Lawyers looking for evidence need to start thinking about looking "virtually." With increasing amounts of "paperless" information being added to the Internet every minute of every day, there is an increasing chance lawyers could find potentially relevant evidence there. Evidence to prove or refute a point in contention, get the upper hand in a settlement conference, or decide whether to even take a client’s case, might be found in both the near and far reaches of the Internet. Taking a virtual look at the "near reaches" of the Internet means searching the Website of the person or company being researched. More often than not, useful information will be posted there that can be used as evidence. For example, after being attacked by skin-heads, a client learned that his name, address, and picture, along with a call to action to attack him, had been posted on a skin-head organization’s website. When the lawyer accessed the website, the information about his client had been removed. Not willing to give up, he turned to his teenaged nephew who advised him that the old web pages might be stored at the Internet Archive Way Back Machine (, a non-profit organization that stores old Web pages to preserve virtual history.
While this lawyer did find the incriminating pages at, if he had not, this would not have necessarily proven they had never appeared on the skin-head site because: (1) the Internet Archive does not archive every page of every Web site; (2) there is a six to 18-month (or more) delay before pages are archived on the Internet Archive site; and (3) Web site owners can request their site not be archived. If a Web site owner has requested that their site not be archived, this fact appears in the search results at In that case, the lawyer at least would surmise that the site owner had something to hide and could attempt to subpoena the pages from the site owner.
Getting Pages Admitted into Evidence
Once a lawyer finds evidence on an Internet Web site, the next step is to get the pages admitted into evidence. Getting Internet evidence admitted should be no different than getting other traditional evidence admitted: it must be (1) relevant; (2) authentic; and (3) admissible. But, getting pages into evidence from the, in particular, may prove more difficult than getting pages from other Web sites (which are currently on the Web), into evidence.
In the skin head beating case, it would seem obvious that the evidence is relevant. Showing that the evidence was authentic could be accomplished by pointing to an unreported case, Telewizja Polska USA, Inc. v. Echostar Satellite, Case No. 02C3293 (N.D. Ill. Oct. 15, 2004), available at (see pages 13-15 of the document), where federal court Magistrate Keys, in a motion in limine, rejected defendant’s claim thatWweb pages from the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine were unreliable. Instead, the Magistrate found that Federal Rules of Evidence Rule 901 "requires only a prima facie showing of genuineness and leaves it to the jury to determine the true authenticity…"of the archived Web pages. The Magistrate also explained that the Internet Archive Web pages were:
not hearsay
not “statements” but merely images and text showing what the Web site once looked like
admissions by a party-opponent.
Everything we have read about the Telewijza Polska case cites to the Magistrate's reasoning, except for one article that asserts that District Court Judge Ronald Guzman overruled Magistrate Keys' findings at the actual trial, Telewizja Polska USA, Inc. v. Echostar Satellite, Case No. 03293 (N.D. Ill. 2004). Strangely enough, the article is from Wikipedia (, not necessarily considered a trusted source. The Wikipedia article offers no citation to back up its assertion that Judge Guzman overruled Magistrate Keys. In fact, the only citation is to an article in the Journal of Internet Law that only cites to the Magistrate's decision.
After sifting through many documents at Pacer, we were unable to find the judge's overruling opinion, but we were informed by an attorney at one of our seminars that he had confirmed the Wikipedia assertions by phoning one of the attorneys involved in the case.
This is what the Wikipedia article stated Judge Guzman held:
The Internet Archive employee’s affidavit and underlying Web pages (Telewizja Polska Web site) were not admissible as evidence.
The employee's affidavit contained hearsay and inconclusive supporting statements.
The purported Web page printouts were not self-authenticating.
Be Sure to Authenticate Evidence From the Internet
As an attorney attempting to authenticate evidence from the Internet, it is important to prove when the research was done. This can be accomplished by having the researcher sign a declaration explaining how, and on what date, the researcher found the Web page evidence on the Internet. To further authenticate the evidence from a Web site, the web page should be printed out--with the URL listed. It would also be advisable to print any page on the Web site that indicates who owns the site. This is usually found on the "About Us" page. (Searching a domain registry, such as, to verify ownership is not necessarily going to yield the true owner of the Web site because domain registries do not verify that real names are used.)
Admissability of Pages
Because Telewizja Polska is an unreported case (and not binding on other courts) and because the Judge and the Magistrate came to opposite conclusions as noted above, we do not have a definitive answer as to whether pages from the could overcome hearsay objections. As to the admissibility of pages other than being admitted into evidence, it will vary from judge to judge.
Even Judges are now Using the Internet to Make Judicial Decisions
As recently as 1999, a district court cautioned against relying on data from the Internet as "voodoo information." St. Clair v. Johnny’s Oyster & Shrimp, 76 F. Supp. 2d 773, 775 (S.D. Tex. 1999). Fortunately, today, not only are judges admitting information from the Internet into evidence (as illustrated by the Telewizja case), but judges are even conducting their own Internet research to help make judicial decisions. For example, in a recent Indiana decision, the court was incredulous that the plaintiff failed to "Google" the missing defendant as part of his due diligence process. The court noted that the investigative technique of merely calling directory assistance to find a missing defendant has gone "the way of the horse and buggy and the eight track stereo" as a consequence of the Internet. The court upheld the defendant’s claim of insufficient service of process and affirmed the dismissal of the case. The court stated, "We do note that there is no evidence in this case of a public records or Internet search for Groce…to find him. In fact, we [the judge] discovered, upon entering 'Joe Groce Indiana' into the Google™ search engine, an address for Groce that differed from either address used in this case, as well as an apparent obituary for Groce’s mother that listed numerous surviving relatives who might have known his whereabouts." Munster v. Groce, 829 N.E.2d 52 (Ind. App. 2005) available at On appeal, the plaintiff could argue that there was no proof that the data found by the judge had been available on the Internet at the time plaintiff searched for the defendant.
