the flip side of the coin that must be told in order to sniff out the truth.
Apparently, according to emails made public Wanta has been communicating with Durham even though he has gone on record saying he is under a gag order and unable to talk to this editor and others interested in his story.
Although Wanta's representative, Michael C. Cottrell told the arctic Beacon he is not talking, according to Durham's post on her web site she has communicated with him in recent days in the following manner:
Date: Sat, 6 Jan 2007
By: V.K. Durham
----- Original Message -----
From: V.K. Durham
To: Ambassador Leo E Wanta
Sent: Saturday, January 06, 2007 10:53 AM
Mr. Wanta.
Sorry to inform you that I did not originate the issue of you being Leo Vanta. This Leo Vanta came out of Russia..there are 19 pages. You can read it at
Mr. Flocco's information is part of ongoing Investigations into Organized Crime Banking Activities.
Your MEMO'S to Vice President Cheney...sets your stripes..
You may be a natural born American Citizen.. But; You know what Leo? It requires one hell of a lot more than 'lip service' to be AN AMERICAN!
TRUE Americans; "Uphold, Protect and Defend the Constitution of the United States of America, Against all parties, foreign or domestic."
The CONSTITUTION; Leo..is THE LAW. Otherwise known as THE LAW OF THE LAND.
Somehow.. I just don't feel as though the two before mentioned which your name is associated, qualifies for "Upholding, Protecting and Defending"..
I did not 'invent' Leo Vanta.. Your Russian Associates/Friends did.
V.K. Durham, CEO
----- Original Message -----
From: Ambassador Leo E Wanta
To: V.K. Durham
Sent: Saturday, January 06, 2007 9:42 AM
Frank B Ingram SA32NV [ Sector V ] of The US Department of the Treasury is very much alive .. as I reconfirmed moments ago ..
As to YOUR invented Leo Vanta we collectively have absolutely no confirmation of any living individual ..
Nor am I any form of a CRIMINAL _ nor do I intend to engage in CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES as libelously stated by your groupe ..
Our OFFSHORE and LAWFUL corporate funds _ with SOURCE of FUNDS already certified in the COURT RECORDS _ will be repatriated and invested to assure Our National Security is strengthened forthwith, and never with any past _ present _ future connection to these BONUS monetary sources ..
Sorry, we apparently can not work together to serve OUR GREAT NATION ..
Lee E Wanta, an American Citizen by birthright ..
“V.K. Durham” wrote:
To: Mr. Leo Vanta-Wanta:
Thank you Mr. Wanta for acknowledging my “Intelligence” background.
When you called me yesterday.. I believe I made it clear regarding my opinion as to who you are..further stating: I do not believe you are the Frank Ingram who was the Financial Engineer who worked with my husband and the “Working Group”..because information gathered by my ‘little fox’s’..tells me ‘our Frank Ingram is dead.’
You were also informed regarding your CHRISTOPHER STORY’s arrogance, and demeaning behaviour regarding his dislike for Americans. Being a ‘Brit’ is no excuse for rudeness. All ‘unacceptable.’
V.K. Durham, CEO
This is to: WE the People;
Many of you are not old enough to know about DOPPLEGANGERS.. But we most assuredly have a DOPPLEGANGER situation presently presenting its-self.
Too many old WWII Nazi type DOPPELGANGERS have surfaced..all ‘look alikes’..
Back during the WAR OF THE PACIFIC; The U.S. NAVY had a U.S. NAVY PILOT recovered from the Pacific who alleged he had been shot down by the Japanese. The U.S. NAVY PILOT was 6’3″ tall and Left Handed.
U.S. NAVAL REQUIREMENTS for pilots in WWII.. Height 5’10″..Right Handed.
The recovered 6’3″ Left Handed pilot later became OSS, OSI, the head of CIA, Vice President and then President of the United States.. pushing this Nation through unparalleled Drug and Money Laundering Operations while laundering those DRUG and MONEY through International Banking, and our U.S. Federal Reserve affiliated BANKS..
Good men who believed in the Oath they took when entering Service of the United States Armed Forces and worked up through the ranks becoming respected officials in Office of Naval Intelligence, OSS or OSI and the private corporation known as the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency or CI-Ltd., such as COLBY, CASEY, BORDU, HERRMANN and too many bankers to count have all been MURDERED by those ‘at the top’ who saw a way the stolen accounts and moneys could create a NEW WORLD ORDER GOVERNMENT.
THE MUSLIM LADY(s) “Gladios” (Stay Behind)..PHILIPPINE OPERATION published December 13, 2006: “VKD/WANTA SMOKE SCREEN. Smoke has been absolutely billowing all over the Internet about the fantastic claims of Ambassador Leo Wanta. VK Durham has been anxious to sidle up to the Wanta situation, even to the point of extending an invitation to him to “come in from the cold.”
What can we say about the Wanta Trillions? Not much, except that it is interesting that the total is claimed to be $27.5 Trillion— EXACTLY HALF of the $55 Trillion which has been accumulated subsequent to the 1996 agreement between the United States Treasury COSMOS/GAIA. What a coincidence.
We stand ready, willing and able with THE solution to be implemented when man is ready for it. ” Signed: Ron Kirzinger [end quote]
DOPPELGANGERS and GLADIOS, but none can pass the test of SHOWING SOURCE OF COLLATERAL/FUNDS and/or being authorized by “the Real McCoy” in such as the Global Alliance Investment Association, Hellenic Express International Ltd., InterAmerican Investment Corporation, InterAmerican Development Bank, The Depository Trust Co., Cosmos Seafood Energy Marketing, Ltd; Nevada ID # 1707-85.. all DOPPELGANGERS pretending to be U.S. Federal Reserve/U.S. Treasury “Corporations” with the exception of one..and that one is held in Durham Holding Trust, Tias 12087..and that ONE was the ONE my husband was murdered over, because someone thought he owned something..he did not own.
