We underwrote another $6.5 Trillion Dollars for the Global Humanitarian
BE PREPARED! THE FIT IS HITTING THE SHAN: UBS, JPMorgan Chase, Deutsche Bank and Germany’s Depfa will face trial in Mila Posted By: watcher51445 [Send E-Mail] Date: Thursday, 18-Mar-2010 09:14:12
International Financial News reports tell us: UBS, JPMorgan Chase, Deutsche Bank and Germany’s Depfa will face trial in Milan after a judge ruled there was sufficient evidence for them to face criminal charges of aggravated fraud for their role in devising a swaps package for the city’s 2005 bond issue. Yesterday we reported: HR 646: U.S. Preparing for Civil Unrest http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?noframes;read=169229 , and we also reported the School Closings.. PAY ATTENTION TO THIS! These schools all over the United States in all 50 States were supported by PUBLIC BONDS which was supported by TAXING your HOME, YOUR BUSINESS'S, YOUR LANDS etc. Those BONDS were sold off "Illegally' to Foreign Corporations, just as the "Highways, Bridges, Waterways, Waste Disposal, Schools, Educational Systems, Hospitals, Social Security, VA, The Pentagon and 'associated' etc.. were sold off by Executive Order 12803 of president G.H.W. Bush a Knight of the Crown of England.. See Title 3. Executive order 12803 of April 30, 1992. 57 FR 19063 / May 4,1992 http://www.theantechamber.net/UsHistDoc/Exord12803/Exord12803Index.html You can read the "acceptance" of American Social Security at Buckingham Palace at: Statutory Instrument 1997 No. 1778 The Social Security (United States of America) Order 1997 http://www.theantechamber.net/Mirror/StatutoryInstrument1997.html Why Bush Sr. chose 9-11-01 as WTC hit date: no payback on bond billions for terrorism fund. author: Tom Flocco http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2005/09/324172.shtml RIGHT NOW; HR 646: U.S. Preparing for Civil Unrest against American Citizens who are mad as hell over this SELLING OUT OF AMERICA AND AMERICAN'S PROPERTIES!
CRIMINAL FRAUD is the Operative in this instance.. the UNITED KINGDOM is up against the same frauds finding it necessary to go back to 1925 Acts i.e., THE LAW OF THE LAND to protect the PEOPLE see: http://www.opsi.gov.uk/RevisedStatutes/Acts/ukpga/1925/cukpga_19250020_en_1 Expand All Explanatory Notes (ENs) Revised Statute from The UK Statute Law Database . Law of Property Act 1925 (c.20) Which the United States enjoys Rights as found in the 1889 et seq' Acts http://www.swarb.co.uk/acts/1925LawofProperty001Act.shtml When Tax's are misappropriated and used for purposes other than intended.. regardless of who does it, whether it is the President of the U.S. of A., the U.S. House and Senate.. or even State Governors, Congressmen/women & Senators.. this is a CRIMINAL ACT, moreso when TAX BONDS are put on our homes etc.. then sold off to FOREIGN CORPORATIONS allowing "Foreign Control over our American properties." Let's take a look at more CRIMINAL FRAUDS regarding what has gone on.. The correct name is THE INTER-AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION which was used in this Counterfeiting of Gold Collateral Instruments at the "WORLD COLLATERAL HOUSE CORPORATION" i.e., The World Bank i.e., World Collateral House. SEE: Inter-American Investment Corporation/World Collateral House Corporation. September 9, 1997. E.J. Ekker, Rick Martin, Doris Ekker, Charles Neal http://www.theantechamber.net/VkDocuments/DocGroupI/CertOfAuth.html 08.05.2003. European Union Stands Up to American Corporations http://english.pravda.ru/main/18/89/356/9937_WTO.html GAIA-Ekker's.. Incorporated the Inter-American Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, European Development Bank, Hong Kong Development Bank and many others see: http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?noframes;read=169265 associated with U.S. Treaty under Treaties international agreements other than treaties Section 12087. As you can see in handwritten notations this information was sent to U.S. SECRET SERVICE AGENT, DAVID KENNEDY, Omaha, NE. Field Office, and another sent to U.S. Senate Banking Committee Chairman, Charles E. Grassley's Sioux City, Iowa Office which would have been received by Sen. Grassley's