In Dubois v. Butler, Case nos. 4d04-3559 and 4d04-3561 (FL App, 2005), the court noted as a consequence of the internet that the investigative technique of merely calling directory assistance to find a missing defendant has gone "the way of the horse and buggy and the eight track stereo." The court quashed the service of process and dismissed the case.
In another recent case, the Louisiana Appeals court upheld a decision in which the trial court nullified a government tax sale because the original tax-delinquent owner would have been "reasonably identifiable" and locatable if the government had run a simple "Internet search" to "locate the named mortgagee." It was the trial court judge who conducted an Internet search and determined that the owner was "reasonably identifiable." Part of the basis of the appeal was whether or not it was appropriate for the judge to conduct such a search at all to determine this. The Appeals court dismissed this argument, saying "Nevertheless, we find any error the trial court may have committed by conducting the internet search is harmless, because the trial court's ultimate conclusion that the tax sale violated Dr. Weatherly's due process rights is legally correct." Weatherly v. Optimum Asset Management, 928 So.2d 118 (La. App. 2005), available at
Look Beyond the Near Reaches of the Internet: Social Networking Sites, Blogs, Podcasts & Videos
To find potentially relevant evidence, lawyers also need to look beyond the near reaches of the Internet, which would be a person or company’s Web site, and into the far reaches of the Internet. Some of the "far reaches" could include new types of Web content such as social network sites ( or or blogs (, podcasts (, and videos (
People often drop their guard when they are posting to these types of sites. Not only can their written words be readily displayed to a jury, but so can their behavior, attitude, or tone of voice, all heard or viewed from an audio or video tape, or a still picture placed on the Internet. For instance, Hugh Foskett might have had a better chance at winning the Seattle’s 43rd district state house seat in 2006, if pictures from his page, showing behavior unbecoming to a candidate, had not been publicized. (Social networking sites are no longer “just for kids.” All ages are beginning to add their profiles and pictures.)
Look Beyond the Near Reaches of the Internet: Dating & Reunion Web Sites and Google Groups
Lawyers should also look to other far reaches of the Internet not traditionally thought of as useful to serious researchers, such as dating sites (, reunion sites ( and discussion groups such as those searchable at Google Groups—all places where people post personal information. A divorce lawyer shared an incident where, at a settlement conference, they were proffered embarrassing information that their client had posted to a dating Web site. Admissibility was not at issue, since the parties were not at trial, and in fact, admissibility was not really the husband’s goal. Simply gaining the upper hand or unsettling the wife was the goal, which apparently was met.
Learning that your client was on methadone might be an important piece of evidence in a case where your client allegedly caused an accident. If your client failed to inform you of this, searching the client’s name at Google Groups might reveal this interesting fact if the client participated in online discussions and divulged such information (in our case, the person was on a migraine headache discussion group and mentioned his methadone maintenance in passing).
Do People Post Using Their Real Names?
It's important to remember that many people do not use their real names when posting to discussion groups. In those cases, searching by the poster's e-mail address might yield more useful results, assuming you know their e-mail address (or addresses). In contrast, people posting profiles at do tend to use their real names—since they are trying to hook up with former friends. Thus, is a perfect place to search for evidence. At, people often post information about where they work (or worked), attended school, or served in the military. These are the bits and pieces of information that might be the very evidence a lawyer is looking for.
Finding Information From Different File Formats Posted to the Web
Lawyers can sometimes unearth evidence from a PowerPoint presentation, an Excel spreadsheet, or a Word document posted to the Internet. By using’s advanced search page, a search can be limited to one of these file formats. While evidence from a PowerPoint presentation might show up in the PowerPoint slide, be sure to view the presentation in the “editing” mode to read the presenter’s outline and notes—where more evidence might be lurking.
Have Potential Evidence Automatically Collected and Delivered to Your E-mail In-box
Attorneys can even have potential evidence automatically collected and delivered to their email in-box by using Google's Alert service ( While Google Alerts originally monitored only news based on the researcher’s key words (e.g., a topic, a company name, or a person’s name), monitoring has been expanded to Web sites, Google Groups, and most recently to Blogs. Thus, if the topic, the person, or the company one is gathering evidence about is mentioned in the news, on a Web site, in a Google Group discussion e-mail, or on a blog, attorneys will be automatically alerted and can add the information to their pot of evidence.
Because penalties for federal corruption charges can be so severe, anyone accused of such a crime would be wise to contact an experienced criminal defense attorney. Federal prosecutors are very experienced and efficient at what they do. Anything a defendant does or says while speaking to investigators can later be used against them. A good lawyer can serve as an intermediary between an accused person and a prosecutor, reducing the risk that the prosecutor will be able to use the words of a defendant at trial.
Harper Govt an International Embarrassment
NWO/BUSH CIA & BILDERBERGS illegal transfer of aN illegal bc estate considered these men dangerous—not because they might have owned guns and not because they were a physical threat to anyone. It was the Freemen’s knowledge—and their passing it on to others—that created the TAXPAYERS fear of exposure TO its fraudulent system.
May 2006
“there was nothing wrong with cocaine trafficking and that the United States should mind its own business.”
Stirling was quoted in court documents as saying, while he was being transported to jail, that “there was nothing wrong with cocaine trafficking and that the United States should mind its own business.”
