Just received a telephone call minutes ago: Former World Bank Executive George Klien receives fax from THE WORLD BANK, golfing with former U.S. Secretary of State, Eagleburger, reads fax, goes back out to the golf course and "shoots himself dead."
Both gentlemen were under the former Bush Administration.
Another telephone call today related how former President Bush used his Executive Power to authorize Baker, Nicholas Brady, Alan Greenspan to "use unauthorized gold collateral (Bonus 3392-181) to purchase heavy oil contracts and transactions dealing in diamonds and gold. The amount of collateral authorized by Executive Order was$206 Trillion Dollars.
It was further stated the former President Bush authorized the usage of collateral under National Security. The party was asked if the U.S. Federal Government used the collateral for purchasing of the Oil? The calling party said "NO."
The former president, pursuant to The Emergency Powers, has the authority over U.S. GOLD CERTIFICATES. He has absolutely NO POWER over Gold Sovereign Debt Instruments transacted by a foreign government under "TREATY" being the SOVEREIGN DEBT INSTRUMENTS HELD IN THE DURHAM (INTL. LTD; HOLDING TRUST, being DEBTS of another Nation assumed by the United States, held in Trust. To do such a thing, by Executive Order would be Abuse of Power of Offices of Public Trust. Moreso, when the collateral was used for "private corporations" which the former president was heavily involved.
Adding the $206 Trillion in Unauthorized use of Gold Collateral, and the estimated $400 Trillion authorized by the Fed. R./UST by those currently "sitting in the Philippines awaiting instructions from the Fed. R./UST as to when to bring the gold home" who operated under pirated U.S. Federal Government Corporations, one in particular being "The Inter-American Investment Corporation" which has heavily involved Gold Collateral dealings with THE WORLD COLLATERAL HOUSE CORPORATION i.e., THE WORLD BANK since 1997-98.
One questions; Could have all these Counterfeit Gold Instruments hit the WORLD BANK all at once which caused the Suicide of former World Bank Executive George Klien?
mismanaged a portfolio of derivatives tied to the
creditworthiness of bonds and bond holders
DISCERNING MINDS, can easily connect the "dots" between the 10 years between September 12, 1991 and the September 11, 2001 incidents.
The TRANSACTION was put down THROUGH ISRAEL. The transaction involved, Russia, China, Korea, Germany, France, Japan, and THE SAUDI'S. Ask yourself: WHICH OF THESE NATIONS ARE CURRENTLY INVOLVED "IN THIS CURRENT PENDING WAR?"
THE BEGINNING OF: THE TEXAS TWO STEP-BILLIONAIRE BOYS CLUB, which, historically has a TRACK RECORD of MURDERING PEOPLE TO GET CONTROL OVER THEIR "PROPERTIES" ALL THE WAY BACK TO THE MENDES BROTHERS in Southern California, members of THE TEXAS HUNT BILLIONAIRE BOYS CLUB in the 1980's which spread out through the NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL & BANKING COMMUNITIES, LATER SETTING UP ITS "FORMAL HEADQUARTERS" in 1986-87 "ONE WORLD TRADE CENTER" New York, New York, while its BASE OF OPERATIONS remained in HOUSTON TEXAS being run by EX U.S. DEPT. OF THE TREASURY personnel (FBI-IRS etc) working from the outside" with associates "inside" the U.S. Federal Offices of the U.S. Dept. of the Treasury, IRS, FBI etc.
THE EX IRS group became CORPORATIONS REGISTRATION OPERATIONS in NEVADA and elsewhere. Hundreds of Corporations would be researched by the EX IRS boys, those IN GOOD STANDING Corporations would be "leaked out" to the "members." Those Corporations would be carefully "monitored" by the EX IRS AGENTS. The SEASONED CORPORATIONS (deliberate non production of Corporate Renewal's for the Corporations to Re-incorporate) would then be INCORPORATED BY THE "TEXAS TWO STEP-BILLIONAIRE BOYS CLUB "members."
A good "investigative reporter" or Congress (if we had one serious about doing the business of the people, and not their own "conflict of interest" business protecting their RETIREMENT INVESTMENT PORTFOLIOS containing KICK BACKS from such as ARTHUR ANDERSON & ENRON); Would have the ABILITY TO CONNECT THE DOTS between the 1991 BRADY BONDS & 1991 BANK FAILURES.