Aide, William Anderson.. Anderson went to work for U.S. Congressman, Steve King [IA], and currently announced running for his own U.S. Rep. Office of Public Trust..? These individuals were hand carried hard, undeniable, irrefutable "Evidence of violations of 18 U.S.C. Criminal Codes" as required by 28 U.S.C. U.S. Federal Civil Procedures .. The 'Evidence' was ignored.. Had the Evidence been paid attention to.. This current Banking, Financing and Economic Crisis would not have happened. When inquiring about Tias 12087 you will be told this treaty does not exist.. Oh yes it does.. It's the CONTRA MONEY LAUNDERING ARM which is the TROJAN HORSE inside the U.S. Banking, Financial and Economics Systems.. see: http://www.theantechamber.net/VkDocuments/Tias12087/Tias12087Index.html TAKE NOTE: History on the INTER-AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION. This U.S. Corporation can be found in DEPARTMENT OF STATE "Treaties international agreements other than treaties (TIAS) 12087" documents, Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. This INTER-AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION became the "laundering arm" for the Contras pursuant to BANK RECONSTRUCTION ACT NUMBER TWO for the INTER-AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK (also pirated by the Counterfeiters) in a MULTILATERAL AGREEMENT done at Washington November 19, 1984; Entered into force March 23, 1986. The initial authorized capital stock of the Corporation "US$200,000,000. (GOLD)." "The authorized capital stock shall be (was) divided into twenty thousand (20,000) shares having a par value of ten thousand dollars of United States of America (US$10,000) each. Any shares not initially subscribed by the funding members in accordance with Section 3(a) (of this Article) shall be available for subsequent subscription accordance with Section 3(d) hereof." 24 Latin American Countries subscribed to TIAS 12087 as did the United States of America holding 5,100 Capital Shares. Austria holding 100 Capital Shares.
France holding 626 Capital Shares. Germany, Fed. Republic of holding 626 Capital Shares. Israel holding 50 Capital Shares. Italy holding 626 Capital Shares. Japan holding 626 Capital Shares. Netherlands holding 626 Capital Shares. Switzerland holding 310 Capital Shares. All funded by the U.S. Congress with U.S. Tax Payer Dollars. Each agreeing party "Subject only to their own Jurisdiction of Articles of Incorporation by Arbitration of the Capital Share Holders." They were subject to NO LAW other than the Law of this PRIVATE "INTER-AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION" which was pirated by the Global Alliance Investment Association Corporation, incorporated in the State of Nevada currently operating out of the Philippines issuing "Counterfeit Gold Instruments Globally." This Global Alliance Investment Association, Inter-American Development Corporation, Inter-American Development Bank "pirating" is hidden further in a Trust also owned by these individuals, further represented by a man reported in yesterday's taped conversation being a Doctor Horn. The one and the same Dr. Horn who, along with Brady and etals, Authenticated and used the Bonus 3392-181 in 1990-91. Open and Notorious PUBLIC PRINT "Blackmailing" of former U.S. Federal Government Officials in Offices of Public Trust has been ongoing since the Counterfeiting Ring commenced operations in 1997-98 which allowed the "pirating" of U.S. Federal Government Corporations and "use thereof" since U.S. Sec. of the Treasury Rubin "conveniently forgot to re-incorporate the former U.S. Federal Government Corporations" which further involved MARK RICH (per taped conversation), which further involved ORGANIZED CRIME. Mark Rich, was "pardoned by ex president Clinton?" Jun 8, 2004 ... Mr. Kamarulzman [Kamal] Bin Annuar stated: "I HAVE FOUND IN UBS ALONE WELL OVER 20000 COUNTERFEIT INSTRUMENTS WRITTEN ON WHAT "APPEARS TO BE YOUR INSTRUMENTS". ... If you remember, WE had a visitor in August Y2K who made some pretty startling statements in regards to the "Anointment of Bush for the Presidency of the U.S." The "visitor" represented the Banking Control Group i.e., THE BILDERBERGER'S.