“He further remarked that if Canada didn’t have such high taxes, [he and his co-accused] could get legitimate jobs,” the documents say.
Stirling, 58, was convicted in Victoria in 1990 in another cocaine-trafficking conspiracy. His record was admitted during his trial.
U.S. prosecutors also relied on wiretaps from Colombia, photographs of the illicit cargo seized on the boat, documents aboard the vessel, and Stirling’s laptop computer and satellite phone, which were also on the Atlantis.
Colombian police officers, an FBI agent and several coast guard members testified against Stirling.
The Canadian argued unsuccessfully that the U.S. had no jurisdiction to prosecute him because he was in international waters and was not headed for the U.S.
When his boat was intercepted, Stirling admitted he was “the master.” Ion scans detected cocaine aboard the boat and coast guard inspectors conducted a search. Altogether, inspectors found 358 packages containing 400 kilograms of cocaine. Heroin and methamphetamine were also aboard.
Back in 2001, Stirling’s boat, the Western Wind, was stopped by American authorities in the Strait of Juan de Fuca with 2.5 tonnes of cocaine aboard, estimated to be worth $300 million at the time. The cocaine was stamped “Colombia” and wrapped in sugar sacks.
Because the boat was bound for B.C., the Americans handed Stirling and four others over to Canadian authorities. But Stirling and the others were never charged.
Then in May 2006, Stirling and four others were arrested again off Vancouver Island after police found $6.5-million worth of marijuana on board a 47-metre fishing vessel registered to Stirling. The men were all charged with drug-related offences, but the charges were all later stayed.
Looking for a way out Chief Douglas White, of the First Nations Summit, B.C.'s largest aboriginal organization, said Lornie's report means a government appointee has formally told the aboriginal affairs minister what Ottawa needs to do to fix the treaty process.
"Many First Nations felt they could stomach the costs for five or six years, but after 20, it's getting to be a bit much," said White.
White said he's concerned recent federal government budget cuts will further impact federal treaty negotiations.
The majority of First Nations are willing to stick it out "because of a trust and belief that Canada is coming with a proper mandate to negotiate in an open way," said White.
White said Lornie's recommendations, if implemented, will send the message that Ottawa has listened and is more interested in negotiating treaties than exit strategies.
The report doesn't suggest dumping the treaty process after more than 20 years of negotiations, but states First Nations need the option to leave the table without feeling intense pressure to pay off debts and with nothing to show after years of talks.
First Nations should also be allowed to return to negotiations at a later date, it adds.
"I consider that the single most important response that the federal government can make is to re-commit to treaty-making as a federal priority, and to commit to that priority at every level of the federal system," stated Lornie in the report.
Lornie submitted the document to Duncan last November, but it was only made public last week.
Duncan could not be immediately reached for comment, but his office issued a statement, noting the minister, department and treaty-process partners are reviewing the report.
"Canada will continue to explore concrete, specific ways to address many of the issues and recommendations raised in the report through existing initiatives," said a statement from Duncan's director of communications Jason MacDonald.
Duncan's director of communications Jason MacDonald.
Treaty process mires B.C. First Nations in $420M debt The Canadian Press Posted: May 7, 2012 8:32 AM PT Last Updated: May 7, 2012 11:22 AM PTRead 40 comments40Premier Gordon Campbell and Tsawwassen First Nation Chief Kim Baird celebrate the first modern treaty negotiated under the British Columbia Treaty Commission process, in April, 2009. (B.C. Government) Facebook 55 Twitter 13 Share 68 Email Ottawa needs to consider a flexible exit strategy for British Columbia First Nations frustrated and debt-challenged by slow-moving treaty negotiations, says a special report prepared for federal Aboriginal Affairs Minister John Duncan.
The 47-page report by former Campbell River, B.C., mayor James Lornie, appointed Duncan's special B.C. treaty representative last year, states First Nations treaty negotiations debt now tops $420 million, which is insurmountable and an unsustainable barrier to reaching treaties.
Mr. Lornie will meet with Common Table First Nations that are in the treaty process as well as with officials within the federal Government, the BC Government, the First Nations Summit and the British Columbia Treaty Commission (BCTC).
Minister's Office Michele-Jamali Paquette Press Secretary Office of the Honourable John Duncan 819-997-0002 or Media Relations Indian and Northern Affairs Canada 819-953-1160
January 28, 2011 18:29 ET
Minister Duncan Announces Appointment of a Minister's Special Representative to the BC Treaty Process
OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Jan. 28, 2011) - The Honourable John Duncan, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians, announced today the appointment of James Lornie as the Minister's Special Representative to the BC Treaty Process.
"I am pleased to announce the appointment of James Lornie as my Special Representative," said Minister Duncan. "Mr. Lornie brings many years of experience in facilitation and mediation, as well as extensive experience working with Aboriginal issues in BC, to the role."
As the Minister's Special Representative Mr. Lornie will be responsible for assessing and reporting on the possibility of accelerating the conclusion of treaties with Common Table First Nations that are in the BC Treaty Process. Mr. Lornie will meet with Common Table First Nations that are in the treaty process as well as with officials within the federal Government, the BC Government, the First Nations Summit and the British Columbia Treaty Commission (BCTC).
The Government of Canada believes that negotiations under the BC treaty process are the best means of resolving outstanding rights and title issues and arriving at fair, affordable and honourable treaties that balance the interests of First Nations and all Canadians.
made such a mess of things that I believe this to be the most satisfactory solution for everybody concerned.