In all fairness, the issues of the Palestinians disagreeing with the Israelis is based on two things; (1) Clinton cut a deal to put in a AIRPORT complete with Casino’s with "strip clubs etc".., and the Palestinians objected to these NAKED FEMALES which violated their belief's. (2) THE AIRPORT-CASINO TRANSACTION, required ADDITIONAL LANDS. THE ONLY LAND AVAILABLE WAS "PALESTINE'S LANDS."
The SEPTEMBER 12, 1991 "120 BILLION DOLLAR GOLD TRANSACTION" was scheduled to close at the end of a 10 YEAR TERM. The 10 year term ended on or about SEPTEMBER 11, 2001. In my article, a deliberate placement of "9/11/2002" was made, hoping the people would see the discrepancy, and make the connection.
This is about THE DIRTY WORK of "The Billionaire Boys Club" ... of Morgan Chase.
Guess where the BILLIONAIRE BOYS CLUB originated? TEXAS..then moved out to California .... Then, guess where the S&L DEBACLE originated?
"TEXAS" and moved to California .... Guess where the CARLYLE GROUP originated?
With the BCCI BANK .... THEN there is the LaSalle Group, Citigroup..and you have A GORDIAN KNOT in the BANKING & GOLD INDUSTRIES by those who are playing the game of DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS, pushing the envelope, to see how far they can get before they get caught. Unfortunately, the Judges on the Bench in our Courts are also "Playing the Game" as are our Regulators.
If that isn't enough, there is a $3,812,792,613.70 U.S.D.A. ILLINOIS POWER "FINANCING STATEMENT" which was also stolen by this group (from me) through the "arm" of BANK ONE which, allowed DYNEGY & ILLINOIS POWER TO "MERGE" DEFRAUDING "STOCKHOLDERS ONCE AGAIN"
By the way, our Gold is LOCKED at $420.00 per ounce, Second London Fix (1989-90). Our calculations (by Fed. associated) are NOTARIZED. We have made the SEC aware of this.
BE ASSURED; MR. HOWE is not the only VICTIM of this GOLD SCAM of Morgan Chase's "BILLIONAIRE BOYS CLUB."
Had Mr. Howe ( in my opinion ) had the full information of those involved in the Gaia Earth Worshiping "Sponsorships" ( there is an article in Rumor Mill News on that one also), he could have used the SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE as a portion of his Lawsuit.
This CULTISM has moved into every nook and cranny of those that have kept CIVILIZED "LAW AND ORDER" IN OUR NATIONS, AND IN OUR COURTS; having thoroughly destroyed the FOUNDATIONS, PRINCIPLES AND INTENT of CIVILIZED SOCIETIES, AND CIVIL GOVERNMENTS.
Drew kept a relatively low profile inside the bank, shrewdly managing the
investment portfolio at JPMorgan and predecessor company Chemical Banking Corp
for three decades.
Until the loss was disclosed late Thursday, Drew was considered by some market participants as one of the best managers of balance sheet risks. She earned more than $15 million in each of the last two years.
According to JPMorgan’s last annual proxy statement, Drew would be entitled to the continuation of almost $14.7 million in stock awards in case of resignation, provided she had met “full-career eligibility” criteria.
JPMorgan spokesman Joe Evangelisti did not immediately return calls for comment on whether she will retain all the compensation awards. Drew could not immediately be reached.
“Ina is an amazing investor,” said a money manager who knows her but declined to be identified. “She’s done a really good job over a lot of years. But they only remember your last trade.”
The recalcitrant CEO yesterday fingered anonymous minions against whom “corrective actions” will be taken. But the fish rots from the head, and no amount of corrective action will be effective while Dimon remains on the premises.
The departure of Drew after 30 years at JPMorgan comes after the unit she ran, the Chief Investment Office (CIO), mismanaged a portfolio of derivatives tied to the creditworthiness of bonds, according to bank executives.
More worrisome, in overnight trading elsewhere in the world following Dimon’s disclosure of JPM’s ineptitude, bank stocks globally have abruptly shed tens of billions of dollars in stock market value.
Dimon is America’s most celebrated banker – at least in banking circles.
And make no mistake, Dimon, 56, is the architect of this disaster. Dimon is America’s most celebrated banker – at least in banking circles. His sobriquet is the “king of Wall Street,” and U.S. President Barack Obama prematurely declared that “Jamie is my favourite banker.”