This same group of “doppelgangers” and “gladios” murdered J.F.K. corrupted the U.S. Federal Reserve Banking System and have damm near totally destroyed the CREDIBILITY of the U.S. Treasury, and in doing so have come close to allowing another DOPPELGANGER called the Federal Reserve Note allowed to ‘look like and pretend to be’ the U.S. DOLLAR (Gold & Silver Certificates), to conduct ORGANIZED CRIMINAL ACTIVITY OF DRUG & MONEY LAUNDERING overthrowing Sovereign Nations through PREDATORY BANKING which defies the original Purpose and Intent of the 1947 BRETON WOODS AGREEMENT/IMF first FOUR sections.
COLBY, CASEY, BORDU, LeMAY, HERRMANN and the Engineer from Mexico..are all dead now, but those men used to sit at my dining room table discussing MILITARY BUILD UP sitting across the Mexican Borders ready to roll across the borders like “shit through a hot tin horn”..
Could this recent ‘incursion’ down on the Arizona Borders be a ‘beginning’ of these “Gladios” and remnants of the DULLES plan so many years ago..?
Seems like all this ‘Banking’ goes through SPAIN and ITALY so..check out GLADIOS at
As to who LEO VANTA or WANTA is..I’ve made my judgement call.. This is still a free country and you are free to make your own decisions..as to who he is.
But, read the following before you do so..
V.K. Durham, CEO
Further, Durham penned a story on January 5, telling the other side of the Leo Wanta, a die of the story that needs to be told before the jury of public opinion comes back with a verdict on Wanta’s credibility.
Here is the article that appeared on her web site:
Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2007 WHO IS LEO VANTA (WANTA); “USEFUL IDIOTS” (Christopher Story, FRSA) UPDATE:WHO IS LEO VANTA (WANTA)?All of you who have been ‘cheering’ Leo on had better read this written material collected by Puparo, in a warning against the Russian mobs, coming out of the former Soviet Union and you can read about it at http://gangstersinc.tripod.com/RussianPup1.html . There are a total of 19 pages worthy of ‘copy’ and ‘print’ for study.
Leo Wanta tries as he may to make everyone want to believe he was under Reagan’s Executive Orders.. NO! Wanta ‘contributed’ $50,000 to Reagan and this bought Wanta an Ambassadorship.. But, he got his toe hold under BILLY-ARY..in 1997-98 when they decided to do a bit of Forgery and False Notary on Durham Holding Trust, Tias 12087 Collateral Instruments.
This took some doing..but, a ‘dead man’s signature’ was lifted and placed on what appeared to be an “assignment of interest” by this ‘dead man’..(who had no interest to assign). The ‘dead man’s signature’ was Notarized FOUR years after Date of Death. Then they proceeded to file these ‘forged’ and false notary documents out in Las Vegas Nevada‘s Clark County Recorders Records, August 10, 1998 at 8:35 A.M., Official Records 980810 Instrument: 00323.
Contained in the before-mentioned filing was DEED OF RECORD NO. 189934 owned by V.K. Durham, filed in Washington County, County Records of Thomas Ganz in Nashville, Illinois, filed August 1, 1994, Book of Deeds, page 849.. and that is what all of this ORGANIZED CRIME “MONEY LAUNDERING” of U.S. DEBT Collateral Instruments..were alleged to be based on..
You know..funny thing about husbands getting murdered, and their signatures getting forged, while the husbands Military Records are ‘erased’ and the wife’s work histories erased..leaving the wife destitute.. You know..WIVES GET PISSED OFF! And the Wife knows something is dammed wrong and starts looking into all of this.. (it would have been better to pay the Widows Benefits, and the wife would have gone golfing).
When my records were erased..they wiped the ability to know “I” was the D.O.E. Investigator put out in the field ..to originally investigate what was known then as “OPERATION CODE NAME TROJAN.”
What you are looking at with LEO VANTA (WANTA) is ORGANIZED CRIME.
Leo Vanta (Wanta) takes great delight in letting the public know he brought down THE RUSSIAN BANKS.. CNNMoney has an interesting article from 1998 which you should read.. http://money.cnn.com/1998/08/17/economy/ruble/ . only 2 pages, but worthy of copy.
[22 pages worthy of copy & study].DO NOT! I REPEAT: DO NOT allow the Leo Wanta, George Soros, Baker III, Bush(s), Clinton(s), Mark Rich, CARLYLE GROUP, Whackenhut, Halliburton, Monsanto, GOLDMAN SACHS, Federal Reserve/UST (since Bill Clinton put the CIA, Fed. R. under TREASURY in 1994), RIADY GROUP, BCCI, CitiGroup, etals BANKRUPT THE UNITED STATES as they did the Bank of England, the Central Banks of Russia, Germany, France, Japan … So quit cheering these CRIMINALS ON! The Country you lose WILL BE YOUR OWN.Every sneaking way that could be thought of to COLLAPSE the United States and throw her into ‘receivership’ has been thought of.. BUT! They have not figured out how to keep from paying THE CREDITOR i.e. DURHAM HOLDING TRUST, TIAS 12087 with the WE THE PEOPLE owning 24% of the GOLD COLLATERAL calculated on one of the 7% semi annual calculations from May 1, 1875 to May 1, 1990.
When I bought 4 shares, two for Cosmos Seafood Energy Marketing, Ltd; Nevada ID # 1707-85 and DURHAM INTERNATIONAL LTD; TRUST, buying into TIAS 12087 back in 1987-88.. because “NO Company or Corporation would be allowed to do business here in the U.S. or in the International Markets without belonging to the “Trading Group”..operating out of the ONE WORLD TRADE CENTER. Who would have THUNK that all of this would have come about?! Who would have even considered all this CRIMINAL ACTIVITY would be going on?
OPEN LETTER TO: KARL W.B. SCHWARZ in response “HEADS UP” and to Henri the Celt: “Who is Leo Wanta? Meet Leo Wanta! http://www.aci.net/kalliste/wanta.htm .
Karl. You ask: Who is LEO WANTA?