Pervuvian certificate 3392-181 originated in 1875 and accepted as a US treasury debt in 1906 REAL OR FORGED ?
Convertible Gold Debentures
Lehman issued similar obligations, Enron used them extensively and in the recent financial crisis they played a major role in bringing down Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers.
Convertible Gold Debentures Ivar and Lee Higginson & Co., his investment banker in the USA, decided to have International Match issue new securities called convertible gold debentures. "Debenture" is a debt instrument not secured by physical collateral or assets.[36] They were issued to mature in 20 years and they were payable in either dollars or gold, at the holder's option. These bonds gave investors the right to receive annual interest payments of 6.5 percent from International Match, which was an attractive rate at the time.
Finally, these debentures were convertible, which meant that they could be converted into shares. If International Match performed well and the value of the shares increased, investors could switch from the debentures to the more valuable shares. The convertible feature made these securities particularly attractive: they have both downside protection (because in the case of bankruptcy the bond holders were paid before the shareholders) and upside potential. In other words, the best of both worlds. "Ivar and Lee Higginson had designed their first financial mousetrap."
Ivar's popularity helped Lee Higginson sell $15 million of International Match gold debentures, at a price of $94.50 for each $100 of principal amount. Investors paid $94.50 in return for the right to receive interest of $6.50 per year for 20 years (6.5 percent of the hundred dollars principal amount.). The deal raised a total of $14,175,000, i.e. 94.5 percent of $15 million.[37]
[edit] American Certificates Kreuger invented another financial instrument, which continues to be used and is nowadays known as American Depositary Receipts. That issue was called Kreuger & Toll "American Certificates." American investors had never seen an investment like this. It was part bond, part preferred stock, and part profit sharing option. The certificates enabled investors to gain exposure to a foreign company that had been paying dividends of 25 percent. It would be backed by the largest private loan to a foreign government (i.e. Germany) ever. Even in the midst of the growing panic investors went crazy for the issue and promised to buy 28 million dollars of the new securities.[38] And this happened two days after Black Monday in 1929.
[edit] Binary Foreign Exchange Option The second Poland agreement also contained some extraordinary protection for International Match including a binary foreign exchange option, a kind of derivative contract,[39] to protect International Match from any declines in the value of the dollar: "International Match Corporation shall have the right to obtain payment of interest in Dutch guilders or US dollars according to its choice and for all such payments one dollar shall be counted as 2½ guilders."
To retain control of Garanta, Ivar created another innovative financial provision, which meant that during the first four years until October 1, 1929, International Match Corporation had the right to appoint the managing director of Garanta who alone was entitled to sign for the company On or after October 1, 1929, International Match Corporation had the right to acquire 60 percent of the shares at par. This option term secured both initial control over Garanta and the right to own a majority of Garanta's shares in the future.[40]
[edit] Off Balance Sheet Entities This means that details of an enterprise do not appear in the parent company's financial statements. Some of these entities were more or less secret. The associated debt, called "off balance sheet obligations", didn't appear in any financial statements of the companies Ivar controlled other than in summary form, if at all.[41] (In this context, it should be kept in mind that most of these financial statements were figments of the imagination in any case.) Albert D. Berning of the firm Ernst & Ernst, International Match's auditor, rationalized it at the shareholder's meeting in 1926. He said "it is only customary to consolidate the assets and liabilities of companies in such a balance sheet when a substantial majority of the outstanding shares are owned by the parent company. Where less than such a majority is owned, the shares are included as investments." [42] This invention gained rapid acceptance by others, e.g. Goldman Sachs and Lehman Brothers. The former issued 250 million dollars worth of complex securities (equivalent to about 3.75 billion in today's money) in 1929. Lehman issued similar obligations, which immediately rose 30 percent.[43]Enron used them extensively and in the recent financial crisis they played a major role in bringing down Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers.
End of the DURHAM TRUST empire
End of the Kreuger empire and death By mid 1931, rumours spread that Kreuger & Toll and other companies in Kreuger's empire were financially unstable.
In February 1932, Kreuger turned to Sveriges Riksbank for the second time in his life to support him in raising a large increase in his loans. At this time his total loans in Swedish banks was estimated to about half of the Swedish reserve currency that had started to give negative effects on the value of the Swedish currency in the international financial market. In order to grant him more loans, the government required that a complete statement of accounts of Kreuger's entire company group was presented, as the bank's (Sveriges Riksbank) own calculations showed that Kreuger & Toll finances were far too weak to give him more loans.
At that time Ivar Kreuger was in the United States and was asked to return to Europe for a meeting with the chairman of the Riksbank, Ivar Rooth. He had left Sweden for the last time on November 23, 1931 and returned to Europe on the ship Ile de France, arriving in Paris on March 11, 1932. The meeting with Ivar Rooth was scheduled to take place on March 13 or 14 in Berlin. He met with Krister Littorin (vice president of Kreuger & Toll holding) and his own banker Oscar Rydbeck in Paris on March 11 to prepare for the Berlin meeting. But on March 12, he was found dead in bed in his apartment at Avenue Victor Emanuel III. After questioning Kreuger's servants (his French maid mademoiselle Barrault and the janitor who had had contact with Kreuger in the morning) the French police and a physician came to the conclusion that he had shot himself some time between 10:45 a.m. and 12:10 p.m. A 9-mm semi-automatic gun was found on the bed beside the body.