What was so interesting was his (G.P.) statements as to THE INTENT of the BILDERBERGER'S. The Intent was to Bankrupt the U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve Banking Systems. It was to be "TOO FAR ALONG. They were using what "appeared" to be our Bonus 3392-181 instruments, but; They were too far along and V.K. would never figure out what they were doing, or how they were doing it [end quote]." This was told to the "Trustees" of the TRUST. This was when V.K. DURHAM went online and started her investigation into the COUNTERFEIT OPERATION OF THE GAIA-EKKER'S in the Philippines, and going into every nook and cranny available on the Ekker's own statements written in Public Print, and THE AL QUAD and various other Muslim/Islamic Dissident Groups around the World who openly admitted their intent to "take down the U.S. Treasury and U.S. Fed. Reserve Banking Systems by taking the entire Global Banking, Financing and Economics hostage with fabricated (Counterfeit) instruments i.e., Gold Collateral Instruments (derivatives). UBS, JPMorgan Chase, Deutsche Bank and Germany’s Depfa will face trial in Milan after a judge ruled there was sufficient evidence for them to face criminal charges of aggravated fraud for their role in devising a swaps package for the city’s 2005 bond issuewill face trial in Milan after a judge ruled there was sufficient evidence for them to face criminal charges of aggravated fraud for their role in devising a swaps package for the city’s 2005 bond issue
Mr. GREG PAULSEN, then connected us via telephone (THE TRUST) with another individual with this BANKING CONTROL GROUP by the name of PERCY C. HELMER Jr. from Atlanta Georgia. Mr. Helmer "confirmed" Mr. Paulsen's statements. Of course we must all "realize;" We in the John and Jane Doe working class "DO NOT KNOW "DIDDLY" about these matters; ONLY THE "CONTROL GROUP" knows anything!? While those of us who OWN PROPERTY OF VALUE find ourselves DEFENDING OUR PROPERTY (COMMODITY) FROM THESE "IDIOTS" WHO CONTROL THE WORLD, AND PLAN THE EVENTS 50-75-100 IN THE FUTURE! Enters Global Alliance Investment Association-Hellenic Express International, Ltd;-Inter-American Investment Corporation- Cosmos Seafood Energy Marketing Ltd; The Depository Trust Co., CORPORATIONS "hi-jacked" by the Corporate Officers of Global Alliance Investment Association, some of which were U.S. FEDERAL RESERVE CORPORATIONS which proceeded to "Fabricate-Counterfeit Prime Bank Gold Instruments on what appeared to be a legitimate SOVEREIGN DEBT set of instruments. They alleged the "source of Collateral" was from a"Bonus Certificate 3392-181" written on a Deed they had copied off from Washington County Recorders Office in Nashville, Illinois. They (Corporate Officers of Global Alliance Investment Association aka GAIA) took the "copies" from the Public Records and commenced FABRICATING COUNTERFEITING "Deeds of Assignment for Consideration" along with Joint Venture Agreements all throughout the RACE'S OF COLOUR of THIRD WORLD NATIONS i.e.; The ASIAN'S of the Far East. That proved "pretty successful" but; THE MALAYSIANS found the instruments strewn all over ASIA and THE FAR EAST were INVALID and WORTHLESS. Enters the SECOND group. This group contacted THE TRUST through a DONALD CALHOUN (who has since been picked up by the FBI and sent to prison). Donald Calhoun introduced JERRY D. HANSARD who's "Boss" (per Mr. Hansard) was K. MACK ROBINSON of JACKSON MISSISSIPPI. It was Donald Calhoun and Jerry D. Hansard who introduced THE TRUST TOO: KAMARULZAMAN BIN ANNUAR "APPOINTEE" of the U.K. & U.S. Federal Reserve Banking Systems who alleged his "appointment was to STOP THE COUNTERFEIT INSTRUMENTS in the Global Banking, and such banks as UBS, ANB AMRO, FLEET BOSTON, J.P. MORGAN-CHASE, CHINA, MALAYSIA, S. AFRICA etc. Mr. Bin Annuar stated: "I HAVE FOUND IN UBS ALONE WELL OVER 20,000 COUNTERFEIT INSTRUMENTS WRITTEN ON WHAT "APPEARS TO BE YOUR INSTRUMENTS".. We KNOW these instruments are COUNTERFEIT they only look like your instruments. We know THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A "Bonus CERTIFICATE 3392-181." It was at this time, Mr. Bin Annuar and Mr. Hansard commenced discussing THE FORECLOSURE ON THE U.S. OVER THESE "COUNTERFEIT GOLD INSTRUMENTS"... I was asked if WE (THE TRUST) COULD OR