Heady with that acclaim and his own considerable self-approval, Dimon constructed a high-risk trading strategy for JPM which we can only hope will not have exploded yesterday with the impact of a cluster bomb, wreaking havoc far and wide. Bloomberg reported in April JPM was amassing risk that might become an exploding cigar.
Dimon has said he is open to regulatory scrutiny of the losses, which the White House confirmed on Monday was under way.
“There is an investigation into what happened at JPMorgan that the SEC is conducting,” White House spokesman Jay Carney said, declining to elaborate. A U.S. Treasury official said the Financial Stability Oversight Council had not convened to discuss the losses and did not plan to either.
But even as some U.S. officials mull the losses, European regulators had sharp words for the oversight to date.
“The issue does not only underline the failure of good risk management ... but might also raise questions on external supervision,” Michel Barnier, European Union commissioner in charge of financial regulation, said in a statement. “More internal and external controls and supervision are needed. Supervisors need to be more proactive on this front.”
VKD: The prelude to MURDER, MONEY LAUNDERING, BANKRUPTING THE GLOBAL BANKING, FINANCING AND ECONOMICS Posted By: watcher51445 Date: Thursday, 15-Dec-2011 04:16:27
The prelude to MURDER, MONEY LAUNDERING, BANKRUPTING THE GLOBAL BANKING, FINANCING AND ECONOMICS This morning I awakened at around midnight thinking about all of this UN-AMERICAN ACTIVITY which has gone on since JFK was murdered. The longer I lay there.. the more pissed off I became. It was either have a blood pressure attack laying in bed, or get my rump out and make the American People and Global Community aware of the pure Lawlessness and UnAmerican Activity which has gone on in that WHITE HOUSE and EXECUTIVE BRANCH plus THE US CORPORATE HOUSE AND SENATE since J.F.K. was murdred. Thoughts of a particular comment made by JIM DETERMAN (VA) when I asked for a "Full, Formal, Federal Investigation and a full comprehensive autopsy on Col. Russell Herrman/Herman to determine the true cause of death, because all indications lead to MURDER." The remark by Determan was "How you going to prove it?! You creamated the body!" Like hell I did! You can bet your sweet ass Jim Determan my mother did not raise a dumb daughter! I'll send you the photos.. RUSSELL’S BODY IMAGES
(Caution, Graphic Images and rear nudity) ; ; ; There will be some Forensic Pathologists out there reading this who will agree: This individual was alleged to have died August 29, 1994. See Russell Edward Herman. State of Illinois. Medical Certificate of Death. Veterans Administration Medical Center alleging Cause of Death "Metastatic Carcinoma" FRANKLY; IT IS BELIEVED, ALL CAN AND WILL CONCUR: THIS IS THE DAMNDEST CASE OF "METASTATIC CARCINOMA" IN MEDICAL HISTORY. Body alleged to have been in VA MORGUE FREEZER from August 29, 1994 to September 5, 1994. It is believed Forensic Pathologists will concur: The Color and Condition of the body recovered September 5th, VA Morgue DENIES DATE AND CAUSE OF DEATH as stated on DEATH CERTIFICATE. Evidence of this individual being injected into old radiation burn to knock this individual out, see transport individual to Anschbacher Bank where $17 Trillion DOLLARS GOLD BULLION was held in CI-Ltd Account where said individuals "voice and fingerprints" would activate said account. When said individual protested he was beaten on bottom of feet and back of ankles . More unusual conditions relating to CAUSE OF DEATH as stated on DEATH CERTIFICATE as METASTATIC CARCINOMA.. Forensic Pathologists would in all probability agree: "Due to Color and Condition of Body, Subject could not have been in VA MORGUE FREEZER more than 10 hours nor less than 8. In my opinion, and I am certain I am not alone in this 'opinion' here in the U.S. of A., or ABROAD.. THE MAFIA looks like a group of CHIOR BOYS compared to that bunch occupying THE WHITE HOUSE. The prelude to MURDER, MONEY LAUNDERING, BANKRUPTING THE GLOBAL BANKING, FINANCING AND ECONOMICS was the November 18, 1991 REGION V. GREAT LAKES DHHS demanding MY REMOVAL FROM our BOATMENS BANK ACCOUNT Belleville, Illinois which resulted in the "Unauthorized two $120 Billion Dollar Transactions one for Bush Group, one for CLINTON GROUP which brought down the WORLD TRADE TOWERS.. see: THE BRADY BONDS, THE FRAUDS & 1991 BANK FAILURES By V.K. Durham SHARON LIKUD "PALESTINE A DIVERSIONARY TACTIC. 