BC Family Maintenance Enforcement Program THEMIS SHOULDN'T SENT BC CITIZENS PRIVATE INFORMATION TO THE USA.........BUT THEY DO.............
Time for B.C. Liberals to cut ties with fraud-plagued Maximus
MAXIMUS is a leading provider of government consulting services to its clients in more than 220 offices in the United States, Canada, Israel and Australia.
MAXIMUS is a leading provider of government services and is devoted to providing health and human services program management and consulting services to its clients.
The Company has more than 6,000 employees located in more than 220 offices in the United States, Canada, Israel and Australia. Additionally, MAXIMUS is included in the Russell 2000 Index and the S&P SmallCap 600 Index.
The Soviet State of British Columbia and Its Gestapo Operations.
In the late 1980's, British Columbia Premiers created a privately owned State Agency that has the Gestapo like power to destroy private invididuals without any respect for basic civil liberties, human rights or Canada's Charter Rights.
This agency suspends and withholds drivers licences, passports and other government permits or licences without a hearing. This agency seizes bank accounts without a hearing. This agency destroys businesses without a hearing. This agency imprisons innocent citizens at secret hearings where state police (government lawyers) lie and cheat without penalty, where no evidence is permitted to be led by the accused and where witnesses cannot be called by the accused.
This agency was then sold to Themis Program Management and Consulting Ltd., by insiders with the Ministry of the Attorney General for British Columbia. It has been used by insiders with the Government of British Columbia to attack innocent men and woman who challenge the governmnent, to destroy their families, and to force their children into Government run foster home where they are often use in child porn movies or sold for child prostitution.
2004,Strategic Partners International a yacht called "Blessing on the Sea,"
Management consultant indicted in $32M fraud scheme Washington Business Journal - by Rachel SamsDate: Friday, August 10, 2007, 10:09am EDT - Last Modified: Friday, August 10, 2007, 10:15am EDT Related:
BankruptciesA federal grand jury indicted consultant Alan B. Fabian Aug. 9 on allegations of a $32 million fraud and money laundering scheme.
Fabian, who sold a company he formed to Reston-based consulting business Maximus Inc., also faces charges of bankruptcy fraud, perjury and obstruction of justice because he allegedly lied in bankruptcy proceedings involving companies he controlled.
The indictment alleges that Fabian used nearly $4 million of the money to set up a nonprofit company in Baltimore called the Centre for Management and Technology; used an additional $500,000 to buy real estate in North Carolina; and used $600,000 to pay for private jet travel for himself, his family and his pets.
The indictment seeks forfeiture of millions of dollars' worth of assets if Fabian is convicted. If the money he allegedly took cannot be found, the government would seek forfeiture of other assets. The list includes funds in a Swiss bank account, beach property in North Carolina, two Audis and a Lexus, a yacht called "Blessing on the Sea," and the assets of the Centre for Management and Technology, according to court documents.
After Fabian's initial appearance in court Thursday afternoon, his lawyer, David Irwin, said: "We're looking forward to getting this case resolved as soon as possible so Mr. Fabian and all his terrific projects through the Centre for Management and Technology keep moving forward in a positive way." Irwin said Fabian "has a lot of faith, ... A federal grand jury indicted consultant Alan B. Fabian Aug. 9 on allegations of a $32 million fraud and money laundering scheme.
Fabian, who sold a company he formed to Reston-based consulting business Maximus Inc., also faces charges of bankruptcy fraud, perjury and obstruction of justice because he allegedly lied in bankruptcy proceedings involving companies he controlled.
The indictment alleges that Fabian used nearly $4 million of the money to set up a nonprofit company in Baltimore called the Centre for Management and Technology; used an additional $500,000 to buy real estate in North Carolina; and used $600,000 to pay for private jet travel for himself, his family and his pets.
The indictment seeks forfeiture of millions of dollars' worth of assets if Fabian is convicted. If the money he allegedly took cannot be found, the government would seek forfeiture of other assets. The list includes funds in a Swiss bank account, beach property in North Carolina, two Audis and a Lexus, a yacht called "Blessing on the Sea," and the assets of the Centre for Management and Technology, according to court documents.
After Fabian's initial appearance in court Thursday afternoon, his lawyer, David Irwin, said: "We're looking forward to getting this case resolved as soon as possible so Mr. Fabian and all his terrific projects through the Centre for Management and Technology keep moving forward in a positive way." Irwin said Fabian "has a lot of faith, and he's a very strong individual."
Fabian has not yet entered a plea. He is scheduled for arraignment Sept. 28.
Centre for Management and Technology Senior Vice President Sam Ireland said in a statement that "while we are disappointed by this development, we at CMAT believe Alan is a man of great integrity, professionalism and unyielding commitment to bettering his community."
Fabian will remain the center's chairman, Ireland said, and the center will continue its work assisting nonprofits.
The 23-count indictment charges that two companies Fabian formed participated in an equipment leasing scheme from 2001 to 2004. The two companies, both with variations on the name Strategic Partners International, allegedly entered into sale-leaseback deals to purchase $32 million in computer equipment. But the indictment alleges that the companies either never bought any equipment or bought much cheaper equipment.
In 2000, Fabian, 43, sold Strategic Partners International LLC to Maximus (NYSE:MMS). The indictment claims Fabian falsely represented that a similarly named company, Strategic Partners International Inc., was a subsidiary of Maximus, when Maximus actually had no affiliation with the company.
Fabian set up corporate guaranties designed to obligate Maximus to pay any debt owed by Strategic Partners on the sale-leaseback deals, the indictment alleges. He defaulted on 11 leases in July 2004, the indictment claims.
Fabian, who lives in Cockeysville, Md., caused Maximus to make $800,000 in rent payments to the leasing company and other parties on the fake computer equipment leases, the indictment claims. The leasing company provided Strategic Partners International with cash, and Fabian allegedly diverted millions of dollars for his own use.
In 2004, two creditors forced Strategic Partners International Inc. into bankruptcy, according to the indictment. The grand jury charges that Fabian created fake documents and lied in testimony to hide the proceeds of the mail fraud scheme from the bankruptcy court.
Fabian created documents to make it appear that Strategic Partners had paid $4.5 million to a company called SmartSoftware for computer software, the indictment claims. But in reality, Fabian controlled SmartSoftware and was using the money to enrich himself and to operate his nonprofit, the indictment claims.
When Fabian was asked during a bankruptcy court deposition who controlled SmartSoftware, he said, "I have no idea," according to the indictment.
He could face a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison for each of the nine counts of mail fraud; 10 years in prison for each of the nine counts of money laundering and one count of obstruction of justice; and five years in prison for each of the two counts of bankruptcy fraud and two counts of perjury.
The FBI and the Internal Revenue Service's criminal investigation division investigated the case.
Assistant U.S. attorneys Tonya Kelly Kowitz and Jonathan Biran are prosecuting it.