WOULD PAY OFF THE U.S. & CONTINENTAL DEBTS as the DULY CONSTITUTED, OUTSTANDING, PRIMARY CREDITOR OF THE UNITED STATES?" The telephone call was WITNESSED.. The TRUST agreed to underwrite the necessary GOLD EQUITY COLLATERAL to do a DEBT SWAP-DEBT CONVERSION for the U.S. & Continental Debts, doing so IN GOOD FAITH and CLEAN HANDS as REQUIRED BY "EQUITY LAW". We drafted TWO sets of instruments. The first one was drafted; We FAXED it to Kamarulzaman Bin Annuar. It was unacceptable to Mr. Kamarulzaman Bin Annuar. Mr. Kamarulzaman Bin Annuar needed "Banking Trustee Authorization from the Trust".. We drafted another set of instruments, I initialed and dated the instruments and faxed them on to MR. KAMARULZAMAN BIN ANNUAR on MAY 21, 2003. Mr. Bin Annuar and Mr. Jerry D. Hansard called us (THE TRUST) again stating; "Kamal would be taking the instruments to the proper people and get a pre approval situation going. The SEALED INSTRUMENTS would be required to "conclude" the DEBT SWAP-DEBT CONVERSION "PAYMENT OF THE U.S. & CONTINENTAL DEBTS." The subject of UNDERWRITING GLOBAL HUMANITARIAN PROJECTS i.e., to provide housing, food, health care, medical units similar to MASH units to work in the field where ever needed in THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES such as S. Africa etc., and other like providing of services through the Global Humanitarian Project COLLATERAL was "agreed to." Not one more child was to go to bed "hungry"..or would die of "starvation and lack of medical attention." We underwrote another $6.5 Trillion Dollars for the Global Humanitarian Projects, IN GOOD FAITH and CLEAN HANDS as REQUIRED BY "EQUITY LAW!" We further underwrote enough Collateral to set up Offices, and CLEANING UP ANY "OUTSTANDING DEBTS" of those agreeing parties to set up Offices around the World, purchase AIR PLANES to get the needs of the "needy" the needed foods, medicines and so forth. We forwarded all COLLATERAL INSTRUMENTS via DHL OVERNIGHT TO KAMARULZAMAN BIN ANNUAR after his assurances over the telephone, while in K. MACK ROBINSON'S JACKSON MISSISSIPPI ON JUNE 03, 2003 "EVERYTHING HAD BEEN APPROVED. KAMAL (BIN ANNUAR) NEEDED THE SIGNED AND SEALED DOCUMENTS to get the FED. R. TO SIGN OFF, ROTHSCHILD OF LONDON HOUSE TO SIGN OFF, U.S. TREASURY TO SIGN OFF, THE WHITE HOUSE TO SIGN OFF, AND THE CIA IN SPAIN TO SIGN OFF before we could proceed."
http://www.theantechamber.net/V_K_Durham/TrillionDollar.html We had been ASSURED the $6.5 TRILLION DOLLAR "GOLD EQUITY COLLATERAL" DEBT SWAP-DEBT CONVERSION PAYMENT OF THE U.S. & CONTINENTAL DEBT had been accepted. We had been assured THE TRANSACTIONS were being FUNDED and FUNDS would be "deposited into our Bank Accounts." As things progressed; Jerry D. Hansard, K. Mack Robinson and Kamarulzaman Bin Annuar decided "it would be in our best interest if we would sign the NON DISCLOSURE CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT documents. If we did sign the NON DISCLOSURE CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT documents; $50 million Dollars would be deposited into our BANK ACCOUNT the following morning."... They did not previously mention, nor state any thing about NON DISCLOSURE CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT DOCUMENTS prior to MAY 21, 2003; Nor were we (THE TRUST) aware of "documents other than the DHL OVERNIGHT Collateral Underwriting sent June 03, 2003." As it turned out; The NON DISCLOSURE CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT which we (THE TRUST) were "to sign for our own best interest" was A TAKE OVER OF THE TRUST by Messrs. Bin Annuar, Robinson and Hansard. We did NOT sign the instruments. Afterwards, about a month afterwards; KAMARULZAMAN BIN ANNUAR called the home, late in the evening, all of us had retired and were asleep when the call came in. He stated the "funds were in the banking systems and he would call back to give me the telephone numbers where he could be reached, and the banking coordinates for the funds to be transferred into our Accounts." This was the last we have heard about THESE TRANSACTIONS until "K. MACK ROBINSON CALLED ON MAY 26, 2004.. telling us (THE TRUSTEES): HE AND JERRY HANSARD HAD JUST RETURNED FROM EUROPE "FINISHING UP FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS WITH KAMAL. KAMAL