1991. Sept. 12. A transaction consisting of 120B$ GOLD was put down through TRANS TECH INTERNATIONAL at this address MOSHAV YISHI 68, ISRAEL. This Israel operation took this down through :001 & :002 (U.S. DEPT OF THE TREASURY & U.S. FEDERAL RESERVE BANK) in 30 BILLION DOLLAR USD INCREMENTS. A. This involved the JAPANESE YEN and DUTCH MARK a. TRANSACTION CODE: 091291/JY/USD/30B/001 and 091291/DM/30B/002 "four of these transactions went down." b. Provisions of the Agreement(s) (not signed or authorized by the Signatories of Bonus 3392-181) "Transactions to continue until the U.S. DOLLAR WAS EXHAUSTED." (Interpol has the Agreement, and the PAYOUT ORDERS on these transactions) (as does the U.S. Security Exchange, Washington, DC Offices), and
c. TERM OF CONTRACT 10 YEARS scheduled to pay out on or about 9/11/02. ** There was involvement, at that time with a HAMILTON & HYUN Investment Corp. (Korean) further involved with USSR GOVERNMENT LOAN FACILITY, TRANSACTION CODE - TBC: 11AM/WS/9102 further identifying; 1. Prime Minister of Yakutsko, Mr. K. Ivanov, 2. Deputy P.M. of Yakutsko, Mr. D. Popov, 3. Bank of Foreign & Economic Affairs, Moscow, Mr. E. Sadovsky, 4. Prodintor for Yakutsko (Buying Arm), Mr. Ermilin. PAYORDER'S on THE DEUTCH MARK and JAPANESE YEN (EACH); PROVIDERS TRANSACTION CODE: 09/1291/DM/USD/30B/002; 09/1291/DM/USD/30B/001 and 09/1291/JPY/USD/30B/001 and 09/1291/JPY/USD/30B/001 and 09/1291/DM/USD/30B/002 to which the payorder identifies the following accounts: THE SECOND PARTY (ref: pg. 1) Name: Trans Tech International Address: Moshav Yishi 68, Israel
Represented by: Jonathan Tiede BONUS BANKING (ref. pg. 3): Bank Name: Security Pacific Bank Address: 26929 102 NW Stanwood, WA 98292 Routing ABA: 125000037 Account No. 1530113241
Bank Officer: Don Swanson Phone No. (206)629-2141 JAPANESE YEN PROVIDER BANKING COORDINATES (ref:pg. 3): Bank Name: Chase Manhattan Bank, NYC, New York Address: Main Office
Account Name: DFG, Inc-Palm Springs Stars Baseball Club, Inc. (** DFG, Inc-Palm Springs Stars Baseball Club, Inc, associated through NEAL BUSH, NSA, NASA & HUDD -JACK KEMP, NICHOLAS BRADY, ALAN GREENSPAN, ARIEL LIFE SYSTEMS affiliated with NASA.) Routing ABA: 0210-0021 F/A GOLDMAN SACHS A/C 930-1-011-/183, Account No. FCC TO DFT, INC. A/C 027-020882039 Federal Tax Id: 33-0457266 Transaction Code: 09/1291/DM/USD/30B/002 SECURITY CODE: CSEMLTDRHVKDJFDPGC3392-181 US DOLLAR PROVIDER BANKING COORDINATES (Ref:pg. 4) BANK NAME: CHEMICAL BANK Address: 55 Water Street New York, NY c/o Sherson Lehman Brothers Account No: 02100128 for the account number 066027209 Further credit to Daryl Pennington & Assoc. Account No. 673155413201 COSMOS SEAFOOD ENERGY MARKETING LTD:-181 BANKING COORDINATES Federal Tax ID:S 88-02443380 Corp. ID No. 1707-85 Bank Name: Boatman's National Bank of Belleville, IL Address: 23 Public Square Belleville, Illinois Routing ABA: 081001413 Account No. 011503029697-0407 Russell Herman & V.K. Durham as individuals ***Note No. 1. All four transactions went down through the same Banks & Brokerage Houses facilitated by the U.S. Dept. of the Treasury (001) and the U.S. Federal Bank (002). Note No. 2. November 18, 1991; V.K. DURHAM was ordered off the BOATMEN'S BANK ACCOUNT by THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (?) Even though, Mr. Herman gave written letter stating "HE WAS GOING BLIND" and "could not see to do his banking and other business affairs". Note No. 3. V.K. DURHAM was subsequently, as of June 1992, identified in the DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES AS "DECEASED." Note No. 4. At age 66, V.K. DURHAM, TO THIS DATE, CANNOT RECEIVE "FEDERALLY INSURED RETIREMENT BENEFITS as prescribed in the FICA ACT. V.K. DURHAM'S Social Security Account (FICA) is "flagged" in THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES in two ways (1) Withhold (2) NO PAY. FURTHER SEE DOCUMENTS ETC: 9/11 CANTOR FITZGERALD, GOLDMAN SACHS, FED. R., UST, BUSH ETAL 'FINANCIAL TERRORISM' Yesterday 14-Dec-2011 16:45:56 I posted . Dean Kurtz VA'S Chicago Region V. attempted to force me to sign over the Russell Herrman-Herman Estate using Title 38 provisions which state when a Veteran Dies in VA Hospital Care, if they are not married and do not have a Will, the Estate goes to THE DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS. WHEN THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WAKE UP-2008By V.K. DurhamFirst written: 5/13/05JANUARY 31, 