He is part of the old BUSH-CLINTON-CONTRA “DRUG AND MONEY LAUNDERING GROUP” that found it necessary TO SHOW SOURCE OF COLLATERAL/FUNDS under new International Banking Regulations ..and did a lot FORGERY, FALSE NOTARY and BACK DATING on the “BONUS 3392-181″ COLLATERAL “DEBT” Instruments owned by the DURHAM HOLDING TRUST, Tias 12087 trying to ‘get legitimate’ and ‘make organized crime or R.I.C.O. “Murder Inc. & Murder For Profit “Legal!”
You know..- I was hoping this individual was our Frank Ingram of our old Working Group. Grape vine and ScuttleButt says our Frank Ingram is dead. Taking into consideration that sometimes GrapeVines and ScuttleButt can be ‘in error’.. I stayed neutral..giving the benefit of the doubt to Mr. Wanta..
After being called a “Useful Idiot” by the Hollywood type, PUBLICIST of the LEO WANTA saga i.e., Christopher Story, FRSA.. I have come to the determination AMBASSADOR WANTA is a part of the old “DRUG & MONEY LAUNDERING GROUP” involved with BCCI, Riggs, LaSalle, Riady, Nugan-Hand etc group working with GEORGE SOROS, E.J. and Doris J. Eloise-Ekker (and 21 Alias’s registered in Kern County Cal. Recorders Records) William J. Clinton, GOLDMAN SACHS, CANTOR FITZGERALD, MORGAN STANLEY, ALAN GREENSPAN, NICHOLAS BRADY, and the others such as George H.W. Bush who had his own ‘desk’ at BCCI Bank when he called me back in 1988 for the underwriting of his ‘buddy Saddam Hussein’s agricultural program.’
.LEO WANTA is an old pro..in the ‘Psy-Ops Games’.. Lets face it! He just so happened to get his teet in the wringer and cannot show investigators in all these banking investigations, here in the U.S. and Abroad his SOURCE OF FUNDS/COLLATERAL.Being an old pro.. he like the others i.e., COLBY, CASEY, BORDU, LeMAY, HERRMANN (HERRMAN-HERMAN) and even the Engineer from Mexico..TRUSTED the wrong individuals in the White House and GOLDMAN SACHS-FEDERAL RESERVE.
BILL CLINTON and his “Short Term Notes” Rubin as Secretary of the Treasury, formerly of GOLDMAN SACHS allowed the U.S. Federal Corporations of Tias12087 to be incorporated by the AlQaeda Underwriters..and those are the very same individuals involved with the WHITE HOUSE as mentioned in TomFlocco’s Article at http://www.tomflocco.com/fs/FinancialTerrorism.htm .
This AlQaeda Underwriting group came into being under BUSH & CLINTON and the CFR which can be verified in their own PUBLIC NOTICE at http://www.theantechamber.net/VkDocuments/DocGroupG/Gpage4.html … This added fuel to the already dangerous BCCI BANKING GROUP’S FINANCIAL FIRE directed at the Equity Infra Structure of WE the People.
and you can read about who owns SOCIAL SECURITY at http://www.theantechamber.net/Mirror/StatutoryInstrument1997.html .These presidents have committed TREASON..and that is the short and simple of it all!Henry Paulson…if the scuttle-butt is true..has his own problems which should bring in Rubin, Lawrence Summers, Greenspan, Brady, Baker III, Bush(s), Clinton(s), SOROS and even WANTA because the mans hands are not clean, in my opinion..
.In all fairness Karl; I am not impressed with individuals who delight in tearing the GOVERNMENT of WE THE PEOPLE to shreds through the FinancialTerrorism(s) of the Banking of the FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS, GOLDMAN SACHS, HENRY PAULSON’S, ALAN GREENSPAN’S and etc’s.. Not impressed at all!In furtherance; I believe this LEO WANTA SAGA is a DIVERSIONARY TACTIC to keep the WE the People’s minds off INVASIONS AND THE BORDER INCURSIONS such as are happening in Arizona..as this nation is attacked from WITHIN and WITHOUT. Our Nations sustenance has been ‘eaten’ by those who are intent on causing us grievous harm and possible loss of THE REPUBLICS.
Karl; You know me, and you know: I AM AN AMERICAN FIRST, LAST AND ALWAYS there are NO in-betweens!
LEO WANTA’S story does not WASH..not in my book. Too many murders, and too many nations have and are losing their sovereignties over all of this, including THE REPUBLIC OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
Our People have been so uneducated they no longer know WE THE PEOPLE are the GOVERNMENT.. The feds are employees of We the People!
The People have become ‘cheering sections’ for ORGANIZED CRIME & MONEY LAUNDERING ..instead of doing what they should be doing, and that is HAVING A HEAD CHECK, CHECKING NAME, RANK AND SERIAL #.. as we used to say.
CHEERING ON “CRIMINAL ACTIVITY” is allowing the WHITE HOUSE to sign into law (color of law) they now have the ability to OPEN YOUR MAILS.. Yet, there are those who swallow this crap hook line and sinker..as the LEO WANTA’S keep your mind off the fact that YOU ARE UP TO YOUR ASS IN ALLIGATORS!
I really don’t know if the WE the People of the Xth Amendment Governments realize how much POWER they have!
And furthermore; As the Duly Constituted, Outstanding, Primary Creditor of the United States of America and ALL Debtor Nations, I do not appreciate being called one of the “USEFUL IDIOTS” (Christopher Story, FRSA) http://www.theantechamber.net/V_K_Durham/UsefulIdiots.htm .
In my humble opinion: The man and those with whom he is associated and involved are involved in CRIMINAL ACTIVITY called: MONEY LAUNDERING and cannot show SOURCE OF COLLATERAL/FUNDS.
V.K. Durham, CEO Durham Holding Trust, Tias 12087
Greg Szymanski
Now let's look inside these "securities."
Again this act should have brought immediate regulatory response, at minimum, of a demand to disregard the so-called "protection" in the computation of balance sheet assets, liabilities and reserves. But it did not - not by the auditors, not by the regulators, and not by The Department of Justice or SEC.
Why not?