HAD TAKEN THEM TO HIS LUXURIOUS HOTELS, HIS LUXURIOUS HOMES ETC. And; "KAMAL" (Bin Annuar) was having trouble with his Banks because of OUR ARTICLES POSTED ON THE INTERNET and "WE HAD TO TAKE ALL THESE ARTICLES DOWN OFF ALL INTERNETS BECAUSE IT WAS CAUSING THEM TOO MUCH TROUBLE." Several days later.. We received a telephone call from K. Mack Robinson, Jerry Hansard and Kamal was connected into the telephone conversation after all the Trustees of the Durham Holding Trust were present.. We were told: "If you want your share of the money, you will sign over the Durham Holding Trust to us [K.Mack, Jerry Hansard and Kamal of UBS] which would have been from the $1.B and $500MM portion of 'revup' collateral. We asked them to fax the info to us, which they did.. The Trustees and I told these individuals to "Go to Hell".. We then recorded the info and our Affidavate in the Ida County Court House.. K. Mack Robinson further advised the Trustees: "Go to the corner. Git down on your knees and Pray." http://www.theantechamber.net/V_K_Durham/PnThreatPhoneCall.html . GLOBAL BANKING INVESTIGATIONS are hitting these individuals, and [6/6/04] the GAIA-EKKER'S in the Philippines, hard! This (for which we have been thanked) is a result of OUR POSTINGS which has allowed INTERPOL, CIA (THE WHITE HATS), FBI, VICTIM BANKING, and VICTIMS to VIEW the REAL "SOVEREIGN DEBT" Certified Instruments, allowing them to know WHO OWNS WHAT, and WHO DID WHAT TO WHOM! In regards to the $6.5 Trillion Dollar GOLD COLLATERAL Debt Swap-Debt Conversion and PAYMENT IN FULL OF THE U.S. DEBT sent hard copy via fax. This was accepted after the June 10th delivery to Mr. Kamarulzaman Bin Annurar, Malaga Spain. The "Collateral" was not used for the purpose specified, and intended. By June 17, 2003 "Wall Street Rally Expected to Continue" story at http://www.ledger-enquirer.com/mld/ledgerenquirer/business/6103228.htm Another "CIA Flu Victim" i.e., Rayelan (the former Mrs. Guenther Russbacker, former CIA) takes notice also in a 10 page "information" http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/archive.cgi?read=8572 . By 7/10/03, Where is all the money coming from? Cliff Droke http://www.gold-eagle.com/gold_digest_03/droke070703pv.html was the questions coming from the Traders and global markets. By 7/10/03, "Asia Central Banks Act to Lift Economies, Rival China (Update2) Bloomberg Report http://quote.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=71000001&refer=asia&sid=aZw_B9AFabp0 commences noticing this "market change." Citigroup (prime players in China) Sanford I. Weill steps down on Thursday, July 17, 03 as Citigroups shares commence falling New York Times Article, July 17/03. 9/10/03. DERIVATIVES THREAT INCREASES AS GOLD HITS 7Y HIGH http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=36549 and J.P. MORGAN -CHASE were caught manipulating gold (to cover their Counterfeit Derivatives, which is estimated at aprx. $121 Trillion Dollars)
http://www.moneyfiles.org/lawsuit.html . CBS Market Watch "The bullion billions keep coming" which is a 5 page must read on Gargantuan bullion claims [email protected] @ 2:06 pm ET Sept 10, 2003, by Thom Calandra's Stock Watch. http://cbs.marketwatch.com/news/story.asp?guid=%7B2522A103-50A0-4F81-978E-0411332673E0%7D&siteid=google&dist=google Implosions have already commenced. GREENLAND GOVERNMENT COLLAPSE under CORPORATION SCANDALS http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=36584 posted 9/11/03. Then, there is the matter of Argentina defaulting and WB-IMF and "Letter of Intent" http://www.imf.org/External/NP/LOI/2003/arg/02/index.htm issued by Mr. Horst Kohler, Managing Director, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. 