To wit: Biffle v. Morton Rubber Indus., Inc., 785 S.W.2d 143, 144 (Tex.1990).“An instrument is deemed in law filed at the time it is delivered to the clerk, regardless ofwhether the instrument is file marked.”The minute all documents are received, it is recorded. Refusal to record documents once deposited to the county recorder is considered criminal subject to Title 18 USC § 2071 and it is punishableby fines and imprisonment without regard to third party intervention and where consent to third party intervention is refused by the party recording the document.
To:County ClerkC/O County of ________________ From:
Ms.Dolan-Flynn Wiley e:NOTICE - FILING OF CRIMINAL CHARGESOn the date of ___________________________, you engaged in the criminal activity of taking filed documents and have willfully attempted to conceal these by removing these documents withoutthe consent and approval of the owner,________________________________, and failing to return these by submitting to someone other the owner and this by your own admission.
Receipt of this transaction is provided by notarized copy to you.In addition to the filing of criminal charges, your bond insurance information and bond number is required for your indemnity is engaging in actions outside of your oath of office in a criminalcapacity. You are to respond with this information immediately and to return all documentation recorded by you as proven by receipt of this transaction. Failure to do so will result in further charges under the Tweel and Carmine doctrines for fraud and estoppel to prevent from engagement in future commerce. You are to provide a valid oath of office in determination of this by no later than ten (10) days from the date of receipt of this letter and by 5:00 PM close of business on that day.
To wit: Biffle v. Morton Rubber Indus., Inc., 785 S.W.2d 143, 144 (Tex.1990).“An instrument is deemed in law filed at the time it is delivered to the clerk, regardless ofwhether the instrument is filemarked.”The minute all documents are received, it is recorded. Refusal to record documents once depositedto the county recorder is considered criminal subject to Title 18 USC § 2071 and it is punishableby fines and imprisonment without regard to third party intervention and where consent to thirdparty intervention is refused by the party recording the document.Title 18 USC – Crimes and Criminal ProcedurePart I – CrimesChapter 101 – Records and ReportsSection 2071 – Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally(a)Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys,or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding,map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of anycourt of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer ofthe United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, orboth.(b)Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper,or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, ordestroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, orboth; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the UnitedStates. As used in this subsection, the term ''office'' does not include the office held by anyperson as a retired officer of the Armed Forces of the United States.Revised Statutes of The United States, 1st session, 43 Congress 1873-1874.Title LXX.---CRIMES.--- CH. 4. CRIMES AGAINST JUSTICESEC. 5403. (Destroying, &c., public records.)Every person who willfully destroys or attempts to destroy, or, with intent to steal or destroy,takes and carries away any record, paper, or proceeding of a court of justice, filed or depositedwith any clerk or officer of such court, or any paper, or document, or record filed or depositedin any public office, or with any judicial or public officer, shall, without reference to thevalue of the record, paper, document, or proceeding so taken, pay a fine of not more than two