Is it really any different to claim that you have made a bunch of money by trading when you really did not (as is the case in Madoff's Ponzi Scheme) or that you have created value as a consequence of your "assets" when in point of fact you are marking the value of those assets where they are only as a consequence of "insurance" you bought from a market participant below the risk-adjusted cost of providing it and both you and he either know (or would if you bothered to look!) that he won't be able to pay if and when it becomes necessary?
Now let's look inside these "securities." Pull the prospectus for any of the securitizations that contain ALT-A loans from the 2005-2007 vintage. Look through it and see if you can find a statement in any of them disclosing that the FBI had warned of massive, pernicious mortgage fraud in 2004 and that in 2006 and 2007 there were both HUD and private credit agency warnings that as few as one in ten borrowers incomes were accurately represented.
You can't. Fannie's prospectuses are readily available from that time frame (here's one such prospectus) and there is no disclosure in their paperwork. I have looked at many private-label RMBS prospectuses as well and have yet to find anything approaching an appropriate disclosure of these known facts.
This is not about "excessive risk taking" or any such thing. It is and always has been about the intentional understatement of risks so as to be able to sell trash to bagholders while claiming it is all "money good."
flawed, complex, poorly reviewed, poorly executed and poorly monitored,”
stupid & sloppy
The losses disclosed today were “a little bit to do with the article in the press,” Dimon said, without specifying who in the bank oversaw the trades. “I also think we acted a little bit too defensively” to the reports.
JP Morgan made an embarrassing mistake, and it’s particularly noteworthy considering that the press had been covering that risky situation, but this didn´t bring the company to stricter controls or more supervision even after the situation became public.
“In hindsight, the new strategy was flawed, complex, poorly reviewed, poorly executed and poorly monitored,” Dimon said on Thursday when trying to explain what happened.
The main thing investors should keep in mind is that there is really no way to analyze bank´s financial statements and measure its risk exposure as the accounting rules are just too obscure and complicated. UBS (NYSE: UBS), for example, lost nearly $2 billion last year due to rough trading. If this bank can´t even control what´s going on with their own people, how are investors supposed to feel reassured about risk management?
These kinds of things come to public knowledge after they need to be disclosed, but: how often do these institutions get involved in excessive risk taking and we don´t learn about it because the trades work out well?
The bottom line is that under current regulations banks don´t provide enough transparency for investors to analyze their risk exposure. Bank traders have access to leveraged capital in order to pursue huge gains and enormous bonuses while risking other people´s money, that´s a terrible incentive scheme.http://beta.fool.com/acardenal/2012/05/11/lessons-jp-morgans-stranded-whale/4489/
Now let's look inside these "securities."
Tamika Renee GILMER, Debtor- DURHAM COUNTY PRE TRIAL SERVICES CLERK IN RE GILMER 416 B.R. 187 (2009)In re Tamika Renee GILMER, Debtor.No. 09-80024C-7D. United States Bankruptcy Court, M.D. North Carolina, Durham Division.
April 3, 2009.
John T. Orcutt, Raleigh, NC, for Debtor.
ORDER WILLIAM L. STOCKS, Bankruptcy Judge. This case came before the court on March 30, 2009, for hearing on Debtor's motion to avoid the judicial lien of Kathy A. Whitted pursuant to section 522(f) of the Bankruptcy Code. Edward C. Boltz appeared on behalf of the Debtor and R. David Wicker, Jr. appeared on behalf of Kathy A. Whitted (the "Claimant"). For the reasons that follow, the court has concluded that the Claimant's objection to the motion should be overruled and that the motion to avoid the judicial lien should be granted. [ 416 B.R. 188 ]FACTS The facts in this case are not in dispute. On January 28, 2002, the Claimant obtained a judgment against the Debtor in the amount of $2,000.00, and the judgment was docketed in Durham County on the same date. On February 28, 2005, the Debtor purchased real property located at 436 St. John Drive, Durham, North Carolina (the "Property"). On March 2, 2005, two deeds of trust from the Debtor which described the Property were recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Durham County. These deeds of trust secured indebtedness owed to First Franklin Mortgage pursuant to two promissory notes from the Debtor to First Franklin. This chapter 7 case was commenced by the Debtor on January 8, 2009. When this case was commenced, the Claimant's judgment and the two First Franklin deeds of trust remained of record. A balance of $84,228.70 was owed on the first deed of trust and the sum of $20,206.77 was owed on the second deed of trust. No amount had been paid on the Claimant's judgment and the entire amount of the judgment remained unpaid. The value of the Property on the petition date was $108,548 and the Property was the Debtor's residence on the petition date. In the schedules, the Debtor claimed her homestead exemption of $18,500 in the Property pursuant to N.C. Gen.Stat. § 1C-1601(a)(1). DISCUSSION
Special Considerations and Risk Factors
From time to time, we may make forward-looking public statements, such as statements concerning our then-expected future revenue or earnings or concerning projected plans, performance or contract procurement, as well as other estimates relating to future operations. Forward-looking statements may be in reports filed under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”), in press releases or in informal statements made with the approval of an authorized executive officer. The words or phrases “will likely result,” “are expected to,” “will continue,” “is anticipated,” “estimate,” “project,” “believe,” “could,” “intend,” “may,” “opportunity,” “plan,” “potential” or similar terms and expressions are intended to identify “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 21E of the Exchange Act and Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, as enacted by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.
We wish to caution you not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements that speak only as of the date on which they are made. In addition, we wish to advise you that the factors listed below, as well as other factors we have not currently identified, could affect our financial or other performance and could cause our actual results for future periods to differ materially from any opinions or statements expressed with respect to future periods or events in any current statement.
We will not undertake and we specifically decline any obligation to publicly release revisions to these forward-looking statements to reflect either a circumstance after the date of the statements or the occurrence of events that may cause us to re-evaluate our forward-looking statements.
In connection with the “safe harbor” provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act, we are hereby filing the following cautionary statements identifying important factors that could cause our actual results to differ materially from those projected in forward-looking statements made by us or on our behalf:
We may be subject to fines, penalties and other sanctions if we fail to comply with federal, state and local laws governing our business.