He left a sealed envelope in the room, addressed to Krister Littorin, which contained three other sealed envelopes - one addressed to his sister Britta; one to Sune Schéle;[51] and one addressed to Littorin. In the letter to Littorin (for some reason written in English although Littorin was his closest Swedish colleague), he wrote:
I have made such a mess of things that I believe this to be the most satisfactory solution for everybody concerned. Please, take care of these two letters also see that two letters which were sent a couple of days ago by Jordahl to me at 5, Avenue Victor Emanuel are returned to Jordahl. The letters were sent by Majestic - Goodbye now and thanks. I K.[52][53]
Counterfeit U.S. bonds threaten international financial stability
British-Israelism” or “Anglo-Israelism,” begins to spread throughout the US and Canada, particularly on the west coasts of these nations. an expert on far-right racist and religious groups in America, will define the concept of “Christian Identity” as practiced by many white supremacist and separatist groups.
It is important for authorities to stay vigilant because even in this day in age fraud at this level still exists, and it can have serious macroeconomic consequences.
2/23/12 •
Italian authorities seized roughly $6 trillion in counterfeit U.S. bonds and other securities late last week the result of a multinational investigation named “Operation Vulcanica".
The Italian police brought the bonds to the U.S. embassy in Rome to be examined by Secret Service officials, who deemed them counterfeit.
Authorities believe the accused were trying to use the elaborate Treaty of Versailles angle to justify the high value of the bonds; the treaty forced Germany to take responsibility for starting World War I and pay reparations for doing so. Biographical Note - James Lornie James (Jim) Lornie is currently a land use and treaty consultant who has worked with municipalities, First Nations and in the private sector. James Lornie James (Jim) Lornie is currently a land use and treaty consultant
Mr. Lornie has extensive experience as a consultant, facilitator and mediator and has worked in this capacity for local governments, First Nations in British Columbia, and the Province of British Columbia. Mr. Lornie’s experience involves facilitating the negotiation of service agreements, and assisting in the creation of an economic development commission.
For 17 years Mr. Lornie was a business partner in Walcan Seafood Ltd, processing, marketing and exporting salmon, herring, herring roe and farmed salmon. He is a former Mayor of the City of Campbell River, serving three terms, and, as the local government representative, sat at both the Homalco and the Southern Kwakiutl Treaty Negotiation Tables.
Mr. Lornie served as Co-Chair of the Central Region Board in Clayoquot Sound which was created through BC’s first interim measures agreement between First Nations and the Province of British Columbia. The Board was made up of a First Nation Co-Chair and five First Nations representatives, one from each of the Clayoquot First Nations in addition to five provincial appointees.
He is also the former Chair of the Central Coast Land and Resource Management Plan Completion Process. This process accomplished a consensus agreement between numerous diverse parties. First Nations were actively involved in the process and ultimately signed off with the Province of B.C. The area involved in this process is better known as the Great Bear Rain Forest by the public.
Mr. Lornie has served on the Pacific Salmon Forum, the Pacific Regional Council to the Federal Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, the Board of Governors of Simon Fraser University, and the B.C. Round Table on the Environment and the Economy. He is also a former Board member of the Nature Conservancy of Canada, B.C. Region.
He holds a Bachelor of Education from the University of British Columbia.
Prosecutors said the forgers had hoped to use the fake bonds as collateral to secure loans.
THE NUMBER of counterfeit goods seized in the U.S. alone has seen a rising trend in recent years. With counterfeit activity spreading to U.S. bonds the danger that counterfeits pose is spreading to international financial markets.
Counterfeit U.S. bonds threaten international financial stability Posted by aquinas on 2/23/12 • Categorized as Business
Italian authorities seized roughly $6 trillion in counterfeit U.S. bonds and other securities late last week the result of a multinational investigation named “Operation Vulcanica.” Anti-mafia prosecutors reported in an emailed statement that they, in conjunction with the Swiss police, discovered the bonds within hidden compartments of three safety deposit boxes in a trust company in Zurich. Eight people were accused of counterfeiting bonds, credit card forgery and other various international financial crimes amounting to almost half of the United States’ public debt. Prosecutors have stated that fraud did not occur, but this did pose “severe threats to international financial stability.” Since they had not been sold, it had no effect on the bond market because no one had actually taken the counterfeit bonds on their books. Authorities stated that the criminals involved were from an area in southern Italy home to the notorious ‘Ndrangheta Mafia. Some speculated mafia involvement in a similar operation foiled three years ago by Italian authorities that yielded $250 billion forged U.S. Treasury bonds. The anti-mafia prosecutors were unsure what the group planned to do with the bonds at first, but they suspect the accused intended to sell the fake bonds to a developing nation. Alternatively, they believe the bonds were to be used as collateral to secure loans. The Italian police brought the bonds to the U.S. embassy in Rome to be examined by Secret Service officials, who deemed them counterfeit. The Secret Service averages around 100 cases a year dealing with false securities, bonds and other financial instruments; this is the largest in total value that they have ever dealt with in one case. The bonds were dated for 1934 and in denominations of millions and billions of dollars. The Federal Reserve stated that $100,000 was the largest denomination in 1934 and that bonds with that face value were only used in transactions between the Federal Reserve and its district banks. In order to try and sell the story to those ignorant of the denominations used in 1934, the bonds were held in chests with the markings “Federal Reserve System, Chicago and Treaty of Versailles” on the lid. Each chest also had blank papers in it, believed to be included in the event more bonds needed to be created, and a copy of the Treaty of Versailles. Authorities believe the accused were trying to use the elaborate Treaty of Versailles angle to justify the high value of the bonds; the treaty forced Germany to take responsibility for starting World War I and pay reparations for doing so. A U.S. law enforcement officer source explained how scams involving government bonds typically work. “Part of the scam is that you say: ‘We came up with this from long lost supply of US government notes that were hidden in a warehouse,’” the source said. There have been other instances in the past of African countries trying to pass off fake bonds they claimed were found in wrecked cargo planes on their land in an attempt to legitimize them. It is a relief that, despite the fact the forged bonds existed, they did not get a chance to cause damage to the world’s financial markets. It is important for authorities to stay vigilant because even in this day in age fraud at this level still exists, and it can have serious macroeconomic consequences.