2008 snip: It took me from November 17, 1993 until just recently to figure outwhat my husband, U.S. Naval Intelligence, U.S.Coast Guard, CIA,Russell Herrman-Herman meant when he sat in that chair in ourliving room with that 1000 yard stare, after being brought homefrom the Kidnapping, Torture and Rape Incident of October 28, 1993when he was taken across state lines, missing and unaccounted forfrom around 9:15 A.M. until 21:27:57 that date, and said "When the American People wake up and realize what the FederalGovernment has done to them; I would not want to be the President,I would not want to be in the House of Representatives, I would notwant to be a Judge on the Bench, or even in Law Enforcement, noteven a local dog catcher, because they will be hunted down likedogs and given a fair trial, and taken out on the Capital Steps andhung." [end quote] After my husbands experience, he knew they were going to killhim.. He broke his Code of Silence and told much of what is in thefollowing article about Paul Marcinkus and Sindona, George Klein(WB-IMF who committed suicide), Manuel Norriega (Sand DollarAccounts, Security Pacific Bank), The Shah of Iran, Marion Akiens(Liberty Insurance-U.S.Treasury/IRS.), Clyde Hood (WB), JudgeHamerick (Delta Insurance-Delta Force) and (I learned yesterday,January 30, 08) Frank Suma was murdered in his motel room, RogerFrantz died from ground glass injestion, Ruth Datche broken neckfrom being pushed down basement steps and so many others involvedin the following article . The story needed to be told before I passed away..and everyonewondered what in the heck caused our country to become themonstrosity it has become in the straying away from our mandatoryConstitutional Form of Government and the making, passing andimposition of Forbidden Un Constitutional, Despotic and Oppressivelaws. From the time of the Breton Woods Agreement-IMF-GATT of 1945 -1947, it was Policy that Gold remained at $28.00 per fine troyounce up until this BANKING mess exposed in part in the BCCIinvestigations came to the fore front which was actually a part ofthe U.S. S&L DEBACLE investigation raised the BAR ON GOLD to $38.00per fine troy ounce on U.S. GOLD TRADE DOLLARS and currently it issomewhere around $68.00 per fine troy ounce on U.S. Gold TradeDollars which has been hyper inflated due to the United Statesattempts to cover (1) The BANK Loss's mentioned in FOLLOW THE MONEYand (2) COVERING the External Debt of the U.S.due to theCounterfeit U.S. Debt Instruments along with (3) Oil TradingCredits as a "kicker" in this GOLD BANKING RACKET.HOW THIS GLOBAL FINANCIAL FIASCO BEGAN is unfortunate indeed high ranking U.S. Officials are stillinvolved in this COMMUNIST OVERTHROW OF THE UNITED STATES, but theyare.. They are THE CONTRAS.. long as I can remember 'hustlers' and 'con men' have chased theMORGANTHAU BONDS. See MJD regarding U.S. Treasury plates page 12: "As for Harry Dexter White, his ascent was steady. Five monthsafter the duplicate plates fiasco, there was a conference of theSecretaries of State, War and the Treasury at the Hopkins office inthe White House. White read a prospectus for the doom of Germany:It's people were to become a pastoral horde; their entireindustrial plant would be removed or destroyed; all equipment wasto be torn from the Ruhr mines, and its coal deposits would be"thoroughly wrecked." Secretary Stimson was struck with horror- an emotion whichSecretary Hull shared. They learned with consternation two weeksafterward that the "Morganthau Plan" had been initiated byPresident Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill at the QuebecConference of Sept. 11, 1944. To Mr. Roosevelt's face, SecretaryHull charged that Churchill's signature was procured by Morganthauwith an offer of $6,500,000,000 of postwar Lend Lease for Britain. From Assistant to the Secretary, Mr. White moved up toAssistant Secretary of the Treasury in 1945. During February 1946,he was appointed by President Truman, and confirmed by the Senateas U.S. Director of the International Monetary Fund, with a taxexemption salary of $17,500. The name of Harry White became so important in the record ofthe Senate committee that finally Senator Bridges suggested callinghim as a witness. But White was absent from the capital onvacation. It was announced that Morgenthau and White would beplaced on the stand at a future section, but this was never called. Mr. White submitted his resignation from the InternationalMonetary Fund on June 19, 