WRIT FRAUD RAMPANT/FINANCING PAPER TERRORISM a freemason The profile lists interests including hunting, political and stock analysis, conservative Christian from Oslo who owned his own organic farming company. Mr. Breivik is a former member of a populist party, a freemason and a blogger who attacked multiculturalism and Islam. He had also once belonged to the Progress Party, the second largest party in parliament, party officials said.
Page 1 of the bogus October 8, 2007 Erle Stanley Graham v. Callum Houston Writ of Summons that was illegally misfiled at the Powell River Registry of the Supreme Court of British Columbia on the date of October 9, 2007.
WILLIAM GORDON WRIGHT - A previously convicted Manitoba drug-dealer who became acquainted with MacDonald in Florida. In 1979/80 Wright was facing two importing charges, and as part of a plea-bargain he claimed to have left an incriminating notebook while visiting MacDonald, who was a guest at Wilson's house. This resulted in Wilson's conviction, and Wright's release plus relocation to Vancouver Island.
After a whole year had passed and I'd heard nothing else about the disgusting automobile insurance fraud scam that Erle Stanley Graham (a.k.a. Earl Graham) and his devious Powell River, BC legal counsel and the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia and its double-dealing legal counsel were perpetrating against my ICBC car insurance policy, I realized I had no choice but to take action on my own to close the door on the criminally illegal misuse of my identity by all of these BC government rats once and for all.
ICBC's lawyers were crouching and hiding. This is something lawyers do when they get caught breaking the law -- they crouch and they hide. Lawyers guilty of misconduct will hide away in their bunkers like cowards, sometimes for years, and then when they feel threatened they'll suddenly reappear out of the blue and strike at you with an unprovoked libel or theft attack.
No new information had arrived from the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia since I'd received a June 11, 2008 hate mail letter in which a Vancouver, BC ICBC lawyer had bragged that his law firm had committed criminal perjury by illegally misfiling a false May 28, 2008 Statement of Defence in my name at the Supreme Court of British Columbia. It was obvious that ICBC's lawyers had absolutely no intention of decisively concluding the sham Erle Stanley Graham v. Callum Houston civil lawsuit. I could see that instead of walking away from the sham Erle Stanley Graham v. Callum Houston civil lawsuit, ICBC's lawyers were going to leave the phony civil lawsuit hanging in a state of indefinite limbo so they could steal as much cash from the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia in the form of ripped-off legal fees as they possibly could.