By Mark Wormuth Staff Writer WIKIMEDIA COMMONS Photo/DHS More in 'Business'
Convertible Gold Debentures
Main companies controlled by Ivar Kreuger, c.1930 It should be kept in mind that Kreuger controlled around 400 companies, therefore the following list is highly selective.[46]
Kreuger & Toll AB. Holding company for most corporations Kreuger controlled. (Notable exceptions include Diamond Match Company, of which he owned almost half the outstanding shares, Ohio Match Company and I.G. Farben.)
The Kreuger Crash Kreuger's death precipitated the Kreuger Crash which hit investors and companies worldwide, but particularly hard in the USA and Sweden. In 1933 and 1934, the U.S. Congress passed several security reform legislations that were meant to prevent a repeat of the Kreuger Crash. These bills were largely successful in their mission and the American financial industry did not witness frauds of the same magnitude until the Enron scandal and Bernard Madoff's Ponzi scheme which occurred, after the Republicans were able to regain control of the Congress in the 1990's and pass legislation relaxing the restrictions.
A Foreign Affairs report from 1930 had judged that of the $630m worth of assets the company claimed to have, $200m came from the match business, $30m were in the bank, and the other $400m were merely categorized as "other investments."[54] When the company finally went bankrupt at the end of March 1932, claimed assets of $250m turned out to be non-existent.
Prior to the crash, Kreuger had issued thousands of participating debentures. These were very popular, and a firm public belief in the rising Kreuger empire convinced contemporary Swedes to invest in these "Kreuger papers". Following the Kreuger crash, both the debentures and shares became worthless, and several thousand Swedes and small banks lost their savings and investments as a result. Large investors and suppliers apart from share holders, received a total of 43% back. The banks related to the Wallenberg family company group, Stenbeck company group, and Handelsbanken took over most of the companies in the Kreuger empire. Swedish Match recovered shortly after the crash as did most of the industrial companies within the Kreuger empire. Swedish Match received a large government guaranteed loan that was fully repaid after several years. IMCO in USA however did not survive. The liquidation took nine years and was eventually finished in 1941.
Republicans were able to regain control of the Congress in the 1990's and pass legislation relaxing the restrictions
Convertible Gold Debentures
Lehman issued similar obligations, Enron used them extensively and in the recent financial crisis they played a major role in bringing down Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers.
His financial empire collapsed during the Great Depression, and in March 1932, he was found shot dead in an hotel room in Paris. It was concluded that he had committed suicide, though some researchers claim he was murdered (see below).
Ivar Kreuger From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search "Match King" redirects here. For the 1932 film about Kreuger, see The Match King. Ivar Kreuger Ivar Kreuger c. 1920 Born March 2, 1880(1880-03-02) Kalmar, Sweden Died March 12, 1932(1932-03-12) (aged 52) Paris, France Cause of death Suicide Resting place Norra begravningsplatsen Occupation Businessman Industrialist Children not known Parents Ernst Kreuger (1852–1946) Jenny Forssman (1856–1949) Signature Ivar Kreuger (Swedish pronunciation: [ˌiːvar ˈkryːɡær]; March 2, 1880 – March 12, 1932) was a Swedish civil engineer, financier, entrepreneur and industrialist. In 1908 Kreuger co-founded the construction company Kreuger & Toll Byggnads AB which specialized in new building techniques. By aggressive investments and innovative financial instruments he built a global match and financial empire. Between the two world wars, he negotiated match monopolies with European and Central and South American governments, and finally controlled between two thirds and three quarters of the worldwide match production, and became known as the "Match King".[1][2] Kreuger's financial empire was described by one biographer as a Ponzi scheme, based on the supposedly fantastic profitability of Kreuger's match monopolies.[3] But this is not quite correct since in a Ponzi Scheme early investors are paid dividends from their own money or that of subsequent investors. Although Ivar Kreuger did this to some extent, he also controlled many legitimate often very profitable businesses and also owned banks, real estate, a rich mine, pulp and industrial companies, besides his many match companies. Many of them have survived to this day. Kreuger & Toll, for example, was composed of bona fide businesses and there were others like it.[4] Another biographer called him a "genius and swindler",[5]John Kenneth Galbraith wrote he was the "Leonardo of larcenists".[6] His financial empire collapsed during the Great Depression, and in March 1932, he was found shot dead in an hotel room in Paris. It was concluded that he had committed suicide, though some researchers claim he was murdered (see below).
Freemen were never an organized group) began to educate others locally.