Our business lines operate within a variety of complex regulatory schemes, including but not limited to the Federal Acquisition Regulation (“FAR”), Cost Accounting Standards, the Truth in Negotiations Act, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (and analogous state laws), as well as the regulations governing Medicaid and Medicare. If a government audit uncovers improper or illegal activities by us or we otherwise determine that these activities have occurred, we may be subject to civil and criminal penalties and administrative sanctions, including termination of contracts, forfeitures of profits, suspension of payments, fines and suspension or disqualification from doing business with the government. Any adverse determination could adversely impact our ability to bid in response to requests for proposals (“RFPs”) in one or more jurisdictions. Further, as a government contractor subject to the types of regulatory schemes described above, we are subject to an increased risk of investigations, criminal prosecution, civil fraud, whistleblower lawsuits and other legal actions and liabilities to which private sector companies are not, the result of which could have a material adverse effect on our operations.
If we fail to satisfy our contractual obligations or meet performance standards, our contracts may be terminated and we may incur significant costs or liabilities, including liquidated damages and penalties, which could adversely impact our operating results, financial condition and our ability to compete for future contracts.
Our contracts may be terminated for our failure to satisfy our contractual obligations or to meet performance standards and often require us to indemnify customers. In addition, some of our contracts contain substantial liquidated damages provisions and financial penalties related to performance failures. Although we have liability insurance, the policy coverage and limits may not be adequate to provide protection against all potential liabilities. Further, for certain contracts, we have posted significant performance bonds or issued letters of credit to secure our indemnification and other obligations. If a claim is made against a performance bond or letter of credit, we would be required to reimburse the issuer for the amount of the claim. Consequently, as a result of the above matters, we may incur significant costs or liabilities, including penalties, which could adversely impact our operating results, financial condition and our ability to compete for future contracts.
We are subject to review and audit by federal, state and local governments at their sole discretion and, if any improprieties are found, we may be required to refund revenue we have received, or forego anticipated revenue, which could have a material adverse impact on our revenues and our ability to bid in response to RFPs.
As a provider of services to government agencies, we are subject to periodic audits and other reviews by Federal, state and local governments of our costs and performance, accounting and general business practices relating to our contracts with those
government agencies. As part of that process, the government agency reviews our performance on the contract, our pricing practices, our cost structure and our compliance with applicable laws, regulations and standards. Based on the results of these audits, government agencies may demand refunds or adjust our contract-related costs and fees, including internal costs and expense allocation. Although adjustments arising from government audits and reviews have not had a material adverse effect on our results of operations in the past, there can be no assurance that future audits and reviews would not have such effects.http://www.faqs.org/sec-filings/100506/MAXIMUS-INC_10-Q/a10-9407_1ex99d1.htm
Bruno Iksil, a little-known trader at Jpmorgan Chase in London, recently awoke to find his life changed forever.
In an instant, Mr Iksil had become famous as the guy who so infuriated some of his bank’s counterparts that they complained to Bloomberg News journalists that he was skewing the credit-derivatives markets with his outsized bets, one of which they said may be as large as US$100 billion ( Dh367.32bn). Worse yet, the world learned that Mr Iksil had earned two unforgettable nicknames: the London Whale; and Voldemort, after the Harry Potter villain. http://thenational.newspaperdirect.com/epaper/viewer.aspx
JPMorgan trader known as the London Whale
On the surface, it seems like disclosure of the trading losses, which were partly the result of a strategy executed by a JPMorgan trader known as the London Whale, has undermined the bank’s bet even further.
The indictment filed by Preet Bharara, the U.S. Attorney in Manhattan, charges Scheinberg, the founder of PokerStars, and Bitar, the founder of Full Tilt Poker, as well as nine other individuals, accusing them of operating illegal gambling businesses. Federal prosecutors also filed a civil lawsuit seeking $3 billion in civil money laundering penalties, alleging the online poker companies disguised money they received from U.S. poker players as payments to online merchants selling jewelry and golf balls.
But in a 51-page indictment filed in federal court in Manhattan, federal prosecutors allege that PokerStars, Fullt Tilt Poker and Absolute Poker, “used fraudulent methods to avoid restrictions and to receive billions of dollars from United States residents who gambled.” The indictment largely focuses on financial transactions, claiming the online poker companies violated a 2006 law that Congress passed to cut off the flow of cash to online gambling companies, saying the firms “deceived or directed others to deceive United States banks and financial institutions into processing billions of dollars in payments.”
Offshore companies like PokerStars, based in the Isle of Man, and Full Tilt, which is run from Ireland, generate more than $1.4 billion in revenues in the U.S. online poker market. But for years they operated under the shadow of the Department of Justice, which took the position that online poker violated U.S. law. A lawyer for Full Tilt Poker’s Bitar described the cat and mouse game between the feds and the poker firms as “a guerrilla war” in a Forbes article one year ago that detailed the federal government’s actions in the online poker arena.
Federal agents arrested two men, Chad Elie, a payment processor, and John Campos, a part owner of a small bank, this morning in Las Vegas and Utah. Another payment processor, Bradley Franzen, is expected to appear for his arraignment in Manhattan next week. But a number of the indicted individuals, including Scheinberg and Bitar, are not in the U.S. and have not been arrested, potentially setting the stage for extradition battles. Two famous poker champions, Howard Lederer and Chris “Jesus” Ferguson, who have strong connections to Full Tilt Poker, were not named in the indictment.
Federal prosecutors claim that the men behind PokerStars, Full Tilt and Absolute Poker, relied on highly compensated payment processors who lied to U.S. banks about the nature of financial transactions they were processing. In the past, PokerStars has maintained that payment processors who got in trouble with law enforcement had hid information from the company.
In its court filing, however, the government claims the poker companies were working with the payment processors to deceive banks and financial institutions. For example, the feds say that Bitar worked to create fictitious companies, including phony online flower shops and pet supply stores, to help facilitate credit card transactions. The government alleges that Scheinberg helped develop pre-paid debit cards or phone cards that could be loaded with funds from a U.S. customer’s credit card without using a gambling transaction code. Legal documents and other circumstantial evidence suggest federal agents have been able to secure the cooperation of payment processors who have pleaded guilty during the government’s investigation.