1947, the day after the committeerecessed. When the economist was put on oath the following year, hedenounced the Chambers accusations as "unqualifiedly false." He wasnot and never had been a Communist, White affirmed, and hadcommitted no disloyal act. But two weeks later his funeral was heldat Temple Israel in Boston: he died of a heart attack. In November of that year Whittaker Chambers produced five rollsof microfilmed documents. Among them were eight pages of scriptdivulging U.S. military secrets. Found in the possession of anacknowledged Communist courier, the handwriting was identified asthat of Harry Dexter White."For many years the speculation as to WHY JFK was 'murdered'..President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was murdered over Executive Order11109, May 27, 1963.Executive Order 11109. Title 3--The President: INSPECTION OF INCOME, EXCESS-PROFITS, ESTATE, AND GIFT TAXRETURNS BY THE COMMITTEE ON UN-AMERICAN ACTIVITIES, HOUSE OFREPRESENTATIVES By the virtue of the authority vested in me by section 55 (a)of the Internal Revenue Code of 1939, as amended (55 Stat. 29, 54Stat. 1008; 26 U.S.C. (1952 Ed.) 55 (a), and by section 6103 (a) ofthe Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (68A Stat. 753; 26 U.S.C. 6103(a), it is hereby ordered that any income, excess profits, estate,or gift tax return for the years 1947 to 1963, inclusive, shallduring the Eighty-Eighth Congress, be open to inspection by theCommittee on Un-American Activities, House of Representatives, orany duly authorized subcommittee thereof, for the purpose ofcarrying on those investigations of subversive and un-Americanactivities and propaganda authorized by clause 18 of Rule XI of theRules of the House of Representatives, agreed to January 9, 1963.Such inspection shall be in accordance and upon compliance with therules and regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasuryin Treasury Decisions 6132 and 6133, relating to the inspection ofreturns by committees of the congress, approved by the President onMay 3, 1955. This order shall be effective upon its filing for publication inthe Federal Register.Signed: John F. KennedyThe White House,May 27, 1963Major Jordan's Diaries contains names of who was who..busilyturning this nation over to the Communist-Facists.. and he hadasked they be investigated for UN-American Activities.. Instead ofthe Ordered Investigation made by the President on May 27,1963..thePresident was assasinated Texas.. see article by Tom Flocco:FBI memo, photo link Bush Sr to JFK Dallas murder scene is our problem: The U.S. Deputy Attorney General issues: DONOT INVESTIGATE? are not protecting the interest of WE the People..they areprotecting themselves FROM We the People..[ taken from Major Jordan's Diaries ] It started in early 1944, when the need for uniform occupationcurrency in Germany was acknowledged by the Allies. On January 29thAmbassador Averell Harriman informed our State Department fromMoscow:“Great importance is attached by the British Government to theRussian Government’s participation in this arrangement. [4]Cordell Hull informed Harriman on February 8th that the U.S. wouldbe glad to print the money for Russia.“The production of sufficient currency to take care of Sovietrequirements, if desired, is being contemplated.On February 15th Moscow’s answer came from Harriman:“The Commissariat for Finance considers that in preparing thecurrency it would be more correct to print a part of it in theSoviet Union in order that a constant supply of currency may beguaranteed to the Red Army…It will be necessary to furnish the Commissariat for Finance, inorder that the M-marks may be of identical design, with plates ofall denominations, a list of serial numbers, and models of paperand colors for printing.”“It would be very difficult to make the plates available to theRussians, The Treasury had never made currency plates available toanybody.” [8]The Russian technique was clever: Don’t ask whether yourdemand will be met; ask when it will be met. Harriman’s cable endedas follows:“Molotov asks in conclusion that he be informed when theCommissariat for Finance may receive the prints, models of paperand colors and list of serial numbers. Please instruct.” [6] Secretary Hull took over a month before replying on March 23:“It is not expected that the Combined Chiefs of Staff will favorthe delivery of plates to the Russians.” [7] However, other departments of the Government were also beingconsulted. Inside