20431. A tape recording made September 8, 2003, delivered to Congress verifies "Unauthorized uses of Gold Collateral estimated at $206 Trillion in Counterfeit Gold Instruments, and additional $400 Trillion in Counterfeit Gold Instruments, all which were confirmed as going through the U.S. FEDERAL RESERVE, through various international Banking Systems, in External U.S. Debt held by China etals. Suddenly, one of the "Loan Placement Officers at the WORLD BANK" finds out there is a "Currency Problem" regarding banking transactions in Laos (Nyugan Hand Bank affiliated, UBS Affiliated, AMB AMBRO affiliated and etceteras) with additional etc.. Counterfeit Gold Instruments surfacing as demands on the WB-IMF? Probably. Go to FORMER WORLD BANK "EXECUTIVE" SHOOTS SELF http://www.theantechamber.net/V_K_Durham/WbExecutiveShootsSelf.html#1 . The golf course, though not confirmed was alleged to be Charlottesville. The "wheels of implosion are grinding." Can the WB and IMF with the U.S. Federal Reserve and U.S. Foreign Federal Reserve of the Rothschilds survive? One has to remember; The week of December 20th, 2002 "All Land Titles, U.S. Mortgages were taken from 55 WATER STREET to ROTHSCHILDS LONDON HOUSE then moved to the Paris France Branch of Rothschild French Banking System. This move was made as a "just in case all else fails and the U.S. cannot be bankrupted, while the Primary, Outstanding Creditor is raising hell all over the Globe to all of the International Banks involved: "Before you bankrupt the United States, The law requires the Corporate Creditor be paid in full." Plus, Depending on whether Congress enforces the $6.5 Trillion Dollar "Gold Collateral" DEBT SWAP-DEBT CONVERSION and PAYMENT OF THE U.S. DEBT, which was used by the Fed to "shore up the stock markets of the "Old Boyz Club" instead of PAYMENT OF THE U.S. DEBT and Return of all Land Titles, Mortgages and...INFRA-STRUCTURE as identified in Executive Order 12083 of April 30, 1992. 57 FR 19063 / May 4/ 1992 cited in Specific Purpose for Debt Payment of the U.S. Debt. UPDATE: 9.9.03 September 8, 2003, very disturbing telephone calls were received. The caller was deeply involved in the Gold Collateral Transactions which involved the $206 Trillion and $400 Trillion Dollar "Unauthorized Gold Collateral transactions mentioned in September 8th, 2003 information regarding the suicide of the "Former World Bank Executive, Mr. George Klien while golfing with former U.S. Dept. of State Eagleburger". In regards to the first caller. At first, I wanted to hang up on the caller, or get him off the line as fast as possible..--until he commenced identifying transaction after transaction involving "Bonus 3392-181 Trust held Gold Collateral" which was used without Authorization from the Holder in due course i.e., "The Duly Constituted Owners." At that time, it was realized something very important to the country and international community of nations, was being said by the caller. At that time, I asked the caller if the telephone conversation could be recorded. The caller said "By all means, it is time the truth is told. I am tired of running for my life." The telephone conversation was recorded, a copy was made to provide to the U.S. House of Representatives for Inquiry and Investigation. The information went back to 1986, involving "Black Hole" Collateral Transactions which, in all probably the U.S. House of Representatives never had any idea were going on. All were authorized and cleared through the U.S. Federal Reserve involving Paul Volker, Greenspan, Brady, Jim Baker, Mark Rich, Citibank, Chase Manhattan, Chemical Bank, and the list went on through European and Asian Banks, Latin American Banks, Panamanian Banks and the Contra Affair Banking. The Commodity Contract Bonus 3392-181 was authenticated by a Dr. Horn and Nicholas Brady, which led to the unauthorized 1990-1991 use of the Gold Collateral Instruments held in Trust. This perked up my attention as my late husband (Central Intelligence Agency) Russell Herrman also known as Herman, was the CONTRA ACCOUNT HOLDER for Bush, Bentsen, Baker, North and Greenspan. Originally, the CONTRA ACCOUNTS were opened in REPUBLIC NATIONAL BANK in Texas prior to Greenspans appointment as Chairman of the Federal Reserve, while he was still in TEXAS. Greenspans telephone number in Texas was 713-780-1266. The Contra Accounts were moved from TEXAS to REPUBLIC NATIONAL BANK 452 5th Avenue, New York, New York, then moved to ANSBACHER ACCOUNT 608103047 CI-LTD Account; for Russell Herman. Reference Code: "Woodbridge." Attention: D. Hughes. Bank Officer: "Teddy Lloyd." This information is being made public, because the telephone lines "had visitors" on the "call waiting." Having "visitors" on the call waiting while the conversation was being recorded, denotes the necessity for making this information public at this time. The U.S. House of