“The key to the indictment is the bank fraud conspiracy charge. The factual basis for that charge includes the alleged misrepresentations about the nature of the transactions being processed, in effect, a cover-up,” says Kevin Di Gregory, a former federal prosecutor who is now a partner at Manatt, Phelps & Phillips. “The government will argue that whether poker was gambling is irrelevant to proving this charge, but that nevertheless the efforts to mask the transactions suggests the defendants knew the gambling activity behind them was illegal.”http://www.forbes.com/sites/nathanvardi/2011/04/15/founders-of-worlds-biggest-online-poker-companies-indicted/http://beta.fool.com/acardenal/2012/05/11/lessons-jp-morgans-stranded-whale/4489/
Not all cabinet ministers have a hardscrabble story. Born into a wealthy, landowning political family in Nova Scotia, Defence Minister Peter MacKay didn't struggle to pay the rent or tuition.
What's harder than being immigration minister? Waiting tables, says Jason Kenney. 'You have to keep, like, 10 things in mind at once.'
Douglas Michael Flynn, the father of one of the persons investigating Maximus Inc. and Themis Program Management and Consulting Ltd. was murdered.
Maximus Inc. is closely connected to former British Columbia Attorney General, Brian Smith, who is a key suspect in the Water War Crimes and British Columbia political insider Partick Kinsella who provides backroom advice to present British Columbia Premier, Christy Clark (shown in photo on right).
The investigation in Campbell River has now uncovered evidence that the Douglas Michael Flynn, the father of one of the persons investigating Maximus Inc. and Themis Program Management and Consulting Ltd. was murdered.
BC must show public Maximus's health contract, fines: ruling By Stanley Tromp June 19, 2010 05:46 pm 5 comments After years of legal battles, the B.C. government was forced yesterday to reveal the full text of its controversial contract with Maximus BC Health Inc. for the delivery of MSP and PharmaCare services. It also must disclose to the public any fines imposed on Maximus regarding its performance level.
Adjudicator Celia Francis of the B.C. Information and Privacy Commissioner's Office rejected all claims that opening up the records would result in financial harm to the B.C. government. The government and Maximus have 30 days to appeal the rulings to BC Supreme Court. (The onus lies on the government to show why applicants should not have the records, not vice-versa.)
The Ministry of Health Services at first argued that the disclosure would also harm the economic interests of Maximus, and might cause risks to law enforcement, but dropped those two claims during mediation.
In November 2004, the Minister of Health Services signed a ten-year contract with Maximus BC Health Inc., Maximus BC Health Benefit Operations Inc., Maximus Canada Inc., and Maximus Inc. to operate and administer most aspects of the Medical Services Plan. The ministry said negotiations with Maximus had been "hard fought", extended over six months and resulted in a "10 year fixed price performance-based service contract with a five year renewal option."
The agreement's purpose was to outsource some functions performed by BCGEU members. The government stressed that the contract was not meant to cover the delivery of medical services by health care professionals, but just to ensure more the effective payment of accounts. It later became the subject of a judicial review: B.C.G.E.U. v. British Columbia (Minister of Health Services).
There were also fears that B.C. customers' data could be easily accessible to American police agencies under the Patriot Act, a prospect the B.C. government denies.
During the inquiry, the ministry and Maximus provided many of their arguments and evidence in camera, which can leave readers only guessing what was claimed.
Francis wrote that their main point was that revealing the information in dispute would harm their negotiating positions in future, the ministry with future alternate service delivery providers and Maximus with existing clients, prospective clients and other "teaming" vendors and subcontractors.
Francis dismissed these claims as speculative and lacking any evidence. The ministry argued that if the details were published, fewer contractors might be willing to bid in future. But Francis countered:
"As FIPA pointed out, the Ministry's concern about disclosure leading to a diminishing pool of contractors who are willing to bid is at odds with Maximus's arguments about the highly competitive nature of the government outsourcing industry. Contractors are well aware that that the government pays in full and on time. In a competitive climate, contractors are in my view more likely to submit better priced, more attractive bids, in order to succeed over their competitors. This can only benefit the government, not harm its financial interest."
The second ruling, Order F10-25 dealt with FOI requests, filed by the BCGEU and separately by myself, for records on fines imposed on Maximus. These records included:
(a) the service level requirements of the contract;
(b) any performance evaluations and performance audits in relation to those services;
(c) any violations of service levels; and
(d) any fines imposed on Maximus under the contract.
Besides claiming potential financial harms, the ministry also cited a risk to law enforcement. It submitted that disclosing the computer host server's name would increase the chance that someone "masquerading as a technician" would be able to obtain unauthorized access to the information system by befriending an employee. Francis called these arguments "speculative and not persuasive."
Although the two rulings seem to auger strongly for transparency, readers must wait until the 30 day deadline for judicial review has passed before they know if they can finally see the records.
Stanley Tromp is a Vancouver-based investigative reporter.http://thetyee.ca/Blogs/TheHook/BC-Politics/2010/06/19/MaximusHeath/
JPMorgan's "Sloppy" Move Brings Back Bad Memories
Winchester Financial Corporation is an Ontario based Company offering investors the opportunity to participate in the Secured Tax Assisted Real Estate Trust (S.T.A.R.T.). We specialize in the acquisition, development and syndication of commercial properties within selected markets in Canada. Winchester Financial has a wealth of knowledge in this field.
Mission Statement Winchester Financial Group’s main goal is to provide investors with quality alternative investments, to assist them in creating wealth and retirement income through the acquisition, development and continual management of real estate properties to their fullest potential.
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Winchester Financial Corporation is an Ontario based Company offering investors the opportunity to participate in the Secured Tax Assisted Real Estate Trust (S.T.A.R.T.). We specialize in the acquisition, development and syndication of commercial properties within selected markets in Canada. Winchester Financial has a wealth of knowledge in this field.
We have developed a tax planning and investment strategy to better your standard of living as you approach your retirement years. The trust exists to find, acquire, improve, and manage the most profitable real estate properties across Canada, and to offer these opportunities to other like-minded investors.