MONTANA FREEMAN The Montana Freemen were a Christian Patriot movement based outside the town of Jordan, Montana. 912 KM FROM EDMONTON -JORDAN
A GOLD BEARING COMMODITY CONTRACT, IN EXISTENCE "UNTIL PAID" has been gathering 7 PERCENT SEMI-ANNUALLY SINCE 1875. HOWEVER, NO ONE HAS TAKEN THIS INTO CONSIDERATION: this GOLD BEARING BALLOON known as A GOLD BEARING COMMODITY CONTRACT, IN EXISTENCE "UNTIL PAID" ... has been gathering 7 PERCENT SEMI-ANNUALLY SINCE 1875. The amount calculated ( Notarized ) due and payable in Gold, Gold Coin, Gold Bullion and/or Coin of the Realm from May 1, 1875 to May 1, 1990 ( and the outstanding remains non-calculated ) – *** $206,858,581,465,280,000,000.00 Those number are Quadrillions. THOSE WHO ARE CAUSING THE CURRENT PROBLEMS HAVE A "DISTINCT PROBLEM" of their own, BY NOT HAVING THE ABILITY TO PAY OFF ON THOSE "BOGUS GOLD BOND-DERIVATIVES" NOR can they PAY OFF THE LIENS TO THE OUTSTANDING CREDITOR OF THE UNITED STATES
MAY 1997
The amount calculated ( Notarized ) due and payable in Gold, Gold Coin, Gold Bullion and/or Coin of the Realm from May 1, 1875 to May 1, 1990 ( and the outstanding remains non-calculated ) – *** $206,858,581,465,280,000,000.00 Those number are Quadrillions.
Soon, however, many students came, from several states. Their legal instruction included the fraud committed against American citizens by the Federal Reserve System, and more importantly, how to counter it.
But the Freemen went beyond merely pointing out this evil. In their anger, they engaged in the same practice of creating funds in an effort to call attention to the crimes of the Fed and, perhaps, bring it down.
PURPOSE AND MOTIVES OF THE DURHAM TRUSTPosted By: Patriotlad [Send E-Mail] Date: Wednesday, 18-Dec-2002 10:44:52 To All My Fellow Concerned Americans: Ref: Purpose & Intent of the "Durham Trust". Ref: Tying a balloon on the sinking "Titanic". From: V.K. DURHAM, CEO THE DURHAM (INTL. LTD.;) HOLDING TRUST (TIAS 12087) Authorized by: Treaties international agreements other than treaties sections (Public Law 89-497. 271. 1 U.S.C Sec. 113 (1966); 1 U.S.C. Section 114. Seals of Originating Nation; 1 U.S.C. Sec. 111 (1947). Rights Retained Under Repealed Statutes; 1 U.S.C. Sec. 112. Congress Noticed, (the President Noticed) of Debt; U.S. Constitution, Article VI. SUPREMACY CLAUSE. The Purpose and Intent of THE DURHAM (INTL. LTD;) HOLDING TRUST (TIAS 12087) is: To "back-up the Constitutional Government of these united States, as derived from We, the People". THOSE Citizens who entered into the COMPACT, which is a CONTRACT allowing a federal Government to "Manage the Affairs of the People under those SEVEN ARTICLES of the organic CONSTITUTION. In case you don't know what the "CONSTITUTION" is, the CONSTITUTION IS foundational "LAW." To back-up and shore up, that which the sorely misguided U.S. House of Representatives, U.S. Senate, U.S. Judiciary, the U.S. Administrative Offices in "Washington, the District of Columbia," have somehow forgotten; which they left behind in the WAKE of CORPORATE & GOLD WARFARE. We are a SHIP OF STATE floundering with what appears to be "power-mad or drunken ships’ captains at the Wheel of the Ships of State" in a world-around civil war. NOTE: September and October 2002, the Federal Reserve System could only come up with a bit over $3 BILLION DOLLARS to assist in the NATIONAL ECONOMIC RECOVERY. That's all that could be "mustered". Think about it. Only $3 BILLION DOLLARS to put this disintegerating ECONOMIC MESS back together, and to keep this nation ECONOMICALLY "AFLOAT." No one saw the BIG CORPORATIONS "RAISING THEIR HANDS TO MOVE IN BEHIND THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, OR CORPORATE BANKING OF THE UNITED STATES AT THE "FEDERAL LEVEL." They were too busy cutting GOLD DEALS on BOGUS GOLD DERIVATIVES-DEBENTURES, being hustled out of the Philippines, China, South Africa, and Saudi Arabia, only to find out ...THESE GOLD DERIVATIVES-DEBENTURES "COULD NOT PERFORM." For several years we have monitored this "Gold" situation. The heavy monitoring commenced after a visit from GREG PAULSEN aka NATHAN LIM operating out of the CHINESE BANKING SYSTEMS visited this TRUST in August 2000. The situation was explained as to "How the United States Department of the Treasury and U.S. Federal Reserve Banks were going to be TAKEN DOWN by these GOLD TRANSACTIONS between the EKKERS’ GAIA OPERATION using ISLAMIC BANKS and THE CHINESE BANKING SYSTEMS."
U.S. Secret Service, with Omaha Field Office Agents, David Kennedy and Marty Gilliam,
This "Operation" was explained very thoroughly, also "Orders were given to the TRUSTEES to STAY OUT OF EUROPE with the TRUST" ... There was more to these statements in regards to "Threats against the President of the United States", regarding the INTENT of these people conducting this FINANCIAL TERRORISM against the United States". That was explained in DETAIL to the U.S. Secret Service, with Omaha Field Office Agents, David Kennedy and Marty Gilliam, when they visited May 23, 2001. In our opinion, had they "listened" and acted ... the massacres of 9/11/2001 would not have happened. [ The first plane to hit the first tower of the WTC wiped out Cantor Fitzgerald, which happened to handle 25 % of the bond trading for U.S. Treasury bonds as well as other municipal bonds: two allied software companies on the floors below this enormous brokerage, which lost 700 people, were also wiped out and nearly bankrupted – Patriotlad ]
We were also "monitoring" the EKKERS’ GAIA "operation" out of the Philippines. The CONTACT paper would come out, and TWO DAYS later we were reading and evaluating the "movement" as published by Mr. and Mrs. Ekker carefully, putting into writing and explaining their "operations in great detail" which included the gleeful publications regarding the financial status of the U.S. Dollar and "The United States of Israel" as so often it is referred to by HATONN aka THE EKKERS. As these individuals "moved" towards taking this AMERICAN UNION OF REPUBLICS and COMMONWEALTHS down financially ... This TRUST moved silently in the background, advising the UNITED NATIONS, ORGANIZATION OF THE AMERICAN STATES, the G-7; and ARGENTINA, BRAZIL, PERU, those in ISLAMIC BANKING; the Kingdom of SAUDI ARABIA; IRAQ; SOUTH AFRICA; INTERPOL; THE U.S. SECRET SERVICE; THE DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY with Mr. Paul O'NEILL; THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES; THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS; various U.S. CONGRESSMEN & various U.S. SENATORS, of the INCOMING "BOGUS GOLD INSTRUMENTS" written on our contract, the BONUS 3392-181.