the Treasury Department great concern wasexpressed by two veteran civil servants, Mr. D.W. Bell, UnderSecretary of Treasury, and Mr. A.W. Hall, Director of the Bureau ofEngraving. In a memorandum to his immediate superior Bell stated:“It would be very difficult to make the plates available to theRussians, The Treasury had never made currency plates available toanybody.” [8] Mr. Hall reported to the same superior, pointing out thegravity of the problem of accountability. His memorandum said:"To acquiesce to such an unprecedented request would create seriouscomplications. To permit the Russian Government to print currencyidentical to that being printed in this country would makeaccountability impossible…he present contractor for the printing of invasion currency forGermany is under heavy bond to insure against the misappropriation,loss, or improper use of plates, paper, and printed currency.I do not believe that under any circumstances would the contractoragree to the manufacture of duplicate plates by any agency outsideof his plant. Furthermore, it is doubtful that the TreasuryDepartment could force him to do so. Almost certainly his bondwould become forfeit if such an arrangement were resorted to." [9] The immediate superior of Mr. Bell and Mr. Hall was a relativenewcomer to the Treasury Department named Harry Dexter White.Revealing testimony about Mr. White has been made by WhittakerChambers in his recent book, Witness:In the persons of Alger Hiss and Harry Dexter White, the Sovietmilitary intelligence sat close to the heart of the United StatesGovernment. It was not yet in the cabinet room, but it was not faroutside the door…Harry Dexter White had become Assistant Secretary of the Treasury.In a situation with few parallels in history, the agents of anenemy power were able to do much more than purloin documents.They were in a position to influence the nation’s foreign policy inthe interests of the nation’s chief enemy, and not only onexceptional occasions like Yalta (where Hiss’ role, whilepresumably important, is still ill-defined), or through theMorgenthau Plan for the destruction of Germany (which is generallycredited to White), but in what must have been the staggering sumof day-to-day decisions. [10] With this clue in hand, the day-to-day progress of thedecision on the engraving plates makes fascinating reading. Mr.Bell again conferred with Harry Dexter White. He pointed out that the plates which had been engraved for theTreasury Department were, in fact, the property of the ForbesCompany in Boston and if we insisted that they should makeduplicate sets available to the Russians, it is possible that theForbes Company would simply refuse to print any further currencyfor us, on the grounds that security control had been removed andthey could not be responsible for anything that might happen to theprinting of the currency from that time on. [11] He added that not only could the U.S. print all the currencythe Russians could possibly desire, but“we could have the first shipment ready for them before theRussians could start manufacturing currency from plates that wemight make available to them.”What did Henry Dexter White think ofall this?Pappy (Greg) Boyington.. of the Black Sheep Squadron was a friendof mine.. I often heard a similar story as told by Pappy himself athis resturante near March Air Force he would sit withfriends near closing time..Now..these many years later, and Pappy is dead and gone now.. BillBennett pass's on Pappys wisdom regarding WATCH DOGS-SHEEP DOGS whoare on guard while others sleep.. vkd]Taken from: Boyington of the Flying Tigers and The United StatesMarines was a maverick ; a brawler and a drinker. He was also aNasal Radiator . He had his Own Squadron and he KNEW how to : "Improvise " ; and he knew how to Shoot .The junior Officers and N.C.O.'s called him Pappy because he wasOlder than them . He stayed as FAR AWAY from the Flag Pole ( andthe Organization Men at H.Q.M.C. ) as he could . Audacity was theprime tactic ; flying into the middle of five JapaneseZero's....and SCORING ! He Led from the Front . He was Not aGarrison Marine Officer . He was a FIELD MARINE . He wouldn't'vedone well in Washington , D.C. and he knew it . " I " had the Honorto stand a drink with this Leatherneck and shake his hand ... aLong time ago .William J. Bennett , in a lecture to the United States NavalAcademy on November 24 , 1997 said , "Most of the people in oursociety are sheep ".They are kind , gentle , productive creatures that can only hurtone another by accident . We may well be in the most violent timesin history , but violence is still remarkably rare . This isbecause most citizens are kind , decent people , not capable ofhurting each other except by accident or under extreme provocation. They are sheep .Then there are the wolves that feed on the sheep without mercy . Doyou believe there are wolves out there that will feed on the flockwithout mercy ? You better believe it . There are evil men in thisworld and they are capable of evil deeds . The moment you forgetthat or pretend it is not so , you become a sheep . There is nosafety in denial .Then there are sheepdogs ; and I'm a sheepdog . I live to protectthe flock and confront the wolf . If you have no capacity forviolence then you are a healthy productive citizen , a sheep . Ifyou have a capacity for violence and no empathy for your fellowcitizens , then you have defined an aggressive psychopath , a wolf. But what if you have a capacity for violence , and a deep lovefor your fellow citizens ?What do you have then?A sheepdog , a warrior , someone who is walking the uncharted path. Someone who can walk into the heart of darkness , into theuniversal human phobia , and walk out unscathed . We know that thesheep live in denial , which is what makes them sheep . They do notwant to believe that there is evil in the world. They can acceptthe fact that fires can happen , which is why they want fireextinguishers , fire sprinklers , fire alarms and fire exitsthroughout their kid's schools .The sheep generally do not like the sheepdog . He looks a lot likethe wolf . He has fangs and the capacity for violence . Thedifference , though , is that the sheepdog must not , cannot andwill not ever harm the sheep .Any sheepdog that intentionally harms the lowliest little lamb willbe punished and removed .Understand that there is nothing morally superior about being asheepdog ; it is just what you choose to be . Also understand thata sheepdog is a funny critter . He is always sniffing around out onthe perimeter , checking the breeze , barking at things that gobump in the night and yearning for a righteous battle . That is ,the young sheepdogs yearn for a righteous battle .The old sheepdogs are a little older and wiser , but they move tothe Sound of the Guns when needed , right along with the young ones. Here is how the sheep and the sheepdog think differently . Thesheep pretend the wolf will never come , but the sheepdog lives forthat day . After the attacks on September 11 , 2001 , most of thesheep , that is , most citizens in America said " Thank God Iwasn't on one of those planes . " The sheepdogs , the warriors ,said " Dear God , I wish I could have been on one of those planes.Maybe I could have made a difference. " You want to be Able tomake a difference . There is nothing morally superior about thesheepdog- the warrior , but he does have one real advantage . Onlyone . And that is that he is able to survive and thrive in anenvironment that would destroy 98 percent of the populationIf you want to be a sheepdog and walk the Warrior's Path , then youmust make a conscious and moral decision every day to dedicate ,equip and prepare yourself to thrive in that toxic , corrosiveMoment when the wolf comes knocking at the door . This business ofbeing a sheep or a sheepdog is Not a yes-no dichotomy . It is notan all - or - nothing , either - or choice.Few people exist completely on one end or the other . Most of uslive somewhere in between . Since 9-11 almost everyone in Americatook a step up that continuum , away from Denial . The sheep took afew steps toward accepting and appreciating their warriors , andthe warriors started taking their job more seriously .Its OK to be a sheep , but do not Kick the sheepdog . Indeed , thesheepdog may just run a little harder , strive to protect a littlebetter, and be fully prepared to pay an ultimate price in battleand spirit with the sheep moving from " baa " to " THANKS ". We donot call for gifts or freedoms beyond Our lot. We just need a smallpat on the head , a smile and a Thank you to fill the Emotionaltank that is drained Protecting the sheep . And , when our numberis called by The Almighty and Day retreats into Night , a smallprayer before the Heavens just may be in Order to say 'Thanks', forletting you continue to be a sheep . And be grateful for themillions of American sheepdogs who permit You the Freedom toexpress , even bad ideas .end..