Company Strategy
Winchester Financial’s strategy is to provide our clients with sustainable long-term passive income by:
Continuing to effectively manage our current properties
Expanding geographically through acquisitions
Increasing the value of our properties through proactive asset management
Investing its own capital to purchase, improve and cash flow properties
We stand behind our philosophy by "walking the walk," not just "talking the walk."
the war on civil law federal court common law corruption
federal government e coast guard communication centres
Stephen Harper sorting durham trust gold paper mail?
Even Prime Minister Stephen Harper paid his dues, said his spokesman Andrew MacDougall. Harper worked in his early 20s in Imperial Oil's mailroom in Alberta before moving up the ladder to the computer department. As prime minister, Harper now pulls in a cool $317,000 per year.
The Conservative government is poised to define what is considered ``welfare fraud
Federal NDP agriculture critic Malcolm Allen said the government should be hiring more workers and opening additional Service Canada offices - rather than laying off public servants and closing locations - in an effort to catch EI cheats and ensure claims are properly processed.
``They (EI cheats) are taking money out of the pockets of those who need it, who are unemployed,'' Allen said Friday. ``We need the resources to catch these people.''
The March federal budget identified some of the looming changes to ``strengthen and clarify'' the rules on what is required of EI claimants. The reforms will take into account local labour market conditions ``and an individual's past history with the EI program,'' says the budget.
The changes are expected to target repeat claimants, possibly by forcing them to take lower-paying jobs.
Opposition parties, however, argue the EI overhaul is an ``attack on Canadian workers'' and will unfairly hurt certain regions of the country that rely more on seasonal and contract employees.
``The government keeps pretending that employment insurance belongs to it, but we all know it does not. EI belongs to workers,'' Allen said Friday in question period.
``Conservatives seem to think that being unemployed is an all-inclusive vacation.''
The Conservative government is poised to define what is considered ``suitable employment'' that Canadians should accept if they want to receive EI benefits. The government is promising, though, that workers won't be expected to take jobs outside their skill sets or areas they call home.
``We expect that Canadians take available jobs in their own area with the appropriate qualifications,'' Kellie Leitch, parliamentary secretary to Human Resources Minister Diane Finley, said Friday.
``Canadians will face unprecedented labour skills shortages in the coming years and we want to ensure that employers . . . are turning to Canadians first so that Canadians get the jobs that they need and they want.''
"It was a sort of a culmination of some general frustrations of the federal government's policies and what they were telling us,"
"It was a sort of a culmination of some general frustrations of the federal government's policies and what they were telling us," said Sutherland, who has been particularly peeved with the government's elimination of the long form census and its closure of certain prison farms.
"The political message is to look for yourself and don't necessarily believe the party line."
The painting's title — Emperor Haute Couture — is also part of the pun as it carries a reference to "The Emperor's New Clothes," a tale by Hans Christian Andersen in which a vain king parades around naked, believing his new suit is so superior that it is invisible to those unfit for their positions in life.
"Satire is a great way to make valid social comment and have some fun at the same time," said Sutherland.
But while she often paints nudes, the 50-year-old added that her much-talked-about painting will likely be her only depiction of a politician.
The painting is priced at $5,000 and already has a few interested buyers.http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/canada/baring-it-all-painting-of-prime-minister-in-the-nude-causes-a-stir--152044205.html
some cabinet ministers struggled to make ends meet before they reached the halls of power?
From rags to the Rideau: politicians share stories of their lousiest jobs Canada.com - 26 minutes ago Stephen Harper sorting mail? John Baird delivering your morning newspaper? Lisa Raitt slinging soft serve at Dairy Queen? It may be a little hard to picture, but some cabinet ministers struggled to make ends meet before they reached the halls of power.
"The safety of Canadians and mariners is the top priority of the Canadian Coast Guard," said Ashfield, in a statement issued on Thursday.Fisheries Minister Keith Ashfield says the centres are using outdated technology and lack the ability to work together in an emergency,
Coast guard closes 3 B.C. communications centres CBC News Posted: May 18, 2012 1:41 PM PT Last Updated: May 18, 2012 1:53 PM PTRead 11 comments11A Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary boat patrols the Fraser River in B.C. in 2006. (Chuck Stoody/Canadian Press) Facebook 3 Twitter 0 Share 3 Email Close Coast Guard communications changes5:08 Coast Guard communications changes5:08 The federal government has confirmed it will close three coast guard communication centres in Vancouver, Comox and Tofino by 2015.
The coast guard communication centres house operators who deal with emergency calls from mariners in distress. The closures mean the entire B.C. coast will be served by two communications centres in Prince Rupert and Victoria that will undergo major upgrades.
This is part of a major reorganization of coast guard services. The federal government will shut down 10 communication centres across Canada, leaving a total of 12 nationwide. More than 700 staff were notified on Thursday that their jobs could be affected.
Fisheries Minister Keith Ashfield says the centres are using outdated technology and lack the ability to work together in an emergency, or transfer work in a power outage. He said the 12 remaining centres will be modernized.
"The safety of Canadians and mariners is the top priority of the Canadian Coast Guard," said Ashfield, in a statement issued on Thursday.
"Improving and integrating communications centres across the country will ensure that important information can be properly broadcast to mariners and emergency calls will be received under all circumstances."
But Martin Gregoire, president of the Canadian Auto Workers Union local 2182, says if the government was interested in keeping mariners safe it would modernize operations by updating all existing communication centres.
Gregoire says the closures are simply cuts to service and important local knowedge will be lost when operations are further centralized.
"When people in need of help call, they'll call a centre far away, and they'll talk to someone who doesn't know very well their needs, and their area," said Gregoire.
Kitsilano station also closing On Thursday the federal government also told staff it was closing the Kitsilano coast guard station in Vancouver's English Bay, raising concerns for the safety of recreational and commercial mariners who use the busy Vancouver Harbour.
But coast guard spokewoman Erin Filleter said the area will still be serviced by the Sea Island Base in Richmond, which is 17 nautical miles away.