thousand dollars, or suffer imprisonment, at hard labor, not more than three years, or both: [See§ § 5408, 5411, 5412.1]SEC. 5407. (Conspiracy to defeat enforcement of the laws.)If two or more persons in any State or Territory conspire for the purpose of impeding, hindering,obstructing, or defeating, in any manner, the due course of justice in any State or Territory,with intent to deny to any citizen the equal protection of the laws, or to injure him or hisproperty for lawfully enforcing, or attempting to enforce, the right of any person, or class ofpersons, to the equal protection of the laws, each of such persons shall be punished by a fine ofnot less than five hundred nor more than five thousand dollars, or by imprisonment, with orwithout hard labor, not less than six months nor more than six years, or by both such fine andimprisonment. See § § 1977-1991, 20042010, 5506-5510.1SEC. 5408. (Destroying record by officer in charge.)Every officer, having the custody of any record, document, paper, or proceeding specified insection fifty-four hundred and three, who fraudulently takes away, or withdraws, or destroys anysuch record, document, paper, or proceeding filed in his office or deposited with him or in hiscustody, shall pay a fine of not more than two thousand dollars, or suffer imprisonment at hardlabor not more than three years, or both-, and shall, moreover, forfeit his office and be foreverafterward disqualified from holding any office under the Government of the United State s. The Oath of office is a quid pro quo contract (U.S. Const. Art. 6, Clauses 2 and 3, Davis Vs.Lawyers Surety Corporation., 459 S.W. 2 nd . 655, 657., Tex. Civ. App.) in which clerks, officials,or officers of the government pledge to perform (Support and uphold the United States and StateConstitutions) in return for substance (wages, perks, benefits). Proponents are subjected to thepenalties and remedies for Breach of Contract, conspiracy under Titled 28 U.S.C., Sections 241,242., treason under the Constitution at Article 3, Section 3., and intrinsic fraud as perAuerbach Vs. Samuels., 10 Utah 2 nd . 152., 349 P. 2 nd . 1112, 1114., Alleghany Corp Vs. Kirby.,D.C.N.Y. 218 F. Supp. 164, 183., and Keeton Packing Co. Vs. State., 437 S.W. 20, 28.ViolationCode SectionRecommended PenaltyBreach of Oath ContractT18 § 3571(each violation) $250,000.00Denial of proper WarrantT18 § 3571(each violation) $250,000.00(no supporting affidavit, no Miranda Warning / no damaged complaining party & etc.)Denial of Claim of Special AppearanceT18 § 3571(each violation) $250,000.00Denial of Reasonable Defense ArgumentsT18 § 3571(each violation) $250,000.00Denial of Access to All EvidenceT18 § 3571(each violation) $250,000.00Denial to Right to Truth in EvidenceT18 § 3571(each violation) $250,000.00Attempted SlaveryT18 § 3571(each violation) $250,000.00(Forced Compliance to [adhesion] Contracts not held) Example Requiring a citizen to participatein the Federal Reserve Banking System/Conversion of the Constitutional Right to Travel to a StatePrivilege i.e., no driver’s license, no auto tag, no compulsory insurance, no inspection sticker,failure to fasten a seat belt, failure to stop for inspection, search without a proper warrant,etc.Converting a Constitutional Right to a T18 § 3571(each violation) $250,000.00State granted Privilege with aboveDenial of Provision in the ConstitutionT18 § 3571(each violation) $250,000.00(US and/or State. Example: Demanding worthless unbacked printed paper (must be coined) FRN’spayment of state debts. Clerk proceeding with a foreclosure where the filing fee was not paid inlawful money of substance gold or silver coinage in violation of Ar.1, § 10, C1, 1 (a federalinjunction)Treason (combined above acts)T18 § 3571(each violation) $250,000.00Falsifying jurisdiction (trying a common law matter under colorable maritime) trying a statematter under false color of jurisdiction in the U.S. Dist. Court outside the 10 square mileprovision at Art. 1, § 8, CL. 17Attempted GenocideT18 § 1091(each violation) $1,050,000.00(destroying a family, their way to earn a living while taking their home under color of law andpretended law)Misprision of FelonyT18 § 4(each violation) $500.00Conspiracy (2 or more people)T18 § 241(each violation) $10,000.00Attempted ExtortionT18 § 872(each violation) $5,000.00(Claiming a debt not owed under the U.S. or State Constitutions) Example: collecting a form oftaxes, i.e., Property/Automobile Taxes not authorized by the U.S. Constitution(Holding a Certified Money Order and pretending it does not exist, a felony as per U.S. Vs.Tweel., 550 F. 2d. 297, 299, 300.