Representatives who "visit" RMNews can take down the CONTRA ACCOUNT INFORMATION. They have looked for these accounts since the Contra Hearings. A mistake was made in yesterdays posting listing the pirated former U.S. Federal Government Corporation name. The correct name is THE INTER-AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION which was used in this Counterfeiting of Gold Collateral Instruments at the "WORLD COLLATERAL HOUSE CORPORATION" i.e., The World Bank. History on the INTER-AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION. This U.S. Corporation can be found in DEPARTMENT OF STATE "Treaties international agreements other than treaties (TIAS) 12087" documents, Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. This INTER-AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION became the "laundering arm" for the Contras pursuant to BANK RECONSTRUCTION ACT NUMBER TWO for the INTER-AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK (also pirated by the Counterfeiters) in a MULTILATERAL AGREEMENT done at Washington November 19, 1984; Entered into force March 23, 1986. The initial authorized capital stock of the Corporation "US$200,000,000. (GOLD)." "The authorized capital stock shall be (was) divided into twenty thousand (20,000) shares having a par value of ten thousand dollars of United States of America (US$10,000) each. Any shares not initially subscribed by the funding members in accordance with Section 3(a) (of this Article) shall be available for subsequent subscription accordance with Section 3(d) hereof." 24 Latin American Countries subscribed to TIAS 12087 as did the United States of America holding 5,100 Capital Shares. Austria holding 100 Capital Shares. France holding 626 Capital Shares. Germany, Fed. Republic of holding 626 Capital Shares. Israel holding 50 Capital Shares. Italy holding 626 Capital Shares. Japan holding 626 Capital Shares. Netherlands holding 626 Capital Shares. Switzerland holding 310 Capital Shares. All funded by the U.S. Congress with U.S. Tax Payer Dollars. Each agreeing party "Subject only to their own Jurisdiction of Articles of Incorporation by Arbitration of the Capital Share Holders." They were subject to NO LAW other than the Law of this PRIVATE "INTER-AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION" which was pirated by the Global Alliance Investment Association Corporation, incorporated in the State of Nevada currently operating out of the Philippines issuing "Counterfeit Gold Instruments Globally." This Global Alliance Investment Association, Inter-American Development Corporation, Inter-American Development Bank "pirating" is hidden further in a Trust also owned by these individuals, further represented by a man reported in yesterday's taped conversation being a Doctor Horn. The one and the same Dr. Horn who, along with Brady and etals, Authenticated and used the Bonus 3392-181 in 1990-91. Open and Notorious PUBLIC PRINT "Blackmailing" of former U.S. Federal Government Officials in Offices of Public Trust has been ongoing since the Counterfeiting Ring commenced operations in 1997-98 which allowed the "pirating" of U.S. Federal Government Corporations and "use thereof" since U.S. Sec. of the Treasury Rubin "conveniently forgot to re-incorporate the former U.S. Federal Government Corporations" which further involved MARK RICH (per taped conversation), which further involved ORGANIZED CRIME. Mark Rich, was "pardoned by ex president Clinton?" These former and present individuals involved in the Counterfeiting, Blackmailing former U.S. Federal Government Officials of former Offices of Public Trust, have conspired to misuse U.S. Corporations. The misuse is the Predatory Banking and Predatory Corporate practices as cited in PRAVDA http://english.pravda.ru/main/18/89/356/9937_WTO.html article posted by "ESCLARMONDE" September 8, 2003. Again, the question is asked. "Was the suicide of former World Bank Executive, George Klien brought about by these "Hundreds of Trillions of Dollars in Counterfeit Gold Instruments" suddenly hitting the World Bank?" [ http://www.theantechamber.net/V_K_Durham/WbExecutiveShootsSelf.html#1 ] MORE ON BANKS INVOLVED: http://www.google.com/search?ie=ISO-8859+1&safe=off&as_qdr=all&q=UBS&sa=Search&num=50&sitesearch=theantechamber.net