The Kitsilano coast guard station in Vancouver's English Bay will be shut down as part of a massive round of layoffs underway at the federal Department of Fisheries and Ocean, according to union officials. (CBC) "When these two bases are consolidated at Sea Island, levels of service will remain the same and consistent with other major ports. Search and rescue capacity will be augmented by a new hovercraft which is being delivered in 2013," she said.
British Columbia is currently served by 13 search and rescue lifeboats, two air cushioned vehicles and two helicopters.
Search and rescue lifeboat stations operate at Sea Island, Powell River, Saltspring Island, Tofino, Bamfield, Port Hardy, Campbell River, Bella Bella and Sandspit.
In addition to lifeboat stations, inshore rescue boats provide service at Cortes Island, Telegraph Cove and Nootka Sound.
Anne M. Fears | Visit Guest Book Fears, Anne M. 88 Nov. 03, 1922 Oct. 29, 2011 Anne Marie (Furlow) Fears stepped into Heaven just five days before her 89th birthday. Anne was an amazing woman who loved the Lord and loved her family with her heart and soul and will be missed dearly by all who knew her. Born a Tlingit Indian in Juneau, Alaska to Charles Carroll and Florence (Eakin) Carroll, Anne moved to the Portland/Vancouver area as a child with her parents, three brothers and two sisters. She later had two half-brothers. Anne was preceded in death by Wayne Furlow whom she married in 1939 and had seven children, and their first born daughter Linda. Anne started a successful career in real estate in 1970, culminating in 1975 when she married Tine Fears and moved to Rockaway Beach on the Oregon coast where they developed a flourishing real estate business spanning 20 years until their retirement to Beaverton. Anne was passionate about introducing people to the joys of coastal life and many home buyers also became their good friends. Anne had many gifts which included a wonderful sense of humor, a joyful, caring hospitable heart and a phenomenal ability to bake and cook. Her dedication and love for her family was unparalleled. Anne was a strong and courageous woman who conquered Hodgkins disease and fared on in life for many more years. She gave inspiration and hope to all who knew her and through it all, she retained a beautiful smile that lit up the room whenever someone entered. Anne is survived by her husband, Tine; her children, Steve Furlow, Jeff Furlow, Gary Furlow, Deanna Shimshak, Nancy Furlow, and Jhanne Jasmine; 13 grandchildren; 22 great-grandchildren and nine great-great-grandchildren. A Celebration of Life Mass and Reception will be held at Holy Trinity Catholic Church on Walker Road in Beaverton, OR, on Monday, Nov. 14, beginning at 11 a.m. We invite guests to share memories of Anne during the reception immediately following the Mass, as we give honor to Anne's extraordinary life.
Treasury Board Secretary Tony Clement also began working at a young age at his father's restaurant, where he said he worked from 10 a.m. to 2 a.m. for $39 per week.
But even that didn't compare with the ignominy of being an usher at the Ontario Film Institute auditorium, Clement said.
"I had to shine my flashlight on old ladies crumpling their lozenges a little too loudly," he said.
Immigration Minister Jason Kenney, who said he began scrubbing floors at age 12, preferred the calm of janitorial work. He said the stress of being a bus boy and waiter in his teens still gives him the chills.
"Waiter is the toughest job I ever had," he said. "You have to keep, like, 10 things in mind at once."
Chief Government Whip Gordon O'Connor stocked shoes in a warehouse. Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver said he sold encyclopedias door-to-door in the B.C. interior.
"We needed the money so we did it," Oliver said.
Even Prime Minister Stephen Harper paid his dues, said his spokesman Andrew MacDougall. Harper worked in his early 20s in Imperial Oil's mailroom in Alberta before moving up the ladder to the computer department. As prime minister, Harper now pulls in a cool $317,000 per year.
Not all cabinet ministers have a hardscrabble story. Born into a wealthy, landowning political family in Nova Scotia, Defence Minister Peter MacKay didn't struggle to pay the rent or tuition.
After obtaining his law degree, MacKay went to work for German industrial conglomerate ThyssenKrupp, where he learned the German he can now be heard speaking from time to time with visiting diplomats.
On the opposition benches, Liberal MP Justin Trudeau, also born into wealth, said he was pretty selective about the work did during his university years. With a visible shudder, he recalled his brief experience bartending at the now-defunct Tramway Brasserie in Montreal.
"I worked about two double shifts and then I had to leave. It was just terrible," he said. "It paid minimum wage, and was not a lot of fun."
Opting for a more entertaining summer occupation, Trudeau became a whitewater rafting guide.
Coming up in a family of 12, NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair said there were no handouts in his household.
"We were of modest means. That's why we all had to work," he said. "I delivered the Montreal Gazette from the time I was 12 right through college."
Mulcair said his first summer job was toiling in a Montreal textile factory when he was 14.
"It was a real sweatshop," he said. "I was making $1.25 an hour, and our work day was from eight in the morning to six at night, and we had half an hour for lunch and two 15 minute breaks."
Leader Bob Rae did not share his work history with Postmedia News. The son of a distinguished diplomat, Rae was educated in tony private schools in Canada and abroad.
There remains a serious disconnect between the cabinet table and main street Canada, said Erin Weir, a labour economist with the United Steelworkers union.
"Many MPs do have trouble understanding the challenges facing most working Canadians," he said. "Many of them are quite wealthy and wouldn't have to rely on Employment Insurance, and be forced into poorly paid jobs."
While elite corporate jobs and ambassadorial postings may await some defeated politicians, Weir said, most out-of-work Canadians have a very different experience of the job market.
"If any of these ministers lose an election, they wont be relying on EI," he said.
Nevertheless, Tory decision makers seem unlikely to back down on their mission to overhaul the EI system, and stomp out fraud and other abuses.
"There's no free ride, and you have to earn you keep at home and contribute to the family," said Raitt, known for taking a hard line on strikes and work stoppages.
"Maybe it's a conservative value."
As for Flaherty's other dirty jobs — he said he has worked as a busboy, construction worker, house painter, carpet cleaner . . . and ran aquatics activities at a girl's summer camp.