Mail Fraud and Mail ThreatsT18 § 876(each violation) $5,000.00Authority United StatesViolationCode Section Recommended PenaltyFraudT18 § 1001(each violation) $5,000.00Falsification of DocumentsT18 § 1001(each violation) $5,000.00PerjuryT18 § 1621(each violation) $5,000.00Subordinating of PerjuryT18 § 1621(each violation) $5,000.00Grand Theft (see no. of counts 18 USC 2112)T18 § 3571(each violation) $5,000.00Racketeering (civil)T18 § 1694(each violation) $25,000.00Racketeering (criminal)T18 § 1963(each violation) $250,000.00 Concealment, removal, mutilation T18 § 2071 (look it upfor $ amount) Failure to produce said documents guarantees the process of due law and your removal fromoffice in addition to statutory penalty, punishment and possible incarceration. This evidence hasalso been forwarded to the Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigation Division, along with acopy of the stolen document, as the taxation for the fine in the amount of $______________ constitutes perusal by the provost marshal(s) as such. The fines incumbent to the documents filed are in the amount of $__________________. Havingengaged in the commerce to infringe upon this lawful declaration, forms 1099OID will be filedwith the Internal Revenue Service to have this fine enforced and to have the Internal RevenueService require you to pay this by tax. You are duly notified.Sincerely,Dated: Your name/signature
President Barack Obama used J.P. Morgan ChaseJPM -3.17%& Co.'s more than $2 billion trading loss to justify tough rules for Wall Street, even as lawmakers and regulators scrambled to explain whether such trading would actually violate new rules for banks.
"We don't know all the details. It's going to be investigated, but this is why we passed Wall Street reform," Mr. Obama said in an interview on ABC's "The View." Mr. Obama called J.P. Morgan "one of the best managed banks there is" and Chief Executive James Dimon "one of the smartest bankers we got."
The president's main message Monday, that even ace bankers and top banks need new regulations, appeared to be undercut by some Washington regulators, who said they weren't sure if rules under development would have prevented J.P. Morgan's trade.
Mr. Obama's praise for Mr. Dimon and J.P. Morgan contrasted with some previous scorn for Wall Street banks.
The mixed signals captured some of the confusion that reigned in Washington as government officials rushed to determine whether the trading loss would have violated a provision of the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial overhaul.
Sen. Bob Corker (R., Tenn.), who last week called for a Senate hearing on J.P. Morgan's trading activities, said in a televised interview that a n important bank regulator sees the trade in question as allowable under the so-called Volcker rule, which prohibits banks from making bets with their own money but allows some forms of hedging against losses.
Mr. Corker said his office spoke to staff of the Comptroller of the Currency, the regulator most responsible for overseeing the bank's unit that contained the trading position, several times over the weekend seeking information. The examiner in charge of J.P. Morgan "very adamantly" insisted the trade would be considered a permitted hedge under the Volcker rule, Mr. Corker said.
OCC staff also said that hedging against broad market moves is "something that is a useful thing for financial institutions to be doing," Mr. Corker said in an interview.
Mr. Corker said he spoke Monday evening with Comptroller Thomas Curry, who explained that OCC officials "think they might have been a little over their skis this weekend" on the Volcker rule view.
"I think they wanted to walk back and look at this a little bit more closely," Mr. Corker said.
In a statement released later in the day, the OCC said that it and other regulators "are gathering additional details regarding the transactions to determine the full regulatory implications of these activities and the proposed rules currently being considered." The OCC said that "previous positions attributed to OCC staff were based on incomplete details." The confusion in part stems from the fact that the Volcker rule hasn't been finalized, an OCC spokesman said.
The Federal Reserve, meanwhile, is also probing the trade at J.P. Morgan and looking for any signs of similar risk in other parts of the bank, according to a spokeswoman.
Jon Kyl (R., Ariz.), a member of the Senate GOP leadership, pushed back against the "knee-jerk" reaction that there is any regulatory fix for what happened to J.P. Morgan. "You had here some people who made a bad business decision and lost a bunch of their own money. Well, the free enterprise system allows that to happen."
—Jared Favole and Siobhan Hughes contributed to this article.