These BOGUS GOLD instruments written on our BONUS 3392-181 have a "problem in performing". They look good on "paper". BUT THEY CANNOT GET PAST THE "GOLD LIENS" HELD BY THIS "HOLDING TRUST" which HOLDS THE "PROPERTY" THOSE "BOGUS BONDS-DERIVATIVES etc., were written upon."
The GOLD LIENS; "Lien The Corporation of the United States, The Company of the United States, All Gold on Deposit in The Bank Accounts of the Corporation of the United States, The Company of the United States, All Debtor Nations owing and having borrowed GOLD from the United States, owing to the United States,
All Gold on Deposit, In Repositories, In Depositories wherever situate." The LIENS were "alleged" by THE EKKERS of GLOBAL ALLIANCE INVESTMENT ASSOCIATION aqua "GAIA" to be "owned by GAIA". Everything was moving "smoothly" until ... RECORD SEARCHES were COMMENCED. THE EKKERS’ GAIA CULT has been revealed, the GAIA "Owns Nothing". THE BOGUS GOLD DERIVATIVES-DEBENTURES could NOT PERFORM the TAKING DOWN OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY, the "TRUST" OF THE PEOPLE. They may take down the FEDERAL RESERVE. However, you are assured: THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY is a "TRUST" of the CONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNMENT OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ... IT WILL REMAIN STANDING! This HOLDING TRUST is set up as a "BACK UP" for the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. This is the SEVENTH TIME we have had to move out in FRONT to keep this nation from FINANCIAL COLLAPSE. It is, our considered "Opinion"... That it is HIGH TIME the U.S. House of Representatives RE-OPEN the HOUSE UN-AMERICAN ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE [ also known as HUAC ] and "GET THIS UN-AMERICAN ACTIVITY, FINANCIAL AGGRESSION, and FINANCIAL TERRORISM INVESTIGATED. Furthermore, it is high time they seek AND PROSECUTE THESE TREASONOUS ACTIVITIES DIRECTED AGAINST "THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES." Treason only occurs during war. We are at war. Further, it is well known the "dissatisfaction" of the American People in regards to the methods of the President of the United States ... Like it or not, HE IS THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES; HE WAS also "THREATENED" BY THE EKKERS' GAIA operation, WHO ALSO CONTINUE TO THREATEN ME IN PUBLIC PRINT. FURTHERMORE, I have also been THREATENED BY THE CHINESE, via the SPANISH BANKING REPRESENTATIVE WHO VISITED HERE IN AUGUST 2000, AS WAS "THE DURHAM (INTL. LTD;) HOLDING TRUST". The PRESIDENT, whether any of you want to "acknowledge this or not".. HAS BEEN FIGHTING FOR THE CONTINUED EXISTENCE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, AND THIS AMERICAN CONTINENT! His father and I may have our differences, and we do; however, THIS CURRENT "ECONOMIC GOLD-BASED BANKING AGGRESSION" INVOLVES THE COUNTRY, THIS WHOLE AMERICAN CONTINENT ... AND ALL of our "ALLIES" OF THESE UNITED STATES. The "BALLOON" alleged as "tied to the Titanic" statement ... would be a pretty good example of the situation... HOWEVER, NO ONE HAS TAKEN THIS INTO CONSIDERATION: this GOLD BEARING BALLOON known as A GOLD BEARING COMMODITY CONTRACT, IN EXISTENCE "UNTIL PAID" ... has been gathering 7 PERCENT SEMI-ANNUALLY SINCE 1875. The amount calculated ( Notarized ) due and payable in Gold, Gold Coin, Gold Bullion and/or Coin of the Realm from May 1, 1875 to May 1, 1990 ( and the outstanding remains non-calculated ) – *** $206,858,581,465,280,000,000.00 Those number are Quadrillions. THOSE WHO ARE CAUSING THE CURRENT PROBLEMS HAVE A "DISTINCT PROBLEM" of their own, BY NOT HAVING THE ABILITY TO PAY OFF ON THOSE "BOGUS GOLD BOND-DERIVATIVES" NOR can they PAY OFF THE LIENS TO THE OUTSTANDING CREDITOR OF THE UNITED STATES. Thus ... this is a "BALLOON" that will hold even THE TITANIC! CHEW ON THAT ONE, CHINA, SAUDI ARABIA AND THE PHILIPPINES! THIS COUNTRY, THIS UNION OF STATES, WILL "STAND!" V.K. DURHAM, CEO Explanation Reference: PROPOSING AN ECONOMIC RECOVERY BY V.K. DURHAM